The first thousand and 170 chapters six happy

Busy day.

Today's shopping is also over.

Zhou Han sent the girls home.

Since Lin Nianwei was very close to the shopping mall, she was the first one to go home.

My home is a little closer than Yao Xiaorui's home, so Miyazaki Airi forced Zhou Qiqi out of the car and asked Zhou Han to send Yao Xiaorui home before returning by himself.

When Zhou Qiqi was about to leave, she was crying, she was unwilling to leave Zhou Han even after saying nothing, and made a fuss in the car, embarrassing the driver.

Fortunately, Miyazaki Airi was stronger, coaxing, tricking and threatening, she got Zhou Qiqi out of the car.

The reason why Zhou Qiqi didn't want to get out of the car was because she was worried. Zhou Han and Yao Xiaorui were originally lovers.

Moreover, Yao Xiaorui is different from other vixens, she is too aggressive and proactive, wishing to eat her brother directly, wishing for some ambiguous things to happen, it is easy to spark sparks.

Asking Zhou Han to send Yao Xiaorui off, no matter how you think about it, something will happen, at least he will make out with her, if it is serious, it will be... unimaginable?

But before Zhou Qiqi left, she still viciously told Zhou Han——

"Brother, if you don't come back for more than half an hour, I'll send the house on fire!"

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, he really didn't know why Zhou Qiqi was going crazy, did she look like someone with such poor concentration?And it was just sent back downstairs, and he had no intention of going upstairs with him.

However, the half-hour card is very accurate, and the intimacy is a little too late.

Yao Xiaorui was a little agitated, feeling that Zhou Han hadn't seen her off for a long time, and suddenly she had a chance to be alone, which made her a little frivolous.

After arriving at the community, Zhou Han and Yao Xiaorui got off the car.

Zhou Han planned to send Yao Xiaorui downstairs before leaving, so he stayed with her.

"I didn't have a chance to ask just now, how are you doing?"

"It's pretty good. Sister Su asked me to be the secretary of the student union and taught me a lot." Yao Xiaorui replied enthusiastically, seemingly full of interest in new things.

"Really? Do you feel happy?" Zhou Han smiled, thinking that Miss Su really fulfilled the promise well.

"Well, I'm very happy. Sister Su is very kind to me, and everyone else is too. It's just that the work is a little more complicated. I'm not very skilled yet, but I quite like being in the student union, and my life has become much more fulfilling." Yao Xiaorui was a little excited Tone said.

"It's fine if you like it. If there's anything that doesn't go your way, please tell me." Zhou Han said seriously, feeling that Xiaorui has a weaker personality than other girls, and she is afraid that she will be bullied.

"What doesn't go well..." Yao Xiaorui hesitated to speak.

"Eh?! Is there something that doesn't go your way? Tell me, maybe I can help?" Zhou Han hurriedly asked, wondering if someone really bullied Xiaorui?If there is, I have to blow that person's dog's head off.

"I feel that brother Han may not be able to help..." Yao Xiaorui seemed a little worried.

"How is it possible?! Tell me, don't worry." Zhou Han thought to himself, could it be that the other party is a guy with a good background?

"That's...that's..." Yao Xiaorui poked around with two fingers, and said nervously, "It's just that Senior Su's behavior is sometimes weird..."

"How to say?" Zhou Han's heart skipped a beat, he had a bad premonition, it couldn't be Senior Sister Su who was gay and did something too much, right?

"It's Senior Sister Su... always close to me, sometimes close to me, blowing air into my ears, often touching my hands, and not long ago touched my legs..." Yao Xiaorui paused, embarrassed Said, "I feel that Senior Su is very strange, and she is too affectionate to me. Although I know that it is okay for girls to be intimate, it is still too strange. My intuition tells me that Senior Su does not treat me like a girl."

"Uh..." Zhou Han frowned, with an unnatural expression, thinking what the hell!Sister Su, really didn't have good intentions, but still couldn't help but start to touch Xiaorui?Stop it, shameless man!Xiaorui is your own sister!Do you also want to embark on the road of orthopedics?

"Senior Su is usually very good, but her behavior is a bit unacceptable to me. I always feel that Senior Su is deliberately taking advantage of me, and I feel a little uncomfortable. Brother Han, are you very angry and feel like being cuckolded?" Yao Xiaorui asked tentatively, her eyes were very disturbed, if Zhou Han was very disgusted, she would draw a clear line with Senior Sister Su in the future.

"No, no, no, I'm not that sensitive yet..." Zhou Han shook his head, thinking that he didn't have to be angry. Thinking about the sisters Su Xiaojin and Yao Xiaoruishu, it doesn't matter if they get closer, and I can't control it at all.

"But... I feel weird. Obviously, my body and mind belong to brother Han. Even if I was touched by a girl, I feel disgusted and uncomfortable." Yao Xiaorui said hesitantly.

Zhou Han became embarrassed, thinking that everything is mine?You are obviously free, but such obsessive thoughts make people feel a lot of pressure.

"Brother Han, do you think it doesn't matter if Senior Su is a girl? I think this kind of thing needs to be NG, because it's very... like a lesbian." Yao Xiaorui said with a red face.

Zhou Han's eyes widened, thinking that even Xiaorui had noticed, how obvious is it that you are taking advantage of Senior Sister Su!

"Okay, don't worry, Senior Su may be joking."

"But...but I don't think it's very good. Brother Han, can you help me talk to Sister Su? Just say that I don't like being too intimate." Yao Xiaorui muttered in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll remind you." Zhou Han nodded and agreed verbally, but actually thought to himself, what the hell should I say?Sister Su is that kind of virtue, she is a real sister, it is really difficult for me to intervene, she is just silent now, who knows if a few months later, will she strip off Xiaorui's clothes and do something with her fingers?

"That's good. To be honest, Senior Su's behavior puts me under a lot of pressure. Even if Senior Su is a girl, I don't want to be touched. Otherwise, Brother Han will feel very subtle, right?" Yao Xiaorui nodded, smiling happily .

"What's so subtle?" Zhou Han smiled, and decided to go out to play with Su Xiaojin in a few days, and must talk about it, otherwise this black-bellied woman will definitely drift away on the road of orthopedics.

"It's just... just... Being taken advantage of by a girl, is it considered a cuckold? Will brother Han feel disgusted?" Yao Xiaorui asked tentatively, watching Zhou Han's reaction.

"This...doesn't count? It's not a mental affair, and many girls are so close that it's hard to tell them apart. It's okay to talk about sisterhood. Don't you think Senior Su is a good sister?" Zhou Han tried to make Yao Xiaorui herself experience.

"Senior Su is very nice. Apart from being weird and being too warm to me, there seems to be nothing wrong with her. I heard that she has younger brothers and sisters in her family. I think she must be a very good sister." Yao Xiaorui said seriously.

"Really..." Zhou Han nodded, thinking when will he be able to pierce the window paper?The two sisters looked anxious.

"Since brother Han is not disgusted, then I will go to sister Su's house tonight?" Yao Xiaorui said suddenly.

"Eh? Go to Senior Su's house?" Zhou Han narrowed his eyes, feeling that something was wrong.

"That's right..." Yao Xiaorui paused and explained——

"Sister Su told me before the holiday."

"I hope I will go to her house tonight and stay overnight."

"She said that there is no one in her family, and she can do very happy things with her..."


The first thousand and 170 chapters and seven monthly tickets plus more

I rely on! ?

Isn't this a classic dialogue between a girl and a man?

Sister Su actually used it directly on Xiaorui! ?

Zhou Han looked embarrassed, wondering what Su Xiaojin was thinking?Do you really want to play with your own sister?

"Brother Han, should I go?" Yao Xiaorui asked tentatively.

"Don't go, don't go, if you go, you'll be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger, don't even think about coming back." Zhou Han said with a serious face, thinking what a fart, Su Xiaojin is a black-bellied person, she definitely doesn't think of anything good, and she even lived together for a while Night?It's no joke.

"Why did you say it so scary?" Yao Xiaorui asked suspiciously, "Didn't Brother Han praise Senior Sister Su just now?"

"It's two different things. It's not that Senior Su is bad, but it's better not to be alone." Zhou Han said very seriously.

"Sure enough, Brother Han...will still be jealous, right?" Yao Xiaorui said with a half-smile.

"This..." Zhou Han thought for a while. Although Su Xiaojin is a girl, it's still not okay to adopt a homosexual attitude. "Maybe you will be a little jealous?"

"Since brother Han doesn't like it, then I won't go." Yao Xiaorui grinned.

"It doesn't matter when there are many people, but when there are few people, you must be careful when getting along with Senior Su." Zhou Han said vaguely, thinking that even if Miss Su harassed her, she wouldn't be in front of so many people. ?

"Brother Han, who I know, is really a little jealous?" Yao Xiaorui asked with interest.

"This..." Zhou Han scratched his cheek, he would be jealous of Senior Su, wouldn't he?

"Don't worry, brother Han, if senior sister Su dares to touch my thigh again, I will turn my face and warn her very seriously." Yao Xiaorui said seriously.

Zhou Han looked away, thinking that you are sisters, this is not good.

"Ah yes!"

Zhou Han suddenly remembered something. Yao Xiaorui had been wanting a couple accessory before, so he secretly bought two little dolls in the mall, a male and a female rabbit, which could be tied to the phone.

"This is for you, didn't you want this kind of thing just now?"

"Really...really bought it for me?!" Yao Xiaorui was surprised and delighted, took the pink rabbit, and played with it carefully, looking like she couldn't put it down.

"Do you like it?" Zhou Han asked tentatively.

"I like it. I thought brother Han had forgotten it, so I didn't think about it all the time." Yao Xiaorui put it in front of her eyes and observed it carefully.

"How could I forget, it's rare that you want something." Zhou Han smiled, feeling that Yao Xiaorui is really the kind of child who is easy to satisfy.

"Brother Han, isn't this puppet very expensive? If so, it's better not to spend money." Yao Xiaorui was a little worried while holding the rabbit pendant.

"You think too much." Zhou Han sighed, and said awkwardly, "How expensive is a rabbit puppet? It's definitely not too expensive."

"Really, then I can rest assured..." Yao Xiaorui hesitated for a moment, then secretly kissed Zhou Han's side face, "Thank you, Brother Han..."

"It's not a very expensive thing, so there's no need to do this." Zhou Han touched his cheek in embarrassment.

"That's not the case. It doesn't matter if it's expensive or not. The important thing is that brother Han gave it to me." Yao Xiaorui looked at the rabbit ornament and suddenly gave it a different meaning.

" it..." Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, thinking that it would be good for Xiaorui to like it.

"Brother Han, you can wear it too, so that we can have things for couples." Yao Xiaorui looked very excited, and finally he and Brother Han could wear couple ornaments together. Every time I saw Miyazaki Airi's keychain, I was very envious , and now has itself something of the same nature.

Zhou Han didn't hesitate, and put the blue rabbit decoration on the phone in front of his face. It was originally a low-key phone, but it turned out to be gaudy in a blink of an eye, and it looked a little girly.

Alas, my mobile phone will become a particularly conspicuous one in the future, I remember girls' mobile phones are like that, either full of ornaments, or covered with shiny stickers.

Yao Xiaorui also put on a pendant, seeing that her pink rabbit and Zhou Han's blue rabbit look quite good together.

"This... this is the proof of being a couple, I'm so happy..."

Zhou Han smiled and said nothing, thinking that girls seem to be quite concerned about this, do you want to get one for Xiaowei in the future?

When the two came downstairs, Zhou Han had already sent them here, so they planned to go home.

But Yao Xiaorui looked worried and hesitated.

"What's the matter, Xiaorui?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"I don't have any rice at home, can Brother Han accompany me to the grain and oil store?" Yao Xiaorui said a little embarrassedly.

"Yes..." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that this request is not too it?

There is a grain and oil store near Yao Xiaorui's home.

And it's not far, just a few steps away.

Zhou Han accompanied Yao Xiaorui to buy a small bag of rice, and immediately felt something was wrong.

Forgive him for being a bit dull, what happened only now?

The weight of the rice is nothing to me, but Yao Xiaorui, a girl, probably can't handle it.

Then, as a boyfriend, I must help Yao Xiaorui deliver this bag of rice upstairs, so I have to go to her house.

God!Why did I smell a sub-routine? !

How is this different from the excuses that let boys go home to repair computers, make systems, change light bulbs, change water, repair circuits, etc.! ?

Often it will be matched with the last line that makes people think about it——

"My husband is not home tonight. 』

In the end, any computer repair or system replacement will turn into a war of snakes.

right?That's what it means, a routine full of sexual implications.

Xiao Rui asked me to accompany her to buy rice, it was fake, but it was true that she tricked me into her house!

Zhou Han's expression became weird, and he looked at Yao Xiaorui with strange eyes, as if he was looking at an alien, wondering when Xiaorui learned this move?

"Xiaorui, can I help you take it upstairs?"

"When...Of course, I can't handle it even with a girl..." Yao Xiaorui said awkwardly.

Zhou Han narrowed his eyes, thinking that sure enough, it's just like his own speculation, it's all a routine.

"Brother Han, you won' don't want to help me, do you?" Yao Xiaorui showed a little panic.

"How could it be? I'm definitely going to help you." Zhou Han nodded, reassuring Yao Xiaorui that he was not such an unmannered guy.

"Thank you, brother Han." Yao Xiaorui laughed like a flower.

"Xiaorui, if you have something to say, don't be frank." Zhou Han said tentatively.

"What... what do you mean?" Yao Xiaorui looked innocent and puzzled, "Brother Han, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"'s nothing, let's go..."

Zhou Han hesitated to speak, and went upstairs with Yao Xiaorui while carrying the rice. On the way, he kept thinking——

Am I worrying too much?

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