Zhou Han wondered how he would take care of Yao Xiaorui in the future?Do you want her to move here to live with me or something.

But I don't know what Miyazaki Airi thinks, maybe it won't be very comfortable, especially if I and Xiaorui get tired of being together every day.

But Zhou Han thinks it's okay for Yao Xiaorui to stay at home for a while. Uncle Su said before that he was going to work in another place, so did he want Xiaorui to live in his house for a while?

Maybe this is an opportunity, wait for the opportunity to discuss with Miyazaki Airi.

After all, Xiao Aili has the faint attitude of a big wife, and every time she gets angry, it makes Zhou Han a little uneasy.

The relationship is different now, Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi had a relationship with two girls, Yao Xiaorui, and officially went on the road of Brother Cheng.

Whether you can avoid the sharp hatchets and reach the end of the Great Consummation depends entirely on your own luck.

Zhou Han now knows that he has to be more careful in the future, otherwise something will happen, especially after he has two girls, the ultimate goal is to prevent them from being hostile to each other and to accept each other, but it seems extremely difficult, no It's so good to reconcile in the middle, every minute is the rhythm of digging one's own grave.

Although the fun is over now, a series of problems have followed.

How will I explain to Miyazaki Airi when I go back?I don't know if the kneeling washboard is still useful...

Zhou Han is very melancholy now, he doesn't know how to tell Miyazaki Airi that he put Yao Xiaorui to sleep, can he really say it calmly?

I always feel that Miyazaki Airi will not be happy, and the probability of losing her temper is high, maybe she will resent herself and enter a state of super cold war.

Zhou Han felt that he was sick right now, always worried too much, he didn't want to make Yao Xiaorui sad, and didn't want to make Miyazaki Airi feel bad, so he was caught in the middle, struggling to survive.

However, Zhou Han didn't regret anything about having a relationship with Yao Xiaorui. If he did it, he did it. It is impossible to regret it, and finding a way to reconcile it is the kingly way.

Zhou Han raised his head and looked at his watch. It was almost 11 o'clock. It seemed that he and Yao Xiaorui had fought for an hour for the first time.

This is because Zhou Han cared about Yao Xiaorui and restrained himself a little. After all, it was the first time, too intense is not good.

It's so late, should I go home or not?

Zhou Han held his forehead, sighed secretly, and was a little uncertain for a while, maybe Miyazaki Airi was still waiting for him at home.

It is also very strange to say that since the call just now, Miyazaki Airi has never called again.

Zhou Han thought about it carefully, couldn't it be that Aili brought Qiqi to kill her?Don't want to look at the embarrassment of your bare buttocks.

Zhou Han became more and more disturbed. He was really afraid that the two younger sisters would kill him, and he became uneasy.

This slight movement woke Yao Xiaorui up. She slowly opened her eyes and said in a daze, "Good morning, Brother Han~"

"Good morning? It's still night, it's almost 23 o'clock." Zhou Han answered dumbfounded, feeling that Yao Xiaorui's cute and silly appearance was quite attractive.

"Eh!?" Yao Xiaorui was stunned, then regained consciousness a little, "Is that so?"

"Yes, silly girl..." Zhou Han touched Yao Xiaorui's small nose.

"Hoo hoo, that's great..." Yao Xiaorui squeezed Zhou Han's body, hugged him tightly, and let their skins stick together.

"What's so good?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"When we sleep together, the time will pass quickly. If we are awake, we can spend more time with Brother Han." Yao Xiaorui said with a smile, she was very happy to be with Zhou Han.

"What is this? Take a rest when you're tired." Zhou Han said with concern.

"No, it would be great if we could chat." Yao Xiaorui said stubbornly.

Zhou Han didn't say much, he understood Yao Xiaorui's happy mood, after all, his relationship has finally sublimated.

"Xiaorui, is there any discomfort in your body?"

"Well... this..." Yao Xiaorui blushed, and said a little embarrassedly, "It's just that the bottom still hurts..."

"Uh..." Zhou Han wondered if he wasn't gentle enough?So he said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry Xiaorui, it's my fault."

"It's okay..." Yao Xiaorui shook her head and said with a slight smile, "I'm very happy to be able to become closer to Brother Han~"

"This..." Zhou Han scratched his cheek in embarrassment, not knowing what to say, of course he was also very happy.

"What's the matter, brother Han? His face is a bit ugly, what's on your mind?" Yao Xiaorui asked tentatively.

"It's not..." Zhou Han was vague, worried that his sisters would kill him, "Why don't I go back now, Xiaorui?"

"Eh!? Why?"

A look of panic flashed across Yao Xiaorui's eyes, and he grabbed Zhou Han's arm nervously, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

"It's so late, brother Han should stay here? Don't leave, and..."

"And my father doesn't come back at night, I'm alone at home, and I'm a little scared."

"The night is long, Brother Han, don't we still have a lot to do?"

Zhou Han frowned, facing Yao Xiaorui's profound suggestion, he immediately fell into deep thought——


Or not?

What is the situation of the two younger sisters in the family...


The first thousand and 190 chapter two monthly pass plus more

Zhou Han hesitated, feeling that if he continued to immerse himself in Yao Xiaorui's Wenrong village, it would be easy for big troubles to happen.

The main thing is that I can't guess what the sisters are thinking. If they really come, they will be suspected if they open the door late, and they will be seen in disheveled clothes if they open the door soon.

Zhou Han is more worried about this now, and he doesn't intend to hide the fact that he has a relationship with Yao Xiaorui, just because he is afraid that everyone will be very embarrassed if they encounter this situation.

Because I came home late, it was almost five or six hours, and I wouldn't believe anything I said, let alone Miyazaki Airi.

So Zhou Han wondered if he could be saved if he rushed home now, at least he still had the attitude to go home.

"Brother Han, don't leave, can you stay at my house tonight?" Yao Xiaorui said softly beside him, it's not like letting Zhou Han go home at all, it's rare for him to come here once, it's not good if he doesn't sleep the whole night.

What's more, Yao Xiaorui just disappeared for the first time. He looks very happy on the surface, but in fact he is still very disturbed in his heart and needs others to accompany him.

"But there is still Qiqi in my family messing around..." Zhou Han said hesitantly, he didn't mention the fact that the two younger sisters would kill him. scare yourself?

"No, Airi will take good care of Qiqi, shall we be together tonight?" Yao Xiaorui's chest was directly pressed against her, and Zhou Han's mood fluttered a little due to the soft feeling.

"emmmmm..." Zhou Han wavered, thinking that it has been such a long time, and the two younger sisters haven't come to the door, maybe they won't come back?

This kind of fluke mentality spread throughout the body like a toxin, instantly destroying Zhou Han's defense, thinking that spending a night with Xiaorui should not cause major problems.

Anyway, I have been late for home for five or six hours, is there still one night left?

"There are still a lot of bubble gum at home, it seems that I can come a few more times..." Yao Xiaorui muttered in a mosquito sound, clearly hinting at Zhou Han.

"Didn't your downside... hurt?" Zhou Han asked awkwardly, thinking that if Yao Xiaorui was not feeling well, he should sleep peacefully.

"It was at the beginning, but now it's much better..." Yao Xiaorui said timidly with a blushing face.

"Then..." Zhou Han thought for a while, turned over and hugged the naked Yao Xiaorui in his arms, and turned off the light.

The room became dark...

Yao Xiaorui's house is downstairs.

Miyazaki Airi had already arrived in a taxi.

At this time, she was in the state of just getting out of the car, with resentment written all over her pretty face.

Since the autumn night was still relatively cold, Miyazaki Airi walked downstairs to Yao Xiaorui's house wearing a coat and small leather boots.

Miyazaki Airi waited at home for a long time, and agreed to give a deadline of half an hour, but Zhou Han still didn't come back.

This made Miyazaki Airi very uncomfortable, and she didn't know why Zhou Han didn't go home, could it be that Yao Xiaorui really left her behind?

Miyazaki Airi would not believe in such bullshit chatting, if she didn't come home so late, something must have happened.

If Zhou Han still dared to say in front of him that he was just ordinary, he would lose his temper with him.

How can lonely men and widows have so many days to talk?After chatting for almost six hours, it's a lie!

Miyazaki Airi has been tutoring Zhou Qiqi's homework and never left.

During this period, Zhou Qiqi messed around countless times. Every half an hour, she would scream in shock, declaring that a new round of snake wars had begun.

Miyazaki Airi has been tortured by Zhou Qiqi, and she kept suppressing Zhou Qiqi's nonsense, her head grew bigger.

If it weren't for Miyazaki Airi's constant comfort and coaxing Zhou Qiqi, this troublemaker would have dragged her to kill her long ago.

After tutoring until 10:30, Zhou Qiqi became a little quieter and said pitifully that she was sleepy.

So Miyazaki Airi asked Zhou Qiqi to sleep obediently, and waited for the little guy to fall asleep.

Miyazaki Airi finally couldn't bear it anymore, she secretly changed her clothes, and hurried over by car, wanting Zhou Han to go home.

Every time Zhou Qiqi messed around, she was still provoked and said things like this——

Brother, he had sex with a vixen again! ?

oops!I'm sure I'm pregnant now!

Your fake sister is too disappointing.

My brother is not going home now, obviously the vixen is more attractive!

It seems that the washboard still can't beat the **, this is an irreversible iron law.

Miyazaki Airi was furious, she accused Zhou Qiqi on the surface, but she was really hurt in her heart.

What do you mean you are not as attractive as Xiaorui?

Miyazaki Airi was very unbalanced in her heart, after thinking about it, she decided to come and ask Zhou Han to go home.

Sure enough, I still can't accept that Zhou Han has sex with other girls, and I feel unspeakable pain in my heart.

This is the reaction of a normal girl, who would like to let their boyfriend have sex with other girls?

Although Miyazaki Airi understands that everyone gets along together, there will be a hurdle in her heart that is difficult to overcome.

Miyazaki Airi came downstairs to Yao Xiaorui and looked at the floor of Xiaorui's house, but there was no light.

She didn't believe that Zhou Han wasn't inside, what did the dimming of the lights prove?

It proves that Zhou Han and Yao Xiaorui have already fallen asleep, and a fool knows what happened.

Miyazaki Airi felt uncomfortable for a while, and felt a little dizzy in a trance. She didn't expect that what should have happened happened, and it was really unacceptable for a while.

Now that it happened, shouldn't we accept the reality?

Miyazaki Airi calmed down a bit, but still did not give up her plan to take Zhou Han home.

She was just about to go upstairs to knock on the door of Yao Xiaorui's house, when a familiar figure appeared in her field of vision.

Su Youqiang passed by staggeringly, smelling of alcohol all over his body, he seemed to come back after drinking too much outside, and was still muttering.

With the help of the light from the street lights in the neighborhood, Miyazaki Airi could see who the man was. Isn't this Yao Xiaorui's father?Why is this time back?

Miyazaki Airi stopped, thought for a while and decided not to go up, since Yao Xiaorui's father came back, she followed up to pull Zhou Han home, what's the matter?Openly arresting rape in front of your parents?

But Miyazaki Airi calmed down, thinking that if Zhou Han was doing that kind of thing with Xiaorui, and Uncle Su came back suddenly, what would he do?

Miyazaki Airi decided to wait downstairs, if her prediction was correct——

This guy Zhou Han will come down in a panic...


"Brother Han...Brother Han..."

"Umm... ah!"

The two entered the state early, and the fierce battle was in full swing.

Yao Xiaorui is in a very excited state.

In the darkness, the figures of the two could not be seen clearly.

I can only hear the ambiguous business, and I am agitated by it.

Zhou Han's breathing was cramped and heavy, wheezing.

The souls of the two were blending, and they didn't notice the sound of Uncle Su opening the door with a key.

But the sound of opening the door was still very obvious, and the sound of "squeak" came immediately.

The two of them were stunned, and they didn't realize what was going on for a short time.

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