Zhou Qiqi heard it all from the side, and felt very upset, and pulled Zhou Han's hand away vigorously.

"Want something for a couple? No! I won't allow it."

"Can you be quiet?" Zhou Han said depressingly.

"Brother, you are unfair and too partial." Zhou Qiqi pursed her mouth, always feeling that she had suffered a disadvantage.

"I'll buy it for you if you want, but the meaning is brother-sister relationship." Zhou Han said seriously, after all, the little princess in Qiqi's family should try to meet her needs as much as possible.

"I don't need it, we have the same blood, this is the proof of being a couple, right brother?" Zhou Qiqi looked serious.

"The explanation that lovers in this world will eventually become brothers and sisters is really fresh and refined." Zhou Han said with a deadpan expression.

"If Qiqi wants something, my sister can buy it for you." Yao Xiaorui said with a smile.

"Who cares about your things? Huh!" Zhou Qiqi was indignant.

"Goooh..." Yao Xiaorui was hurt in her heart, wondering if she was so unlikable?

"Okay, don't be noisy." Zhou Han's head grew bigger, and he said to Yao Xiaorui, "Let's go pick out something we like together later."

"Thank you, brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui blushed, stood on tiptoe and "chirped" Zhou Han's cheek, and then ran away shyly.


Zhou Han touched his cheek, feeling very happy.

"Vixen! You bitch!"

Zhou Qiqi was so angry that she wanted to go over to settle accounts with Yao Xiaorui, but in the end, she was held tightly in Zhou Han's arms, unable to move——

"Come here! Kiss my brother!"

"I want to fight you for [-] rounds!!!"


Chapter 170 Remuneration

Since you are shopping for girls, you must first go to a women's clothing store.

The three girls talked a lot, finally chose one, and went in together.

This store looks pretty good, and there are not many customers. As soon as a few people entered, an enthusiastic female shopping guide came up to introduce them.

Zhou Han didn't intend to go up to make do with it, this is the girl's home field in the first place.

"I'll wait for you here, you go together."

"Okay." Miyazaki Airi nodded, she wanted Zhou Han to follow her to see what she looked more beautiful in, but other girls were there too, so I'm not ashamed.

Zhou Qiqi looked around expectantly, she seemed to have some favorite clothes that she wanted to try, but now she was having a fight and didn't want to admit that she was interested in those clothes.

Zhou Han knew his sister better, so he patted Qiqi on the back.

"You go with your sisters too, what are you doing here?"

"I... I don't care about it!" Zhou Qiqi grabbed Zhou Han and put on an awkward look.

Zhou Han sighed, thinking to himself, why is this girl so hard on herself?

Seeing Zhou Qiqi's appearance, Miyazaki Airi shook her head and smiled, thinking that she is a girl after all, and it is inevitable to like beautiful clothes.

"Qiqi, come here, sister will show you some clothes to try on, you might look good in them."

"I don't! I don't need your fake sister to be courteous!" Zhou Qiqi pouted and said hostilely.

The blue veins on Miyazaki Airi's forehead twitched, and her sister had a seizure, so she really wanted to spank Zhou Qiqi's little ass.

"Come on, Qiqi, I'll pick out some autumn clothes for you, the kind that are both beautiful and warm." Yao Xiaorui waved to Zhou Qiqi.

"Go away and pull you! I don't need to dress up like you foxes and take the opportunity to seduce my brother." Zhou Qiqi's sharp words made people feel uncomfortable.

"Why...how is this... I obviously said it kindly..." Yao Xiaorui was frustrated, showing a look of grievance, and didn't dare to chat with Zhou Qiqi anymore.

"Actually, you also want to come here, right? Don't always be hypocritical." Lin Nianwei said lightly.

"I... I don't! My surname is Lin, don't tell me you know me very well." Zhou Qiqi hugged Zhou Han tightly, and said forcefully, "I want to stay here with my brother, in case you guys steal while I'm away!"

Zhou Han supported his forehead, and was made a little impatient, and now he misses the days when Qiqi didn't come back.

"Come here!" Miyazaki Airi couldn't bear it any longer, and forcibly pulled Zhou Qiqi over, "Come honestly and try on clothes, don't mess around, if you don't obey, I'll spank your ass..."

"Brother! Brother! Hurry up and save me! This fake sister is going to hit me, blah blah..." Zhou Qiqi was crying, feeling that it would be no good for her to fall into Miyazaki Airi's hands, and she still feels safe by clinging to her brother .

"Come on, let's buy a few, and let your sister Aili help you choose." Zhou Han stood beside Miyazaki Ari, thinking that this little ancestor is not sticking to him like a dog's skin plaster, and finally he can relax. out of breath.

"Brother! You traitor, you bastard who sold your sister!"

Even though Zhou Qiqi cried for her father and mother, she was still pulled away by Miyazaki Airi.

Zhou Han felt relaxed and refreshed, thinking that he would educate Kiki if he had the opportunity, so he was so clinging to himself that he didn't have any personal space.

A few girls in the distance started shopping. Because of their different preferences, they each went to different places. Only Miyazaki Airi was like a big sister, pulling the angry Zhou Qiqi around.

Yao Xiaorui picked up a piece of clothing, and asked the shopping guide in the back full of joy, followed by a disappointed expression.

This situation Zhou Han knew at a glance, it must be a bit expensive, Yao Xiaorui was afraid of burdening Zhou Han, so he was not willing to buy it.

Zhou Han frowned, thinking that this is not good, he is timid, and he is not very happy to go shopping.

"Xiao Yi, can the black gold card make them cheaper?"

"I don't need a black gold card. To be honest, I bought shares in this shopping mall. Although I am not the largest shareholder, I still have some privileges." Elizabeth responded lightly.

"Really? What did you buy in private?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"Many, messy, I have some shares in condom companies." Elizabeth responded with a smile.

"Uh..." Zhou Han was speechless, wondering what all this was?

"You stay here, I'll contact the person in charge of the shopping center." Elizabeth said forcefully.

Zhou Han felt a little relieved, and waited patiently on the spot for a while.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, sweating profusely, entered the women's clothing store, probably running over in a hurry.

As soon as the uncle entered the door, there was a female shopping guide calling for the manager. He nodded and looked around, who did he seem to be looking for?

It turned out that Zhou Han was the only man in the store besides himself, so the uncle tentatively called, "Zhou...Mr. Zhou?"

"Well, it's me." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, wondering what Elizabeth did?Make people so anxious.

Hearing Zhou Han's response, the uncle immediately became astonished. Just now on the phone, the female secretary of the second shareholder said that he had something to do, so he asked himself to come over quickly. Since he is a new shareholder who has more say rushed over.

But I didn't expect that the second shareholder was so young, and the secretary of the other party always called him Mr. Zhou, and he felt that he would be very old. When we met... Isn't this a fucking high school student?Why are rich people getting younger and younger now?Where did the rich second generation come from?All kinds of questions immediately came to mind.

"Cough!" The uncle put away his astonishment, and hurried forward to stretch out his hand, "Hello, Mr. Zhou, your secretary said on the phone that he had something to ask for me, but I didn't expect you to be so young, so I was shocked."

"Secretary?" Zhou Han shook hands with the other party blankly, wondering if he was talking about Elizabeth?Unexpectedly, she usually said that she was a secretary, "Yes, yes, secretary."

"Oh, my name is Luo, and I'm the manager of the shopping center."

"Hello, hello." Zhou Han smiled, thinking to himself, I'm not very good at socializing.

"I heard from your secretary that you have something to do?" Manager Luo asked straight to the point.

"I wonder if the clothes in your store can be cheaper? Of course, I'm not trying to make you really cheap. I will secretly replenish you with the money you make." Zhou Han glanced at Miyazaki Airi and the others, and said in a low voice, "Then A few of them are my friends, and they think the clothes are a bit expensive and they are reluctant to buy them, Manager Luo, can you help me?"

Manager Luo saw that it was a few girls, and thought to himself, what kind of friends are they all girlfriends?Sure enough, whose family's playboy knows how to talk to so many girlfriends at such a young age.

"I understand, low-key, right? Let us help you put on a show, that's what you mean, right?"

"Yes." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that this uncle is very good.

"Leave it to me." Manager Luo responded, immediately called all the female shopping guides over, and explained a few words.

Immediately, a clerk locked the door of the store, leaving only Zhou Han and his party behind, making the place a private place, then took out the loudspeaker and said loudly——

"Congratulations to all of you who have been selected as lucky customers by our store."

"The boss decided to make a big reward on the spot, and he vomited blood for a big sale!"

"From now on, all clothing in this store will be sold at [-]% off!"

The first thousand and 170 chapters of the store

Zhou Han was a little dazed when he heard it, thinking that it could still be like this?

Manager Luo finished his explanation and came directly over.

"Mr. Zhou, are you satisfied with this?"

"Satisfied, thank you Manager Luo, I will pay back the money later." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that as long as the girls can buy what they like, it will be fine, but is the privilege useful?convenient!

"That's okay, you're too polite, it's just a few clothes, just do me a favor and make a friend. If you need any help in the shopping mall in the future, just come to me directly. This is my business card." Manager Luo spoke very politely and handed out the business card from his arms.

"Then...well then..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, and took the business card.

"If there is nothing else, I will go to work first. If you need help with anything in the shopping mall, just call me and I will call someone down to help you immediately." Manager Luo said seriously.

Zhou Han socialized a few words, and Manager Luo left.

Zhou Han heaved a sigh of relief, seeing a few girls chattering together, he couldn't help being a little funny, thinking that he was so lucky all of a sudden, doesn't it look fake?But then they can have fun...

"Do you feel that power is very exciting? It goes smoothly everywhere." Elizabeth couldn't help but tease.

"It's okay. By the way, is the secretary you?" Zhou Han asked.

"Who am I? I can only call as a secretary, otherwise it will be regarded as a harassment call." Elizabeth said in a helpless tone.

Zhou Han blushed, and thought to himself——

Xiao Yi...it seems that it is not easy...

A few girls gathered together and chatted about the lucky customer in a surprised tone.

Miyazaki Airi was a little taken aback, "Hey! Did you hear that? We are lucky customers, [-]% off the entire site!?"

"[-]% off!? Isn't that very cheap, I could only buy two pieces, but now I can buy four pieces, saving a lot of money..." Yao Xiaorui blushed excitedly.

"This...was too sudden. I paid a guest out of nowhere. Would it be a scam? It's not an anniversary or a special holiday. Although it's the National Day holiday, the previous guests didn't get any discounts, and..." Lin Nianwei Looking at the gate, "The gate is locked and no one else is allowed in. What's going on? It's so strange..."

"This..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated, feeling a little weird.

"Huh, the vixen surnamed Lin is suspicious. He is suspicious of others even after he has gained benefits, so he has a very bad mind~" Zhou Qiqi suddenly complained, probably to piss off Lin Nianwei.

Qiqi is now being held by Miyazaki Airi, so she can't go there. Although she is a little disgusted, she really wants to buy new clothes.

And being held by Miyazaki Airi is better than others, after all, this fake sister is also her real sister in name.

Zhou Qiqi will never admit that she still has a good impression of Miyazaki Airi, and after so many days of careful care, there will always be some vague feelings.

"I'm afraid that everyone will get involved in trouble. Do you think there will be pies in the sky?" Lin Nianwei said to Zhou Qiqi, and being said to be suspicious made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Why not? Are you lucky?" Zhou Qiqi pursed her lips, raising an argument very dissatisfied.

Lin Nianwei turned her head away, she didn't want to argue with Zhou Qiqi, it was completely pointless.

Miyazaki Airi thought about it, and decided to ask Zhou Han. Just now, she saw an uncle chatting happily with him, "Come here, come here..."

Zhou Han came back to his senses, walked over, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why don't you buy clothes?"

"Is this a scam? Is it too sudden?" Miyazaki Airi narrowed her eyes and asked.

"Yeah, Brother Han, it's [-]% off all of a sudden, it's not bad for the normal shelves, and these clothes haven't been eliminated, are they all new styles?" Yao Xiaorui was also a little skeptical, and was happy to patronize just now.

"Don't worry, it's true, I won't lie to you." Zhou Han was very helpless in his heart, did he do something too much?Make it too enthusiastic and make the girls unhappy.

"Why are you so sure? I always feel that something is wrong, as if there is a deliberate activity, Xiaohan, don't you think?" Lin Nianwei asked seriously.

"This..." Zhou Han's forehead slipped a few black lines, thinking that Xiaowei was too stubborn, and because of this, he never had a chance to be considerate of her.

"Brother, did you see it?" Zhou Qiqi pulled Zhou Han's sleeve vigorously, provoking discord, "These vixens are too suspicious, they are peaceful on the surface but secretly intrigue, sooner or later they will start a war, and you will never have peace. So...let's break up~"

"Be honest." Miyazaki Airi tapped Zhou Qiqi on the forehead.

"Huh!? You hit me again?" Zhou Qiqi gave Miyazaki Airi a dissatisfied look, and then said to Zhou Han aggrievedly, "Look, brother, you don't care if the fake sister hits me!"

"Don't make trouble with Kiki." Zhou Han patted his younger sister's head, telling her to be quiet, "It won't be a problem, the middle-aged uncle just now is the manager of the shopping center, he said it was an event, so don't think too much about it. "

Several girls looked at each other, thinking that since the person in charge of the shopping center said that there was no problem, it might be all right.

So the girls started shopping for more than two hours, pulling Zhou Han to look at this and that, trying on clothes one by one.

As a boy, Zhou Han doesn't quite understand girls' dressing tastes, so it's hard to give advice. He thinks they all look good, but the girls always shake their heads, and both parties must be satisfied.

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