Zhou Han recalled that Yao Xiaorui was wearing a very sexy white lace underwear at that time. Seeing that he was on fire, he couldn't hold back and jumped on it.

Thinking about it now, my reaction at that time was really too strange. Logically speaking, I shouldn't have jumped on it so rudely. It must be the effect of the aphrodisiac, which made me more restless than usual.So I couldn't hold back.

"I put aphrodisiacs in the water you drink while you are taking a hot bath, so that you will be full of desire for me." Yao Xiaorui added details.

Zhou Han covered his face, he didn't know what to say anymore, even if Yao Xiaorui liked him no matter how much he couldn't take the medicine, how embarrassing it was.

The first kiss and bite was all under the influence of drugs, which made me passively have a relationship with Yao Xiaorui, and then I had to become Yao Xiaorui's secret boyfriend.

Zhou Han felt that the trust between people was gone.

"Why do you want to do this?"

"Brother Han, if you don't blame me, I also have difficulties..." Yao Xiaorui wanted to tell the situation at that time, so as not to misunderstand Zhou Han——

"At that time, my father told me that there was a baby girl who asked me to marry a stranger in the future. At that time, I refused wholeheartedly. I didn't want to marry someone I didn't know. Besides, I like you, Brother Han..."

"No matter what method you use, it doesn't matter, as long as you can get rid of this baby kiss, so I was tempted to use the method of pregnancy to make Dad give up. I secretly bought that kind of medicine and asked you out, brother Han, to take the opportunity Taking the medicine will make you excited, if Brother Han has sex with me and makes me pregnant, the baby girl will definitely be able to reject it, and I can still be with you forever."

Zhou Han seemed to have recollected it a bit, and said in astonishment, "Did it later..."

"Well, it's that incredible..." Yao Xiaorui nodded, and said seriously, "It was only when we met together that I found out that my fiancé is Brother Han..."

"Uh! Oh my god..." Zhou Han held his head, feeling that he was not well. It felt like a roller coaster, ups and downs, and finally reached the end when he was about to feel dead.

"The whole thing was a big oolong. I finally found out that my fiancé was Brother Han. I was very desperate. What was I running away from? My fiancé is my favorite person..." Yao Xiaorui said sadly.

Zhou Han took a deep breath and tried to calm down as much as possible. After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, he felt that being drugged was just a small episode. When the truth finally came out, Xiaorui was probably terrified.

"Brother Han, I swear I'll give you the medicine. I didn't do it on purpose. I just want to be with you, and I don't want to marry anyone else. The person I like is you, not anyone else. I didn't expect my fiancé to be Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui lowered her head and said sadly, "It's like God played a joke on me and fooled me once."

Zhou Han remained silent, thinking that this matter was nothing, but Yao Xiaorui wanted to get rid of the engagement too much without knowing it, so she went astray and had a relationship with herself in advance.

He was originally Yao Xiaorui's fiancé, and it was only a matter of time before he had some relationship, but a series of oolongs made things more complicated.

"Brother Han, can you forgive me? I like you so much and want to be with you, that's why I have no other thoughts..." Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, thinking of a child who made a mistake, "If I Ask carefully, knowing that my fiancé is Brother Han, I will definitely not use this method..."

Zhou Han sighed, it was only when Yao Xiaorui said it today that he felt that things were so twists and turns.

Yao Xiaorui seems to be right, her desire to be with her seems to be fine...

As for things like aphrodisiacs, it's not a big problem anymore.

Yao Xiaorui lowered her head with an aggrieved expression, like a prisoner waiting for Zhou Han's trial.

"Xiao Rui..." Zhou Han called out.

"Brother Han?" Yao Xiaorui just turned her head and was kissed forcibly——


The first thousand and 180 chapters six monthly pass plus more

Yao Xiaorui's heart was pounding, and his face flushed instantly.

She didn't expect Zhou Han to kiss him suddenly, making people flustered.

But Zhou Han took the initiative to kiss himself, so he must not be angry, right?

Yao Xiaorui felt that this was something to be very happy about, so she responded with a jerky feeling.

She felt that Zhou Han's tongue was poking in, and he didn't listen to playing with his little tongue, which made her feel a little distracted and dizzy.

"Mmm... um..."

Zhou Han hugged Yao Xiaorui's slender waist, and leaned forward to suppress her, making her feel his full enthusiasm and attitude.

The matter of taking the medicine is really not important, what needs to be is that the relationship is sincere, that I really like Yao Xiaorui, it is definitely not related to the medicine, that is enough.

Yao Xiaorui hesitated and was a little panicked, and let out a sinful moan again and again, which made people think about it.

Zhou Han greedily asked for it, and my dear Yao Xiaorui softened physically and mentally, unable to resist.

Yao Xiaorui's lips are very soft, full of elasticity like gummy candy, a few kisses are a bit addictive.

But Zhou Han reluctantly stopped, looked at Yao Xiaorui, and wanted to express his feelings seriously.

Yao Xiaorui felt her lips numb, and her eyes were slightly panicked. It was the first time Zhou Han kissed herself so proactively. She was bumped by the deer in her heart before she was ready.

"Han...Brother Han..."

Yao Xiaorui clasped her hands to her chest, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, as if she was afraid of being bullied, it easily aroused Zhou Han's desire to bully her severely once.

"Brother Han, you...are you not angry with me?"

"Silly girl..." Zhou Han smiled, feeling that Yao Xiaorui was making a fuss, "Why am I mad at you? It's not very important to take medicine. I just know that I like you too, so don't blame yourself, it's okay." of……"

"Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, her eyes glistening with tears, she threw herself into Zhou Han's arms so charmingly.

Zhou Han hugged Yao Xiaorui backhandedly, sighed, thinking that girls' feelings are really too heavy, how much effort it takes to like someone...

Yao Xiaorui raised her head and kissed Zhou Han.

Zhou Han didn't refuse either, and responded directly and affectionately.

According to the reaction of a normal man, Zhou Han felt a little bit, so he wanted to make it to the end with Yao Xiaorui.

As for Miyazaki Airi, I will explain it later.

They are all their own wives, and it is necessary to deepen their relationship before marriage.

I have to take this step, and I can't stand still.

Zhou Han decided to turn the girl Yao Xiaorui into a woman today, and to promise her that she will take responsibility, and there will be fewer marriages together.

"Hmm..." Yao Xiaorui was also a little distracted, and wanted to become closer to Zhou Han. Simple communication was no longer enough, and she really wanted to become a real girlfriend.

If there are girls who are more active and enthusiastic, of course it is Yao Xiaorui, so she is more proactive than anyone else in catering to Zhou Han, hoping that he will like her more.

Zhou Han hugged Yao Xiaorui, and asked seriously, "Xiaorui, that...I think..."

"Don't...don't say it..." Yao Xiaorui's face was flushed, and the smoke was full of spring, and she quietly circulated, "Brother Han, I understand, if you like it, then... please wash me Like things, I...I am also looking forward to that moment..."


Zhou Han couldn't resist the temptation of the girl in his arms, especially the scorching feelings that flowed out in his words.

If you are a normal boy, you have to try your best to respond.

Yao Xiaorui also seemed to understand the relationship between men and women, and maybe she was prepared now, so she let go of her reserve, took the initiative to cater to him, and embraced him warmly

No matter what desire Zhou Han has, it will be stimulated, sublimating the relationship between the two, and indulging in love.

Yao Xiaorui wanted Zhou Han to know that he could give up anything to the extent that he loved him.

Zhou Han directly kissed Yao Xiaorui's small mouth, blocked her breathing, and opened her sweater with both hands, revealing her white corset.

Yao Xiaorui clasped her hands around Zhou Han's neck, she didn't intend to refuse, she became very active, and even made a series of humming sounds, which was even more powerful than the horn of the charge.


While kissing Yao Xiaorui, Zhou Han pressed her breasts vigorously with his hands. The sensation was terribly irritating and very comfortable, changing it into various shapes.

Moreover, Yao Xiaorui is not flat-chested, and her breasts are not small. The feeling of getting up is very subtle, which is different from Miyazaki Airi.

Zhou Han was a little obsessed with the novelty, and couldn't stop, and slowly let out several intriguing low growls, obviously already in the state of sowing seeds, and Lao Gao's small tent was erected, for those who wanted to It is still very exciting to spread the ancestral chromosomes.

Yao Xiaorui's chest was pinched, causing her body to be a little strange, and she became very hot. She was stimulated by Zhou Han's big hand a few times, and her delicate body writhed on Zhou Han's body like a spirit snake.

"Hmm...Brother Han..."

"Ha... um..."

"Brother Han...please...be gentle..."

I don't know if it was intentional or not. Yao Xiaorui's actions on Zhou Han's body were clearly arousing Zhou Han's dignity as a man. The holy sword is sheathed and sublimated into a great sage mode.

Zhou Han was obsessed with Yao Xiaorui's tender body and felt very excited. He didn't expect that girls would take the initiative, not weaker than boys at all, but intensified, making it difficult to extricate themselves.

"Did it hurt you?"

Zhou Han asked with concern, feeling that Yao Xiaorui needed to do enough preparations for the first time, otherwise it would probably hurt a lot.

I remember that Miyazaki Airi was in pain, and the euphemistic expression almost fainted

Normally, if Zhou Han had enough experience, the pain would not be so strong.

Yao Xiaorui blushed, her skin seemed to undergo a chemical reaction, and a beautiful and seductive rose color continued to emerge. She resisted the stimulation brought by Zhou Han's breasts, and whispered.

"No...it doesn't hurt, it's just...hey...I've never been touched by anyone, the advantage... I can't accept it..."

Yao Xiaorui said hesitantly, the one who was touched showed a very, very strange expression, probably it was the same feeling.

"I... try to be as gentle as possible."

Zhou Han gently touched Yao Xiaorui's chest, and slowly kissed her neck.

I don't know if it stimulated the sensitive point, and Yao Xiaorui's whole delicate body was shocked, as if the electric current passed by just a moment ago.

"Hmm...Brother Han..."

Yao Xiaorui showed a shy expression and murmured.

Zhou Han was on the sofa, put Yao Xiaorui down, and pressed her under him, as if the main event was about to begin.

As a result, Yao Xiaorui put her hands on Zhou Han's chest, showing a little resistance, and blushed shyly and said——

"Brother Han..."

"We...we don't want to be in the living room."

"Go... to my room, okay?"

The first thousand and 180 chapters and seven monthly tickets plus more

"Also... also..."

Zhou Han responded awkwardly, thinking that sitting on the sofa in the living room was a bit too informal, it seemed a bit casual, it would be better to be a little more serious.

Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, her face was flushed and she remained silent, her heart was pounding. She seemed to have a premonition of what was going to happen next.

Zhou Han kissed Yao Xiaorui on the forehead, hugged Yao Xiaorui like a princess, and walked directly into the room.

Yao Xiaorui put her arms around Zhou Han's neck, without saying a word, the little bird was very obedient.

Zhou Han's heart was agitated, thinking——

What should come will still come.

Cut first and play later, find a chance to talk to Airi.

After tonight, I'm definitely going to have to find a way to marry multiple girls...

at home.

The two sisters have finished their dinner.

Zhou Qiqi clamored to go to Yao Xiaorui's house to catch the rape, and wanted Miyazaki Airi to take her there.

But Miyazaki Airi refused politely, and forcibly dragged Zhou Qiqi back to the room, threw the math textbook in front of her, and told her to read it carefully, review it honestly, and ask if there was anything she didn't understand.

It's not that Miyazaki Airi doesn't want to catch rape, but she just thinks that when Zhou Han wants to do such a thing, he will always come back and discuss it with him, right?He will not be desperate to cut first and then play, so that he will not be able to get off the stage or something.

Miyazaki Airi still felt that Zhou Han and Yao Xiaorui might be chatting, and they were very speculative, that's why they haven't come back until now, she kept comforting herself like this in her heart.

Miyazaki Airi was actually worried too, but she felt that she always suspected that Zhou Han lacked trust.

After all, it's that kind of relationship, it's better to be a little more broad-minded, otherwise Zhou Han might get bored.

Don't look at everyone dating together now, but Miyazaki Airi always has a little resistance to Zhou Han's relationship with other girls, but she doesn't completely refuse, because sooner or later, there will be such a relationship between us.

However, Miyazaki Airi hopes that it will be later. After all, how can a normal girl tolerate her boyfriend having sex with other girls?

Miyazaki Airi leaned on her cheek, absently watching Zhou Qiqi studying, and conscientiously being a good sister, but her mind was full of where Zhou Han died.

As for Zhou Qiqi, she has no intention of studying at all, and her dream is to catch the rape, and then save her brother from the vixen, but Miyazaki Airi disagrees and does not help herself.

Zhou Qiqi didn't know the address of Yao Xiaorui's home at all, which made her feel very complicated, but she couldn't know how to deal with the current problem.

She secretly looked up at the time. According to the stipulated time, her brother was already an hour and a half late.


Zhou Qiqi dropped the pen and yelled again.

Miyazaki Airi was taken aback by the side, she was startled, she stared at Zhou Qiqi with dissatisfaction, if she did it a few more times, she would definitely have a heart attack.

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