Xiaorui has no other meaning at all.

Illusion, illusion, must be an illusion!

Have I been depressed for too long recently, causing my thoughts to be crooked?


The first thousand and 170 chapters and eight monthly tickets plus more

To be honest, Zhou Han has never been to Yao Xiaorui's house, and he doesn't know which floor it is.

This sudden want to go up with Yao Xiaorui, naturally needless to say the anxiety in my heart.

Yao Xiaorui led the way, and Zhou Han followed silently, carrying rice.

At this time Zhou Han is always thinking wildly, not because he is impure, but because he has seen too many such plots, and it is always inexplicable and makes people think wrong.

Zhou Han always felt that he was trying to die, and kept walking towards the tiger's den, probably in the rhythm of being eaten.

This... is that rhythm, right?

But if it does happen, it doesn't look too good.

Zhou Han muttered in his heart, and decided to go home after putting down the rice. If he went in for a sit-down, whether he could come out or not was another matter.

The two came to the third floor one after the other. It seems that Yao Xiaorui's house is not high, so Zhou Han is ready to go up to the tenth floor in one breath.

"Brother Han, this is my home." Yao Xiaorui came to the door on the left.

"Oh, it's not too high." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, and thought to himself, please, don't say it as if you are teaching me how to recognize the door!

"Brother Han, remember, come and see me whenever you have the chance." Yao Xiaorui said frankly.

Zhou Han nodded, a drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead, thinking that this is really the rhythm of recognition!It's not secretive at all!

Yao Xiaorui opened the door with the key and went straight into the room, "Brother Han, come in quickly."

Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, now that the more enthusiastic Yao Xiaorui is, the more nervous he is, who knows if he will let him go after entering.

But Zhou Han still mustered up his courage and walked in.

It's not that Zhou Han is disgusted with what happened with Yao Xiaorui, the main reason is that Miyazaki Airi needs to do some ideological work, so as not to hack himself to death when something happens.

Zhou Han felt that with his three-inch tongue, Miyazaki Airi should understand and accept the fact that he had a relationship with other girls.

It's just that the incident happened suddenly now, if something happened suddenly, I'm afraid Miyazaki Airi would not be happy.

Yao Xiaorui's house is quite big, but it is a little less popular, and it looks deserted. Maybe she lives alone most of the time?

Unlike my own home, Miyazaki Airi is there, and she cleans it frequently, making it feel like a home.

After Zhou Han entered, he looked around with his eyes, put the rice at the door, then turned his head and wanted to leave.

"That Xiaorui... If there is nothing else, I'll go back first?"

"Don't... don't go, Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui hurriedly called Zhou Han to stop, with a flustered expression.

"Is there... anything else?" Zhou Han asked nervously.

"That..." Yao Xiaorui looked at the rice on the ground, "Brother Han, will you help me put the rice in the kitchen? The first cabinet on the right is for enlarged rice."


Zhou Han nodded, thinking that this is not too much.

Now that they are all here, let's help Yao Xiaorui get things done.

So Zhou Han put on his slippers, picked up the rice and went to the kitchen.

Yao Xiaorui got tangled up in place, but actually let Zhou Han come up because he wanted him to be with her for a while, and make out a little bit.

It's just that Zhou Han doesn't seem to have that intention, and has a businesslike attitude.

Yao Xiaorui was inexplicably nervous. It was rare for Zhou Han to come to his house. Wouldn't it be a pity if he didn't seize this opportunity——

what should I do?

Brother Han must be left here.


Zhou Han came to the kitchen carrying the rice and opened the cabinet on the right.

As a result, I was stunned when I was about to put the rice in. There was a bag of rice in the cabinet, which hadn't been opened yet.

Zhou Han frowned, his expression suddenly became strange, thinking that there is a bag of rice left unfinished?Why buy a new bag?

Zhou Han covered his face, thinking that Yao Xiaorui is Sima Zhaozhi's heart, everyone knows it, everyone knows it.

Sure enough, he wanted to get himself up, and it was all premeditated.

No way, hurry up, or something will happen if you don't leave, I can't explain to Airi.

Zhou Han felt that before this happened, he needed to do the ideological work of being a big wife, otherwise, with the character of that little jealous jar, he would probably overturn midway.

Zhou Han hurriedly put the rice in, closed the cabinet, turned around and walked outside.

When it was time to leave the kitchen, Yao Xiaorui changed into slippers and was dragging his coat.

"Cough, Xiaorui..." Zhou Han coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, "What... I've already put the rice in for you."

"Oh...well, thank you Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui nodded.

"I... I'll go back first, call me if you need something." Zhou Han warned, deciding to run away.

"Don't...don't go..." Yao Xiaorui put down her coat and stood in front of Zhou Han, preventing him from leaving, "I'm here, let's sit here for a while."

"But if I don't go back sooner, Airi and Qiqi should be in a hurry. Once they lose their temper, my life will be difficult." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, thinking that he still wants to stop me?Conspiring against the law, Xiaorui.

"It's okay to just sit for a while, are you tired from carrying the rice? Sit down and rest for a while, drink a cup of tea or something..." Yao Xiaorui suggested, with a nervous expression on his face, obviously he didn't mean what he said.

"This..." Zhou Han pursed his lips, his eyes wandered, wondering if it was as simple as drinking a cup of tea?I'm afraid not...

"Brother Han, sit down for a while, you won't waste much time with a cup of tea." Yao Xiaorui stepped forward and grabbed Zhou Han's arm, pulled him to the sofa and sat down, "Just a little while, please~"

Looking at Yao Xiaorui's pitiful appearance, Zhou Han chose to remain silent, his face turned dark, and he struggled a little, thinking how about staying with Xiaorui, it seems that she is alone at home now, and she looks very lonely.

"Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui held Zhou Han's arm, not letting him go, blowing wind in his ears frequently, "This is the first time you have come to my house, so just stay with me for a while, okay? left……"

Zhou Han looked at Yao Xiaorui, who was looking up at him with his hopeful little face, and... moreover, the breasts hidden under the knitted sweater were quite big.

Fuck!What am I thinking about! ?

calm!Calm down, me!

Zhou Han patted his forehead, feeling that the atmosphere is not right now, lonely men and widows, it is easy to think wrong, and Yao Xiaorui is too enthusiastic, which makes him nervous.

"Okay, then I'll...just have a cup of tea before leaving..."

Zhou Han still chose to compromise, not because he couldn't stand the temptation, but because he didn't follow Yao Xiaorui's a little bit, so don't even think about leaving today, it's very embarrassing.

"That's great, Brother Han, we can still chat."

Yao Xiaorui smiled happily, it seems that her softness and stubbornness still have some effect.

"You can chat anytime, can't I talk to you on my phone when I go back?" Zhou Han smiled awkwardly.

"How can this be the same? I like to chat face-to-face with Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui held Zhou Han's arm, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said meaningfully——

"And we can talk for as long as we want today."

"Dad, he went to work."

"It's very likely that you won't come back tonight."


The first thousand and 170 nine chapters are prosperous


that's it


My husband is not at home.

My parents are not at home.

Save me at home tonight.

Such similar words are all naked sexual hints!

Zhou Han felt that he was right, Yao Xiaorui was just hinting at something special to him, and it was something that many old drivers knew well.

"That... that Uncle Su won't come back tonight?"

"Father is busy preparing for the start of the new play. I heard that he is going to cast actors, and he may not come back tonight." Yao Xiaorui said seriously, and the little bird leaned on Zhou Han's shoulder.

"Is...is it? It's the National Day holiday, and you're still so busy?" Zhou Han said nervously, thinking that if Uncle Su didn't come back, wouldn't the two of them be alone, and it wouldn't matter what they did?Fuck!I'm so excited, ah bah!I'm so panic...

"Yes, but Dad said that the new drama is in a hurry, so I have to speed up the progress." Yao Xiaorui said depressedly, but then felt that Zhou Han was a blessing in disguise, "But if Dad is not at home, I will be with you." Brother Han just stays alone, isn't that better?"

"This..." Zhou Han was a little apprehensive, he didn't know if it was good, but he felt more pressure, because being alone meant that he could do whatever he wanted!

Emotional Zhou Han's little heart beats very fast, of course he is very excited to do whatever he wants, but Miyazaki Airi knows that he is outside like this, and there is absolutely no good fruit to eat when he goes back by himself.

In fact, Yao Xiaorui is so enthusiastic, Zhou Han is still looking forward to it. When we opened the room together, the white lace underwear that Yao Xiaorui wore was so damn sexy.

"Brother Han, isn't he happy? It's a rare opportunity to be alone, and he's still at my house. Usually, he doesn't seem to have much chance." Yao Xiaorui was very happy, feeling that during this time, Zhou Han belonged to her alone.

"I...my that..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, not because he was unhappy, but because he was worried and had a lot of worries.

If he didn't miss Miyazaki Airi's little jealous vat, Zhou Han would sit down and push Yao Xiaorui on the sofa, making out.

I'm just afraid that if I don't know how to control myself, if I directly handle Yao Xiaorui, things will become very troublesome.

Miyazaki Airi, a little vinegar jar, will be very angry, maybe she will go crazy, if only she can do the ideological work well in advance.

"Brother Han, it feels like you're preoccupied, what's wrong?" Yao Xiaorui asked tentatively, feeling a little strange.

"It's okay, I'm quite happy, just...it's my first time visiting your house, I'm a little nervous." Zhou Han shook his head and said with a smile, feeling that the atmosphere was getting more and more rigid, always worried that Yao Xiaorui would fly up if he didn't pay attention .

"My father is not at home, what is there to be nervous about? Isn't it the same as usual now? Brother Han and I are alone quietly..." Yao Xiaorui leaned on Zhou Han's shoulder, looking very shy.

"Also... that's right..." Zhou Han laughed dryly, scratching his cheeks with his fingers.

"Brother Han, I'll make you a cup of tea." Yao Xiaorui got up.

"Well, okay..." Zhou Han nodded, wishing he could calm down for a while.

Yao Xiaorui left with a smile, turned around and went to the kitchen.

Zhou Han let out a long breath, and immediately relaxed his tense nerves. From just now, he felt that Yao Xiaorui's eyes were extremely hot, which made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

God, it feels a little weird today.

And Xiaorui is also very enthusiastic, it's not good if he doesn't respond, otherwise something may happen.

Zhou Han fell into the situation of two boyfriends, and felt that he might be full of energy and needed to express himself.

I happened to see a pair of dumbbells for fitness under the indoor potted plants next to the TV. I guess they were used by Uncle Su.

Zhou Han hurried over, with a dumbbell in each hand, and started exercising vigorously, with an extremely fast frequency, obviously trying to exhaust himself and exhaust his energy so that he could calm down.


Calm down quickly!

Why am I so energetic! ?

Come down quickly, and chat honestly!

Zhou Han held up the dumbbells wheezingly, feeling that he didn't feel tired no matter how many times he exercised, and instead he became more energetic.

Although this data body has given me a lot of energy, sometimes it is not a good thing.

Just like now, my energetic self always has nowhere to vent, and my thoughts have become impure.

"Stop struggling, it's useless. ’Elizabeth spoke suddenly.

"Xiao Yi, is there any way to calm me down? 』Zhou Han is more concerned about this.

"The data body won't get tired so easily. If you keep lifting the dumbbells like this, you probably won't feel tired until tomorrow morning." ’Elizabeth said awkwardly.

"No!Such an exaggeration! ? 』Zhou Han has never tried the limit of the data volume at all, and it was amazing when he heard Elizabeth talk about it.

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