Lin Nianwei frowned, her expression was unnatural. Although she felt a little sad, she also felt that Zhou Han was right.

He and Zhou Qiqi were arguing back and forth, but it was Zhou Han who was caught in the middle with his mouth injured.

But I finally got together with the person I like, and I was really worried that Qiqi would make trouble and cause unexplainable conflicts.

Lin Nianwei remained silent, while Yao Xiaorui on the side urged Zhou Han.

"Brother Han, hurry up, Qiqi might leave by car..."

"Xiaowei, I..."

"Hurry up and chase, Qiqi often dies, can't I just leave it alone?"

Before Zhou Han could explain, Lin Nianwei interrupted him.

Zhou Han pursed his lips, turned his head and went after the two younger sisters.

Lin Nianwei stood where she was, her expression was not very happy, her mind was full of how to get along with Zhou Qiqi.

"Xiaowei, are you okay?" Yao Xiaorui pulled Lin Nianwei's sleeve beside her.

"It's nothing, just mental disorder." Lin Nianwei said in a low voice.

"I... I don't know what you think, but I feel that it is very happy to have brothers and sisters. I have fantasized since I was a child. If I have a sister, it would be great to take care of me every day, etc. Yes." Yao Xiaorui had two small blushes on her face, she seemed quite excited.

"You..." Lin Nianwei felt a little surprised, she didn't expect Yao Xiaorui to have such an idea.

"I... I'm just talking casually, don't worry about it." Yao Xiaorui waved his hands in a panic, "I just envy people who have brothers and sisters. It feels good to have someone to care about.”

Lin Nianwei looked away, wondering what Xiaorui wanted to express?

"I think Brother Han cherishes her sister very much, right? If we don't have a good relationship with Qiqi, Brother Han must also have a headache." Yao Xiaorui paused, and said seriously, "Actually, I think it's better to exclude Qiqi's temper. A very nice girl."

"Her heart is completely different from her appearance, haven't you seen it?" Lin Nianwei said helplessly, thinking that Zhou Qiqi likes to use her appearance to confuse others.

"Isn't it brother control? I don't think it has anything to do with it, it's quite normal." Yao Xiaorui nodded and said.

"Eh?!" Lin Nianwei felt very confused, thinking that it's normal to accuse her brother?Where is it normal?No matter how you think about it, it's all sick, right?

"My sister was used to pestering her brother or sister when she was a child. Although I don't know Qiqi's thoughts, I will definitely pester her because she feels very safe." Yao Xiaorui pointed at herself, smiling sincerely.

" different..." Lin Nianwei said awkwardly, thinking that other brother-control plots are hidden in her heart, and Qiqi is simply a pervert.

"I don't think it has anything to do with it. Even if Qiqi makes trouble again, I think Brother Han is a decent person, so I treat it as a weird brother-sister relationship." Yao Xiaorui paused and continued, "Although I don't know Xiaowei What conflicts do you have with Qiqi, but it’s been a long time, right? We are sisters-in-law, we should look like sisters.”

"Don't say it so lightly..." Lin Nianwei sighed, thinking of Qiqi as her younger sister?It's a little difficult...

"I really want to have a younger sister who can accompany me every day, how wonderful, it's like taking care of a pet..." Yao Xiaorui showed a very expectant expression, and quickly moved closer to her.

Lin Nianwei looked at Yao Xiaorui, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down her forehead, thinking——

Do you treat Zhou Qiqi as a pet?

Might be a good idea...

Zhou Qiqi ran away all the way, tears from the corners of her eyes pouring down on the broken pearl——

These stinky vixens actually joined forces.

Sure enough, it's because I'm easy to bully, so that's why it's like this, right?

The three hateful vixens actually seduced my brother while I was not at home, I will definitely not let them go!

This one only knows how to steal, there are other people's treasures, they really have no conscience!

And brother!

Why isn't brother on my side?

Standing in the middle and pretending to be dead, can't you tell the difference between close and distant?

Brother trash, don't want a sister and want a vixen, not a human!

Zhou Qiqi was full of complaints, and scolded the three girls and her brother bloody in her heart.

She ran forward in a hurry, and then hid in an alley between two office buildings.

Zhou Qiqi wiped away her tears with her sleeves, and looked around with her red eyes.

How strange, why no one came after me?

I was crying so sad, my brother should come and chase me.

Could it be that he ran faster than me?Alas, old trash!

Zhou Qiqi thought angrily, although she ran decisively, she still wanted others to comfort her in her heart, like a child throwing a temper to attract the attention of adults.

Seeing that no one came, Zhou Qiqi couldn't help feeling sad.

"Hmph! Brother stinky! Why don't you come and find me!"

Zhou Qiqi wondered if she hadn't noticed that she was hiding here, so she viciously kicked the can out of her feet, trying to attract others' attention.

The tinkling and rolling of cans outside attracted the attention of many passers-by.

"If you don't come to me again, I will die here. Brother, you will never have a real sister again!"

Zhou Qiqi felt that it was not obvious enough, so she yelled again.

This is a bit confusing, since you want to be found so much, what did you run just now?

In fact, Zhou Qiqi was acting just now, she just wanted to put some pressure on Zhou Han and make him care more about herself.

Zhou Qiqi's behavior of begging for attention is somewhat useful, but it was not Zhou Han who came, but Miyazaki Airi.

Miyazaki Airi chased her for a long time, and felt that Zhou Qiqi was running a little fast. If this soda can hadn't been thrown out, she probably wouldn't have found Zhou Qiqi.

Miyazaki Airi leaned on the wall with her hands, took a few breaths, and watched Zhou Qiqi silent.

"Uh..." Zhou Qiqi's expression became weird, and she thought disappointedly, why is it this stinky three-eighth! ?Where is my brother!Why didn't he come after him?Don't you really love me at all?

"Huh..." Miyazaki Airi let out a long breath, frowned, and said in a stern tone like a sister——

"Kiki, come here, come back with me."


Chapter 160

Zhou Qiqi saw that the person who came was not her brother, but Miyazaki Airi, her heart was suddenly unbalanced, and she even felt a burst of sadness.

Why is it not my brother who found me?

It happened that a vixen came, it was really pissing off...

Zhou Qiqi frowned and yelled at Miyazaki Airi.

"Go away, you! I don't like you! Leave me alone, I don't want to go back with you!"

Miyazaki Airi was anxious, originally everyone came out to play together, Kiki made such a fuss, everyone was uncomfortable.

"Listen to my sister's words, Qiqi, come back with me, don't be self-willed, we came out to play together, don't lose your temper."

"You're not my sister! Don't act like you care about me! I hate you the most! Vixen! Airport! Stinky! Slightly slightly~" Zhou Qiqi stuck out her tongue and made a grimace, looking very mocking.

"whispering sound!"

Miyazaki Airi was very angry in her heart, and wanted to give Zhou Qiqi a hand knife, and teach this little princess what it means to be polite.

But when she thought of hitting Zhou Qiqi just now, it aroused her rebellious emotions, so she had to hesitate.

Miyazaki Airi secretly sighed that Kiki is a spoiled child, otherwise she would definitely be liked.

"You are not allowed to swear, keep your mouth clean, no one will teach you in the future, I will discipline you!"

"Get out! I don't need your discipline, leave me alone! You're not my real sister, don't meddle in other people's business! It's disgusting! Washboard!" Zhou Qiqi's mouth was merciless, and she didn't accept Miyazaki Airi's words at all. Affection.

"You girl, can't you be obedient? Come back with me obediently, apologise, won't you go shopping happily together?" Miyazaki Airi slowly approached Zhou Qiqi, still thinking of Qiqi as a younger sister in her heart.

Although we have only been together for a few days, I feel that Qiqi is not a bad child, but it is a bit sick to like her brother.

And at night, Qiqi hugged her arms back and forth, as if praying for warmth.

Zhou Qiqi's subconscious behavior inspired Miyazaki Airi's motherhood and made her care more about Qiqi. After all, she is also a family member, so she can't let it go, right?

"Don't come here!" Zhou Qiqi took a step back subconsciously, and said in a panic, "I don't want to apologize to you foxes! It's obviously your fault for taking my brother away! I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You are brothers and sisters, you can only understand after saying it hundreds of times? Why are you so obsessed with it?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't understand Zhou Qiqi's brain circuit.

"That's not true! It's all your fault, without you, my brother and I would have been together a long time ago!" Zhou Qiqi was emotional.

"What are you kidding?" Miyazaki Airi frowned.

"I'm not kidding. I'm the only mother around my brother. If you don't choose me, who will you choose? You gave him a choice!" Zhou Qiqi made a nonsense casually.

Miyazaki Airi sighed, feeling that she couldn't control Qiqi's brother control, so she could only choose to take a step back and take Qiqi back first.

"Well, I don't care about what you like about my brother, can you go back with me first? Today I'm out shopping, not here to quarrel, Qiqi be good, come to my sister..."

"Don't! Stay away from me, come closer to me... I'll bite you!" Zhou Qiqi showed her little canine teeth, which looked quite sharp.

"You are obedient, everyone is waiting for you, do you know that you are so self-willed and impolite?" Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"I don't care!" Zhou Qiqi said unreasonably, "You foxes wish I could disappear! I don't want to trust you!"

"Be good, I'll make you some delicious food when you get back home, do you like sushi?" Miyazaki Airi had no choice but to use the trick she used to deal with children, hoping it would work.

"Shou... sushi..." Zhou Qiqi's mouth was full of saliva, a little greedy.

These days I have been eating the food made by Miyazaki Airi. To be honest, Zhou Qiqi thinks it is very delicious, better than the chef invited by my mother.

Although I hate Miyazaki Airi, a vixen, the food she cooks really makes people linger, everything is great.

It is obviously an ordinary curry, why can't people stop the spoon?

It was the first time for Zhou Qiqi to see a guy with such strong cooking skills, who could cook home-cooked dishes like the finale of a high-end restaurant.

It is said that to conquer a man, you must first conquer the other's stomach.

Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that my brother was captured by Miyazaki Airi. If I hadn't been determined, I'm afraid I would have...

No, no, how could he be captured by a fake sister?

Zhou Qiqi became firm and was almost spoiled, but in the end, face was more important.

"Everything you make is very unpalatable! I don't like it at all, so I'll do my best."

"Really? Then tomorrow I will be your brother and myself, and you are gone." Miyazaki Airi said with an expression on her face.

"You...why are you like this?!" Zhou Qiqi panicked, Miyazaki Airi is the only one who can cook at home, "Wouldn't you die if you cook more?"

"Then obediently go back with me, and I'll make sushi for you tomorrow." Airi Miyazaki tempted.

"No! Don't look down on people, do you think I will be fooled if you lure me?!" Zhou Qiqi assumed the posture of a little princess.

Miyazaki Airi was impatient, stepped forward, grabbed Zhou Qiqi's wrist, and pulled her, "Stop making trouble, come back with me!"

"I don't want it! Let go of you!" Zhou Qiqi kept struggling, pushing back in the opposite direction.

When the two girls were competing, four people came out from a small door next to them, three boys and one girl.

The three men were drunk and staggering, and one of them was holding a woman with heavy make-up and scantily dressed clothes, who was in the eyes of the public, commonly known as a woman who had lost her footing.

It turned out that Zhou Qiqi ran around, but accidentally entered the vicinity of the bar. This is the back door of the bar, and there will always be some dubious people coming and going.

A few people came out staggeringly, and the woman who was being hugged said words like "good or bad" in a soft voice. It was probably surrounded by three people, and they were going to have sex together or something.

In the end, I happened to run into Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi...

As soon as a few people got drunk, they started to move their intestines.

"Huh? Don't you have two ready-made? We don't need to play together. It just so happens that there are two of them, and we will divide them."

"Yes, yes, the one looking at Shui Ling is a female high school student, right?"

Yao, a man without a female companion, walked over staggeringly, his eyes were blurred, and he didn't know if he was unconscious.

"Take it away if you like it. There is a small hotel nearby. We can negotiate a price and go straight there, hiccup~" the man with the wine bottle in his left hand and his right arm said in a daze.

"You... what are you doing!? Go away!" Miyazaki Airi scolded angrily.

"Go away, uncle! You're so drunk!" Zhou Qiqi frowned and echoed, feeling a little uneasy. She doesn't know how to deal with hooligans, she just scolds. This is the first time she has encountered such a thing.

"Hot temper, I like it~" one person said.

"I like it too, hehehe~" Another person nodded.

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