"Nima bitch, dare to scold us?"

The two old hooligans seemed a little out of their minds. They could see Zhou Han standing in front of Zhou Qiqi and Miyazaki Airi, but they still ran over recklessly, ignoring Zhou Han, who was so big.

"Looking for death..." Zhou Han didn't even think about it, and quickly attacked——

With punches and kicks in the face, the two old hooligans were scratching their teeth everywhere...


Thank you for your monthly ticket support. Last month, under the pressure of saving manuscripts, I also updated 22 words.

The new book is also on the shelves today, with 23 words, if you are interested, you can go and read it, it will last for a while.

I will try my best to restore the update volume this month, and I hope everyone will continue to support me.

This month's color insert, the victory of the Qingmei Party, the wedding picture of Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei.


The first thousand and 160 chapter four who! ?

The wine bottle man clutching his crotch rubbed himself for a long time before he recovered, feeling as if his penis had disappeared.

Judging from the situation, it is estimated that Zhou Qiqi kicked him out of sequelae.

"Damn it, two...two little sluts..."

The bottle man gritted his teeth and muttered, clutching his crotch and slowly standing up from the ground.

"Today I'm going to kill the two of them..."

Before the wine bottle man could finish his sentence, he heard two "plops" from his side, and his two companions were directly sent flying over, lying next to him.

They were all bruised and swollen, and even their front teeth were gone. They were rolling all over the floor in pain, howling constantly.

The two old hooligans were so beaten up by Zhou Han that they had no power to fight back. They were defeated within two rounds. This time they were really sober.

The bottle man looked down and was shocked, what the hell!What's happening here?How did you get beaten up like this?

Those who had been on the sidelines and didn't dare to make a sound, started to see the red, and fled back to the bar through the back door, probably to find the supervisor.

As soon as the wine bottle man looked up, he saw Zhou Han walking over with his fingers, as if the beating wasn't enough, anyone who bullied his sister would not be able to escape!

Don't look at the burly backs of the three adults on the other side, but in front of Zhou Han who is a data body, it is difficult to survive a round. If you are serious, it is not a problem to fight with the strength of a boxing champion.

The wine bottle man saw that the other party looked like a high school student, why did he beat up his companion like this?My heart became more and more confused, whether I had practiced or not.

"You... you you you... who are you!?"

Because of the cowardice in his heart, the wine bottle man stuttered when he spoke, and before the fight started, he lost immediately in terms of momentum.

"You don't care who I am, the point is that if you dare to bully my sister, I will beat you up." Zhou Han said bluntly.

"Brother, come on! Brother, come on!" Zhou Qiqi was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and kept urging her brother to help her vent her anger. The feeling of being a converted serf and singing made her very happy, "Brother beat them to death! Kick their balls so they can't do anything bad again! Hurry up bro! Don't hesitate!"

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, feeling very helpless in his heart, thinking that if he had such a virtuous sister, how could he still be peaceful in childhood?If you fight by yourself, you have to shout and cheer beside you.

"It's almost enough, don't mess with your lord." Miyazaki Airi seemed much more sensible than Zhou Qiqi.

"Ah!?" Zhou Qiqi's eyes widened, and she said angrily, "Did you lose your mind, you fake sister! We were almost raped just now, and now the horn of counterattack is sounding, why are you being polite to them?" ?”

At this time, Zhou Qiqi seemed to have changed back to her usual appearance. She spoke bad words to Miyazaki Airi, and her attitude was not very good. It seemed that the several times she called her sister just now were all for nothing.

"Be polite to me, don't call me a fake sister, ask my sister to hear!?" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist and said angrily.

"I don't! You are a fake sister, a part-time vixen, and a woman in charge of warming my brother's bed. You have the same status as a pistol." Zhou Qiqi's words were extremely ugly.

"What did you say? Obediently obey me!" Miyazaki Airi grabbed Zhou Qiqi's face and pulled it hard twice.

"Yeah..." Zhou Qiqi, the elder whose face was being pulled, knocked off Miyazaki Airi's hand angrily, "What are you doing! If I hadn't saved you just now, you would have been held down by these villains Do you know if you slapped on the ground? There will be a big green hat on top of my brother! Do you think it looks good?"

"You... what are you talking about?!" Miyazaki Airi looked embarrassed.

"I don't care! Brother, come on! As a man, you have to blow them up, or I will look down on you!" Zhou Qiqi encouraged Zhou Han on the side, and she especially liked watching her brother fight, feeling full of masculinity and wildness.

With a black line on his forehead, Zhou Han vented his anger on his sisters, but the two of them quarreled behind, which made him feel so embarrassed.

Miyazaki Airi tightly blocked Zhou Qiqi's mouth, not letting her speak casually, and then said to Zhou Han, "Just apologize, don't be so harsh."

Zhou Han nodded, feeling that Miyazaki Airi is still mature, a girl like Qiqi will never give up until she is sent to the classroom.

"Apologize honestly, do you hear me? Look at your companions, if you don't apologize, your front teeth will be gone soon."

Although the wine bottle man was a little scared and was bluffed by Zhou Han, he still thought that the other party was just a high school student and was arrogant.

So the wine bottle man seemed to have lost his mind, smashed the wine bottle in his hand, and pointed the sharp end at Zhou Han.

"Idiot, you bastard is so arrogant! Believe it or not, I will stab you to death!"

"Hehe..." Zhou Han laughed out loud, now he is the least afraid of threats, "You asked for this..."

With a volley kick, Zhou Han slapped the wine bottle in the opponent's hand, and then punched the opponent with a backhand, causing the opponent's nose to bleed and fell to the ground.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Zhou Qiqi looked very excited, wishing she could rush up to mend her feet.

As expected of Zhou Han's younger sister, although she is not as powerful as her elder brother, she is also of the aggressive and aggressive type.

"Children are not allowed to watch..." Miyazaki Airi helplessly covered Zhou Qiqi's eyes. Although she didn't like Zhou Han's fights very much, it was really annoying that the other party refused to apologize.

"Hmm..." Zhou Qiqi was immediately discouraged, and finally saw her brother's heroic figure beating someone, but there was an unsightly guy next to her.

The wine bottle man covered his bloody nose and knelt on the ground, feeling dizzy and staring.

Zhou Han kicked him to the ground, stepped on his chest, and asked, "Calm down?"

"Brother...Brother, I was wrong, brother, I don't dare anymore, just now I...I drank too much." The wine bottle man was completely scared, and felt that Zhou Han was too hard to bite.

"Who is your brother? Don't take advantage of me, let's see how old you are? Are you married?" Zhou Han asked.

"It's...it's..." The bottle man turned pale and nodded frequently.

"Is it shameless to get a girl ticket after getting married?" Zhou Han frowned and asked.

"Hey hey, good man, spare your life, good man, spare your life." The bottle man swallowed nervously.

"Don't say it's useless, apologize to my sister!" Zhou Han said in a threatening tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was wrong, just now I was obsessed with a ghost, I don't dare to do it again!" The bottle man had a face full of dignity.

"Have you calmed down?" Zhou Han asked back.

"Let him go." Miyazaki Airi felt that the other party's face was covered with blood, which was pitiful.


Zhou Han snorted coldly, retracted his feet, and was about to leave when suddenly a group of people poured out from the back door of the bar, each holding sticks.

Zuo Dazhu was in the middle, and he came out in a coquettish way, without looking at who it was, he just shouted at the top of his voice——


"Who the hell dares to make trouble here?"

"Don't die, stand in front of me!"

The first thousand and 160 chapters and five chapters

"This is where my left assistant covers, let me see who dares to find fault!?"

Zuo Dazhu showed his face like a ruffian, and the younger brothers beside him also showed off their might.

Zhou Han's expression was complicated. He remembered that the commercial street was in the north of the city, which happened to be the sphere of influence of the Anxing Gang. No wonder he would run into acquaintances in every fight.

"You group of troublemakers, I think you have eaten...uh!"

Zuo Dazhu originally wanted to say a few pretentious words, but his eyes finally caught sight of Zhou Han, who was staring at him with a calm expression.

He immediately trembled in fright, and held back the cursing words later, he didn't expect to meet Zhou Han here at all.

God!Why is Zhou Han here?Wouldn't it be me who offended him?If that's the case, I'll probably be crippled...

Zuo Dazhu was quite timid when he saw Zhou Han, he was the major shareholder, and now his younger brother, Sun Qi, was still his immediate boss, so he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Brother? What should I do? They are here to help, why don't we beat them up together?" Zhou Qiqi encouraged, wishing to see Zhou Han fuck the opposite crystal.

"Either...or let's go..." Miyazaki Airi still didn't want to cause too much trouble.

Zhou Han shook his head calmly, comforting the two younger sisters, "Don't be afraid, it's fine."

There is no need to be afraid of this situation, Zuo Dazhu is now in his own camp, if he stands on the wrong team, it will definitely be the end of the game.

When the wine bottle man saw the bar steward coming out, he thought he could ask for help, take revenge on Zhou Han, and vent his anger by the way.

So he fumbled to his feet, moved to Zuo Dazhu's side, pointed at Zhou Han and yelled, "Brother Zhu, he...his fucking hit me?! It's still in your territory. Put it in your eyes, you should teach him a lesson."

Zhou Han smiled and didn't say anything, he just liked to watch this guy think that he had found a backer and wanted to fuck him.

Zuo Dazhu's face turned dark, and he became very ugly. Didn't he deliberately cheat his father by dragging himself into the water at this time?It seemed that he was against Zhou Han.

This major shareholder, he can't afford to offend him at all, and he still teaches others?Then there must be equal strength.

Zuo Dazhu felt that the wine bottle man was mentally retarded, obviously a pig teammate.

"It's right to hit you. If you don't hit you, who will you hit? It deserves it!"

Zuo Dazhu stretched out his hand and slapped the wine bottle man, showing his attitude and standing in line.

"Eh!?" The man in the bottle felt his face was swollen, and asked in a daze, "Brother...Brother Zhu, why did you hit me? Why are you helping others? I secretly gave you money Bar?"

"Give your mother money, get out!" Zuo Dazhu unceremoniously kicked the wine bottle man to the ground.

The wine bottle man sat on the ground with a blank expression on his face, "Brother Zhu, you are not authentic."

"Who is not authentic? You are causing trouble in my place, what else do you want?" Zuo Dazhu stared at the other party contemptuously, and waved his hand, "Take them back and teach them the rules in the bar."

Several younger brothers rushed forward and brought the three old hooligans into the bar, probably a lesson would be inevitable.

"Brother Zhu! Brother Zhu! I was wrong! I won't cause trouble..."

Zuo Dazhu smiled all over his face, looked at Zhou Han, and immediately switched to flattering mode.


"Huh?" Zhou Han's eyes changed, and he reminded Zuo Dazhu that after all, he couldn't let his two younger sisters know what he was doing in private, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain clearly.

"Ahem..." Zuo Dazhu coughed twice, and instantly understood Zhou Han's meaning, so he pretended not to know him and said, "I'm sorry, these drunks disturbed a few of you, this is our negligence, I apologize."

"It's okay, it's like this if you drink too much..." Zhou Han dealt with it casually.

"Then please take care of me if you have nothing to do. I'll go back first. If you have time, you can come and have fun." Zuo Dazhu nodded very respectfully, and left directly.

Zhou Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Hao Xuan had been exposed, but he couldn't explain it at the moment.

"Brother, why is this person flattering you? Does he seem to be trying to please you?" Zhou Qiqi felt a little weird

"No, what nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Han blushed.

"I feel the same way, do you know that person?" Miyazaki Airi asked suspiciously.

"How is it possible? Stop thinking about it." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly.

"Tell you!" Miyazaki Airi secretly pinched Zhou Han and told her earnestly, "Don't get involved with some dubious people."

"I understand, I understand." Zhou Han nodded, and then said seriously, "Go back, Xiaowei and the others must be waiting impatiently."

Miyazaki Airi almost forgot her business, so she stretched out her hand, "Go back, don't be awkward, I'm out shopping today, not arguing."

Zhou Qiqi hesitated for a moment, although she still wanted to lose her childish temper, but thinking about Miyazaki Airi, she was pretty good just now, and she was willing to protect herself very deeply.

"I didn't say I can't go back, you don't need to pull me, I want to hug my brother."

Zhou Qiqi ran to Zhou Han's side, hugged him and did not let go, probably because she wanted to stick together and go back.

Miyazaki Airi was a little bit dissatisfied, but knowing that it was useless to say so much, she was able to hold back for a while, and took Zhou Qiqi back first before talking.

"You really can't control her?"

Faced with Miyazaki Airi's complaints, Zhou Han was also very helpless, and could only smile wryly——

"She has been so virtuous since she was a child, what can I do? I am also very desperate..."

Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui waited on the spot for more than 20 minutes, but Zhou Han and the others still didn't come back, which made people feel anxious.

Especially Lin Nianwei's eyebrows were all locked together, and she regretted competing with Qiqi, making such a mess, which was not what she expected.

As for Yao Xiaorui, she was also a little worried, and wanted to call a few times, but she endured it, always afraid that she would cause trouble to Zhou Han with a phone call.

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