Zhou Han stopped, and whispered in surprise, "Someone is back?"

Yao Xiaorui's eyes flickered, and after thinking about it, she was shocked, "Brother Han, it's bad, my father came back suddenly..."

"Ah!?" Zhou Han's eyes widened, his face was full of horror, with an overly frightened reaction——

What the hell! ?

Where I am now...

It's over, it's over, it's death!

God!Why am I so unlucky! ?

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

The first thousand and 190 chapters and three monthly tickets plus more

God! ?

what's the situation! ?

Uncle Su is back! ! !

Zhou Han's eyeballs almost fell out, and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

I'm doing something with Yao Xiaorui now, and I'm still under my body.

How embarrassing would it be to be bumped into now? !Will he pick up the bench and give himself a K?

Zhou Han thinks it is very possible. Thinking about the reaction of a normal father seeing this situation, most of them are furious, wishing to fight the bad boy to the death. After all, under normal thinking, it must be his daughter who has suffered a big loss!

Fuck!This cheating rhythm!

what do i do nowHide under the closet?

According to the normal development, it was found frequently in the hiding room.

Jump off a building?Although there is nothing wrong with my body, it will scare Xiaorui.

Day dog!What to do?My father-in-law will beat me to death on the spot with a hammer!

I'll be in the paper tomorrow—

"My father-in-law was arrested for rape, and my son-in-law was caught on the spot!"

Damn, I want fire!Although Xiaorui is my fiancée, Uncle Su will get angry if he plays at her house so blatantly, right?

Zhou Han's face was pale, and when the father-in-law came back from killing him, he was so frightened that he lost his wits and was scared.

"Xiaorui, didn't you say that Uncle Su wouldn't come back?! This... what's going on?"

Zhou Han deliberately lowered his voice to ask, his voice trembled a little, obviously in a state of panic and fear.

The Uncle Su mentioned before made up for it, but now he came back halfway.

If he knew this, he should have run away long ago, why are he still doing so recklessly! ?

"Maybe...Maybe Dad's work went very smoothly today, so he finished the work ahead of time, so..." Yao Xiaorui became embarrassed, and said, "So I came back early..."

"Uh..." Zhou Han's expression froze on his face, thinking what the hell!Why is there such an operation? !This possibility should have been mentioned before!This is now directly in the state of exploding in situ...

Yao Xiaorui also looked a little panicked, her father came back suddenly, nothing could be more embarrassing than this.

Moreover, both of them are naked now, and their clothes are thrown everywhere. If they are bumped into, the situation is extremely dangerous.

Yao Xiaorui has always been very sensible and well-behaved in front of her father, but now she looks like this, it can be said that she can catch his father's eyes.

In fact, Yao Xiaorui really didn't expect her father to come back at this time, everything was a bit beyond her expectation, and she suddenly became at a loss.

Zhou Han calmed down a little, how could he be willing to be arrested?Hurry up and think of a way to hide!

"Xiaorui, is there any good place in your room where I can hide myself?"

Yao Xiaorui regained her composure, and hurriedly said in a panic, "Wardrobe!"

"Don't be kidding, the closet is a holy place to be caught frequently, isn't it too dangerous?!" Zhou Han felt that the closet was the most unreliable place.

"The bottom of the bed, the bottom of the bed should be fine..." Yao Xiaorui said again, wondering if his father would lie on the ground in idleness.

Zhou Han thought for a while, the bottom of the bed should be the bottom of the bed!

He threw off the quilt, covered his naked big sword, and rushed under the bed.

Zhou Han's cat waist looked at it like this, and he suddenly looked confused, and said depressedly.

"Xiao Rui, the gap at the bottom of your bed is less than 10 centimeters, how can I get in if I'm not a paper man?!"

"Then...then..." Yao Xiaorui was at a loss, in such an urgent situation, she was too flustered to think, "Window sill, hide behind the curtain..."

Zhou Han didn't hesitate much, he hid behind the curtain like a thief, and didn't even let out a breath.

The curtains in Yao Xiaorui's house are relatively long, almost reaching the floor, which looks very secretive.

Although Zhou Han's feet were exposed, it didn't seem very obvious, and Yao Xiaorui's bed covered it.

Due to the coldness at night in autumn, Zhou Han stood naked behind the curtain, looking as embarrassed as he could be.

To be honest, it's still a bit cold. When the cold wind blows, I feel chilly behind my buttocks~

Zhou Han was very anxious, and prayed that he could pass this test and not be caught.

But who knows that Zhou Han hasn't been happy for a while, Yao Xiaorui said in embarrassment.

"Brother Han, come out quickly, it's not safe behind the curtain, can I see your shadow?"

From Yao Xiaorui's perspective, the moonlight outside shines in, Zhou Han's black shadow is clearly visible behind the curtains, and any fool knows that there is someone hiding behind.

Zhou Han came out in embarrassment, thinking that this is too embarrassing, there seems to be danger everywhere.


"have you slept?"

Uncle Su's voice came from the living room, and he still felt a little unclear.

Yao Xiaorui became a little flustered immediately, as if there was nowhere to hide.

"What should we do, Brother Han? How about we admit it honestly..."

Zhou Han thought about admitting it honestly, how will the father-in-law view himself in the future?

Sleeping his daughter in his house, is it so exciting?

Zhou Han gritted his teeth and thought to himself, no matter what, wealth and wealth are in danger, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Zhou Han suddenly opened the closet, and was stunned. It was full of clothes, and it was a bit full, so it was difficult to squeeze people in.

At this time, the footsteps outside the door were getting closer and closer, Zhou Han's eyes widened, he couldn't hesitate to find a place to hide!

Zhou Han quickly stuffed the clothes on the floor under the bed, making the scene less messy.


Zhou Han got into Yao Xiaorui's quilt again, and hid his whole body in the quilt.

He was lying on Yao Xiaorui's body, and his head was caught by the soft jade peak. During the siege, the picture was so beautiful.

"Brother Han!?" Yao Xiaorui panicked.

"Don't panic, I heard that Uncle Su seems to be drinking, so he shouldn't be able to tell." Zhou Han said calmly.

Yao Xiaorui's brow was sweating anxiously, wondering if it's not obvious?She looked like she was pregnant.

The bodies of the two were glued together, although Zhou Han was hiding under the quilt, Yao Xiaorui looked like a pregnant woman, with a small hill rising underneath.

"Girl, Dad is back..."

There was a sound outside the door, and it was obvious that they had reached the door.

Zhou Han's heart is both fearful and exciting now, the two moods alternate back and forth, making it difficult to calm down.

Fear of the father-in-law outside the door, fear of being discovered will make things very complicated.

The stimulation was because Yao Xiaorui's nipples clamped her head, the soft feeling almost paralyzed the nerves, it was so fucking refreshing.

And the old man is so close, he and Xiaorui are still naked, pressing Xiaorui under him, this position...

If it is discovered, it must be that the explanation is not clear, can it not be exciting?

"Oh... oh, dad is back?" Yao Xiaorui replied very bluntly, unable to panic.

"Huh? You haven't slept so late?" Uncle Su pushed the door and said awkwardly, "Why isn't the door locked?"

"I... I forgot..." Yao Xiaorui's face turned pale, thinking that he thought his father would not come back, so his vigilance was relaxed, and the door was forgotten, and who remembers whether the door was closed when it was in a state of dry firewood? Off?

Zhou Han's black thread rattled under the blanket, thinking to himself, lock the door!Lock the door! ! !

"You kid, you just have a bad memory..." Su Youqiang staggered and opened the door a little bit, reeking of alcohol, his face flushed, it was obvious that he was in trouble.

He poked his head in, scanned the room in a daze, and saw Yao Xiaorui's quilt was bulging, very uncoordinated—— 


"You...what's the matter with the bed?"

"It seems like someone is hiding..."


The first thousand and 190 chapters and four outbreaks

When Zhou Han heard Uncle Su's question, he trembled all over, thinking——

I go……

Come up and ask this? !

Are you drunk? ?

I mean, am I that obvious?

"That..." Yao Xiaorui was very panicked, looked at the quilt that looked like she was pregnant, and said awkwardly, "I'm a little cold, so I put on an extra quilt."

"Is the cover so thick?" Uncle Su said in a dazed way.

"It's...it's cold at night..." Yao Xiaorui replied nervously.

"It's okay. The heating may be available in a few days. If it doesn't work, I'll go buy an electric heater." Uncle Su seems to know how to buy and buy, and he doesn't ask Yao Xiaorui if he needs it?

"Dad, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, just add an extra quilt." Yao Xiaorui replied hesitantly.

"That's fine...Ge~" Uncle Su hiccupped and turned to leave.


Yao Xiaorui heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he had made it through, but his father turned around immediately.

"Girl? How did you play with that brat from the old Zhou family today?"

Zhou Han, who was under the quilt, felt embarrassed, thinking that when he was not around, he called himself by this name! ?

"Very...very good..." Yao Xiaorui paused, then added, "I had a great time with Brother Han and the others today..."

"That's good, that brat didn't bully you, did he? If he bullied you, tell Dad, and Dad will teach him a lesson for you." Uncle Su was staggering in place, and probably fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed.

"No, how could elder brother Han bully me?" Yao Xiaorui said in a slightly reproachful tone.

Zhou Han's expression became complicated, and he thought that he put Yao Xiaorui under him, is this considered bullying?

"That's what I said, you're not married yet, you're turning your elbows out now." Uncle Su muttered dissatisfied.

"Dad! Please don't say a few words..." Yao Xiaorui said angrily, thinking not to talk nonsense, Zhou Han is hiding in his bed.

"Look at you, now that Dad says you're not willing to listen to me? If you don't want to stay at the girl's college, is Dad the second in your heart now, and the brat from the Zhou family is the first?" Uncle Su's eyes Confused, his face began to turn red, it is estimated that the truth is beginning to rise.

Zhou Han put his face on Yao Xiaorui's chest, he didn't know what to say anymore, wondering if Xiaorui's usual behavior was so obvious?

"Dad, don't talk about it, go back to sleep, you will always be the first in my heart, okay?" Yao Xiaorui said eagerly, now that Zhou Han is in her bed, she makes herself very uneasy. Discovered, how can I explain it?

"Perfunctory, too perfunctory, girl, you obviously didn't care about what you said..." Uncle Su seemed to be over alcohol, and he was a little vexatious, "I know you like that brat Zhou Han, and I encourage you to be together, after all, you I always talk about him every day, my father is someone who has been there, so he understands."

Yao Xiaorui blushed, her heart beat faster, it was really embarrassing to say this in front of Zhou Han.

She felt that her father was revealing her little secret, how shameful it was for Brother Han to hear it?

"Okay, I know Dad, go back to sleep..."

"Look, the attitude towards Dad has changed now, I've been standing outside the door for 2 minutes, and you start to hit me?" Uncle Su unconsciously showed a smirk on his face, "This can't work, Dad is sad , I also know that you secretly knit woolen socks for that brat of the Zhou family, alas, my adopted daughter has never knit anything for me..."

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