"What are you doing?! You took the wrong medicine, why are you screaming? Hurry up and review obediently."

Zhou Qiqi raised her head, stared at the clock, and said calmly, "According to the time, the third round of battle between my brother and that vixen has begun again. For sure, if this continues, children must be created."

Miyazaki Airi took the money book, rolled it into a stick, and hit Zhou Qiqi on the head hard, "You give me enough time!"

"Oh!" Zhou Qiqi covered her head with indignation written all over her face, "What are you doing!? A mere fake sister who always bullies me! Is there any law?!"

"I'm your older sister, you're disobedient, it's only natural for me to teach you a lesson!" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist and retorted unceremoniously.

"Nonsense! You are not my sister!" Zhou Qiqi bared her teeth and said hostilely.

"No matter how you deny it, I'm still your older sister. You can't escape. Be obedient. Don't always be so rebellious. You'll only cause trouble for people around you..." Miyazaki Airi said with a serious face.

"Hmph..." Zhou Qiqi snorted coldly, and yelled, "You're not! You're not! You're not my sister. It's useless if I don't admit it. Don't point fingers at me!"

"Do I still need you to admit it? My mother is your stepdad, and your father is my stepdad. Isn't this an obvious relationship?" Miyazaki Airi used her identity to suppress Zhou Qiqi. She is her sister and does not need others admit.

"I...my dad's remarriage has nothing to do with me! Anyway, I won't admit that you are my sister! Want to be my sister? Daydream!" Zhou Qiqi clamored dissatisfied, letting her fake sister be on her head?Might as well be dead.

"You..." Miyazaki Airi was a little angry, what's wrong with being her sister?Can you still wrong her, "Okay, then I'm not your sister, I'm your sister-in-law, and seniority still dominates you, you can't do anything about it?"

"I..." Zhou Qiqi was at a loss for words, and couldn't help using the provocative method, "Hey, my sister-in-law, I'm going to be cuckolded by other vixen, I'm sorry for you, just toss it~"

Miyazaki Airi's face turned dark suddenly, and her scalp became numb with anger.

I thought it was nothing at first, but after being stimulated by Zhou Qiqi, I felt uncomfortable.

That's right, Zhou Han had sex with other girls, and he really felt like he was cuckolded.

But it seems that I shouldn't restrict Zhou Han too much. After all, we must be fair when we date together. I have had a relationship with Zhou Han. If other girls are willing, it seems that they can also have a relationship.

Miyazaki Airi's eyes are a little weird, although she knows that Zhou Han should not be stopped, but now she really can't accept it.

"Hoo~, are you feeling uncomfortable? My brother wants to have fun with other girls, can't he accept it for a while? Can you realize how selfish your emotions are now?" Zhou Qiqi saw the expression on Miyazaki Airi's face Ugly, very proud in my heart, couldn't help asking three ridicule-filled questions in a row.

"Well..." Miyazaki Airi felt uncomfortable, especially seeing Zhou Qiqi's sarcastic face, the people watching were very angry, "I can't accept it! This is a matter between the few of us, what has it to do with you It doesn't matter, why don't you hurry up and learn from me obediently, and be a good sister with peace of mind."

"I don't want it! My brother is having sex with a vixen, but I, as a younger sister, can't stop it. What a grievance! My brother is mine!" Zhou Qiqi started to play rascal, and almost rolled on the floor.

"Stop messing around, I order you as a sister, study hard now." Miyazaki Airi put on a serious face.

"You're not my sister!" Zhou Qiqi shook her head proudly, and then said meaningfully, "It's not impossible for me to admit that you are my sister..."

"What do you mean?" Miyazaki Airi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Let's catch the rape together, so I'll call you sister from now on, maybe we can catch him right now. Don't you want to see my brother's naked buttocks?" Zhou Qiqi smiled wickedly.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling a little eager to move——

Caught rape?

Do you want to go...


The first thousand 180 eight chapters crooked

"Go~, let's go~, let's catch the big stallion, brother, and then torture him with pepper water on the belt." Zhou Qiqi bewitched by the side, and kept urging Miyazaki Airi, "Look at the old man Brother, he's gone out to fool around, so we don't care what to do? And if you were my sister-in-law, you must take care of my brother's flirtatious behavior, if I were you, I would definitely not be able to bear it, and I will tear myself apart with those vixens forever!"

"Oh, don't worry about it, you have nothing to do with me, just learn from me honestly." Miyazaki Airi frowned, and said sternly in her sister's tone.

"Let's go catch the adulterer, please, Airi Ou Nei-chan~" Zhou Qiqi put on a begging appearance, and she yelled like her elder sister, which was very nice.

"Why do you call me sister now?" Miyazaki Airi showed a very playful expression.

"We are all younger sisters. We are good partners when we are catching rape. Sister Aili, don't hesitate. Brother and he will have children later. There is still time to go and pour a bowl of abortion pills for the vixen." Zhou Qiqi showed great With an evil expression, she was almost turning into Nanny Zhou.

"Come here less! You are not allowed to go! Do you know that learning comes first? Listen to your sister and be good." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"Hmph, you still call yourself my sister-in-law! You're actually a coward~" Zhou Qiqi's expression became very disgusted, and she said in a weird way, "You really are a fake sister, you really embarrass our sister party, even the vixen around my brother can't stand it." Hold on, lose it~"

"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi was dissatisfied, and knocked Zhou Qiqi on the head, "Hurry up and study, don't think about messy things all day long."

"Huh!" Zhou Qiqi covered her head and picked up the phone angrily, "If you don't come, I'll come! I'm going to call my brother, and then say that we are going to catch the rape, and we are on the way, so I have to scare him out of impotence! "

"What are you doing! Be honest..." Miyazaki Airi snatched Zhou Qiqi's cell phone, with a slightly angry expression on her face.

"Give me back my phone! Why are you snatching my phone!?" Zhou Qiqi showed an angry expression and kept patting the table.

"You must study hard now. I will keep your mobile phone for you temporarily. I am afraid you will play it." Miyazaki Airi said seriously, but she was actually just worried that Zhou Qiqi would cause trouble.

"Oh, you are so bad, you will bully me! How can you be a sister like you! I will never admit you!" Zhou Qiqi hugged her chest angrily, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"I'm doing this for your own good. I'm so kind. Don't you know that transfer students are attracting attention? They will be ridiculed if they have poor academic performance!" Miyazaki Airi said seriously, as if deeply touched.

"I don't care about other people's eyes. Brother, I dare to push back, and I'm still afraid of other people's eyes? Keke~" Zhou Qiqi said proudly instead of being ashamed.

"Don't say such embarrassing things in a serious way, okay?" Miyazaki Airi sighed.

"I don't care! Give me back the phone, you won't catch me! You won't let me call!? Why are you imprisoning me?" Zhou Qiqi was indignant, thinking that having a sister is not a good thing, although Miyazaki Airi cooks It's delicious, and I take good care of myself every day, but there are too many things to manage.

"Who imprisoned you? Now you memorize these formulas honestly. I will go to the bathroom and test you later." Miyazaki Airi said unceremoniously.

"Wow, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah!" Zhou Qiqi started to mess around, her expression was very painful, "I'm so annoying, I'm so annoying..."

Miyazaki Airi shook her head, got up silently and left.

She understands that Zhou Qiqi is a child at heart, and she uses nonsense to attract attention and gain care.

There is no need for any special method to deal with this kind of brat, just put it aside, and when no one takes care of you, you will calm down.

Miyazaki Airi came to the bathroom, took out her phone, and fell into deep thought——

Can I really accept Zhou Han doing that kind of thing with other girls?

Obviously, he would be very unfamiliar, but he had talked with Lin Nianwei before.

It is true that everyone should have a fair exchange with each other.

It seems that I am too selfish, I always want to keep Zhou Han by my side,

Miyazaki Airi can barely accept Zhou Han having sex with other girls.

But I hope that this day will come later, so that I can spend a period of exclusive time with Zhou Han.

Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a moment, and resolutely called Zhou Han, wanting to urge him to go home quickly...

Zhou Han carried Yao Xiaorui into the room, and then laid it flat on the bed.

"Brother Han..."

Yao Xiaorui blushed, her breathing was a little constricted, and she called Zhou Han's name softly.

Zhou Han took off his clothes, shirtless, and bullied Yao Xiaorui under him.

"Hmm..." This was the first time for Yao Xiaorui, and her eyes became a little panicked. Although she knew what was going to happen next, she was still very nervous.

"Xiaorui..." Zhou Han licked his lips and kissed her directly. He bound Yao Xiaorui's wrist with both hands, and a sense of encroachment arose spontaneously.

"Hmm..." Yao Xiaorui's delicate body trembled, her whole body became sensitive and tense, she let out bursts of moaning, Baisi's calf subconsciously kicked the bed several times.

The tongues of the two were intertwined with each other, their breaths were chaotically intertwined, their limbs were chaotically tangled together, and the hearts of those who watched were beating faster.

"Brother Han...haha..."

Yao Xiaorui, who was pressed under Zhou Han, was obviously very happy, and kept whispering the name of the person she liked. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and finally she was able to achieve a positive result with the person she liked.

Zhou Han's wheezing and wheezing gradually became heavier, and gradually he felt that the holy sword directly entered a fully charged state, and could fight for [-] rounds.

The two of them unknowingly took off all their clothes, Zhou Han saved his panties, Yao Xiaorui's naked corset was completely gone, and there was still a chubby pair underneath.

Zhou Han forcefully kissed Yao Xiaorui's neck, and even touched Yao Xiaorui's chest with his hand, and the rubbing was so cool~

Without the barrier of the bra, every sexual intercourse will be particularly exciting, especially the feeling of mastering everything with one palm, as if owning the whole world.

Yao Xiaorui was being pinched by Zhou Han, not only her cheeks, but also her whole skin began to turn a charming rose color.

"Brother Han... ah!"

"It's too hard... Haah... Mmm..."

"I...I like you..."

Yao Xiaorui's mood stabilized a little, the frequency of kicking breath was about the same as Zhou Han's, and he entered the state of sexual desire, and the bottom was already a little turbulent.

Zhou Han had almost lifted it, raised his head to look at Yao Xiaorui, and helped her brush away a few strands of hair that were soaked in sweat.

"Brother Han...I...I have no experience, you...don't laugh at me..."

Yao Xiaorui was silky, with a crimson face, shy and timid eyes, and muttered like a mosquito.

"It's okay..." Zhou Han kissed Yao Xiaorui's forehead, and stretched out his hand to pull Xiaopangci under her.

But at this moment-

Zhou Han's cell phone rang inappropriately...

The first thousand and 180 chapter nine monthly pass plus more

"Eh!?" Zhou Han was stunned, and looked at his pants on the ground.

Yao Xiaorui's eyes widened and her chest heaved up and down, obviously not recovering from the pleasure just now.

The phone call came too suddenly, disrupting the atmosphere a bit, and the two of them were a little embarrassed for a while.

Yao Xiaorui was still under Zhou Han's body, and the phone rang suddenly, making people wonder what to do.

"Brother Han... phone..." Yao Xiaorui came back to his senses a little bit, and reminded Zhou Han that although she didn't want Zhou Han to answer it, she didn't have the nerve to say it out.

Zhou Han hesitated, and looked at Yao Xiaorui, who was full of charms under him. His big sword had been charged for half a day, and it was a bit uncomfortable to answer the phone at this time.

And at this moment Yao Xiaorui seemed too attractive, especially Zhou Han, which made him fall into struggle and difficult choices.

Will you answer the call or not?

There is a high probability that it is Miyazaki Airi calling, it may also be Zhou Qiqi, and Lin Nianwei may also be calling.

If I don't answer it myself, I'm afraid I will make a noise and make a certain girl feel awkward.

Although Zhou Han didn't want to answer the phone, but for the sake of happiness in the future, let's answer it. After all, happiness is not in a hurry at this moment, what if something serious happens?

Zhou Han sighed, calmed down a little, and decided to pick it up.

Because of Zhou Han's hesitation, Yao Xiaorui regained consciousness a little bit. Seeing that she was wearing nothing on her chest and Yufeng was naked, she felt very ashamed, so she blushed and crossed her hands shyly to protect her chest, not to let the sensitive Get out there.

Zhou Han looked at Yao Xiaorui, pursed his lips and said, "That Xiaorui... I'm going to answer the phone, can you wait for a while?"

"Hmmmmm..." Yao Xiaorui felt very embarrassed to be chatting in such a serious manner now, her face was like a ripe red apple, and her flustered eyes didn't know where to look.

  Zhou Han got off Yao Xiaorui in embarrassment, his face was a little red, he used his hand to cover his big, fully charged sword, and tried his best to cover the towering tent, thinking oh my god!How embarrassing!Do you want to do this! ?

Yao Xiaorui also felt so ashamed, she didn't dare to breathe out, she lowered her head and wished she could find a crack in the ground, and hurriedly took the quilt to cover her spring.

Both of them wore relatively few clothes, which made them feel very uncomfortable as if they had returned to ancient times.

Yao Xiaorui hid in the quilt and couldn't come out. Inside, she felt that her face was glowing fiercely like a little sun, and she thought, oh! ! !What a shame!I thought I wanted something like that, but it suddenly happened like this...

The phone kept ringing, Zhou Han hurried down to the ground, picked up his pants, took out his phone, and when he saw the caller ID, his eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat——

I rely on!Sure enough, Airi called...

Zhou Han didn't hesitate too much, and quickly answered the phone, wondering if Qiqi was messing around at home again.

Zhou Han: "Hello?"

Miyazaki Airi: "Where is it?"

Zhou Han: "I... I'm still at Yao Xiaorui's house..."

Miyazaki Airi: "What were you doing just now? Answering the phone so slowly?"

Zhou Han: "The phone was sitting under my butt just now, but I didn't hear the ringtone. It was Xiaorui who told me that the phone rang."

Yao Xiaorui, who was under the blanket, trembled all over, wondering who was calling?Why did you suddenly talk about yourself?

Miyazaki Airi: "What did I ask you for? You didn't even notice the phone call."

Zhou Han: "It's just...an ordinary chat."

Miyazaki Airi: "Chat? Is it really chat? You won't come so late, are you already sleeping in the same bed?"

Zhou Han: "How is it possible? Haha, Airi, don't think too much. Uncle Su is not at home. Xiaorui lives alone. She is quite lonely. I want to accompany her for a while."

Miyazaki Airi: "Uncle Su is not at home? Isn't this the right time, place and people? Wouldn't you be sorry for yourself if you don't do something?"

Zhou Han: "What is this? We are really chatting, nothing else."

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