Miyazaki Airi: "What did you do? Will you admit it to me honestly? Don't I know you yet?"

Zhou Han: "Uh, Airi, I don't know how to explain it anymore."

Yao Xiaorui could still hear Zhou Han talking under the covers. According to the content, she already knew that the other party was Miyazaki Airi, and she probably wanted to urge Brother Han to go home, otherwise she couldn't make the phone call so urgently.

Yao Xiaorui felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She was about to become brother Han's man, but she was suddenly interrupted. How unlucky was she?

In fact, it's rare to confide my secret to Zhou Han today, so that Zhou Han can understand himself. The absence of that slight estrangement is a good time for emotional sublimation.

But looking at the current situation, the fiery atmosphere is slowly dissipating. The next good opportunity like this will not be seen until the year of the monkey.

Yao Xiaorui was a little reconciled, she really wanted to get closer to Zhou Han, and didn't want to keep a certain distance like this.

Now Zhou Han felt very nervous, and carefully communicated with Miyazaki Airi, hoping she would give her some time, okay, let's get down to business.

Miyazaki Airi: "Xiaorui feels lonely, so she needs you to keep her warm. What do you consider yourself to be? A hot water bottle?"

Zhou Han: "Aili, what you said, I am doing my own duty..."

Miyazaki Airi: "I know you are a boyfriend, but you don't have to hold back, right? Xiaorui felt lonely, so she took her to live with us. Uncle Zhou's room has never been occupied, so let Xiaorui come over No, you can sleep with me."

Zhou Han: "Also... that's fine, but it's a bit late now, let Xiaorui stay with us if we have a chance."

Miyazaki Airi: "You know it's too late? We agreed to go home within half an hour, and it's been two hours. Kiki has been yelling and making noises all the way home."

Zhou Han: "What's wrong with her?"

Miyazaki Airi: "Qiqi yelled and asked me to take her to Xiaorui's house to find you, and shoot a video on the spot to catch rape."

Zhou Han: "Uh..."

Zhou Han raised his forehead, thinking that my prodigal sister, who has sabotaged her own good deeds since she was born, and now she still wants to be raped, is she afraid that she is not embarrassing enough?This disobedient girl must be educated later.

Miyazaki Airi: "What's wrong? Are you guilty of fear?"

Zhou Han: "No, no, I'm not guilty."

Miyazaki Airi: "Hmph! I don't care, let me tell you, I'll give you another half an hour to move around, if you don't come back, I'll take Qiqi to catch the rape, and take a good look at your naked buttocks."

Zhou Han: "Uh..."

Miyazaki Airi hung up the phone directly, putting Zhou Han in a very awkward situation.

Zhou Han looked at his phone blankly, then looked back at Yao Xiaorui, he couldn't help hesitating——

just now……

Should I cut first and play later?

Or go home to coax the younger sisters honestly?


Chapter 190 Monthly Pass Added

Zhou Han fell into hesitation for a while, should he leave later?

It seems that going back too late will easily cause Miyazaki Airi's dissatisfaction, which seems particularly bad.

But it doesn't seem like a good thing to leave Xiaorui here?

I touched and kissed someone just now, so I just throw it here now, isn't it good?

If Yao Xiaorui was left behind and went home, Xiaorui would be very sad.

But Airi at home will also be very sad, Airi is also very important to me...

It's day dog!What harem?It's so hard to open, it's hard to balance it.

The girls talk about going out together, but in fact they are all sour.

what to do?It's fucking time for multiple choice questions in life again...

Zhou Han sat back to Yao Xiaorui's bed silently, looked at her and called out tentatively——

"Xiaorui...that me..."

Yao Xiaorui put down the cup, covered half of her face, and looked at Zhou Han with a surprised expression.

"Brother Han..."

"That..." Zhou Han paused, scratched his head a few times, "I... seem to need to go back..."

Yao Xiaorui's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he felt very comfortable, as if he had eaten dumb and coptis, and he couldn't tell if he was suffering.

I thought that today I would be able to have a better relationship with Zhou Han, but I didn't expect to be interrupted by this sudden call, which made the situation take a turn for the worse.

Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, feeling very aggrieved, she was almost there, if she didn't break through that relationship with Zhou Han, what if Zhou Han changed his mind and liked other girls more?

She felt that the emotional temperature between herself and Zhou Han was enough, and she needed this kind of further sublimation of the relationship between each other, so that Zhou Han would never forget herself.

"Brother Han, don't go back...isn't it good?" Yao Xiaorui lowered her head in shame, and said timidly, "I hope Brother Han...can accompany me tonight..."

The meaning of this is already obvious, it is to use the time tonight to do serious business, but it is more difficult for Zhou Han, do you think Miyazaki Airi will bring Qiqi to kill him?It's really possible, especially Qiqi, who can't wait to come over and make trouble.

"Xiaorui, if I don't go back, Qiqi will keep making trouble at home, so..." Zhou Han frowned in a dilemma.

"Brother Han, please..." Yao Xiaorui blushed and muttered, "Will you stay with me?"

"No... I'm sorry Xiaorui, I think I need to go back..." Zhou Han suppressed his guilt and embarrassment.

"Brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui's teary eyes were like the moon hidden in the flowing clouds, and she didn't know how to keep Zhou Han.

Zhou Han forced himself to stand up, summoned up his courage and prepared to leave, he had made up his mind.

He is also very helpless about this, the two younger sisters are on fire, how can he do anything else on his side?

Although I feel a little sorry for Yao Xiaorui, no one can explain this clearly.

Zhou Han knew how embarrassing it would be for him to play with Yao Xiaorui after teasing Yao Xiaorui.

But when Zhou Han left, Yao Xiaorui's little hand stretched out from under the quilt, and directly grabbed his hand to prevent him from leaving.

"Xiaorui?" Zhou Han was stunned, looking at Yao Xiaorui in surprise, he didn't expect her to be so persistent tonight.

"Don't go, brother Han..." Yao Xiaorui murmured softly, with tears in her eyes, the people watching were worried.

Yao Xiaorui felt that the opportunity tonight was rare, and if she missed it, it might be difficult to meet the next opportunity.

So Yao Xiaorui decided to be more active, so that Zhou Han couldn't leave her, so that she got what she wanted.

In fact, Yao Xiaorui also saw that Zhou Han didn't really want to leave, otherwise he wouldn't have done so.

Yao Xiaorui pulled Zhou Han onto the bed with a little force, and dexterously turned over and rode on Zhou Han.

"Xiaorui!?" Zhou Han stared at Yao Xiaorui, who was in full bloom, with wide eyes, wondering what she meant?He suddenly pulled himself into bed, what kind of trouble is this reverse rhythm going to cause!

The red tide on Yao Xiaorui's pretty face could not be concealed, she did not hide her delicate body at all, and showed Zhou Han to her heart's content——

Bai Jiu's skin seemed to be able to squeeze out water, it looked slippery, and revealed a touch of pink, rippling from the inside out.

Slender figure, with a flat stomach, thin bones look weak, but very charming.

Especially the beautiful jade peak swayed frequently with Yao Xiaorui's breathing, and the crystal grapes on it made people want to take a sip.

(Take a sip, hahaha, I can't stand it anymore, it's too coquettish, don't laugh if you're all hooligans.)

What excited Zhou Han the most was the white silk hanging on his lap, which deeply stimulated his excitement.

Cold sweat fell on Zhou Han's forehead. To be honest, he was still a little excited. He had never experienced the feeling of being pushed against him. He was still a little excited when he was suddenly pushed down by Yao Xiaorui, a sense of shame that he wanted to refuse and welcome It actually appeared in the heart of a big boy.

At that time, the big sword under Zhou Han was charged at the speed of light, even if he said no, his body was really more honest.

"Xiaorui, you...do you want this?"

"Brother Han...I..."

Yao Xiaorui was riding on Zhou Han, blushing and a little embarrassed to speak, so she lowered her head and kissed Zhou Han passionately.

Zhou Han was numb, feeling very strange, so embarrassed that he died.

Yao Xiaorui kept kissing her little lips, and her little tongue was not as proficient as Zhou Han's, it was extremely jerky.

But it is this jerky feeling that easily arouses Zhou Han's desire to invade!

Yao Xiaorui kissed, straightened up on Zhou Han's body, and looked at him emotionally.

"Xiaorui...what do you want to do?"

Zhou Han was like a rabbit waiting to be slaughtered, trembling under Yao Xiaorui's body, he knew that he must be excited with his toes.

"Brother Han, I think...I think..."

Yao Xiaorui was hesitant and speechless, silently took off her chubby legs along her long white silk legs, and threw them aside.

Her face was astonishingly red, only the white stockings on her legs were left on her body, and the mysterious scabbard was squeezing Zhou Han's big sword, separated only by a layer of boxers.

Zhou Han's eyes were staring at that time, his mouth was dry, especially when he saw the black secret jungle below Yao Xiaorui, his eyes were straightened, and he couldn't move his eyes at all. In this situation, there are still people who can hold back! ?I'm afraid it's not gay or impotent...

Yao Xinrui pulled off Zhou Han's boxer pants, ejected the big sword that had been charged for a long time, and appeared towering into the air.


Yao Xiaorui felt a little ashamed looking at the big sword. Although it was not the first time he saw it, he still felt embarrassed every time.

"Brother Han...I...I think about that..."

Zhou Han didn't speak at that time, although his expression was a little bit resistant, his underwear had completely fallen, and he planned to let Yao Xiaorui do whatever he wanted.

Yao Xiaorui seems to have secretly researched what's going on. She doesn't want to be such a noob before, and people who watched it were dumbfounded. Now she seems to really understand the principle.

Zhou Han felt uneasy, his breathing became heavy and cramped, and he seemed very confused.

Yao Xiaorui pointed the scabbard at the big sword tremblingly, closed her eyes tightly, bit her lower lip, and sat on it.


The pain of tearing her lower body made Yao Xiaorui cry out in pain, her lips almost bleed from being bitten, and the extreme pain is numb.

The bright red virgin blood slowly flowed from his lower body to her legs, wetting his black jungle.

"Hiss..." Zhou Han let out a strange sound, excruciating pain and joy——

In this way, Zhou Han was pushed back by Yao Xiaorui...

Do you want to keep the first thousand 190 chapters?

The spring is rippling in the room, sublimating the atmosphere.

The bodies of Zhou Han and Yao Xiaorui are intertwined, sticking together like glue.

Although Yao Xiaorui took the initiative to have a relationship with Zhou Han, pushing him back.

But Zhou Han felt that it was not good for a man to always let Xiaorui be on top, and his dignity did not allow it.

So Zhou Han turned over and pressed Yao Xiaorui under him, making him cry out in surprise.

After having a good sex, Zhou Han's heavy breathing complemented Yao Xiaorui's tender crying.

I don't know how long it took, the roar of the dragon and the chant of the phoenix sounded in the room, and this protracted battle finally came to an end...


Zhou Han and Yao Xiaorui were lying in the same bed,

The two were naked and hugged each other.

After the battle, Yao Xiaorui looked very tired, as if he was already very tired.

On the other hand, Zhou Han, like a normal person, has a serious expression and seems to be thinking about something.

As expected of a transformation data body, it is still very strong...

Yao Xiaorui hugged Zhou Han, her small face pressed against Zhou Han's chest, and her little nose let out a "swoosh" breathing sound, as if she had fallen asleep.

Zhou Han hugged Yao Xiaorui's delicate body, feeling very soft, especially the soft Yufeng, which was attached to his ribs, was still very comfortable.

Recalling the indulgence just now, Zhou Han was still a little bit excited, which proved that he had successfully taken a step towards the road of a real harem, and it was a very memorable day.

In the future, Yao Xiaorui will no longer be a girl, but a woman, still her own woman.

It's not just a simple girlfriend relationship, but a girlfriend who really wants to get married.

Zhou Han didn't interrupt any of the girls who abandoned them. They must take responsibility and find a way to get married together in the future.

Yao Xiaorui is probably also very happy, there is still a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, she doesn't know what kind of dream she is having, a few strands of hair are stuck on her cheeks, obviously she was exhausted just now, and she was sweating.

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