"Xiaowei, will nothing happen to Aili and the others?"

"Impossible, Zhou Han chased after him." Lin Nianwei replied.

"Is it really all right..." Yao Xiaorui was still a little apprehensive.

Although Lin Nianwei said that there was no problem, she began to be suspicious in her heart, thinking that a long time had passed, and if she didn't come back, she might have something wrong.

When Lin Nianwei ran out of patience and took out her phone——


The three of Zhou Han came back, but Zhou Qiqi looked reluctant, as if everyone owed her hundreds of millions.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I finally brought Kiki back." Miyazaki Airi said awkwardly.

"It's fine, I came back so late, I thought something was wrong." Yao Xiaorui breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at Zhou Qiqi, "Is Qiqi still angry?"

"Hmph~!" Zhou Qiqi hugged Zhou Han and twisted her face.

"Hmm..." Yao Xiaorui was hurt inside, and said with red eye circles, "Did I make you angry?"

"You don't leave my brother for a day, I do this every day." Zhou Qiqi put on a high posture and said seriously——

"Don't try to please me, take this opportunity to let me call your sister-in-law."

"It's impossible to tell you! I want to be my own sister-in-law..."


The first thousand and 160 chapters six monthly pass plus more

Be yourself a sister-in-law?

Does it still mean that?

In the end, this girl is still that virtuous.

Zhou Han covered his face, feeling very embarrassed.

"Qiqi, please speak humanly, don't do this."

"I mean you don't allow you to find me a sister-in-law! I don't need it!" Zhou Qiqi said very stubbornly.

Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Qiqi with complicated emotions, and it was useless to wonder whether this guy would admit it or not, anyway, it was a fact that she had a relationship with Zhou Han.

"We...we will treat you very well..." Yao Xiaorui said timidly.

"I don't need it! I just need my brother to treat me well!" Zhou Qiqi bared her teeth, showing an attacking posture.

"How could this be? You can treat your sister-in-law as your sister." Yao Xiaorui showed a very depressed expression.

"It's close to less, I won't take this!" Zhou Qiqi looked very cold.

Yao Xiaorui pursed her lips, and couldn't help but feel disappointed. She felt that Zhou Qiqi had a very strong opinion of her, and she didn't know why.

"It's been a long time, and it hasn't changed at all. I thought you would seriously reflect on it..." Lin Nianwei looked at Zhou Qiqi with a paralyzed face, which made people feel no kindness.

"What am I reflecting on? I'm right, it's all you vixens who want to join forces to get me!" Zhou Qiqi hugged Zhou Han and said seriously, "But it's useless! My brother loves me the most ! If you want to mess with me, first ask my brother if he agrees! Is it brother?"

"No one wants to mess with you, don't look at everyone as a bad guy." Zhou Han patted Zhou Qiqi on the back, trying to make her stop clinging to him.

"No way, these vixens who seduce you must be bad guys. Look at my brother's usual virtues, but he took the initiative to approach you. He must have a conspiracy. If something goes wrong with my brother, there must be a demon. Believe me..." Zhou Qiqi like Like a little treacherous minister, Zhou Han's harem would be set on fire with that ugly face.

"Don't call me a vixen, okay? Are we treating you well enough?" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist angrily.

"Hmph, there is also a conspiracy to please, and the motives are not pure..." Zhou Qiqi said very seriously.

"Who's motive is not pure? Will you die if you are obedient? If you continue like this, I will ignore you! I will deal with you coldly." Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"I... um!" Zhou Qiqi felt a little uncomfortable for some reason. She felt that if her brother was not at home, it would be a good choice to cling to Miyazaki Airi, but she would never admit that the fake sister is a good guy, "Ignore I don't care, who cares about you!? Washboard, bad temper, and likes to sleep with my legs..."

"You..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, thinking that she could sleep comfortably with her sandwich, and could be used as a soft pillow, "You are not the same, you are desperately arching into my arms at night, it is useless to push you away, Always look like a lack of love."

"What... what?! I don't have one!" Zhou Qiqi blushed, feeling very ashamed.

Zhou Han blushed, wondering what his two younger sisters were doing?Are you so intimate when you sleep together in private?

"It's free, whether you admit it or not, we will be your sister-in-law from now on." Lin Nianwei walked to Zhou Han's side and took his arm, "We will get married, right Xiaohan?"

Zhou Han forced a smile, thinking about getting married?The ghost knows that this is a matter of the year of the monkey?

"Go away! Lin vixen, don't suddenly take advantage of my brother!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily.

"Me...me too." Yao Xiaorui threw herself into Zhou Han's arms and said shyly, "I also want to be Qiqi's sister-in-law."

"Hey!!!" Zhou Qiqi yelled anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, "Go away! Foxes, don't rob me of my brother! I don't want my sister-in-law, so don't take advantage of me."

"What are you doing? Don't do this suddenly!"

Miyazaki Airi was a little angry, her cheeks bulged into little buns, like a hamster eating.

Unconvinced, Miyazaki Airi also threw herself into Zhou Han's arms, with her hands hanging around Zhou Han's neck, her little face immediately turned red.

"Don't fight all of a sudden, it's not fair at all, I'm obviously not ashamed to do this, you are too cunning..."

Zhou Han was carrying the weight of his wives on his back, with an embarrassed look on his face, he didn't know what to say, thinking that the sum of his wives...it's quite heavy...

"Xiaohan, in your heart, am I more important than Qiqi?" Lin Nianwei asked maliciously.

"This..." Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, wondering why this provocative smell is so familiar?Fuck!It looks like a Shura field!

"Obviously...obviously I'm more important, he can't live without me." Miyazaki Airi said unceremoniously, thinking that now is not the time to talk about sisterhood, but to seize the territory.

"I...me too, Brother Han likes obedient girls the most, right Brother Han?" Yao Xiaorui's big eyes fluttered, as if she was looking forward to Zhou Han's answer.

A few girls made a fuss, which made Zhou Han look particularly dazzling on the street, with countless eyes shining on his face.

A little bit of green among the thousands of flowers made Zhou Han look like the director of the Women's Federation.

"I..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, thinking to God, please forgive me, don't enter the Shura field at such a time, can't I love you?Don't force me to choose one, okay?I feel like this is the rhythm of death...

Zhou Qiqi was like an angry cat, yelling at them very annoyed——

"You guys are enough!"

"Stay away from my brother!"

"Take advantage of my brother in front of me?"

"Your minds are really bad!"

"Go away! Don't touch my brother..."


Several people quarreled outside for a long time, but in the end Zhou Han gave up and chose to procrastinate to escape.

Everyone had no choice but to complete today's goal and go shopping together.

As a boy, Zhou Han naturally has his own dignity and is a bit machismo, so he brought a black gold card, ready to let his wives buy and buy whatever they like, so don't be soft-hearted.

But regarding the black gold card, Zhou Han felt that it was a bit troublesome. It was not good to show it in front of his wives, and he had to use it secretly, otherwise it would be difficult to explain if it was discovered.

The three girls walked in front and chatted, while Zhou Qiqi stuck by Zhou Han's side.

The girls originally wanted to play with Zhou Qiqi, but Qiqi was stubborn and stuck to her brother, so she had no choice but to let her go.

Anyway, the mall is a public place, so Zhou Qiqi can't do anything out of the ordinary.

Zhou Qiqi looked resentful, staring at the three girls in front of her in silence, looking unfriendly, like a child who didn't receive a gift for Christmas.

As an older brother, Zhou Han would of course be aware of his sister's abnormality. He looked down at Qiqi's appearance, and after a little thought, he understood what was going on——


Kiki this girl.

If you want to play together in the past, just say so.

Why are you so stubborn, waiting for others to take the initiative?

╮( oωo )╭

The first thousand and 160 chapters and seven times

Three girls were walking in front, heading for a place where clothes were sold.

"Hey..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a moment, she seemed quite happy, "I remember this is the first time we all got together for shopping."

"It's indeed the first time to be together." Lin Nianwei nodded.

"But this is good. We haven't bought anything together yet. Between friends, we always go shopping, watch movies, eat delicious food together..." Yao Xiaorui was full of anticipation, not knowing what picture appeared in his mind up.

"Emmmm..." Miyazaki Airi felt that Yao Xiaorui was very proficient, so she asked, "Xiao Rui, do you often go out to play with girls? Just like girlfriends, you can always take photoshoots or something..."

"I often come out, and they will call me when it's holidays." Yao Xiaorui replied with a smile. Since the change, the number of people around her has gradually increased.


Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi were a little surprised, they didn't expect Yao Xiaorui to be a girl with a very fulfilling real life.

Miyazaki Airi thinks about herself, it seems that few people ask her out to play, most of the time is spent on mobile phone news.

Lin Nianwei felt that she was not fulfilled at all. During the holidays, she basically devoted herself to romance novels secretly.

"You... what kind of expression do you guys have? Don't you usually... stay at home most of the time?" Yao Xiaorui was a little surprised, feeling that Lin Nianwei suddenly didn't look like Miyazaki Airi squatting at home.

"How...how is it possible? I usually study cooking." Miyazaki Airi said nonsense.

"I'm also very busy. I usually practice the piano." Lin Nianwei doesn't know how to play the piano at all, but let's make up a lie.

The two girls will not admit that they are a bit of a nerd, if life is not as rich as Yao Xiaorui, it would be too embarrassing.

"So it's like this. You are really busy. In fact, it's not very happy to go shopping with friends all the time. I also have things I want to do, but it's hard to refuse a friend's invitation." Yao Xiaorui smiled forcedly.

"That's it..." Miyazaki Airi smiled, thinking that we can't understand your troubles at all, hey!

"However, I'm quite happy to be able to go shopping with you and brother Han." Yao Xiaorui said seriously.

"Actually, I was looking forward to it last night. For example, I asked Zhou Han to buy clothes, and he helped pay for it. It feels like a husband and wife." Miyazaki Airi blushed, and said embarrassingly, thinking that after marriage, she will be her husband Just pay, and help carry things, it is simply a very considerate existence.

"Oh!" Yao Xiaorui's eyes were full of little stars, "It sounds really good..."

"Right!" Miyazaki Airi felt that her idea was very good, and gave Zhou Han a chance to show it off. Don't normal boys have this vanity?

"But, I think it's better to pay by myself? Now is the time of dating, so it's not good to ask for things? It's somewhat unfair to let boys buy things..." Lin Nianwei expressed her opinion, seemingly not I like it so much.

"It's okay, Zhou Han is a bit machismo, sometimes you have to satisfy him." Airi Miyazaki paused, and continued, "And it's normal to give each other gifts when they're in a relationship. If he pays, it's quite It's a gift, Xiaowei, don't you want it?"

"I..." Lin Nianwei hesitated, and said awkwardly, "I didn't say I didn't want it..."

"I...I really want it." Yao Xiaorui was very straightforward. If Brother Han wanted to buy something for him, he would like it very much no matter what.

"Then it's settled." Miyazaki Airi looked back at Zhou Han and reminded, "You pay for things later..."

"Huh? Okay..." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that the opportunity has come, and he can help his wife pay the bills like a husband. Thinking about it, I'm a little excited, hehehe~

Zhou Qiqi's complexion suddenly turned ugly, and she whispered to Zhou Han, "Brother, you are not allowed to buy things for them. Our family's money is used for our own family, so your money is mine. Give it to me." Buying things is for OJBK.”

Zhou Han showed a helpless expression, thinking that my money is your money?I have a big appetite, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it.

"Don't forget about it. How can your sisters be outsiders? They will all be your sister-in-laws in the future, and none of them can escape."

Zhou Qiqi frowned, feeling that her brother was ignoring her own existence by admitting that they were sister-in-laws, so she was furious.

"They're all vixens, they're not my sister-in-law! I don't need such an eyesore as my sister-in-law. Brother, you are not allowed to find me a sister-in-law, I don't want it!"

"You girl, do you mean to let your brother be a single dog all the time?" Zhou Han had mixed feelings, thinking that Qiqi might be a fake, not his own sister at all, and other people's sisters are all for his brother Looking for a partner, my sister... If you talk too much, you will be in tears.

"Single, what's wrong with being single? If you're afraid of shame, brother, I can..."

"Shut up, shameless sister! I'm ashamed to be with you old thief!"

Before Zhou Qiqi could finish speaking, Zhou Han forcibly interrupted her.

"Brother~, you won't die if you're single, so stay single. If you have desires, you can solve them with your hands, and I can help you." Zhou Qiqi said in a coquettish tone, it seems that she still doesn't give up.

"Get out, put away your dirty sexual fantasies, you won't have a chance." Zhou Han hit Zhou Qiqi mercilessly, and was speechless towards his younger sister.

"My brother is a dog, he can fuck anyone. He loved me the most when I was a child. Whenever I was sad, he would come to comfort me. Now my mind is full of those three pussies." Zhou Qiqi said viciously, as if she was pissed off. up.

"Your words are really ugly. I don't love you the same now. Do you think I have wronged you?" Zhou Han looked down at his sister and said.

"It's just that I was wronged. I found a bunch of vixens and cuckolded me in turn." Zhou Qiqi said with a small face wrinkled.

"This is too much, you have to get along well with your sisters, don't always be awkward, brother, I will still love you, after all, you are my only real sister." Zhou Han comforted Qiqi.

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