"Dad! You...don't talk nonsense!" Yao Xiaorui blushed and said nervously.

"Who is talking nonsense? Look at the threads on the table, who can't see them?" Uncle Su pointed to the wool threads in the box on the table.

Yao Xiaorui sighed, and said helplessly, "Okay, Dad, go back to sleep, the smell of alcohol is coming over, I'll knit a pair of socks for you too..."

Zhou Han in bed was surprised, thinking that Yao Xiaorui knitted socks for herself secretly? !What are you doing hiding it from yourself?

"Okay, my daughter has agreed that the socks are my father's share. If I can't have a boyfriend, just forget about my father~" Uncle Su's words were not clear anymore, and he probably managed to maintain a little sobriety.

"Got it, go to sleep." Yao Xiaorui said helplessly.

Uncle Su and Xiaohe closed the door of their daughter's room, probably going to their own room.

After her father left, Yao Xiaorui whispered to Zhou Han who was under the blanket, "Brother Han, my father has already left, come out."

Zhou Han lifted the quilt, got out directly, and took a big breath of fresh air, but he was suffocated.

It's a good thing that Uncle Su doesn't drink much, he's unconscious, otherwise he will be found out.

"Scared me to death? If we are discovered, we can't explain it..."

"Yeah, I'm a little scared too..." Yao Xiaorui said with lingering fear.

"Speaking of which, what's the matter with knitting socks?" Zhou Han asked suspiciously.

"It's all my father's fault. I wanted to give Brother Han a surprise..." Yao Xiaorui sulked and continued, "Isn't it going to be winter? I want to knit you a pair of woolen socks. How nice it would be."

"You don't need to do this kind of thing? It's a waste of so much effort..." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, his heart was still warm, he didn't expect Yao Xiaorui to think of himself so much.

"It's not a waste of effort. I think it's very meaningful. If Brother Han wears the socks I knitted, he will stay with me and he will never be able to walk again." Yao Xiaorui's face was flushed, feeling a little excited.

Zhou Han laughed dryly, thinking that if he couldn't walk, it was paralysis, so it might not be a good thing?

"When I finish weaving, I will give it to Brother Han." Yao Xiaorui said firmly.

Zhou Han didn't refuse either, after all, this was the girl's wish.

If you refuse, it is too heartless, no matter how handmade, you have to put it on honestly.

"Xiaorui, thank you..."

Zhou Han kissed Yao Xiaorui's lips, savoring it carefully.

Yao Xiaorui actively catered to her, and moved her little tongue lightly.

After parting her lips, Yao Xiaorui lowered her head with a blushing face, feeling sweet in her heart.

"Xiaorui, I should go..." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Yes." Yao Xiaorui nodded.

Zhou Han dressed indiscriminately.

Under the cover of Yao Xiaorui, he left the room.

As a result, there were bursts of snoring coming from Uncle Su's room, and he had already fallen asleep.

Zhou Han shouted luck in his heart, and arrived at the door.

"Xiaorui, I'm leaving."

"Be careful on the road, and send me a text message when you get home, or I'll be so worried that I won't be able to sleep."

"Do not worry."

Zhou Han kissed Yao Xiaorui, then turned and left.

In the process of going downstairs, Zhou Han was quite happy, after all, he had a real wife.

But what followed was bursts of worry, how would I explain to my two younger sisters when I went home?

Do you really want to honestly confess that you and Xiaorui have already had a relationship?

Zhou Han went downstairs while he was thinking, but God didn't give him a chance to think about it——

Because Miyazaki Airi has been waiting for a long time on the opposite steps.

As soon as Zhou Han went downstairs, he saw Miyazaki Airi.

Miyazaki Airi obviously also saw Zhou Han.

Four eyes facing each other...

Inexplicable sparks burst out in the dark night!

The first thousand 190 chapter five monthly pass plus more

Zhou Han was standing directly opposite Miyazaki Airi in a daze, staring at her blankly.

For a while, she didn't know how long Miyazaki Airi had been here, could it be a long time?

The sudden cold wind made Zhou Han realize what it means to be like a falling ice cellar, and an unforgettable chill came leisurely.

For a brief moment, Zhou Han had fallen into a state where he couldn't think, which made people feel extremely depressed.

And what about Miyazaki Airi?

She knew that Zhou Han would come down in such a panic, everything was within her expectation.

Miyazaki Airi's expression was still extremely calm, even when she saw Zhou Han's face, she didn't show any emotion.

Her cold eyes shot straight at Zhou Han without blinking.

Miyazaki Airi couldn't tell what she felt when she saw Zhou Han, she could only feel a little sour.

Looking at these words, what was expected to happen still happened, so there is no need to have the slightest doubt.

However, Miyazaki Airi still felt strong sadness from the bottom of her heart, and even if it turned into anger, she still suppressed it as much as possible.

That's right, Zhou Han has already had sex with other girls, and it no longer belongs to him alone...

The more Miyazaki Airi thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, as if she had been betrayed.

Even if everyone said they wanted to date together, it would still make people very sad if this kind of thing really happened.

Zhou Han couldn't help shivering, he didn't know whether it was from fright or from the coldness of autumn.

He felt that in this situation, he had to say something, and it was not a problem to do it like this.

Thinking about it, I can't hide it anymore, talking nonsense is just an excuse for ordinary chatting.

Now that I am in a hurry to come down, my clothes are disheveled, do I need to cover up?

With Miyazaki Airi's cleverness, I am afraid that everything is not important, and what should be known has already been known.

Zhou Han thought that if he was a man, he would admit it honestly and say what he had to say.

Even if Miyazaki Airi resents herself, she still has to talk frankly.

Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, walked up to Miyazaki Airi silently, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Airi, you...how did you come here?"

Miyazaki Airi looked into Zhou Han's eyes and said calmly, "Is there any problem with me coming here? Is it ruining your good business?"

"No, no, no problem, of course, you..." Zhou Han felt that Miyazaki Airi was calm on the surface, but her tone was full of resentment, "When did you come?"

"Is it related to you?" Miyazaki Airi asked back.

Zhou Han was choked enough, thinking that Airi was really angry, and there was a sting in her words.

"I'm just asking, shall we... go home?"

"Now you know how to go home?" Miyazaki Airi tilted her head, her flaxen hair was still beautiful under the moonlight, "If Xiaorui's father doesn't come home, will you know to go home?"

"I...Of course I know..." Zhou Han felt a little bit of pressure.

"Hmm, you plan to spend the night at Xiaorui's house tonight, right?" Miyazaki Airi seemed to know everything, but she asked one by one, and then exposed the lies one by one.

"Uh..." Zhou Han suddenly became speechless, feeling that Miyazaki Airi was just looking at him deflated.

"Why don't you go home? Do you want to spend the night at Xiaorui's house so much? Or do you like her more?" Miyazaki Airi finally showed a little sadness on her face when she asked this question.

"That's not the case, I like you too, Airi trust me, okay?" Zhou Han showed a very serious expression.

"Now that things have happened, what do you use to make me believe you? Am I really in your heart?" Miyazaki Airi showed a somewhat miserable expression.

"Yes, Aili, you have always been the irreplaceable one in my heart, really." Zhou Han was patiently explaining that Aili was very important to him in the first place. Seeing her sad alone, she felt so sad. It's also really uncomfortable.

"Then why didn't you listen to me? Have you really considered my feelings?" Miyazaki Airi's eyes began to light up, covered with something like crystal glass, and her eyelashes moved a few times one after another.

"Why haven't I considered your feelings?" Zhou Han was a little surprised, and felt that he really cared about Airi, more bluntly than any other girl.

"Why didn't you go home earlier? It took half an hour at the beginning, you can delay it." Miyazaki Airi nodded and continued, "I called you personally later, but why didn't you come back? You don't take me into your heart at all, and you can ignore what I say casually."

"This..." Zhou Han fell into hesitation, thinking that he was indeed a little embarrassed, and he did ignore Miyazaki Airi's meaning at that time, but whether this girl is in my heart is another matter!

"Can't you find an excuse?" Miyazaki Airi smiled miserably, and said lightly, "I really hit the mark, right?"

"No, Airi, I..." Zhou Han was a little emotionally entangled, holding Miyazaki Airi's thin shoulders.

"Let go of me..." Miyazaki Airi said coldly, struggling to break free, "Let go of me! Hachi!"

Zhou Han's hand was forcefully broken away by Miyazaki Airi, and then she stepped back a few steps, as if treating a stranger.

"Airi, can you listen to my explanation carefully?"

"I've heard enough of your explanations! You will deceive me with your explanations at this point! You never want to tell the truth!" Miyazaki Airi's emotions began to become unstable, and Shuiling's eyes were full of tears. Tears, the frail shoulders were blown by the wind, trembling non-stop.

"How is it possible? Airi, calm down a little bit." Zhou Han felt sad in his heart, but he didn't expect Miyazaki Airi's reaction to be so huge.

"I'm asking you a question now, you have to answer me truthfully, okay?" Miyazaki Airi lowered her head slightly, even though her eyelashes were stained with tears.Still resisted not to drip down.

"You ask, no matter what, I will answer truthfully." Zhou Han said in a firm tone.

"You..." Miyazaki Airi paused, bit her lips, hesitated and said, "Have you already done it with Xiaorui?"

Zhou Han was stunned and fell into a moment of silence.I thought to myself, is it still useful if I don’t admit it now?

So Zhou Han nodded and said in a very sincere tone.


Miyazaki Airi became dazed, her expression was as if she had heard the death sentence, and everything became clear at a glance.

If Zhou Han was secretive, Miyazaki Airi would not think of it, and would get angry directly.

Now that Zhou Han is so honest, Miyazaki Airi is not even in the mood to lose her temper,


"Hey, why..."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"I have paid so much for you, why do you do this to me?"

"Is it really not enough to have me alone? Do you need others?"

Miyazaki Airi lowered her eyes sadly, her face turning pale.

"Aili, I like you all, including you of course." Zhou Han thought for a long time, and only this sentence came to him.

Miyazaki Airi moved her lips but couldn't say a word, she couldn't help but slap Zhou Han sadly!

Zhou Han covered his cheeks with a startled expression, feeling that Airi hadn't lost such a temper for a long time.

"Haka!" Miyazaki Airi cursed, turned her head and ran away, covering her mouth, the tears that hadn't shed for a long time, pouring down like a stream——


Playful big radish!

I never want to see him again...


Don't scold, this is a normal girl's reaction.

Wouldn't it be weird if you were happy to accept reality?

The first thousand and 190 chapters six monthly pass plus more

Miyazaki Airi ran away alone, her teary eyes were like the moon hidden in the flowing clouds.

Those tear-filled eyes seemed to be fleeting meteors passing by in the dark night.

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