"No, no, no." Zhou Han shook his head frequently, grabbed Yao Xiaorui's wrist, not letting her move casually, "I'd better do it myself, if you come, it's still a bit embarrassing."

"Brother Han, are you... are you angry?" Yao Xiaorui showed a very wronged look, thinking about her mistake just now, she felt that Zhou Han should be angry, right?

"No, no." Zhou Han shook his head, trying to comfort Yao Xiaorui, "How could I be angry, it's just that I feel better if I wipe it myself."

In fact, Zhou Han is afraid of embarrassment. Yao Xiaorui touches it a few times, and he will probably react. How do he explain when he becomes hard?The scene will be several times more awkward than it is now.

"Brother Han, why didn't you let me come? Are you..." Yao Xiaorui said sadly with an aggrieved expression, "Do you dislike my clumsiness?"


Xiaorui's brain circuit?

Why are you so willing to think about it?

You just want to do it yourself, but in the end you are regarded as disgusting with her?

What do girls think?Is Xiao Rui the only one who is weird and likes to feel sorry for herself?

Zhou Han sighed, still did not let go of Yao Xiaorui's hand, and said seriously.

"Xiaorui, don't think too much, I just think... the crotch is a bit special, I need to do it by myself, I really don't dislike you or anything..."


Yao Xiaorui blushed, and she knew how embarrassing it was, but if she made it up, she had to deal with it herself.

Zhou Han's resistance always made Yao Xiaorui feel uneasy, wondering whether he was rejected or not.

"No, brother Han, let me come, just wipe the tea, there will be no problem."


Zhou Han's face darkened, and he thought to himself what the hell is going on, why doesn't his persuasion work so well?

Seeing Yao Xiaorui's serious eyes, Zhou Han seemed unable to refuse. It seemed that it was time to test his determination.

"Okay... well..."

Zhou Han let go of Yao Xiaorui's hand, and turned to the side with a complicated expression, as if he was about to be fucked by a strong woman.

Yao Xiaorui was overjoyed, raised her head and said timidly, "Brother Han, then I'm coming?"

"Yeah!" Zhou Han nodded, then looked at the ceiling and let his mind go, thinking that I am quite confident in my concentration.

Seeing that Zhou Han was fine, Yao Xiaorui touched his hand and helped Zhou Han wipe the tea off his crotch.

Every time you wipe it, you will slightly touch Zhou Han's Ou Jinjin. If the frequency is high, Zhou Han will feel like playing a flying saucer, which is a bit irritating visually.

As a normal man, Zhou Han would of course be tough, so he reacted and set up a small tent.

Yao Xiaorui's face was burning red, and he faltered and said, "Han... brother Han, you seem... seem to be becoming more and more... hard..."

Zhou Han's expression was frozen, his face was ashen, and he thought in embarrassment——

Sure enough haha!

I have a bird feather concentration...


The first thousand and 180 chapter four monthly pass plus more

Although Yao Xiaorui's purpose was to dry the tea on Zhou Han's crotch, but after repeated wiping, it was inevitable that he would touch strange places.

And Zhou Han is in good health, so he doesn't wear long johns now, which makes his internal friction extremely sensitive.

Forgive Zhou Han, who is also a normal adolescent boy. After being touched by Yao Xiaorui's little hand a few times, he reacted inexplicably, changing from a SpongeBob SquarePants to a Gourd King Kong.

In fact, Zhou Han and Zhou Han were also touched twice, and it felt quite comfortable, otherwise there would be no reaction.

But Yao Xiaorui is embarrassed, it's not right to continue to wipe, it's not good to not wipe, and he is in a bit of a dilemma.

Zhou Han was dying of embarrassment, his eyes wandered, and he didn't know where to look.

"Sorry, I... I can't help it, I can't control it well..."

"Well..." Yao Xiaorui blushed, like a blazing little sun, "Also... that's right, brother Han also has a male voice..."

"Yeah, that's why I wanted to come by myself just now, so..." Zhou Han lowered his head slightly, moved his buttocks back, and hid the small tent, "This is really embarrassing..."

"Hold...Sorry, I didn't consider safety, I..." Yao Xiaorui looked very panicked, and didn't expect to be able to stimulate Zhou Han to react, "I thought Brother Han's concentration was very good."

Zhou Han was at a loss for words, thinking that concentration is something that people cannot control at all, the mind can hold back, but the body will still be very honest.

Yao Xiaorui glanced at Zhou Han's small tent, his face turned even redder, and he lowered his head and muttered.

"Brother Han..., will this make you uncomfortable?"

"Eh?" Zhou Han's expression was stiff, and he hunched over and said, "It's not uncomfortable, don't worry, I'll be fine when I enter the sage time, this is a normal reaction, it will be fine after a while."

"Do you want to..." Yao Xiaorui hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "Do you want me to help you deal with it?"

"What?!" Zhou Han was astonished, wondering if it was really for this purpose?Finally unable to hold back, he showed his sharp fangs.

"It's just...just like before..." Yao Xiaorui didn't say it directly, but covered her lips lightly. The meaning is self-evident!

"Uh!" Zhou Han looked at Yao Xiaorui's small mouth, and immediately understood what it meant, but try not to do this kind of thing!

Although recalling the feeling at that time... I still feel a little lingering, but it is really not good.

"Brother Han, is it okay?" Yao Xiaorui approached Zhou Han, her red face looked cuter than usual.

"This... this..." Zhou Han became inexplicably nervous. He felt that this lonely man and widow, with no one around, was still at Yao Xiaorui's house, and doing something strange seemed a little exciting...

Yao Xiaorui hesitated for a moment, stretched out her small hand, and grabbed the zipper on Zhou Han's trousers.

"Don't, don't, Xiaorui, calm down..." Zhou Han pulled Yao Xiaorui's hand away, thinking it was wrong.

"What... what's the matter, Brother Han? Don't you like this?" Yao Xiaorui asked in a small voice.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just..." Zhou Han couldn't even make up a reason.

"Brother Han, I like you..." Yao Xiaorui suddenly said something irrelevant, "Does Brother Han like me?"

A heart-pounding atmosphere suddenly rose.

The intertwining of male and female hormones in the air stimulates one of the oldest impulses.

Zhou Han looked at Yao Xiaorui and shrank back. He really wanted to hold her in his arms and caress her, but he was afraid that he would not be able to stop the car. The two sisters in the family exploded in place, "Of course I like it..."

Yao Xiaorui stretched her neck, raised her face, and kissed Zhou Han's lips.


Zhou Han's eyes widened, thinking that what should come will still come, but should he respond?

No no no!Can't respond!

I don't have the confidence to stop the car at all!

Now Zhou Han can only maintain a wooden appearance, letting Yao Xiaorui ask for it, even if she kisses herself, she doesn't respond, maybe this way, she can calm down a little.

Yao Xiaorui also seemed to realize that Zhou Han was not thinking much, so he had to give up and sit quietly.

"Brother Han, don't you want to kiss me?"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that now is not the time..." Zhou Han rambled nonsense, caring about Miyazaki Airi's feelings, and wanted to go back to do ideological work, otherwise it would cause headaches if the girl made trouble.

"Really..." Yao Xiaorui was slightly disappointed.

The two fell silent, and the time passed by every second.

Zhou Han was on pins and needles, feeling that it was time to go home, "Xiao Rui, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

"Well, I know." Yao Xiaorui didn't stop her this time, but nodded, "But before Brother Han goes back, I have a secret to tell you..."

"Eh!?" Zhou Han was stunned, and asked in surprise, "What?"

Yao Xiaorui lowered her head and frowned, with a preoccupied look on her face, as if she was a bit embarrassed to speak.

Zhou Han's expression became suspicious, and he wondered if he really had a secret to tell himself?Wouldn't it be a new strategy that deliberately delayed his return home, so he deliberately came up with it?

Now Zhou Han always feels that this is some kind of new routine, after all, it is really hard for him to guess what Xiaorui looks like.

Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, wrinkled her skirt with her small hands, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, hesitatingly speechless

Seeing this, Zhou Han asked patiently, "Xiao Rui, just say what you want, don't be afraid."

Hearing Zhou Han's encouragement, Yao Xiaorui looked a little better, and seemed to have regained a little courage, but she still felt uneasy and asked tentatively.

"If I say it, can brother Han not be angry?"

"Why are you angry? What's the matter? It's so mysterious..." Zhou Han smiled, feeling that it might not be a big deal.

"Brother Han, you have to promise me first, otherwise I won't say it, only you promise... I have confidence in my heart..." Yao Xiaorui said in a lower voice as she went back, as if she had no backbone.

"Well, I swear, no matter what you say, I won't be angry." Zhou Han nodded and said seriously.

"Don't hold grudges against me, or leave me." Yao Xiaorui added.

"Huh?" Zhou Han became more and more confused, thinking that something very important could not be done, so he nodded, "Okay, I won't do that, I swear I will always like you, so don't worry about it."

"Don't... don't look down on me, think I'm a very bad girl, and then stop treating me well..." Yao Xiaorui showed a very tangled expression.

"Why Xiaorui?" Zhou Han approached Yao Xiaorui, put his arms around her shoulders, and said comfortingly, "Did something happen? If you need help, just tell me."

"No, promise me?" Yao Xiaorui's tone was agitated and became very unstable.

"Well, don't worry, I promise you." Zhou Han felt that something was wrong.

"I..." Yao Xiaorui's lips fluttered, her expression struggled, her shoulders trembled slightly, she mustered up the courage to raise her head, looked at Zhou Han with clear eyes, and said seriously——

"Brother Han, I..."

"I gave you that drug..."

The first thousand and 180 chapters and five secret techniques: light speed whitening technique!

Zhou Han was stunned and fell into silence. He didn't understand what kind of medicine Yao Xiaorui mentioned as the "medicine"?

"Xiaorui, I don't quite understand, what kind of medicine?"

"It's just..." Yao Xiaorui frowned, struggling, "It's the kind of medicine that makes people desire..."

"Spring...aphrodisiac?!" Zhou Han asked tentatively, hoping that Yao Xiaorui would give a decent answer.

"Yes... yes... that's the kind of medicine..." Yao Xiaorui nodded, and responded seriously, not daring to look at Zhou Han's expression.

She was very nervous at first, worried that Zhou Han would hate her, get angry at her, and even stop liking her because of this, dumping herself and breaking up or something.

Yao Xiaorui is already mentally prepared, no matter what Zhou Han's reaction is, she can accept it.

If she hadn't made up her mind, she wouldn't have said it at all.

Yao Xiaorui just made Zhou Han swear that it was all for comforting herself. Although it seemed a bit selfish, she didn't have the courage to tell the secret otherwise.

She knew very well that she was different from other girls, she was able to be with Zhou Han through some tricks, while other girls seemed to be made to fall in love with Zhou Han on his own initiative.

Maybe I was too impatient at the beginning, but the situation was too urgent at that time, and I had to use the method of taking medicine. I only realized afterwards that there was a big oolong.

Yao Xiaorui felt that she had to tell the secret of giving the medicine, otherwise she would keep it in her heart all the time, and she would always have trouble sleeping and eating, and there would be an insurmountable gap between her and Zhou Han.


Zhou Han was stunned, his eyes widened, and he was extremely surprised.

Yao Xiaorui actually drugged herself, but she still didn't know it!

When did this happen?Have you really taken that medicine?

Zhou Han is a little hard to understand, why did Yao Xiaorui do this?

She is my fiancée, do you still need to prescribe medicine?In the future, [-]% of them will be together steadily.

Zhou Han frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. Could it be that the matter of being together with Yao Xiaorui was actually calculated?

My God, this is really exciting. What is the relationship between me and Xiaorui?

Zhou Han lowered his head to support his aching head, thought about it carefully, and decided that this matter must be clarified.

Yao Xiaorui lowered her head and was silent beside her, not daring to vent her anger. If Zhou Han insisted on leaving her, she would not stop her, and let everything be fate.

Zhou Han calmed down a bit, although he blamed Xiaorui for drugging himself, but now he has to figure out whether the relationship between the two is the effect of the drug, or the most real love.

"Xiaorui, when did this happen?"

"That's it..." Yao Xiaorui paused, and said in a low voice, "It was when we opened a room in the hotel because it was raining outside."

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