The embarrassing thing is that including my sister and four girls, each of them has to try on more than a dozen clothes back and forth, and it is almost a problem every time——

"Xiao Han/Brother Han/Brother/Ah, does this dress look good? Does it suit me? Do you like it?"

Oh my God!Don't ask me any more, I'm not a magic mirror, I can't tell...

At first Zhou Han could say something, but later he was completely speechless. If a question was asked more than 50 times in a row, everyone would collapse.

Now Zhou Han understands that so many boys are annoyed to go shopping with girls, because of the ink stains, they are hesitant to make up their minds, wasting time in vain.

Qiqi was dragged by Miyazaki Airi to buy clothes, her expression was as uncomfortable as if she had eaten a fly, because she wanted Zhou Han to help her choose clothes, but it turned out that her fake sister helped her choose, so she might as well do it herself.

Zhou Qiqi chose a few pieces by herself, but was dismissed by Miyazaki Airi on the grounds that they were not cute enough.

Miyazaki Airi picked out a few pieces for Zhou Qiqi, almost all of which were pink. She cared about her little sister, like buying clothes for a doll, and she had to consider each piece carefully.

Finally, Zhou Qiqi put on new clothes, looked in the mirror and said——

"Although she's just a fake sister, she's pretty good at picking out clothes. Let me give you a compliment~"

"Tell me thank you, sister, don't act righteous." Miyazaki Airi's eyebrows trembled, a little angry.

After the girls' purchases were over, Zhou Han secretly paid the bill with the black gold card according to the international practice, and then helped to carry the things. His hands were not enough, and his neck was still there.

Because of the [-]% discount, the girls bought a lot of things, which made Zhou Han very depressed.

Originally, Zhou Han thought that everything was over, but shopping is easy for girls to be addicted to.

As a result, the girls pulled Zhou Han while the iron was hot, and came to the most embarrassing place for the boys——

Lingerie superstore!

The first thousand and 170 chapter two monthly pass plus more

Zhou Han stood there in embarrassment, in front of him was a lingerie store.

His body was stiff, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, it was difficult to move a step, and there was embarrassing cold sweat on his forehead.

Hey Hey hey!Is there a mistake?

Don't let me in here?

How embarrassing for a man like me to go in!

Zhou Han swallowed nervously. Although it wasn't the first time he entered a lingerie store, he was still a bit hesitant to go in with a few girls. It's fine to accompany him with normal clothes, but too tempting.

It's not that Zhou Han is prudish now, it's because I'm too embarrassed to go in together for the sake of face. It's okay for a girl to say, what the hell is a group?

Miyazaki Airi held Zhou Qiqi's hand. After a long time, she got used to the feeling of Qiqi being around.

As for Zhou Qiqi, she is much quieter now, as if she has adapted to Miyazaki Airi, and she doesn't make any noise casually.

It's just that when other people approach, Zhou Qiqi will show full hostility. For example, when Yao Xiaorui wants to chat with her, she will swear at each other, which makes Yao Xiaorui feel hurt.

It seems that no one is better at taking care of people than Miyazaki Airi, and Zhou Qiqi got used to it in a few days.

Miyazaki Airi saw Zhou Han standing in the back, not understanding, her face was very ugly, and she was obviously resisting.

"What's the matter with you? Come on, accompany us to buy some underwear."

"This..." Zhou Han paused, hesitantly said, "Isn't it too good?"

"What's wrong?"

Miyazaki Airi thinks it's nothing, after all, the two are already in that kind of relationship, there is no secret at all, why are you afraid of buying underwear together?

What's more, it's either Zhou Han's sister or girlfriend present, so close, it seems that they don't feel too ashamed.

But if it was someone else, maybe Zhou Han didn't need to remind her, the girls themselves would resist it.

"Don't let me follow you when you buy underwear, don't you feel very embarrassed? I'll wait for you at the door." Zhou Han's eyes wandered, it's not worth looking at.

"No! Come here, what are you afraid of at this time? What's so embarrassing about buying underwear? Are underwear shameful?" Miyazaki Airi said dissatisfiedly pinching her waist.

"That's not true..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, thinking to himself, I don't want to wander around in women's underwear, and I will be regarded as a pervert wherever I look!

"Brother, come together, help me pick out some underwear and see what kind you like?" Zhou Qiqi waved at Zhou Han, she was not polite at all, unlike other girls, she was a little reserved.

"Are you sick, girl? You can buy whatever you like, why don't you ask me?" Zhou Han's face darkened, and he felt that his sister was too speechless, and he had to buy underwear by himself. pick.

"I will only wear the style you like. What's the point of me wearing underwear you don't like? Come on, brother idiot!" Zhou Qiqi pouted angrily, as if she was disgusted with Zhou Han's incomprehensible style.

"Damn it! Don't pull me when you buy your underwear, as if I will definitely look at your underwear! Underwear is not for me!" Zhou Han frowned, almost confused by his sister's anger , thinking that Qiqi is really outspoken, she dares to say anything.

"If my brother doesn't read it, what's the point of me wearing underwear? Could it be to prevent my breasts from sagging!" Zhou Qiqi was so open-minded that it made several girls blush.

"Fuck you! You bastard sister, do you wear underwear just to show me!? Give me a little bit of moderation! I beg you, brother, please be ashamed, okay?! Underwear is not for others Just look at it casually, even if you are a brother! Do you think it was when you were a child!? How old are you now, please act like a normal person!" Zhou Han complained frantically, wishing to cry and beg Qiqi, thinking to himself Did my younger sister receive the wrong family education?

"Yes! That's right, I bought underwear just to show my brother, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of money? Look at the fancy designs of underwear, isn't it just for people to see? If you don't show it to others , wouldn’t it be enough to stretch the loincloth?” Zhou Qiqi said with a serious face, as if she had discovered a world-class secret.

"Shut up! You shameless sister! I don't want to hear your nonsense!" Zhou Han felt ashamed as Qiqi's brother.

"Who is talking nonsense? If you don't believe me, ask this group of vixens. Who are they going to buy underwear for? Brother, you are a little tricky!" Zhou Qiqi pointed at the three girls next to her angrily.

"No... no way..." Zhou Han looked at them in embarrassment.

Two blushes floated on Lin Nianwei's face, she looked away, pretending she didn't know anything.

"I...I also want Brother Han to help me choose underwear. If I wear underwear that Brother Han doesn't like, maybe Brother Han will lose interest in me, huh~" Yao Xiaorui was quite frank, so he simply said Admit it, let Zhou Han help me choose underwear, I feel very excited when I think about it, if I can't help but lift my skirt or something, wouldn't it be better?

"I...I don't want you to help me choose underwear,'s just what I usually wear, who knows if you like it or not..." Miyazaki Airi muttered, and in the end she was too embarrassed, so With a blushing face, he said indiscriminately, "I... I didn't want to buy underwear based on your preferences! Don't misunderstand me, huh~!"

"Tch! Tsundere, in fact, I'm expecting to die. I want to kill my brother with sexy underwear, so I can't walk, and I'm more and more obsessed with you, right?" Zhou Qiqi looked at Miyazaki Airi angrily, and said angrily , "It really is a vixen, I will not let you get what you want, I will buy sexy underwear in a while, let my brother stick to me!"

There were a few black lines on Zhou Han's forehead. If Zhou Qiqi dared to wear sexy lingerie, I would definitely open her ass. If you are young, you will not learn well. It is useless to think about it, but if wives wear sexy lingerie, I will not Stop it, but it's super hi-sen.

"I... I didn't think that way!" Miyazaki Airi puffed up her cheeks angrily, "And you are not allowed to wear sexy underwear, how old are you thinking about such nasty things?"

"Hmph, if you want, I just want to wear it~!" Zhou Qiqi twisted her small mouth.

"Be honest with me, I don't allow you to wear messy things!" Miyazaki Airi picked up Zhou Qiqi's small face, looking very worried.

Zhou Han watched for a long time and kept silent, but he also knew what the girls meant.

Looking at the current situation, [-]% of the time I have to help choose underwear by myself, and I choose according to my own preferences.

But the problem is, my own preferences are——

The transparent tulle-like underwear reveals the secret forest inside.

Such a perverted preference... Will I be beaten if I say it out?


The first thousand and 170 chapters three addiction

Looking at the appearance of the girls, Zhou Han basically understood why.

"What? You can let me in, but don't mess around, or tease me, buy underwear or something together, I'm still a little nervous."

"Why are you nervous? It's not that you did something bad, it's just buying underwear. Where do you feel so guilty?" Airi Miyazaki pinched her waist and asked dissatisfied, thinking that buying underwear together, normal boys should be super happy Well?

"I'm a little embarrassed that you two bought it together. If you still want to ask me for an opinion, it's not convenient for me to say so." Zhou Han was actually worried about this. If he said the wrong thing, it would easily cause a chain reaction.

"Did you do something sorry for us? So you have a ghost in your heart?" Miyazaki Airi narrowed her eyes.

"Where are you thinking? You began to suspect that I had done something bad for no reason..." Zhou Han showed a helpless look.

"Can't we go shopping together? Girls can also refer to each other's opinions, and by the way... I will combine your opinions by the way." Lin Nianwei said evasively.

"Huh!" Zhou Qiqi showed a clear expression, and said unceremoniously, "The vixen surnamed Lin just wants to wear the underwear that my brother likes, and then take the opportunity to do something embarrassing, super sexy~"

"No... no way..." Yao Xiaorui blushed, thinking that she was still wearing white silk suspenders, and had made out with Zhou Han in the dressing room, and it seemed that the effect was not bad. It seems that boys prefer that kind of suspenders Sexy underwear.

"Stop framing me, I'm not that open yet, don't graft your dirty thoughts onto me, okay?" Lin Nianwei's tone was a little angry.

"I got it right, and you're angry, Keke~" Zhou Qiqi covered her mouth with a smirk.

"Okay, okay, let's go together."

Zhou Han smiled wryly. In fact, he really wanted to buy with him one by one, so that he could really express some opinions. For example, Xiao Wei wore purple underwear, which looked very sexy. It's best, Airi's best underwear is a little transparent, to bring out the advantages of the white tiger, and the blood of the people who watch it is boiling.

As for Qiqi, children's money is fine, don't be fancy, just be reserved.

However, these suggestions all involve my own hobbies, and I am really embarrassed to say that when everyone is together.

I can only go in first, take a step and take a look...

Zhou Han can be regarded as someone who has been in and out of underwear stores for a long time, but every time he comes in, he still feels very embarrassed and a little excited, because he can imagine what his wives look like in them. If his imagination is stronger, he will It's all a bit bang bang.

For example, the tulle-like underwear in the distance, the purple rose pattern, and the tight panties, if Xiao Wei is willing to wear them, they will definitely be very fucking tempting.

No matter who can hold it back, anyway, Zhou Han feels that he can't help it, and he will definitely throw Lin Nianwei down, it's so sexy...

"What are you looking at?" Lin Nianwei seemed to sense the gaze, and looked at the underwear on the counter in surprise, "Do you like this?"

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, I'm just looking around, don't think about it." Zhou Han blushed, and hurriedly explained, it was embarrassing in his heart, and Xiaowei's words were too straightforward, so she made me fool shy...

Lin Nianwei had a strange expression, seeing Zhou Han's flustered appearance, he felt something was wrong with him, could it be that he really liked that underwear?It's just that I am young and not suitable for such a mature style.

"Eh?!" Yao Xiaorui immediately became interested, thinking that Zhou Han would have favorite underwear as soon as he entered the door. This must be known, so that it can be used as a reference. "Where, what underwear does brother Han like? Is it particularly revealing, especially The perverted kind?"

"No, Xiaorui, calm down." Zhou Han waved his hands again and again, thinking that God is exposed and perverted?Who am I in Xiaorui's eyes?

"Tell me, I want to know what type of brother Han likes, I will rely on your preferences." Yao Xiaorui said frankly.

"No, no, no, I just looked around randomly. I'm a boy and I rarely come here, so I'm more curious, you know." Zhou Han said awkwardly, using lame reasons to cover up his flirting just now.

"Don't look at random, come with us, pay attention to your image, if your eyes are not honest, you will be regarded as a pervert." Miyazaki Airi muttered dissatisfiedly, worried about being misunderstood or something, think about it There are perverts who like to look at women's underwear, so Zhou Han must put an end to this kind of thing.

Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Han's messy look was a bit confusing. Although these underwear looked good on fake models, they definitely didn't look good on real people, right?I don't understand why this guy was inexplicably excited after he came in?

The naive Miyazaki Airi has no idea how powerful the boy's imagination is when he has sexual delusions.

"Also...that's right...haha..." Zhou Han laughed dryly, thinking that if he stared at his underwear, he would have such a misunderstanding?Fuck, what am I here for?Might as well go out.

"But... But if you... If you have any suggestions, remember to say it, if you don't say it, we won't know..." Miyazaki Airi murmured in a low voice, not ashamed to say it too bluntly, It's very tactful, I just want Zhou Han to remember to mention if he has any special hobbies, otherwise there is nothing he can do if he is not satisfied.

"What?!" Zhou Han didn't hear clearly.

"'s nothing! Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi blushed and immediately changed her words.

"Si Tiaojiao said, do you like transparent ones, or lace ones, or ones with a little fun, or bare buttocks, in short, you have to say what you like, otherwise you won't have a chance to regret it after buying it, it's really fake Sister..." Zhou Qiqi helped to translate in a very rude way, seeing Miyazaki Airi's arrogant look, Qiqi was a little upset, she didn't say what she had to say, and had to let people guess?

"Yeah~" Yao Xiaorui covered her blushing face, feeling that it was too straightforward, she was always embarrassed to ask, but Miyazaki Airi actually asked directly.

"Aili, are quite bold." Lin Nianwei gave a comment with an unnatural expression.

"'s not like that." Miyazaki Airi's face was burning red, although she meant that, but Kiki translated it unexpectedly, so she hit Kiki's head hard, "Don't you Just talk nonsense, I don't mean that, I'm not a slut at all, I'm your sister, show me some respect!"

"Brother, the fake sister hit me again. She has hit me several times today, and she will still have it in the future? She will lynch me sooner or later, err..." Zhou Qiqi stopped holding Miyazaki Airi's hand, and covered her forehead He ran to find his brother to cover himself.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt." Zhou Han helplessly touched Zhou Qiqi's head, comforted her a little, then looked at Miyazaki Airi in embarrassment——

Airi, this dead girl?

Don't say strange things in front of Kiki.

Qiqi is an old driver, she knows everything.

This is great, the image of my sister that was so hard to create collapsed in an instant, right?

(oωo )

The first thousand and 170 chapter four socks

Miyazaki Airi moved closer to Zhou Han and said seriously.

"I didn't say anything strange just now, and I didn't mean that!"

"Yes, that's right." Zhou Han nodded, trying to calm down Miyazaki Airi, but this sudden explanation, no matter how you look at it, feels like there is no silver 300 taels here.

"Come on, that's what you mean, you want to find out what my brother likes, and then prescribe the right medicine..." Zhou Qiqi hugged Zhou Han, pouted her head and sneered.

"I... I don't, you just like to pour dirty water on others!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, her face was a little red, although she didn't admit it, but she thought in her heart that cohabitation always needs some flair.

"Hmph, you're just... Mmmmm!"

"Qiqi, don't say a few words, you will start a war again later, please be quiet."

Zhou Qiqi wanted to continue provoking a few words, but Zhou Han didn't give it a chance.

Zhou Han doesn't want the girls to quarrel here again, it's too embarrassing for people to come and go.

Zhou Qiqi pulled Zhou Han's hand away, "Hmph! Brother with partial eyes."

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, and said in a low voice, "You girl has no conscience. I loved you so much since I was a child, and now you will bite your brother and me back."

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