Zhou Han smiled far-fetchedly, thinking that Xiao Wei is really mean-spirited, did she come here today to quarrel with Qiqi?

"I...I didn't say that, don't frame me with the surname Lin!" Zhou Qiqi's hostility towards Lin Nianwei escalated, "Sister Aili, choose, whether you believe me or these vixens with ulterior motives."

"We're not bad people..." Yao Xiaorui said aggrievedly, feeling that Qiqi's temperament had suddenly changed drastically.

Miyazaki Airi was stunned, hesitating in her heart, always felt that everyone was good, and there had been no conflicts all this time, could it be that Weijiang and Xiaorui had other thoughts, only her innocence?But is Qiqi's words true?What should I do?

"Qiqi, don't make trouble, go home if you don't want to come out to play..." Zhou Han frowned, feeling that the scene was a bit chaotic.

"I don't, I absolutely don't want to hand over my brother to other people!" Zhou Qiqi said very seriously.

"Aili, don't listen to Qiqi's nonsense, I will teach you to see this brother clearly." Lin Nianwei whispered.

"Eh!? What do you mean?" Miyazaki Airi asked suspiciously.

Lin Nianwei walked up to Zhou Han without saying a word, wrapped her hands around his neck, and stood on tiptoe——

In front of Zhou Qiqi, kiss her brother...

It was NTR face to face! ?

The first thousand and 150 eight chapters break up

Lin Nianwei didn't have any warning beforehand, she just walked over and kissed Zhou Han forcefully.

Of course it wasn't such a passionate tongue kiss, after all, it was a bit indecent in the street.

But Zhou Han still feels very exciting, when did Xiao Wei take the initiative?


Zhou Han only felt that Lin Nianwei's small mouth was cold and comfortable, so it turned out that ending on the street was so exciting.

Lin Nianwei also mustered up her courage, the main thing was to get angry with Zhou Qiqi, a deadly enemy, to see how long she could bear it?

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The three girls were taken aback, all dumbfounded, they kissed suddenly without knowing why, and the people who watched were blushing and heartbeating.

Zhou Qiqi's face turned pale in an instant, and she couldn't close her startled little mouth, so she could only curse, "Vox! You...you you you...you shameless stinky bastard! Hurt me in front of my face! Dare to kiss my brother? Shameless! My brother's mouth is mine! My heart and soul are mine!"

"Ai...Airi, this...what's the situation!?" Yao Xiaorui blushed and stammered as she asked Miyazaki Airi. Although she covered her eyes, she didn't close her fingertips at all, looking happily .

"I...I don't know, suddenly...suddenly, I kissed..." Miyazaki Airi's face was burning, and she looked a little dazed, feeling that the situation was reversed too quickly.

Lin Nianwei stopped kissing, but still stuck to Zhou Han's arms, with a slight blush on her face, "Xiaohan..."

Zhou Han touched his lips, feeling a little numb. He thought that Xiao Wei seemed to be getting more and more familiar with kissing. Could it be that he taught her badly?

Zhou Qiqi stood beside her with a cold face. Seeing that her protest was useless, she became more and more angry. She felt that the top of her head was green, and there was nothing more irritating than robbing her brother face to face.

Thinking of Lin Nianwei always trying to get close to Zhou Han when she was a child, Zhou Qiqi was very annoyed. She didn't expect that after a few years of walking, she would be successfully taken over by this vixen.

no!Absolutely can't hand over my brother, my brother is mine!

Zhou Qiqi decided not to act anymore, she had to declare war shamelessly, otherwise she would only become weaker and marginalized.

"Fox spirit! Stay away from my brother! Don't post it cheekily!"

Zhou Qiqi aggressively interposed between Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei, separated very forcefully, turned around to protect her brother behind her, and glared at Lin Nianwei.

"Qiqi, what are you doing? Don't make trouble, be good!" Zhou Han was in a complicated mood, thinking that the scene was getting more and more chaotic, wouldn't this bad girl get mad on the spot?

"Brother, shut up and don't speak! This is a war between me and these vixens, you are not allowed to get involved!" Zhou Qiqi scolded seriously, even tougher than Zhou Han.

"Uh..." Hearing Zhou Qiqi's tone, Zhou Han obviously lost his temper, and it was a particularly irritating kind.

"Angry? I'm your brother's girlfriend. It's just a kiss. Why are you angry? Could it be brother control?" Lin Nianwei asked calmly, with no expression on her face.

"Go away, vixen! Don't get close to my brother! With me here, you can never achieve success! I won't let you marry my brother, give up!" Zhou Qiqi seemed to swear before the war.

Miyazaki Airi and Yao Xiaorui were surprised, and felt that something was wrong. It was obvious that Zhou Qiqi was preventing them and Zhou Han from entering the marriage hall.

"Why do you want to stop it? Isn't this what a younger sister of yours should do?" Lin Nianwei asked calmly, guessing that Zhou Qiqi couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to tear her face and fight a battle.

"Hmph, you both agreed to come over and fuck me today, right?" Zhou Qiqi suddenly mentioned another matter.

"Don't suffer from persecution paranoia, we are all here to play, and no one is targeting you." Zhou Han comforted Zhou Qiqi, he really didn't want Zhou Qiqi to mess around.

"Yeah, Kiki, there's no one to make an appointment, quickly change back to the usual good baby." Miyazaki Airi didn't give up on Kiki, and she developed feelings for Kiki after taking care of her these days.

"Come on, you three vixens must have made an appointment, and you are going to unite and get rid of me, so you can eat my idiot brother with peace of mind! Am I right?" Zhou Qiqi said more and more truthfully, feeling The world is an enemy.

Zhou Han's expression was tangled, thinking that the idiot brother really hurt his heart...

"Why did you think of such a terrible thing? We all want to get along well with you..." Yao Xiaorui said timidly, she didn't seem to like the domineering Zhou Qiqi very much.

"Go away, you thick-skinned guy, I don't like you, you are the most annoying guy with a pure appearance but a dirty heart!" Zhou Qiqi became very fierce and aggressive.

"Goo~" Yao Xiaorui felt heartbroken, and let out a mournful cry, "Why? I really want to have a good relationship with Qiqi, so..."

"Qiqi! Be honest, don't mess around, look at your brother, his expression is like a salted fish that has lost his dream, can't you be considerate, don't make trouble for no reason?" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist, posing like a sister.

Zhou Han frowned, thinking that he didn't forget to bury me after a fight?

"Don't worry about me, I don't think of you as a sister. You are a bit self-aware at this airport! Want to be my sister? You are not qualified! Still want to beat my brother? Go get a breast augmentation and come again! I seven You are much older than you are now!" Zhou Qiqi's mouth became very poisonous, as if she wanted to turn her eyes into a warring fox.

"You... you you you... what are you talking about!?" Miyazaki Airi's face suddenly turned ugly, her heart was hurt, and she was older than herself at the age of seven?What a joke!

"Stop acting? I thought you could bear it for a long time, but it's too late. We're all in love with Xiaohan, so it's useless for you to mess around." Lin Nianwei showed the victor's attitude, and the gentleman has revenge for ten years It's not too late, hasn't Qiqi lost to herself?

"You surnamed Lin, don't be complacent! You can't get married here without me! You slutty woman, don't even think about touching my brother, and go to hell with your paralyzed face!" Zhou Qiqi pinched her waist, revealing the nature of a little devil .

"Oh." Lin Nianwei responded coldly, feeling that the barking of the defeated dog was completely useless.

"What are you talking about?!" Zhou Han blocked Zhou Qiqi's mouth and reprimanded, "Speak cleanly, don't curse!"

"Brother~, why are you turning your elbows outward? I am my own sister, how can you help others to speak? If this happens again..." Zhou Qiqi bit her lips and said aggrievedly, "I will cry for you! "

"Uh..." Zhou Han's head grew bigger, and he still felt a little pain. He thought to himself, what should I do with my younger sister?

"Brother, please, break up with them quickly, they are really bad people." Zhou Qiqi grabbed Zhou Han's clothes and said pitifully——

"Sooner or later, these vixens will betray you."

"I can't bear to watch you being cheated on your feelings, brother."

"So quickly see the reality and break up with them..."


Chapter 150 Escape

Zhou Han became embarrassed, looked at his lovely younger sister, and stared at himself with teary eyes, it was very pitiful and distressing.

But the three wives next to him are all staring at him, if they stand in the wrong line, it must be a rhythm that is beyond redemption!

"Qiqi, breaking up is impossible."

"Why? Brother, you have to trust me..." Zhou Qiqi's expression collapsed, and she firmly grasped Zhou Han's arm, "Hurry up and break up, don't you feel like a **** when you are cheated on your feelings?"

"No, Qiqi, you're not a child anymore, don't talk about those childish words, can you be more mature?" Zhou Han touched Zhou Qiqi's head. He really loves and hates his sister. When they were young, they depended on each other and kept each other warm. When I grow up, I mature, but my sister still has the same virtue.

"Don't!" Zhou Qiqi bared her teeth and said with extremely stubborn eyes, "I want to marry my brother and have a monkey together. This is my pursuit. Brother, can you face up to my emotions! Don't avoid it, hurry up Show off your perverted attributes and stay with me! Except for my sister, no other vixen is needed."


Miyazaki Airi suddenly interrupted loudly, she has been patient with Zhou Qiqi for a long time, and she is so obsessed with it?

It seems that I am still too naive, this guy Zhou Qiqi is a naked brother control, or the kind who goes to the battlefield with a gun and live ammunition. Fortunately, I still take care of her as a younger sister, and it is all acting skills!

Miyazaki Airi walked up to Zhou Qiqi in a few steps, hesitating that she was taller than Qiqi, and the feeling of looking down gave a lot of pressure.

"You...what do you want to do!?" Zhou Qiqi was in a nervous mood, feeling that Miyazaki Airi was a little scary, so she shrank behind Zhou Han, "I tell you, don't act foolishly, my brother is covering me."

"Be normal to me. You look like a younger sister. Don't you feel that you are causing trouble to others?" Miyazaki Airi reprimanded Zhou Qiqi in her sister's tone.

"Don't talk to me in your sister's tone, you are not my sister, you are a fake sister! Fake!" Zhou Qiqi retorted unconvinced.

Miyazaki Airi's face turned black, she was not angry, and felt that it was very rude for her sister to talk back casually, so she slashed Qiqi's forehead with a knife.

"Oh!" Zhou Qiqi cried out in pain, covering her head.

"Eh!?" Zhou Han's eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets, he never thought that Miyazaki Airi would be so violent and dare to hit Zhou Qiqi? !

Please, I have always loved my sister so much, I would not give up hitting her, but Miyazaki Airi dared to do this?That's my own sister...

"You speak politely. I'm your older sister. Be more obedient to me." Miyazaki Airi can no longer step out of her older sister's role, and really treats Zhou Qiqi, a little troublemaker, as a lesson to her younger sister.

Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui who were standing next to them were also dumbfounded, feeling that their girlfriends were fighting against their own sisters, but it was a drama about family conflicts and ethics.

"Oh...you dare to hit me?! You're not my sister, go away!" Zhou Qiqi gritted her teeth angrily with tears from the corner of her eyes. , Huge shame, "Brother, brother, she hit me, you don't care, a fake sister has bullied your real sister..."

Zhou Han felt the same way, he was never willing to hit her, even if it was Aili, she couldn't hit Qiqi casually.

"Aili, calm down, don't do anything casually, Qiqi's mouth is a bit poisonous, nothing else..."

"Brother, are you afraid of your wife? The fake sister hit me, I was bullied, and you actually reasoned with her, hurry up and fight me back!" Zhou Qiqi kept yelling, raising her small fist, fiercely Hit Zhou Han on the back to express his dissatisfaction.

"How...how is it possible to fight? Don't make trouble." Zhou Han was speechless to his unreasonable sister, so he could only say to Miyazaki Airi, "Airi, don't be angry, we..."

"Don't talk." Miyazaki Airi gave Zhou Han a vicious look.

"Uh..." Zhou Han blushed, thinking Dad, I hate your genes!

"Qiqi, let me tell you, whether you admit it or not, I am your older sister. You must listen to me and stop having sexual fantasies about your brother." Miyazaki Airi said seriously, feeling that Qiqi was being surrounded by her. Han is so spoiled that she doesn't listen to people at all, as if she thinks the whole world revolves around her.

"I've had enough!" Zhou Qiqi stomped her feet angrily, feeling that no one would speak for her, and she was greatly wronged, "You are all bad people, you are all bad guys, you gang up to bully me, you want to drive me away, even my brother doesn't love me I don't want to see you guys anymore! Woooooo..."

After venting her emotions, Zhou Qiqi didn't say any reason, and ran away crying, looking really sad.

Especially when such a vixen came to the door together, Zhou Qiqi couldn't handle it at all, and even got a hand knife, which made her feel very wronged.

Zhou Qiqi is also a girl with self-respect. She feels that this group of people has been negotiated, and they gathered together to torture herself today.

And the elder brother also looked embarrassed, which made Qiqi feel even more uncomfortable.

I am my own younger sister, why don't I look towards myself?

Zhou Qiqi couldn't figure it out, so she ran away in a hurry, crying.

"Qiqi!" Zhou Han yelled, feeling baffled, Qiqi used to be very resistant, but today she was so angry that she cried.

Qiqi cried and left, which made the older brother Zhou Han feel very sorry, and wondered if he should be a little bit closer to his younger sister.

Originally, Qiqi just came back, and suddenly she had three girlfriends, which was obviously difficult to accept, but she was so angry that she started to run away.

"This kid is really..."

Miyazaki Airi bit her lips, wondering if she had gone too far and was too strict with Qiqi, a sister, and shouldn't beat her.

But Qiqi's attitude is really not likable, she is an older sister, and it is not polite at all for a younger sister who dares to yell like her older sister.

If you have to say it, brother control can be regarded as a mental illness. It is not possible to change your thinking in a day or two, it needs to be slowly psychologically counseled.

Miyazaki Airi felt that she was too impatient, so what does it matter if Qiqi is the brother-controller?Isn't it okay if Zhou Han doesn't control his own sister?

No matter how you think about it, it's Zhou Qiqi's delusional thinking alone. In fact, there is no need for siblings.

I can't stop others from flirting, so what's the use of caring so much?

Whether because of her sister's concern or her responsibility to her sister, Miyazaki Airi was a little worried about Zhou Qiqi's safety, so she couldn't wait to chase her out.

"Wait for me, I'll chase Kiki back."

"Tsk!" Zhou Han gasped. He was also worried about Zhou Qiqi, so don't worry about it, so he told Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui, "I'll go take a look too, you guys wait a while."

"Okay...Okay." Yao Xiaorui nodded, feeling complicated.

"I know it's a bit disruptive to the atmosphere, but I still have to say..." Lin Nianwei paused, half-truthfully said——

"Is your sister still acting?"

"Want to win sympathy or something..."

Chapter 160 Go Back

Yao Xiaorui looked at Lin Nianwei a little hesitant to speak, and felt that now is not the time to haggle over every detail, it's better to chase Qiqi back quickly.

No matter how disobedient Qiqi is, she is still her own sister...

What Lin Nianwei said was not without basis. Zhou Qiqi liked to act pitiful since she was a child, to win her brother's sympathy, and then achieve her own goals.

Originally, Zhou Qiqi's sudden return to China caused Lin Nianwei to resist, because she and Zhou Han were stumbling through each other, but now she made a little trouble, and it might not go well in the future.

So if Zhou Han still puts Qiqi as his top priority like before, Lin Nianwei will definitely not want it.

After hearing what Lin Nianwei said casually, Zhou Han felt a little complicated, and said patiently, "Xiaowei, don't worry about the past, okay? I know that Qiqi treated you badly in the past and always made trouble, but after all, she is My dear sister, I don't want the relationship between you and Qiqi to be so tense."

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