Zhou Qiqi hugged her chest and became angrily silent.

"I didn't ask questions about sex... sexual fetishes, don't frame me." Miyazaki Airi emphasized again worriedly.

"I understand, Airi, calm down." Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, thinking that the more he explained, the more he seemed to be covering it up.

Miyazaki Airi looked away angrily, for fear of being misunderstood by others, it was too embarrassing.

"Tch!" Zhou Qiqi put on a look of disdain, and said casually, "Isn't it just my brother's sexual addiction? Then it is obvious that you have to go through such troublesome inquiries. Anyone with a little IQ can see that it is necessary to go to such a great effort. Side-by-side?"

"Could it be that Qiqi knows?" Yao Xiaorui asked enthusiastically.

"Of course I know. As my own sister, wouldn't it be a great dereliction of duty if I didn't know about my brother's sexual fetish?" Zhou Qiqi put on an appearance of someone who had experienced it.

"Damn it, don't force me indiscriminately, be careful I'll spank your ass." Zhou Han frowned, and couldn't help threatening, wondering what this girl would say when her head twitched.

"What is it?" Yao Xiaorui looked expectant.

Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei didn't care on the surface, but they had already pricked up their ears.

"Sister, you have to think clearly. My fist...is as big as a sandbag. For your safety, don't talk nonsense..." Zhou Han threatened without any politeness, feeling that Qiqi could really tell why. Come.

"Emmmm..." Zhou Qiqi hesitated for a moment, and said lightly, "My brother...is a serious orthopedic surgeon, but he likes underwear worn by his own sister. It's useless for you foxes to show off like this. In the end, it will become my stepping stone anyway, quickly accept the reality, if it’s not my sister’s underwear, my brother won’t even be able to get hard!”

"What nonsense are you talking about? Please don't do that, my father will break my leg." Zhou Han was in a complicated mood. Although he knew that Qiqi would talk nonsense, he was still a little stimulated.

Zhou Qiqi ignored her brother, but said triumphantly, "Now do you know about my brother's sexual fetish? So try your best, as long as you know that my brother is mine in the end."

"Although I don't know why, I feel a little unhappy." Yao Xiaorui said in an aggrieved tone.

"I just sharpened my kitchen knife last night..." Lin Nianwei said lightly.

"I suddenly want to hit my sister..." Miyazaki Airi silently rolled up her sleeves.

"You... what do you want to do? Rebel?" Zhou Qiqi trembled.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Zhou Han pulled Qiqi aside, no matter what, his sister still hurts, "She's still a child."

"You little brat breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people." Lin Nianwei was still very angry.

"Don't do this, Qiqi was just joking, how is it possible, you all know that she likes YY, it's all delusional, haha." Zhou Han protected Qiqi and helped to explain.

"Brother, they are so scary, shall we go home?" Zhou Qiqi saw the wind and hugged Zhou Han.

"We...we're not scary at all." Yao Xiaorui timidly retorted, looked at Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei next to each other, each of them had more resentment than the other, their faces were ugly, and suddenly said awkwardly, "Big... probably ..."

"What home? We still have to buy something." Zhou Han said nervously, feeling that Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei lost their temper together, and he couldn't hold it back.

"But brother, look quickly, these two vixens are fierce and want to beat me." Zhou Qiqi said maliciously.

"Don't talk nonsense, Airi is your older sister, why would she hit you? Xiaowei, you are a childhood friend and a part-time big sister, so I wouldn't hit you either." Zhou Han tried to get closer and let the two calm down. .

"I want to touch your head." Miyazaki Airi said with a dark face.

"I'm going to grab your face." Lin Nianwei said with a dark face.

"Uh..." Zhou Han was stunned, thinking that he was going to say it lightly, there would be no other meaning, right?

"Listen, bro, the fake sister is going to blow my head off, and the vixen surnamed Lin is going to pinch and swell my face." Zhou Qiqi understood the meaning better.

"Uh, this..." Zhou Han forced a laugh, and explained, "Xiaowei, Aili, you two, don't make trouble, this guy is addicted to brother YY."

"Although I know it, I just feel uncomfortable for no reason." Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"Hmph, you're not satisfied with my answer, so I'll answer my brother's sexual fetish again." Zhou Qiqi paused, and said without hesitation, "My brother liked big sisters when he was young, especially big sisters who wore silk stockings." Sister, as far as his possessions are concerned, the plots are almost the same, so you can try to figure it out for yourself."

Zhou Han's face turned dark, and he shook Qiqi violently when he lifted it up. This little ancestor was about to die of anger, "What are you talking about?!"

"Brother who can't face his own sexual fantasies, I look down on you." Zhou Qiqi said with a serious face.

When the three girls heard it, they immediately seemed to know some secrets, or eyebrows, and gathered together to secretly discuss——

Miyazaki Airi: "Stockings, does he actually like this kind of thing?"

Lin Nianwei: "Aren't they just ordinary socks? Why did Xiao Han become so persistent? I feel a little perverted."

Miyazaki Airi: "I also feel very embarrassed, what should I call the socks of girls who like them? Is it a sock fetish? It's so strange!"

Lin Nianwei: "It seems that Xiaohan is usually slow and serious, but I didn't expect her to be like this in private."

Miyazaki Airi: "I didn't notice it usually, so he likes socks?"

Yao Xiaorui: "No...don't jump to conclusions, maybe brother Han thinks girls wearing stockings are sexy? It's just...it's full of temptation."

Miyazaki Airi: "Eh!? Is it like this? Boys think so? But I think socks are just for keeping warm, and they have nothing to do with sexiness."

Lin Nianwei: "Boys think differently, maybe this is a boy?"

Zhou Han held up Qiqi with an innocent face, showing a loveless expression, thinking——

It's over.

What are these girls discussing?

Are you talking about me being a pervert?

The topic could no longer be controlled, and it went in a strange direction...


The first thousand 170 chapter five monthly pass plus more

Miyazaki Airi: "No, no, I don't understand, the inevitable connection between socks and sexy."

Yao Xiaorui: "There must be a connection, for example... For example, it can increase excitement or something."

Miyazaki Airi: "No... no, it's just a pair of socks, but it can actually increase the excitement?"

Yao Xiaorui: "It's true. I remember a long time ago, when I was wearing a white silk sling, Brother Han rushed over directly, which shocked me."

Miyazaki Airi: "Huh?! There is such a thing!?"

Yao Xiaorui: "It's been a long time."

Lin Nianwei: "Speaking of which, when Xiaohan was injured, she seemed a little excited that night in the hospital."

Miyazaki Airi: "Huh?! No way? This is too embarrassing!"

Lin Nianwei: "It's true..."

Miyazaki Airi: "I seem to have had a similar experience. When wearing black silk, he always pretended to be casual and sneaked around many times."

emmmmm, the three girls fell into silence...

Then Qiqi looked at Zhou Han, his eyes seemed to see through him, making him very nervous.

"Huh!?" Zhou Han trembled, his heart became alert, huh?what's the situation?What the hell did they talk about secretly?

"That's the way you look at perverts, bro, you've won the lottery."

"Shut up, it's all your fault."

I don't know if it's because of Qiqi's nonsense, a few girls... directly ran to the place where the stockings were.

I go?

In this situation, is it really following my preferences?

Zhou Han felt a little uneasy, not disgusted, but felt that according to his own preferences, he would feel a little abnormal.

"Take a look at some stockings." Miyazaki Airi said calmly.

Zhou Han's expression became weird, and he thought to himself, what the fuck, it's true if you don't come back, the next step is which one do I like?Then the aunt on the opposite side will look at me with weird eyes, right? !

"Want to be strong, or not strong?" asked the aunt on the other side.

"Of course I want a sturdy one, why not buy a sturdy one?" Miyazaki Airi was full of question marks.

"Isn't it strong?" The aunt glanced at Zhou Han.

"What's wrong?" Miyazaki Airi frowned.

"It's too strong, can your boyfriend tear it apart?" the aunt asked tentatively.

"I...I..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, and immediately regretted coming to this store to buy things, "I want to wear normal clothes, not for other things?"

"I think you two look like a couple. I thought you were buying silk stockings to enhance the fun." The aunt said awkwardly.

Miyazaki Airi held her forehead and was speechless for a while, thinking that it was okay to be a couple, and it sounded comfortable.

Zhou Han's expression was unnatural, thinking that people often come here to buy flimsy stockings?It's easy to guess what it's going to be used for, but if you can't even tear off the stockings, what big deal can it be?

Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui were a little unhappy, Miyazaki Airi was misunderstood as a couple, obviously they were too.

"What kind of couple! Auntie and the others are brother and sister!" Zhou Qiqi couldn't help interjecting.

"Really? It doesn't look like it. You and this guy are like brothers and sisters." The aunt said bluntly.

"I..." Zhou Qiqi was like a deflated ball, "ah yes, that's right..."

Miyazaki Airi showed a bit of complacency, and felt that Auntie's speech was particularly pleasant, so she decided to buy more things.

Zhou Han took a look at this store, and felt that there were still a lot of things for sale, and most of them could be solved here.

The aunt rummaged through the stockings and took out some stockings, in all colors, black, white, purple, and pink.

"Will these work?"

Lin Nianwei picked up the pink stockings and looked at them. She was obviously very serious at ordinary times, and she seemed to be interested in this color.

Zhou Han was taken aback immediately, feeling that it was too unsuitable for Lin Nianwei, she was already in good shape, so she didn't need to be fancy.

So Zhou Han couldn't help it, sneaked up next to Lin Nianwei, and said in a low voice, "Xiaowei, don't make trouble, just change to another one."

"Huh? But I like pink, it's okay." Lin Nianwei said in a low voice.

"This color is embarrassing, it gives people the feeling of a sex worker." Zhou Han expressed his feelings, what pink and purple, it doesn't feel very serious.

Lin Nianwei blushed, silently put down the pink stockings, and asked secretly, "Then what color do you think I should wear?"

"Usually...the black knee socks that I usually wear are very good, I...I quite like them." Zhou Han blushed and confessed honestly.

"So you like this kind of thing? Finally, you're willing to say it straight." Lin Nianwei narrowed her eyes, but she didn't feel angry, but the explicit chat made her very uncomfortable.

"I like it very much. Xiaowei, your legs are quite white, showing a little bit of super good-looking. Actually... Actually, I really want to touch it." Zhou Han said frankly.

"Pervert...you..." Lin Nianwei's expression became strange.

"Isn't it too perverted? I...I'm just being honest." Zhou Han said cheekily.

"I always feel that this has already involved sexual harassment." Lin Nianwei commented.

"How can a lover be called sexual harassment? I just admit that I really like Xiaowei's cuteness, um, I like it very much." Zhou Han admitted with a cheeky face, and hoped that Lin Nianwei would stop buying pink stockings, because they are not very good-looking, for the sake of his wife. Beautiful, he felt the need to interfere.

"Okay, I understand." Lin Nianwei nodded and chatted secretly, making her face blush.

Yao Xiaorui silently picked up the black stockings, wondering if she should try a different style?Maybe black is better than white.

Seeing that the opportunity was rare, Zhou Han sneaked behind Yao Xiaorui and said furtively, "Xiaorui Xiaorui, I suggest you try the white one in the middle, it suits you very well."

"Eh?" Yao Xiaorui was stunned, and whispered in surprise, "But I always wear white, wouldn't it be good to change it?"

"No, Xiaorui, you are especially suitable for white socks, and that pair is different, it looks like the thinner kind, and it will reveal a trace of flesh color when you put it on, which is great." Zhou Han said clearly, like an expert Same.

"Brother Han, do you like me to wear this kind of white silk that reveals the flesh color?" Yao Xiaorui asked tentatively, feeling a little turbulent in his heart. If Zhou Han likes it, then it's fine to wear it by himself.

"I like it. You look very cute in white. I'm telling the truth. It's really cute to me, and it's great to show a light flesh color." Zhou Han gave a suggestion.

"Then if I put it on, will Brother Han push me down in excitement?" Yao Xiaorui asked seriously.

"I..." Zhou Han was embarrassed, thinking how could he know?I was just expressing my opinion, I didn't think too much about it.

"Since brother Han likes it, I'll buy it, hehe..." Yao Xiaorui looked satisfied.

Zhou Han breathed a sigh of relief and returned to Miyazaki Airi, pretending that nothing happened.

Zhou Qiqi couldn't hold back, pointed to the socks on top, and asked bluntly, "Brother, help me choose one too."

"No problem~" Zhou Han touched Qiqi's head, and said to the store——

"Auntie, please bring me a pair of long johns for my sister."

( ° °)


If I don't like daily life, I will cut this daily scene, and it will end as soon as possible.

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