"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi felt particularly troublesome, and her eyebrows were tightly furrowed. At this time, as an older sister, of course she should give priority to protecting her sister——

"Don't be afraid, Kiki, come here and stay behind me..."

The first thousand and 160 chapter two monthly pass plus more

Miyazaki Airi didn't care whether Zhou Qiqi was willing or not, she directly pulled her behind her to protect her.

It seems that she really looks like a sister, and she puts her sister behind her when something happens.

Zhou Qiqi probably was a little scared, but she didn't resist much, and stood obediently behind Miyazaki Airi, grabbing her clothes with both hands.

Just now she was a little princess showing off her might, but in a blink of an eye she became an insecure little girl.

Miyazaki Airi has encountered this kind of situation at least, but it is not so unbearable. If she directly reveals her weak side, the other party will probably become more rampant.

"Don't be silly, you're approaching us... shall we call the police?"

"Stay away from us, or JC will arrest you all!" Zhou Qiqi echoed from behind

"Hey hey hey, we're not scared too much. When JC comes, we'll finish everything. Just like in the movie, we'll be the last to appear."

"Yes, I'm willing to spend three years in prison in exchange for the shadow of your life, hehe~"

The two men sang together, and the smell of wine was so strong that they were obviously very interested in this kind of juicy female high school student.

"Can you be more sensible? We don't want to talk to you too much, goodbye!" Miyazaki Airi took Zhou Qiqi's hand, turned her head and walked away, without delay, "Qiqi, let's go."

want to go?How could it be so simple?

The men were all sure that Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi were alone, and with the help of alcohol, they were more courageous than usual, and a few threats had no effect at all.

Miyazaki Airi turned her head in the direction, and immediately there was a drunk blocking her way with a lewd smile on her face.

The back was also blocked, and the two girls immediately turned into turtles in the middle of the Weng, and were pinched back and forth.

"Hey, little sister, don't be shy, let go."

"That is, are you short of money to come here? Uncle, I have a lot of money here, come to help~"

The two drunks were getting closer and closer, with various price tags in their mouths, mistaking Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi as female high school students who were short of money, and came to sell them near the bar.

"What are you doing?! We are decent people, don't come near us!" Miyazaki Airi said, in order to protect Zhou Qiqi, she had to lean against the wall and protect Qiqi inside, which seemed safer.

"Stop pretending, in what era are you still pretending to be pure? Tell me the extra money for an hour, uncle, I have plenty of money."

"How about 5000? The price is the same for foreign models. Seeing that you are so handsome, how about we give 8000?"

The two men were drunk-eyed and opened the price tag directly. They were unwilling to let Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi go without success, and the starting price for sitting on the ground was 3000. It seemed that the lower body was in a hurry.

"Go away! What are you guys? You're asking for a price, please go to hell, okay?!" Zhou Qiqi hid behind Miyazaki Airi and yelled, angrily cursing.

"Hey, little sister, don't be too hot-tempered. I'll stab you and cry later."

"That's right, we won't stop after you cry and beg for mercy."

The two men seem to be shaking M, and seem to be getting more and more excited.

"Hmm..." Zhou Qiqi was a little nervous in fright, and shrank behind Miyazaki Airi, wondering if this group of people were mentally retarded?Why do you get more and more excited when you are scolded?

"Are you crazy? We are not that kind of people. Show some respect! Baga!" Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling Zhou Qiqi behind her trembling a little, clutching her clothes tightly, probably very scared.

After all, she is still a girl. Although her mouth is a bit poisonous, she is still very flustered when encountering such a thing, right?

Miyazaki Airi had no choice but to try her best to block Zhou Qiqi with her body to make her feel safer.

The person with the bottle in his hand looked at it with his arms around him, feeling a little ink stained, and urged, "Hurry up, if you can't reach an agreement, just abduct him, just throw some money afterwards, if you don't feel at ease, make a video of the process as a threat, and tell me later." Might still be able to play."

The two companions smiled lewdly, thinking that this idea is good.

Miyazaki Airi's face darkened, thinking that person was too jerk.

Even Zhou Qiqi's complexion changed, after all, she is a girl, and fame is still very important.

"That... If you forget about it, I'll introduce some sisters to you later? This is Brother Zhu's territory, so it's better not to cause trouble." The woman next to her said worriedly.

"Get lost!" The wine bottle man pushed the woman away, and said angrily, "What kind of fart is Zuo Dazhu? I didn't miss money for him, so why don't you help me?"

The woman's face was ugly, and she didn't say a word immediately.

"Come on, let's get things done here together? I'll take care of it if something happens! Take my turn, I'll go first!" The wine bottle man stepped forward and counted him drinking the most.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the two companions were all eager to try it out. Before the effect of the alcohol, they both seemed extremely excited.

"Sister Airi..." Zhou Qiqi was finally willing to call her sister at this time. Just now she had an incomparably tough posture, but now she is hiding behind Miyazaki Airi, more like a younger sister than anyone else.

"Don't be afraid of Qiqi, I have my sister here, hide away." Miyazaki Airi whispered to Zhou Qiqi behind her, but she was also very worried.

Until now, I don't know if Zhou Han has caught up, and I didn't call him when I left. The main reason is that I want him to stay and take care of Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui's emotions. Now it seems that Miyazaki Airi feels very wrong. regret.

"Well..." Zhou Qiqi's expression became complicated, and she felt a little weird. She had such a bad attitude towards Miyazaki Airi, and she was always playing tricks. Why is she still protecting herself at this time? Shouldn't normal people be more selfish and push themselves away? go out?

Do you really think of me as a younger sister...

Zhou Qiqi's mood is complicated. Although she hates Miyazaki Airi's relationship with her elder brother, Miyazaki Airi is really a good person. Being a sister is really great. She can take care of people and cook delicious food. , Protecting herself like a real sister at critical times.

Zhou Qiqi struggled a little in her heart, thinking about it carefully, she couldn't find anything wrong with Miyazaki Airi.

"Calm down, if you want to bully someone, come at me, don't touch my sister." Miyazaki Airi frowned, thinking about it, she could only do this, and it was also the behavior of a normal sister.

When Zhou Qiqi heard this, her face blushed, and she couldn't help feeling guilty in her heart.

Zhou Qiqi felt that Miyazaki Airi was so handsome, and she was able to say such things for her, even if she had to sacrifice herself, and the appearance of protecting her sister deeply touched her inner softness.

Although Zhou Qiqi didn't say anything, her views on Miyazaki Airi were quietly changing.

"Hey, although your breasts are a bit small, you have a pretty face, but you are too naive, how can we let your sister go? Of course we have to play together, hehehe~"

The bottle man grinned, and the two companions beside him also rushed forward.

As soon as Miyazaki Airi stepped back, Zhou Qiqi rushed out from behind her and kicked the wine bottle man's crotch.

As expected of Zhou Han's younger sister, she was very ruthless.

"Ouch!!!" The wine bottle man let out a scream from the pain, clutching his crotch and knelt trembling, probably the egg was shattered on the ground.

The two companions were taken aback, half sober from the wine.

Zhou Qiqi pulled Miyazaki Airi's wrist and ran to one side, before she had time to explain——

"Sister Airi, hurry up!"

Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

The first thousand and 160 chapters and three monthly tickets plus more

Zhou Qiqi took Miyazaki Airi's hand and ran outside the alley.

Miyazaki Airi seemed a little numb, but Zhou Qiqi suddenly kicked someone else's crotch.

It was a man who couldn't help but disrupted the rhythm, causing the three hooligans to be in a state of astonishment.

Looking at the appearance of the wine bottle man clutching his crotch in cold sweat, it is estimated that he will not be able to recover, and it will be difficult to make a difference.

"Damn it, you... what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and catch them back!"

The wine bottle man's face was flushed, he clutched his crotch and yelled at the two rogue companions.

The two companions looked at each other, this kick made the two sober for the most part, and hurried to chase after Zhou Qiqi and Miyazaki Airi who hadn't run far.

"Don't be old, you two bitches!"

"Sister Aili, run faster!" Zhou Qiqi urged.

Miyazaki Airi regained her senses a little bit, although she was very surprised by Zhou Qiqi's decisive behavior, but the situation is critical, so let's run away.

The two girls obviously couldn't run as fast as the two hooligans behind them. The difference was less than three meters, and they were about to be caught.

But the exit of the alley was getting closer and closer. As long as they ran to the street for help, these hooligans would not dare to do anything.

As soon as Zhou Qiqi and Miyazaki Airi rushed out of the alley, they bumped into a person directly, as if they had suddenly thrown into their arms, a masculine breath rushed towards them.

The slight wind is mixed with the familiar smell of laundry detergent, which is the same as the one used at home, and it smells like lemon.

Zhou Qiqi and Miyazaki Airi ran away without paying attention to what was in front of them. Suddenly someone blocked them, and they were shocked. Could it be that these hooligans still have companions?

Miyazaki Airi frowned, and just raised her head, she froze on the spot, that familiar face, with a slightly dumbfounded and astonished expression, who else could it be but Zhou Han?

Zhou Qiqi, a bear girl, is rather aggressive, and she didn't look up to see who it was. She just repeated the old trick when she came up, and gave out a big gift package for flirting her legs.

Fortunately, Zhou Han is more sensitive to attacks. He was the first to notice the act of killing his sister, and blocked it with his hand, breaking out in a cold sweat. Otherwise, the wives will only be widows in the future!

"Damn it! What are you doing, you dead girl? Who did you learn the moves from, so bad?"

Zhou Han frowned, feeling that Qiqi was a bit abnormal, hitting people in the face was a matter of dignity, kicking people's eggs was a matter of inheriting the family, and they would fight people desperately.

Zhou Qiqi was stunned, and when she looked up to see her brother, a feeling of grievance welled up in her heart.

I didn't expect Zhou Han to come here at first, I thought he was fascinated by Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui, two fox spirits, but I didn't want to bring him and finally found him. Sure enough, the younger sister is more important, right?

Zhou Qiqi became narcissistic, thinking that she was the heart of her brother, and she was a little complacent for a while.

"So you two ran into the alley? It's enough for me to find it easily..." Zhou Han seemed to be full of bitterness, and his expression revealed a little helplessness.

Miyazaki Airi relaxed a little, thinking that something would happen today, but fortunately Zhou Han came after her, and she said with an aggrieved tone, "What are you doing? You came after so late? Baga!"

"That's right! You guys can't use the telepathy between brothers and sisters? You don't know where I am? What a disappointment!" Zhou Qiqi continued, her eyes were red, and she looked pitiful.

I go?

What are you as a brother?

Is it really used by Superman?

Also telepathy, with this ability, wouldn't I have been a private detective long ago?

Zhou Han was speechless for a while, and he didn't bother to complain about Qiqi's delusions, but felt that the two sisters were a little wronged, as if they were going to cry at any time, and he was a little worried as an older brother.

Didn't I just feel a little dizzy?

Why do they both look like this...

Zhou Han hugged the two younger sisters silently, trying to calm them down. After all, what happened just now?

"What's wrong with you two? Don't look aggrieved, it's embarrassing to me."

Zhou Qiqi came back to her senses, remembering that there were still a few old hooligans behind, so she said in a panic, "Brother, brother! There are hooligans chasing the two of us, and they want to kill us and drag us into a small hotel!"

"Ah!?" Zhou Han's eyes widened, and he felt it was incredible that someone was hitting on his sister in broad daylight. It would be unreasonable not to clean up, so he asked seriously, "Don't be afraid, you two, who dares to bully you? Where is it?"

"Behind..." Miyazaki Airi looked behind her, and the two old hooligans were already chasing after them aggressively, "That's... that's them!"

Zhou Han raised his head and looked in the alley, there were really two drunken hooligans rushing over, shouting and cursing non-stop.

"Don't run, come here and see if I don't take care of you two little sluts!"

The veins on Zhou Han's forehead twitched, and his mood suddenly became irritable. No wonder the two younger sisters rushed out in a panic. It turned out that they met an old hooligan in the alley?I thought I was happy to see myself.

What I hate the most is that other people play tricks on my younger sister. I can't even pamper her normally, but I am actually being bullied?Don't show any color, I'm afraid I'm sorry for my brother status.

"Don't be afraid, you two go behind me, I'll deal with them."

Zhou Han's face was rather ugly, and he pulled the two younger sisters behind him, deciding to let the other party know that if he teased his younger sister, he would definitely get his iron fist.

Zhou Qiqi and Miyazaki Airi hid behind Zhou Han, waiting for the two old hooligans behind to be taught a lesson.

"Who are you? Get out of the way!"

"Good dogs don't get in the way, don't rush at heroes here."

The two hooligans stopped and yelled frequently under the influence of alcohol.

"Why should I get out of the way? Is it reasonable for you to tease my sister?" Zhou Han's tone was very aggressive, and he probably got angry himself.

"How many sisters are not sisters? The reason is quite sufficient..."

"This is what we are looking for, not your sister. We have a dispute over whoring money, so don't mind your own business"

The two hooligans found an excuse and directly explained the matter to the female ticket, so that many people knew that they would basically not be nosy, and they were eager to get rid of the relationship.

"Huh? You two old bastards, what do you think of my sister?" Zhou Han frowned, thinking that this was a bit too much, to insult his two younger sisters?

They are all good girls around him, yet Zhou Han was so slandered, Zhou Han was furious.

"Keep your mouth clean!" Miyazaki Airi felt a headache, and being slandered of innocence made her very uncomfortable.

"That's right! Keep your mouth clean! Your mother is the one! Hurry up and go home to take care of your mother's business!" Zhou Qiqi has a pungent personality, and she cursed directly without restraint.

Zhou Han became embarrassed, and thought that it was really his own fault that made Qiqi, a girl, learn a lot of swear words from him since she was a child, and now she doesn't look like a girl at all when she gets mad...

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