"Qiqi, let me...call me sister-in-law~" Yao Xiaorui pointed at herself, still caring about this. If she was called sister-in-law, then she would be the girl recognized by Zhou Han's family.

"No! Who wants to call you sister-in-law!? I don't need sister-in-law, I'm enough for my brother!" Zhou Qiqi blurted out in a hurry.

"Guwu~" Yao Xiaorui felt hurt, and let out a mournful cry from his throat.

"Qiqi, what you said..." Miyazaki Airi frowned, isn't this speech a brother accusation?

"What I mean is..." Zhou Qiqi calmed down a little, and said seriously, "I'm not married, what's my sister-in-law? When I get married to my brother, I won't be too late..."

Miyazaki Airi was a little relieved, thinking that if Miyazaki Airi was controlled by her brother, she should be more careful.

"Then..." Yao Xiaorui turned from sadness to joy when she heard it, pointing to herself and said, "Then call me sister Xiaorui?"

Zhou Qiqi was ashamed, her silver teeth were gnashing, and she had a bland smile on her face, thinking——

This vixen No. [-]...

Really super annoying! ! !


The first thousand and 150th chapter six bared teeth

Sister Yao Xiaorui?

Obviously Zhou Qiqi was very resistant, and rejected it wholeheartedly.

In any case, Miyazaki Airi can be regarded as her own family, so it is difficult for Zhou Qiqi to call her sister.

But Yao Xiaorui is Zhou Han's fiancée, the most important thing is to have a thick skin, Zhou Qiqi will post it like a sunflower no matter how she rejects it.

This made Zhou Qiqi very embarrassed, and her head grew bigger.

"Call out, please~" Yao Xiaorui showed a pitiful expression, making it hard to refuse.

"Uh..." Zhou Qiqi frowned, a little at a loss, feeling that this thick-skinned thing was endless and super annoying.

Miyazaki Airi clung to Zhou Qiqi's ear and said, "Qiqi, call me sister, don't be awkward, be obedient, she is your sister-in-law, don't be shy."

Zhou Qiqi glanced at Miyazaki Airi in surprise, thinking that she is my sister-in-law?I won't admit to any of them!Whose sister is so unlucky!All of a sudden, three sister-in-laws came over and cuckolded her consecutively!


Miyazaki Airi saw that Zhou Qiqi was still hesitant, so she whispered in her ear, "Call me, do you have any concerns?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Zhou Qiqi's forehead, thinking that her image could not be destroyed, so she endured strong disgust and whispered, "Xiao... How is Sister Xiaorui..."

"Well, so cute~" Yao Xiaorui was happy, and touched Zhou Qiqi's head, feeling very good. Is this Zhou Han's daughter-in-law recognized by the whole family?Inexplicably, a sister-in-law suddenly appeared.

Zhou Qiqi felt disgusted in her heart, thinking that if you remember Fox No. [-], I will get the place back sooner or later.

Zhou Han's eyes wandered, wondering if Qiqi could really hold back?If it goes on like this, it will be stimulated sooner or later, won't it be broken?

"Brother Han, call me sister~" Yao Xiaorui turned around and said with a smile.

"Just be happy..." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, seeing Qiqi's displeased expression.

"If possible, can you let Qiqi stay at my house for a few days?" Yao Xiaorui wanted to bring Zhou Qiqi to her home.

Zhou Qiqi's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly winked at her brother, with very aggressive eyes, as if saying, "If you dare to agree, I will blow up the house at home!"

A few black lines fell from Zhou Han's forehead, and he politely refused, "Forget it, Qiqi has not been back long."

"Really? That's a pity, I still want to sleep with Qiqi in my arms." Yao Xiaorui showed a very helpless look.

Zhou Qiqi had a smile on her face, and she thought frantically in her heart, get the hell out, who wants you to hold her?I'm going to kill you, stinky vixens...

"It's okay, I will bring Qiqi to your house as a guest when I have time." Miyazaki Airi added, directly helping Zhou Qiqi make a decision, just like a parent.

"Yes yes yes, Airi will take Qiqi with her when she has time." Zhou Han nodded and raised his hands in agreement.

"That's great." Yao Xiaorui was happy again.

Hey Hey hey!

I have completely ignored my opinion!

Is it the rhythm of strong selling and strong selling next?

Did these vixens make an appointment in private to fuck me together?

Zhou Qiqi's eyes were full of surprise, she always felt that she was being calculated, and she was too passive to continue like this, so she should ask her brother for help.


Zhou Qiqi ran over, grabbed Zhou Han's clothes, and turned his back to Miyazaki Airi and Yao Xiaorui, so that he could speak secretly.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Han asked suspiciously.

"Brother and the others bully me, you don't care." Zhou Qiqi said in a coquettish tone.

"Whoever bullies you, that's a sign of liking you." Zhou Han comforted.

"Nonsense, what are they all about?" Zhou Qiqi said in a very complaining tone, "The one who forced me to call this sister or that sister didn't consider whether I wanted to or not."

"You don't want to be called sister-in-law..." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"I don't care, you break up with me quickly, and I don't mind if you have sex, just listen to me once~" Zhou Qiqi held Zhou Han's arm without letting go, and her heart was very entangled , Seeing her brother have so many girlfriends, it's a bit unbearable for her.

Even though he had been away for a few years, vixens suddenly flooded in overnight.

"What a whore, I will take responsibility for your brother, marry them all back home." Zhou Han said very bluntly.

"You're sick, dad won't agree." Zhou Qiqi grinned angrily.

"Dad said...he doesn't think he has too many sons and wives, it proves that he is capable, and he doesn't care if nothing happens, hehe, didn't expect that?" Zhou Han smiled, thinking that Zhou Qiqi was so naive that she actually wanted to use her father to suppress her.

"What!?" Zhou Qiqi was full of question marks, thinking that she had heard it wrong, "How is it possible!?"

"Really, Dad said it very tactfully." Zhou Han nodded.

"I don't admit it! I don't allow it! Brother, be more serious, you really have reached a new level of scum..." Zhou Qiqi took Zhou Han's arm and kept pulling it down.

"Your opinion can be ignored, why should my sister interfere with my life?" Zhou Han smiled helplessly.

"Brother..." Zhou Qiqi felt a little desperate when she saw that Zhou Han was determined.

"Is it so lively in the early morning? It's a bit outrageous to stick together..."

A familiar voice sounded, and Lin Nianwei walked over directly. It was 2 minutes to nine o'clock, and the card was very punctual.

Lin Nianwei is the same as the other girls today, she has been well-dressed, and her clothes have changed from the old-fashioned style, giving her a slightly cute feeling.

"Xiaowei, you are here, the time card is just right." Zhou Han looked at the time and made a joke.

"There is a little traffic jam on the road." Lin Nianwei lied, but in fact it took a long time to choose clothes in the morning.

"Morning Wei sauce." Miyazaki Airi pulled Yao Xiaorui over.

"Morning." Lin Nianwei nodded.

"This is Brother Han's younger sister, Qiqi." Yao Xiaorui pointed to Zhou Qiqi next to Zhou Han and introduced.

"Wei-chan has known each other for a long time." Miyazaki Airi interrupted.

"Is...really?" Yao Xiaorui tapped her forehead, and said awkwardly, "Look at my memory, I have forgotten that Xiao Wei is brother Han's childhood sweetheart, must have met Qiqi?"

Zhou Qiqi frowned, her enemies were extremely jealous when they met each other, and her hostility towards Lin Nianwei swelled up.

Hell, what kind of fox den is this?

Why are the vixens more beautiful than the other! ?

By the way, Lin Nianwei, a vixen, has changed a lot!

Why isn't it baby fat?The last photo I thought was PS!

Unexpectedly, the Boss, who really turned into an angel face and a devil figure, is directly employed as a vixen!

Feeling the pressure, Zhou Qiqi held onto her brother tightly, for fear that Zhou Han would be taken away by the vixen, just like when she was a child.

He grabbed his brother by himself, and fought hundreds of rounds with the opposite baby fat eyes.

Zhou Qiqi showed her canine teeth, like a little wild animal protecting its food, sending out threatening signals.

Lin Nianwei's eyes were very flat, she looked at Zhou Qiqi, and said in the tone of an elder——

"Long time no see Qiqi, hurry up and call sister-in-law, let me listen..."

The first thousand and 150 chapters and seven monthly tickets plus more


There is no end! ?

How could a vixen ask me to call her sister-in-law?

Be on your nerves!A bunch of stinky bastards, just trying to take advantage of me!

Zhou Qiqi was so angry that the veins on her forehead were throbbing wildly. It was impossible to call Lin Nianwei's sister-in-law!I choose death!

"Ha..." Zhou Han scratched his cheek in embarrassment, thinking that Xiaowei really provoked Qiqi on purpose?It's a bit too much, but one side is my unmarried wife, and the other side is my own sister, and it seems that there is no good result for helping either one.

"What do you mean by that hostile look in your eyes? Are you resisting?" Lin Nianwei asked with interest. Seeing Zhou Qiqi's deflated look, she felt secretly refreshed. When she was a child, she kept making troubles between herself and Zhou Han. Now it's not the same. Lost dog?

The original enemy transformed into a sister-in-law. There is nothing more dizzying than this.

"I hate you! If you want me to call you sister-in-law, daydreaming, I will never admit it, give up, you vixen!" Zhou Qiqi yelled, and finally couldn't help it when facing Lin Nianwei, revealing her true nature.

Yao Xiaorui was dumbfounded, feeling that Zhou Qiqi suddenly changed into a different person, she was quite obedient just now.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling that Zhou Qiqi was ill again, she couldn't help but say in her elder sister's tone, "Qiqi, don't call me a vixen, speak well, if you don't want to be called sister-in-law, you can call me older sister."

"No! I will never let go! I can't call my sister! Don't think that you have won now, and no one can take my brother away from me without passing me!" Zhou Qiqi showed full hostility, and said to others She could still endure it, but Lin Nianwei couldn't, this deadly enemy couldn't lose to her no matter what.

Especially Lin Nianwei exudes a faint sense of superiority, as if saying, "You make trouble at will, anyway, I am your sister-in-law."

It was this feeling that made Zhou Qiqi unbearable. She had to occupy her elder brother, and no vixen could take it away.

The grapes are grown by oneself, so why give them up to others!

"Qiqi, you should be normal, and you've started to get sick again..." Zhou Han couldn't help interjecting that his sister was so disobedient, which made him very speechless.

"Brother~, what are you doing? Hurry up and stand by my side, why do you always pretend to be dead, you obviously loved me the most before." Zhou Qiqi pretended to be pitiful, feeling that Zhou Han is a typical example of having a wife and forgetting a sister guy.

"I still love you very much now, the problem is that you always make trouble for no reason, which makes Brother Wei a little speechless..." Zhou Han said very euphemistically.

Zhou Qiqi's face was flushed, her cheeks bulged into buns, and she said angrily, "I didn't make trouble for no reason, what's wrong with me wanting to marry my brother?! Hurry up and get rid of these vixens, or I won't let you You have a good time!"

"Eh!? Married brother?" Yao Xiaorui was surprised, and looked at Miyazaki Airi next to her, "Airi, what's going on? Does Qiqi want to marry brother?"

"This...should be a joke, right? Qiqi should not be controlled by her brother, but she is very attached to her brother." Miyazaki Airi thought that Qiqi was just joking, and it is not uncommon for a younger sister to be attached to her brother.

Miyazaki Airi understands very well, the little girl lacks a sense of security, either looking for her father or her brother, isn't this normal?

"No, Qiqi is a brother-controller, and she is also a perverted kind. She always wants to give birth to a monkey for her brother, and she is very serious." Lin Nianwei said lightly.

"No way? Qiqi is very good, she always clings to me at home..." Miyazaki Airi said innocently.

"This guy will pretend to be good since he was a child. He probably clings to you to make trouble, or to keep you from getting close to her brother. This guy has his own purpose in his actions." Lin Nianwei still knows Qiqi very well, and she saw her in a few words a thorough.

"This..." Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Qiqi suspiciously, if it was true what Lin Nianwei said, she should be more careful, after all, no one likes a sister-in-law who pesters her brother.

"No! This vixen surnamed Lin framed me. Sister Aili believed me. She is the bad person. She always wants to take over her brother. You... have been deceived by her!" Zhou Qiqi hugged Zhou Han, but said, " I don't like my brother at all, I especially hate him!"

"If you don't like it, don't hold me so tightly, okay, my arms are numb." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"I...I am protecting you, otherwise you will be eaten by this Lin!" Zhou Qiqi forcefully found an excuse.

"Qiqi don't say that, Xiaowei is not a bad person, be good and don't quarrel." Yao Xiaorui felt that the atmosphere was a bit tense, and Qiqi seemed to be hostile to everyone.

"Come on, you scheming bitch, you are also a bad person, don't think that if you make yourself look like a virgin, others will not be able to see your dirty thoughts!" Zhou Qiqi paused, and said unceremoniously, "You The desire to give birth to a monkey for my brother is written all over his face!"

"What... what?" Yao Xiaorui was astonished, then blushed, and said shyly, "Is...is it so obvious?"

Everyone was silent——

Zhou Han's face darkened, and he said to Qiqi with a reproachful tone, "Don't say something strange here, please be quiet."

"I don't want it, brother, I'm saving you. If this continues, you will be squeezed dry by these vixens sooner or later!" Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"Be normal for me..." Zhou Han blushed when he heard that, it would be fine if he was at home, after all, he had already gotten used to it, but it would be embarrassing to be full of dirty jokes on the street.

And what are you squeezing! ?Brother, I am a data-modified body, full of energy.

"Brother, you are already confused, you are trash." Zhou Qiqi ignored her brother, and turned to Miyazaki Airi and said, "Airi Ou Nei-chan, believe me, neither of them is a good person, our two sisters should Let's unite and resist the sneak attack of these vixens!"

"Then take Aili away, Xiaohan belongs to you alone, right?" Lin Nianwei said expressionlessly, seeing Zhou Qiqi clearly.

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