"Every time you and Shi Tiaojiao have sex, who can't stand it first, and you don't have any compulsion in your heart? ’Elizabeth said bluntly.

Zhou Han is at a loss for words, he feels that he can't do it now, Kiki is happy at home, and the chances of making out with Aili will plummet in the future, so he can only find other girls?

God, what kind of garbage data body, let yourself explode on the spot every minute...

Zhou Han wanted to cry but had no tears. It is no problem to improve his physical fitness, but his desire to sow seeds has also increased.

"Is there really no other way to control it? 』

"Cut it off, cut it off and it will be all right. If you successfully escape into Buddhism, you will never be obsessed with worldly affairs again." ’Elizabeth said meaningfully.

"Go away, I'm the only son, dad will go crazy. ”Zhou Han said angrily.

"Your dad can practice a trumpet again, so don't worry about it, chop it~" Elizabeth seemed to be smiling happily.

"No, you want to cheat me, there is no other way? 』Zhou Han didn't give up.

"Use your hands, what else can you do?" ’Elizabeth paused, and then added, ‘I don’t believe you can hold back with your thoughts alone. 』

Zhou Han became embarrassed, and it was not impossible to use his hands, but he always felt that this was a regression of civilization, and he returned to the single state.

"Brother Han, what are you doing?" Yao Xiaorui came out with tea, seeing where Zhou Han was lifting the dumbbell, she couldn't understand.

"I...my..." Zhou still felt embarrassed, and said casually, "I'm exercising, and seeing your dumbbells, the unicorn arm that I haven't used for many years is a little itchy, so I will do it."

"But..." Yao Xiaorui hesitated for a moment, thinking that Zhou Han's behavior was too strange, as if he was being suppressed by something, "Brother Han, won't you feel very tired like this? That dumbbell is something that my dad only occasionally lifts after eating. Used it twice."

"Not tired, how could I feel tired? After all, I..." Zhou Han licked his dry lips and said awkwardly——

"After all, I'm full of energy..."

╮( oωo )╭

Chapter 180 Monthly Pass Added

"Energetic?" Yao Xiaorui didn't think of anything else.

"Yes, it's just that there is no use for strength." Zhou Han explained a little.

"Is that so..." Yao Xiaorui didn't hear the strange meaning, so she said, "Drink tea, brother Han, it's good if you can calm down..."

Zhou Han thought in embarrassment, what's the use of drinking tea?It's better to calm yourself down by reciting Buddhist scriptures.

The two sat together again for more than half an hour. I don't know if Zhou Qiqi exploded on the spot and caused trouble at home.

"This is the Dragon Well that my father brought back from other places. I don't like bitter things. Brother Han, do you like it?" Yao Xiaorui asked seriously.

"It's okay." Zhou Han nodded after taking a sip, thinking that he didn't drink tea either, and he basically relied on coffee to stay up late.

"If you like it, I'll make some later, and you can take it home." Yao Xiaorui asked tentatively.

"No, no, no need." Zhou Han put down his teacup, waved his hands again and again, thinking that Uncle Su would be sold just like that, and probably knowing that Yao Xiaorui was so close to him, he would probably faint in the toilet crying, secretly sighing that the female college did not leave anything behind .

"You're welcome, Dad bought a lot back, so it doesn't matter if you take some away." Yao Xiaorui thought Zhou Han was being polite.

"No, I'm not very used to drinking tea." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Yes...is it? That's really a pity." Yao Xiaorui said with an embarrassed face, thinking that Zhou Han would like it very much.

The two of them fell silent suddenly, as if there was no topic to talk about for a while, and they didn't know what to talk about?

This kind of thing is quite common between lovers, occasionally falling into a long silence.

The reason is that the two of them didn't want to chat at all, but wanted to do something else.

Yao Xiaorui wanted to make out with Zhou Han, but suddenly she was alone, but she was a little embarrassed to speak.

And Zhou Han took Miyazaki Airi's feelings into consideration, and tried to suppress his desires as much as possible.

The two are in an awkward balance.

at home.

Zhou Qiqi looked up and stared at the clock on the wall, her bloodshot eyes did not even blink.

Until the minute fell to 30, Qiqi exploded on the spot.


Zhou Qiqi screamed out as if bewitched.

Miyazaki Airi hurried out of the kitchen and came over in panic to see what happened to Kiki?

"What's the matter with you? What are you barking about? It's scary."


Zhou Qiqi had no love in her life, and she screamed again emotionally.

Miyazaki Airi, who was at close range, felt a dull pain in her periosteum.

"Oh! What are you doing?! Be honest! Don't bark indiscriminately, you will disturb the neighbors."

Miyazaki Airi put on a big sister attitude and reprimanded Zhou Qiqi. She didn't understand what kind of illness she was suffering from, what was she screaming all the time?

"Half an hour..." Zhou Qiqi pointed to the clock on the wall and said seriously, "Half an hour!"

"What happened for half an hour?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, not feeling any problem at all.

"It's been half an hour, bro, he hasn't come back yet! He's been outside for more than half an hour, and he hasn't texted or called home. He doesn't mean to come back at all. Do you know what this half hour means? ?" Zhou Qiqi looked serious, as if she knew a shocking secret.

"Huh!? What does it mean?" Miyazaki Airi didn't think it was a big deal, maybe she walked a little slower on the road to chat, after all, the contact time is limited, so she won't say anything out of the ordinary, right?

"Half an hour means a shot, and it's just over." Zhou Qiqi said very seriously like an old driver.

"Be normal to me, like a well-behaved girl, don't be full of filth, read more "Five-Year College Entrance Examination, Three-Year Simulation", this is what you should be involved in." Miyazaki Airi said very seriously , I feel that Zhou Qiqi's thinking is very problematic. If this continues, something will happen sooner or later, "October [-] is over, and you will officially transfer to another school. Give me a bit of a student look and study hard. No matter how I see it, you don't have a single student." look."

"Do I still need to study hard? I don't need it at all..." Zhou Qiqi showed a very surprised expression.

"Why don't you study hard? Isn't it good to have a little knowledge? Paving the way for your future, studies are extremely important things, I don't allow you to be perfunctory or make jokes." Miyazaki Airi showed her elder sister's majesty, thinking that Qiqi would not How about studying hard?This is a very bad thing.

"You are so annoying! Who likes to read and read with a book in their hands every day?" Zhou Qiqi hugged her chest and put on a high posture, "I don't need to study, and I can live naturally in the future, you fake sister don't care I."

"Who gave your mother confidence? Do you think an illiterate can survive in today's society?" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist, thinking that she should educate Zhou Qiqi well. After all, she is an older sister, and the younger sister does not study hard , how can you ignore it?Discipline is necessary.

Otherwise, it would be terrible to become a useless person in society in the future. As a sister, I also have certain responsibilities.

"Let's not talk about whether I am illiterate or not, even if I am, I can survive." Zhou Qiqi said forcefully, as if there was nothing she couldn't do.

"Can you be more down-to-earth, don't always daydream, your brother has never been like you." Miyazaki Airi said very sadly, she also has no experience in communicating with her bad-tempered sister, which is very annoying Hurry up.

"Why didn't I keep my feet on the ground?" Zhou Qiqi was unhappy, and retorted, "I have an older brother, so even if I am a useless person, my older brother will always support me. This is the benefit of having an older brother. The chance of me starving to death is zero. Someone will always take care of me."

Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling that Qiqi wanted to eat for free, and was always a parasite. As long as her brother was always taking care of her, she meant that no matter what she did, she would not die.

"Can't you work hard and insist on pestering your brother? Self-reliance and working hard to live is the kingly way. Attaching to your brother is not a long-term solution."

"Why isn't it a long-term solution? I have an older brother, so I'm insured for everything I do." Zhou Qiqi said with a smile, and she already regarded Zhou Han as her servant for the rest of her life.

"Your brother will not allow you to be useless, so you must study hard and work hard for your future." Miyazaki Airi emphasized.

"Who said my brother wouldn't allow it? My brother loves me the most, how could he bear to let me suffer mentally? He must wish to keep me in a greenhouse for fear that I will be hurt. You fake sister, you won't understand us A brother-sister relationship where blood is thicker than water." Zhou Qiqi put on a very proud posture.

"I said that you are not allowed to pester your brother to be a parasite, then it is definitely not allowed." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"Keke, which onion do you count?" Zhou Qiqi curled her lips in disdain.

"I am your older sister now, and I will be your sister-in-law in the future." Miyazaki Airi put on a strong attitude and said lightly——

"Do you think he thinks that my gentle, virtuous, diligent and thrifty sister and wife are important in the future?"

"Is it more important that you are a bad-tempered, lazy sister who eats and waits to die?"

"I don't think there is any need to compare, it's clear at a glance..."


The first thousand and 180 chapters add monthly tickets

Zhou Qiqi fell silent for a moment, thinking that the elder brother is not her own younger sister now, but also has a fake younger sister.

If your performance is not good enough and you are compared to a fake sister, this situation seems to be very bad.

Zhou Qiqi has no idea about Zhou Han. If she is not good enough, she might be abandoned by her brother.

Thinking about the males in the family, they all have the gene of inner fear to some extent. If the elder brother and the false younger sister are cultivated to a positive result, maybe the family will change.

So after figuring it out, Zhou Qiqi changed her sloppy attitude a little bit and spoke seriously.

"I also... don't have to rely on my brother to support me. Of course I will work hard for the future myself."

"It's good to know. From today onwards, I will supervise your studies. You must work hard." Miyazaki Airi put on an older sister's appearance, "Just to be on the safe side, let me ask about your current grades."

"I... I'm ordinary~" Zhou Qiqi said ambiguously.

"How ordinary is it?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

"Barely able to see the past~" Zhou Qiqi said lightly, seemingly not wanting to mention the matter of academic performance.

"Tell me specifically..." Miyazaki Airi had a bad feeling.

"That..." Zhou Qiqi thought for a while, and said calmly, "Every time I fall short in math, I will become very good..."

"How close is it?" Miyazaki Airi asked.

"Every time I miss the pass by dozens of points." Zhou Qiqi said confidently.

"Isn't this scumbag? God damn it, it's almost excellent! You're two big ranks away from excellent!" Miyazaki Airi was a little crazy, and after a long time, Zhou Qiqi is a scumbag!

"You're so noisy! Studying can't be eaten as a meal, combining work and rest is the kingly way!" Zhou Qiqi said solemnly.

"How can you be bothered? Is it all in a hurry?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, really worried about Qiqi.

"If I'm serious, I can go up in minutes!" Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"Then you can be more serious now, okay? School will start after the National Day holiday." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"No! I have to wait for my brother to come home now!" Zhou Qiqi said with a serious face.

"It doesn't matter if he is a little late. You go back to the room first, and I will give you tutoring later. The new classmate you transferred is such a scumbag." Miyazaki Airi said seriously, wanting to hug Zhou Qiqi into the room Here, let her learn by force.

"No! Brother, it has a lot to do with him coming back late! Do you understand?" Zhou Qiqi said as if there was something important.

"What do I understand?" Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Qiqi was a little too sensitive. Originally, Yao Xiaorui was also Zhou Han's lover, so it didn't matter if they chatted together, and it was rare to see her once.

"Now..." Zhou Qiqi looked up at the clock and said excitedly, "It's been more than 40 minutes now, and my brother hasn't come back yet, which means..."

"Be normal to me, don't make a fuss." Miyazaki Airi sighed.

"This means that the second shot has already started..." Zhou Qiqi looked as if she was telling the truth.

"Be pure for me." Miyazaki Airi tapped Zhou Qiqi's head, "How do you calculate the time? What basis can you learn from?"

"I used to sneak a peek at my brother, and I wrote down the exercise time." Zhou Qiqi said complacently, seemingly not feeling ashamed at all.

"You..." Miyazaki Airi's expression became astonished, and she complained, "Don't be ashamed, but proud! How can you peek at such a thing!"

Miyazaki Airi's face turned a little red, thinking of the night before when she ate pudding, she was also a little weird, so she secretly solved it by herself, and Zhou Han looked at her in the wrong way the next morning.

Until now, Miyazaki Airi has suspected what Zhou Han saw that night, but now the relationship between the two has been sublimated, so there is no need to pay special attention to the past.

"Hmph, my brother has no privacy in front of me! He hasn't come back yet, so he must have started the second round, and he's having fun!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily.

Miyazaki Airi sighed, and said awkwardly, "Don't think too much, okay? He might just be chatting with Xiaorui."

"Sister Aili...cough!" Zhou Qiqi confided, almost calling her sister, and quickly covered it up, "You are so naive, think about the way that vixen named Xiaorui looked at my brother, wishing to eat him, now The two of them may be alone, do you understand that dry wood meets fire?"

"This..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated to speak, feeling a little shaken.

"Although you are dating together now, sister Airi, can you really accept that my brother has sex with other girls?" Zhou Qiqi began to sow discord, trying to get Miyazaki Airi on her side, and then with Yao Xiaorui It's wonderful to fight, so that the fisherman will benefit from the clam fighting.

Miyazaki Airi fell silent, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while, feeling a little bit against Zhou Han's gossip, but the current situation is like this, if she is worried about it, it will be unfair to other girls.

"Whether I accept it or not has nothing to do with you, right? So be good to me, think wildly, and be a good sister with peace of mind."


Zhou Qiqi was a little startled, but she didn't expect Miyazaki Airi not to be stimulated.

According to my own speculation, Miyazaki Airi should be furious, she should be stimulated, and then dragged herself to Yao Xiaorui's house to bring her brother back.

But the reality is not like this. Although Miyazaki Airi was a little disgusted, she still restrained herself.

This made Zhou Qiqi a little surprised, feeling that the plot did not follow the script.

"How can it have nothing to do with me? I won't allow my brother to mess around outside. Our sisters should unite to resist the invasion of other fox spirits, don't you think so?" Zhou Qiqi narrowed her eyes, thinking of getting an ally, In this way, slowly breaking down the vixen group by yourself is one step closer.

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