Remember how fiercely I fought with her back then?

But today he didn't say anything, there must be something strange in such an abnormality!

Could it be that there is some trap tomorrow, these three vixens are going to join forces to get me...

(oωo )

150th [-]th Chapter Four No. [-]

At night, the two sisters were going to bed.

Miyazaki Airi reached for the desk lamp, ready to turn it off.

But at this moment, the phone suddenly lit up, and someone sent a text message.

Miyazaki Airi frowned and picked it up to have a look, it was Zhou Han who came to harass me in the middle of the night——

Zhou Han: "Ari, are you here?"

Miyazaki Airi: "What are you doing? Don't think about anything messy, Kiki is still at home, be honest."

Zhou Han: "No, where do you want to go?"

Miyazaki Airi raised her spirits, it's not a matter of intimacy, does Zhou Han have other things?

Miyazaki Airi: "What's the matter?"

Zhou Han: "Qiqi isn't watching from the side, is she?"

Miyazaki Airi looked back and saw Zhou Qiqi turned sideways, she seemed to have fallen asleep, breathing very evenly.

Miyazaki Airi: "Asleep, what's the matter? It's mysterious, like a thief."

Zhou Han: "Because I'm just talking about Qiqi."

Miyazaki Airi: "What?"

Zhou Han: "Qiqi is full of bad things. She is pretending to be very obedient now, but she is not like this. What she said now is probably lying. You must not take it seriously."

Miyazaki Airi: "Huh?!"

Zhou Han: "What I mean is, Qiqi is acting. She is not good at all. Don't trust her too much. Judging by the current situation, this girl might be up to something. Don't worry, I am her brother and I understand it very well." she."

Miyazaki Airi smiled with her mouth crooked, thinking that it was exactly what Qiqi said.

Airi Miyazaki: "Are you sure it's not to cover up the fact that you're a pervert yourself?"

Zhou Han: "I'm not a sister-in-law, on the contrary, Qiqi is a brother-in-law. This is the truth. Did Qiqi say something? Don't believe it..."

Miyazaki Airi: "I'm going to sleep, good night."

Zhou Han: "Think about who gave me my sister-controlled little porn comics? It's Qiqi. Think about it for yourself. In short, you don't trust what Qiqi says, otherwise there will be misunderstandings."

Miyazaki Airi did not reply, but turned off the phone directly, turned over and hugged Zhou Qiqi, muttering in her heart——


If Qiqi is not brother-controlled, those cartoons can't explain it?

It's a bit too much to give an older brother pornographic comics about a younger sister.

However, it's nice to have a younger sister, so cute...


The next day.

Zhou Han and his sisters finished dressing up and went directly to the north gate of the commercial center. This is the agreed place, and the time is set at 9:[-] in the morning.

In order not to be late, Zhou Han and his two younger sisters left half an hour early and waited for Yao Xiaorui and Lin Nianwei at the north gate.

Zhou Han put his hands in his pockets and yawned, as if he didn't sleep well.

Last night I contemplated it for a long time, and finally made up my mind to remind Miyazaki Airi, but when I saw it in the morning, it didn't seem to have any effect.

Obviously this battle failed, Miyazaki Airi didn't really believe Zhou Han's words, she was clearly poisoned by her sister, cuteness is justice and so on.

Zhou Han was a little tired, and felt that he had to lift his spirits today, and he couldn't let Qiqi mess around and disturb his harmonious life.

Since Miyazaki Airi chooses not to believe that Qiqi has no good intentions, then she can only prevent problems before they happen.

Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi dressed up very beautifully today, and they didn't know what they were thinking about. It seemed that they had secretly competed at the beginning, and they were not inferior to each other in the slightest.

Zhou Han thought, is it like this when girls go out?You must show off your beauty, otherwise it will be difficult to step out of the house.

Miyazaki Airi has a slightly pure makeup, which competes with Zhou Qiqi's sweet outfit, and she looks really seductive.

As the elder brother of the two girls, Zhou Han felt a little bit of pressure, which made him look more ordinary.

Zhou Han secretly glanced at the two breasts, Miyazaki Airi is still the same, Zhou Qiqi is a lot older than when she was a child, it seems that she has made good use of her family genes, alas, my sister has grown up, and I started thinking Mature girl develops...

Zhou Qiqi's eyes are relatively thieves, and she caught Zhou Han's eyes in an instant, showing a smug smile, and unceremoniously exposed her brother's dirty eyes, "Oh~, this pervert, brother, is actually looking at our breasts in public, don't be jealous Lotus~"

"Huh?" Miyazaki Airi's contemptuous eyes immediately shined on her

Zhou Han withdrew his eyes resentfully, scratched his cheeks that were a little hot, and thought, why should he be so sensitive?Feel it at a glance?

"What are you doing? Be honest with me, Xiaorui and Weijiang will come later, and you should be more serious." Miyazaki Airi exhorted dissatisfied.

"Don't get me wrong, I just...see that the dress you are wearing today is pretty..." Zhou Han made up a random reason.

"Ursei..." Miyazaki Airi blushed and turned her face aside.

Zhou Qiqi felt that the two of them were flirting in front of her, and she felt sour all of a sudden, not very happy, so she puffed up her chest even more, making Miyazaki Airi's breasts appear smaller, in order to gain a certain sense of superiority.

The three of them waited until around [-]:[-], and Yao Xiaorui came here after getting off the taxi. She was dressed very beautifully, with a few strands of hair wrapped around her headband, and her shoulder-length hair looked more energetic, with an apologetic smile on her face, like a The gentle girl next door.

"Sorry, I seem to be late, and I overslept a little in the morning."

Yao Xiaorui trotted over with a flustered expression. In fact, it was time-consuming to dress up. If she didn't pay attention, she went too far. She originally planned to make it half an hour earlier.

Miyazaki Airi looked at the time, Lin Nianwei was the only one missing now, she was usually the one who likes to arrive early the most, but today she was the last one.

Zhou Qiqi frowned, looked at Yao Xiaorui from a distance, and felt that her figure was a bit strong, where she should be thin, where she should be upturned, and her face was also very cute.

The worst thing is that weak temperament, it is easy to arouse the perverted desire of the opposite sex to ravage it, and raise a sense of accomplishment.

Zhou Qiqi's comprehensive judgment: This guy is a difficult opponent...

Yao Xiaorui ran straight to Zhou Han and came over. Standing in front of him, she took a few breaths, then raised her red face, and said with a bit of aggrieved expression, "I'm sorry Brother Han, I was late if I was not careful."

"It doesn't matter, what time is it? The appointment is nine o'clock, and it's still 10 minutes away." Zhou Han smiled helplessly, and saw that Yao Xiaorui was sweating a little on his forehead, obviously very anxious.

"I just feel sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." Yao Xiaorui said in embarrassment.

"We just came here too." Zhou Han sighed, thinking that Yao Xiaorui is committing an old problem again?

"Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui raised her blushing face, hugged Zhou Han directly, and hugged Zhou Han with difficulty suppressing her emotions, feeling sweet in her heart.

"Uh, Xiaorui calm down..." Zhou Han was embarrassed.

"Brother Han, it feels like half a century has passed since I haven't seen you for a few days." Yao Xiaorui said exaggeratedly.

Zhou Han was ashamed, and looked at the two younger sisters beside him, and sure enough, their complexions became very bad.

"Hey, I'm still here, can you please stop sticking together like a magnet?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't help it, so she reminded her, feeling jealous.

Zhou Qiqi's face was flushed with anger, she stared at Yao Xiaorui, the veins on her forehead twitched, as if she would jump up and bite someone at any time——


This vixen No. [-] is really shameless!

Actually facing my brother in front of me and cuddling and hugging! ?


Chapter 150 and five

Yao Xiaorui didn't let go when she saw Zhou Han, even if Miyazaki Airi complained beside her, she couldn't suppress her longing, and wanted to stick to the person she liked all the time.

"Xiaorui...Xiaorui is fine..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, out of the corner of his eye, he could already see Miyazaki Airi's face becoming more and more ugly.

Zhou Qiqi's teeth were chattering in anger, thinking that the new vixen No. [-] was too thick-skinned and clinging to her elder brother like no one else, even though she was not clinging to her, why?

And ** is too erotic, right?What are you doing staring at my brother?It's all a cake!

Zhou Qiqi felt the pressure and felt that Yao Xiaorui was a bit difficult to deal with. She was not afraid of how beautiful the vixens were, but she was afraid that the vixens were shameless!

Look at this vixen No. [-] being so stupid, who knows if he's just pretending?

Boys like this type, right?It can stimulate the desire to protect, and it has a delicate voice.

Zhou Qiqi couldn't take it anymore, and couldn't help scolding this indecent couple.

"Hey! Brother! It's cool to be stared at by people, isn't it?"

Yao Xiaorui blushed, although she was very shy, she still wanted to feel Zhou Han's body temperature more.

"No, what are you talking nonsense, girl?" Zhou Han felt wronged.

"Order Bilian, sister Airi is still here, hurry up and separate, don't put a sausage between two breads, put a hot dog?!" Zhou Qiqi used Miyazaki Airi as a cover, and yelled legitimately.

"Xiaorui, Xiaorui, don't be like this now that there are so many people, please restrain yourself." Zhou Han patted Yao Xiaorui on the back, he didn't want to make Miyazaki Airi angry on the street, it would be a bit embarrassing if they quarreled.

"Okay...okay..." Yao Xiaorui thought that if he continued like this, he would become a public enemy, so he let go of Zhou Han, "Hold... I'm sorry, Brother Han, I'm so happy..."

"It's okay, don't always be sorry..." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Miyazaki Airi is a little more comfortable, and she can understand Yao Xiaorui. After all, unlike herself, who can see Zhou Han every day, it is normal to be so excited after such a long time.

Just don't be so straightforward, it's a bit embarrassing to stick together as soon as you come up.

Miyazaki Airi greeted Yao Xiaorui warmly in order to ease the weird atmosphere.

"Xiao Rui, come quickly, let me introduce Zhou Han's sister?"

Yao Xiaorui suddenly became interested, and came to bring Miyazaki Airi by her side, remembering that today she is not going to get close to Zhou Han, but to... meet her future sister-in-law, so happy that she almost forgot about the business.

"This is Zhou Han's younger sister, named Zhou Qiqi, who just came back from abroad the day before yesterday." Miyazaki Airi pulled the angry Zhou Qiqi to her side, stroking her head like a sister.

"You... how are you~" Yao Xiaorui felt a little nervous, and greeted with a smile, trying to show her kindness, hoping that Zhou Qiqi would like her.

Zhou Qiqi raised her head to look at Yao Xiaorui, and upon closer inspection, she felt that her skin was pretty good, maybe water would come out when she pinched it hard.

Thinking about Yao Xiaorui's ambiguous appearance of clinging to her brother just now, Zhou Qiqi was angry and didn't show any good looks, and directly showed a bit of hostility.

"whispering sound!"

Zhou Qiqi snorted and turned her face aside, her attitude was very bad.

Zhou Han in the distance was ashamed, and couldn't help but worry in his heart, whether Xiaorui could do it, don't be bullied by Qiqi, and Qiqi is also, why is she so sour?It's all her sister-in-law, so she can't escape.

"Uh..." Yao Xiaorui's expression was tangled, and she felt that Zhou Qiqi's attitude was not friendly, which hurt her heart a little, but she still did not give up, " name is Yao Xiaorui, and I am... Brother Han's girlfriend..."

Zhou Qiqi's cheeks puffed up, and she seemed even more angry. She felt that Yao Xiaorui's barking at brother Han was too tiresome and annoying, like a pet name when she was flirting. She refused to eat this dog food.

Seeing that Zhou Qiqi has been silent, Yao Xiaorui felt a little uneasy, wondering what she did wrong?Or is there a problem with dressing today?It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

But Zhou Qiqi's attitude is so bad, it's completely different from what Miyazaki Airi said on the phone.

Miyazaki Airi scratched her cheek in embarrassment, thinking what's going on?Why did Kiki suddenly become so willful?

Yao Xiaorui's characteristic is perseverance (stalker), so she continued to look for a breakthrough, "I am Brother Han's fiancee, and I am destined to marry Brother Han in the future, call me sister-in-law in advance? Let's have a good time." get along~"


Zhou Qiqi was severely stabbed in the heart, and her impression of Yao Xiaorui was not added, but even worse. She couldn't figure out what was going on with her fiancée?It seems that another shocking secret has been discovered.

"Brother, what's the matter with the fiancee!? What kind of moth are you playing behind my back again?"

"It's none of my business. You can ask grandpa. I don't even know. Grandpa ordered me to be a baby girl before I was born." Zhou Han explained simply.

"What!? How come I don't know at all!" Zhou Qiqi said hello with her mind full.

"I don't know either. Dad knows better." Zhou Han replied helplessly.

"Then... such a joke baby, you agreed!?" Zhou Qiqi's expression became strange.

"I agreed, that's right, Xiaorui is also your sister-in-law." Zhou Han replied awkwardly, wondering if he couldn't agree, since he already ate fragrant chicken, there is still room for repentance?

Besides, Xiaorui is still a pretty good girl, and it's not bad for her to marry her home.

"I don't admit it! Brother, fuck! Randomly seduce girls!" Zhou Qiqi yelled furiously, completely unaware of the fiancée, and said that she was rebellious, and wanted to open Grandpa's coffin.

"I'm not, don't frame me..." Zhou Han frowned, feeling countless eyes all around him.

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