"Stop talking useless things here, hurry back to the room with me and review carefully, always thinking about what your brother is doing?" Miyazaki Airi doesn't like this, thinking about having sex with Zhou Han behind other girls' backs, she doesn't think so. It's too fair, if I get jealous and lose my temper, it's really a bit too selfish.

"I don't! I want to miss my brother! My brother is messing around outside. I won't allow it. If I don't see my brother, I will die now!" Zhou Qiqi started to play a rogue, stomping her feet angrily on the spot, Zhou Han not coming back now made her feel very uneasy.

Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Qiqi from behind, showing a serious expression like her sister, "Don't make trouble, come back to the room with me obediently, and I will help you with a good tutoring."

"No, no! I don't want tutoring!" Zhou Qiqi refused to listen and struggled.

"You girl..." Miyazaki Airi's head grew bigger.

"Aili Ou Nei~" Zhou Qiqi turned around, showing a pitiful look, and said pleadingly——

"Let's catch the rape together, shall we?"

(,,o . o,,)

Chapter 180 Harassment

Zhou Han has chatted with Yao Xiaorui for a long time.

Originally, it was stipulated to go home in half an hour, but now it has been an hour.

Zhou Han drank up all the pot of Longjing, which shows how nervous he is now.

Yao Xiaorui always chats about unnutritious topics.

Zhou Han also nodded and responded with a smile.

They were obviously a couple, but the two chatted awkwardly for an hour.

The reason is that the two of them didn't put their minds on chatting at all.

Zhou Han thought, I can leave now, right?How should I open my mouth, without embarrassing Xiaorui, and there is a way to escape.

Yao Xiaorui thought to herself, hurry up and find interesting topics, brother Han must be kept, and it is best not to leave tonight, but how can it be reasonable?

Zhou Han looked up at the time, a little worried that the two younger sisters in the family would go crazy, so it would be better to go back quickly.

"That little Rui..."

"Huh? What's the matter, Brother Han?" Yao Xiaorui turned her head.

"I think it's getting late..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak.

"Drink tea, drink tea!" Yao Xiaorui filled the teapot with hot water at the speed of light, not wanting Zhou Han to go back so soon.

"Uh..." Zhou Han saw that the water in the teapot was almost overflowing, Xiaorui really didn't want to let him leave.

"Let's drink tea first, it's only seven o'clock, it's still early, let's continue chatting?" Yao Xiaorui didn't let Zhou Han mention going home at all.

Zhou Han's expression became awkward, what did he want to talk about?You obviously don't want to chat today, do you?

"That..." Yao Xiaorui paused, and said awkwardly, "Do you still remember the person who harassed me at the beginning?"

"Who is it?" Zhou Han was stunned, he really couldn't remember who harassed Yao Xiaorui.

"It's the boy who confessed to me because of the game." Yao Xiaorui tried to remind Zhou Han, and even said his name, "It's called Du Jun..."


Zhou Han has a little impression. I remember that a long time ago, he was beaten by himself for harassing Yao Xiaorui.

I haven't heard from this person for a while, so I should be safe, right?

Now Xiaorui suddenly mentioned, did he come to harass her again?Then you have to smash him to death.

Zhou Han fixed his body and asked seriously.

"Xiao Rui, is this Du Jun harassing you again?"

"No...not..." Yao Xiaorui explained in a panic, "It's not to harass me, but... it's Senior Sister Su..."

"Eh?" Zhou Han frowned, wondering what the relationship between Du Jun and Senior Su was, "Has Du Jun harassed Senior Su?"

"Senior Su is so powerful, how could anyone dare to harass Senior Su?" Yao Xiaorui said helplessly, feeling that Zhou Han was too impatient.

"What's that?" Zhou Han scratched his head and asked awkwardly.

"It's just that Du Jun seems to be playing tricks on Senior Su in secret. It's been a while. I only found out when I went to work as a secretary. Senior Su said that there is no evidence and don't worry about it for the time being."

"What's going on?" Zhou Han asked with interest, although Du Jun stopped harassing Yao Xiaorui because of his own pressure, but if Senior Sister Su needed it, he really didn't mind educating this bastard Du Jun once.

"It's just that Du Jun spied on Senior Su from a distance several times. As a secretary, I discovered it twice in the past few days. Once, I accompanied Senior Su to go home. After Senior Su found out, the two of us hitchhiked away and left Du Jun behind. Behind." Yao Xiaorui said lightly.

"Just this thing? Could it be a coincidence?" Zhou Han asked awkwardly, his eyes belonged to others, who can control where?What if it's just an accident?It's all inexplicable.

"How could it be?" Yao Xiaorui said hesitantly, "My intuition tells me that Du Jun didn't follow his good intentions, maybe there has been a long-standing grudge, and our girls' intuition is super accurate!"

"Intuition..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, thinking that there is no basis for this, I can't suspect that if someone killed someone, he is a murderer, right?

"It's not just me, but Senior Su knows it well." Yao Xiaorui said solemnly.

"Huh?" Zhou Han frowned.

"Senior Su always receives anonymous threatening text messages or emails, one every few days." Yao Xiaorui said seriously.

"Have you seen it?" Zhou Han asked.

"I'm the secretary, so of course I have to manage the mailbox. I received it once before the National Day, and I saw it with my own eyes." Yao Xiaorui didn't seem to be lying.

"What did you write?" Zhou Han asked.

Yao Xiaorui recalled a little bit, and replied, "It's just some threatening words, foul language, saying that she wants to rape Sister Su, kidnapping and other things."

"Uh, senior sister Su is still calm?" Zhou Han felt that this was not a small thing, threats and intimidation were really serious.

"Sister Su herself said that Du Jun may have done it, but there is no decent evidence, so there is nothing to do about him." Yao Xiaorui said seriously.

Zhou Han held his forehead, thinking how long has this happened?If Yao Xiaorui hadn't gone to the student union to be Miss Su's secretary, she might never have known about it.

But Du Jun, a scumbag, why did he get into a fight with Senior Su?What's wrong with this.

Zhou Han calmed down a little bit, wondering if he should help Su Xiaomai, but he can't be regarded as meddling, right?

For this kind of thing, if senior sister Su doesn't let her help, she will be too proactive and enthusiastic, as if she has a conspiracy.

"Brother Han, can you help Senior Sister Su?" Yao Xiaorui pulled Zhou Han's sleeve a few times.

"This..." Zhou Han also wanted to help, but he was an unknown teacher.

"I think Senior Sister Su also has a bit of a headache, but she doesn't tell anyone. She's holding back herself, and it's probably quite uncomfortable." Yao Xiaorui has been with Su Xiaojin these days, and she understands Senior Sister's mood quite well.

"I... I'll find a chance to ask. I'll help if I can. Don't worry." Zhou Han comforted Yao Xiaorui.

"Thank you, Brother Han." Yao Xiaorui kissed the side of Zhou Han's cheek, then lowered her head with a blushing face.

Zhou Han was embarrassed, thinking that it would be dangerous to kiss him suddenly, which made his heart itch.

"You don't need to thank me, Senior Sister Su and I are also friends. If Du Jun really did it, I will let him be more honest."

Yao Xiaorui raised her head and directly filtered out other words, "Thank you is necessary, right? After all, I hope Brother Han will help Senior Sister Su. Could it be that Brother Han is dissatisfied with the way I thank you?"

"No... nothing dissatisfied." Zhou Han frowned.

"If Brother Han is dissatisfied and you want me to thank you, just say so, and I will try my best to satisfy you." Yao Xiaorui blushed and muttered, "You can ask me to do something special..."

Zhou Han's face turned red, and he couldn't help but feel agitated, what the hell!Here's the hint! **Naked hint!

Yao Xiaorui secretly raised her head to look at Zhou Han, and asked in surprise, "Brother Han, why are you blushing?"

"I..." Zhou Han's eyes flashed a little nervous, and he said awkwardly, "Maybe...maybe I think your house is a bit hot?"

"If it's hot..." Yao Xiaorui paused, blushing and whispering——

"Brother Han, why don't you just take off your clothes?"



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The first thousand and 180 chapters and three monthly tickets plus more


Just take it off when it's hot?

Can it be taken off?

By the way, does this already involve harassment?

Am I being teased by Xiaorui now...

I took off my clothes because of the heat, and then there was a scene like dry wood like a fire!

No, no, calm down, I have to calm down.

Zhou Han suppressed his restlessness and smiled awkwardly but politely.

"You don't need to take off your clothes, do you? I think it's getting late, almost..."

"Drink tea, drink tea..." Yao Xiaorui was afraid that Zhou Han would say that it was too early and that he was going home, so he hesitated too flusteredly. The tea was directly spilled on Zhou Han's clothes, and part of it even splashed onto his crotch, " Ah ah!"

"Uh..." Zhou Han looked at his clothes, and couldn't help thinking in embarrassment, what the hell!Is this a routine?On purpose!In order for me to undress, so wet my clothes, and then it's the point where I have to.

The most embarrassing thing is... I feel the warmth and humidity from my crotch, Oh!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Yao Xiaorui panicked and apologized frequently, "I didn't mean Brother Han, I'm sorry, I'm so stupid."

"It's all right." Zhou Han waved his hands again and again. Wasn't this flustered appearance intentional?Heck, can't tell the difference anymore.

"I'll wipe it for you..." Yao Xiaorui hurriedly brought over the paper towels on the table, took out one and wiped Zhou Han's clothes, "I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now."

"It's okay, I'll do it myself." Zhou Han reached out to get a tissue, but Yao Xiaorui refused.

"Let me come, since I made it, let's get up and wipe it." Yao Xiaorui said apologetically, she really didn't mean it just now, it was all because Zhou Han wanted to leave, which made her lose her senses when she panicked.

"Uh...Okay." Zhou Han nodded, but did not refuse, after all, Yao Xiaorui's character is quite stubborn.

While wiping her clothes, Yao Xiaorui thought in a panic, won't she be hated?Most boys don't like girls with hands and feet, alas, you should pay attention to it in the future.

Zhou Han's expression seemed calm, but in fact he was flustered inside, thinking, Xiaorui has become more and more proficient in using this routine, and she can use various methods to keep me, no one will teach her anything in private, right?

In fact, Zhou Han misunderstood Yao Xiaorui a bit, everything was just a mistake.

After Yao Xiaorui wiped her clothes, she still felt a little wet.

Fortunately, Zhou Han was wearing dark clothes, if the white was not done well, it would get dirty.

Yao Xiaorui glanced at Zhou Han's crotch, and saw that some warm tea seemed to be served.

Now Yao Xiaorui panicked a little, and couldn't make up her mind, should she rub it or not?

It seems irresponsible not to wipe it.

If you wipe it, you will touch Zhou Han's Ou Jinjin again.

It seems that both options are not very good, which is very worrying.

Yao Xiaorui thought about it for a while, and felt that since she had caused trouble, she had to bear it, and it didn't matter if she wiped it off for Zhou Han.

Isn't it just to touch Ou Jinjin?I even used my mouth to hold it!

Don't be shy, just do it!

Yao Xiaorui closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and groped her heart. Holding a facial tissue, she poked into Zhou Han's crotch. Since it was the first time, she was nervous, so she touched it with a little force.

Yao Xiaorui just touched it, but the problem was that she didn't know which muscle was not working well, so she grabbed it and pinched her hard.


Zhou Han was startled, and broke out in a cold sweat. He felt that Yao Xiaorui pinched his lifeblood, and the stimulation spread all over his body like an electric shock.

He moved his butt back to avoid Yao Xiaorui's Nine Yin White Bone Claws.

Zhou Han looked at Yao Xiaorui in surprise, wondering if this was harassment, implying that it was already a very explicit level!He actually put his hand into my crotch, this... can this be touched casually?

"Xiaorui, you..."

"Yes... I'm sorry! Brother Han, did I use too much force!?" Yao Xiaorui said in panic, "I'm a little nervous..."

Zhou Han's expression froze on his face, thinking that it wasn't a matter of using too much force, but because it would be embarrassing to touch a strange place suddenly, and he would probably react after touching it a few times.

"Xiao Rui, don't make trouble, I'll wipe it myself, I don't need you, I can do it myself."

"No...I'll come, Brother Han, I messed it up, I'll wipe it..." Yao Xiaorui said very seriously, she didn't have any other intentions, just wiped it clean.

As for touching the spongy body just now, Yao Xiaorui can also feel it, but to wipe off the tea on the crotch, it is inevitable to touch it, it is unavoidable.

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