Tears wet her long and narrow eyelashes early, leaving them behind while running.

Miyazaki Airi kept wiping her unstoppable tears with her sleeves, and she had no destination in her heart, she just wanted to escape from Zhou Han.

Even if Zhou Han didn't answer, she knew the result long ago.

Miyazaki Airi felt a little lucky in her heart, but she still couldn't help asking Zhou Han, wanting to hear his own answer.

But after hearing the result, it is inevitable that my heart will become very sad.

Zhou Han really had sex with other girls, and he was no longer the only one.

Miyazaki Airi is feeling aggrieved now, she feels that she has paid a lot in normal times, and cares silently behind her back every day, but in the end Zhou Han treats herself like this.

Obviously, it is the happiest thing for two people to live in harmony with each other, but in the end it turned out like this.

Miyazaki Airi now feels a trace of betrayal, thinking that only she is taking the relationship between the two seriously.

Even though she knew it was the three girls who dated Zhou Han together, Miyazaki Airi still couldn't accept that things had reached a point of no return.

Zhou Han fell into a bit of a daze after Miyazaki Airi ran away crying.

I am really sorry for Miyazaki Airi, after all, I know what the girl has done.

However, my feelings for every girl are sincere, without any hypocrisy.

What can't we do together?

Zhou Han thought there was nothing wrong with it. He thought it might be his behavior that made Miyazaki Airi feel uneasy.

After all, I have sex with other girls, and it seems that I don't care about Miyazaki Airi at all.

Zhou Han didn't think much, and quickly caught up with Miyazaki Airi, holding her little hand.

"Aili, don't go. I know I'm sorry for you without discussing it with you, and I haven't seriously considered your feelings. Can't I apologize?"

"Let go! Don't talk to me! I don't want to talk to you anymore! Baga!" Miyazaki Airi turned her head, her face was covered with tears, her eyes were red, she broke away from Zhou Han's hand, turned her head and ran away, feeling Very flustered.

"Airi!" Zhou Han couldn't let Miyazaki Airi leave, so he hugged her from behind and tried a little to prevent her from running away. "Don't go, please..."

"Let go of me! Let go of me quickly!" Miyazaki Airi cried sadly, tears poured out of her eye sockets like a flood that broke a bank, "Don't touch me! Stay away from me! You liar! Been cheating on my feelings from start to finish..."

No matter how Miyazaki Airi struggled, Zhou Han's arms embraced her from behind and remained motionless.

If the girl is let go now, who knows what she can do?

"I didn't, I didn't deceive your feelings." Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi's delicate body, and could instantly feel her fear and anxiety, "I love you, I love you, Airi believes in me, I love you I have always loved you from the bottom of my heart, why do you think I am deceiving you?"

"Let go! You bastard! I don't want to listen to your smooth talk!" Miyazaki Airi's struggle became more and more violent.

"Airi! Calm down, if I cheat your feelings, I'll die, okay?"

Zhou Han pulled Miyazaki Airi over, looked at her face to face, and put his hands on her shoulders to prevent her from escaping easily.

His feelings for Miyazaki Airi are quite complicated, that is, he cares about his sister and he feels about his girlfriend.

It was also difficult for Zhou Han to understand this complicated emotion. Love and family affection were mixed together, and it was difficult to distinguish them at all.

"Will you die! Nishine! Nishine! Sought Nishine!" Miyazaki Airi raised her fist and slammed Zhou Han, hitting his chest, slapping his face, scratching and scratching him, crying pear blossoms with rain, It seems that he wants to break free from Zhou Han's control.

"Airi, don't be like this. I love you. I really never cheated on your feelings. This matter..." Zhou Han paused, thinking that it would be better if he had communicated with Miyazaki Airi before, "I'm very sorry, But I really want everyone to be together."

"So... so you betrayed me? Have sex with other girls without worrying about my feelings?" Miyazaki Airi raised her head and looked at Zhou Han with tears in her eyes.

"I don't expect you to forgive and understand, all I can say is to apologize, but Airi, I love you for real, this feeling is not mixed with anything." Zhou Han said very seriously, looking at Miyazaki Airi's sad appearance made her heart throb.

Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Han sadly, her lips moved but she couldn't say a word.

She could clearly feel that Zhou Han was not lying, and she could also feel that love.

But Zhou Han went to have sex with other girls in order to have himself?

Is it just for the reason that everyone is together?Do you really take yourself seriously?

Miyazaki Airi was out of breath, raised her fist and hit Zhou Han with all her strength, shouting.

"Baga! Baga! Baga..."

"Hit, hit, hit until you calm down..."

Zhou Han didn't dodge either, so he let Miyazaki Airi's fist hit him, turning into a human-shaped sandbag.

Now he can't think of any good way to calm Miyazaki Airi, and he can only let her vent her emotions.

"You bastard, the most annoying..."

Miyazaki Airi bit her lip, muttered in a trembling voice, tears were running down her cheeks, and her red eyes were distressing.

She seemed to have exhausted her strength and could no longer struggle, so she raised her hand and hit Zhou Han's chest weakly for the last time.

Miyazaki Airi felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

Zhou Han hurriedly grabbed Miyazaki Airi, took her limp and delicate body into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

"Yeah, I hate it the most, sorry..."

Zhou Han embraced Miyazaki Airi, feeling that her delicate body was trembling slightly.

"Why is this happening?" Miyazaki Airi seemed to have calmed down a little.

"I want to be with you, I don't want to leave anyone behind, Airi, I'm sorry." Zhou Han was also depressed, knowing that this kind of thing was a bit whimsical, but he really didn't want to leave any girl behind.

Miyazaki Airi couldn't help crying again, she fell on Zhou Han's chest, her lips were tightly closed, the tears fell on the clothes on Zhou Han's chest like broken beads.

"I like you guys, and of course I like you too. I can swear any oath to prove that my feelings are true." Zhou Han said in a serious tone, "You will always be an irreplaceable girl in my heart, thank you You have tolerated me until now."

"Haga..." Miyazaki Airi's delicate body trembled, and she suddenly choked up.

"Ari, I love you."

Zhou Han kissed Miyazaki Airi's lips without hesitation, their emotions blended together, and the suppressed feelings were slightly relieved.

Miyazaki Airi leaned weakly on Zhou Han's body, weeping and kissing at the same time.

Zhou Han couldn't think of any other good way, so he could only use a kiss to prove his sincerity.

The lotus-like clouds scattered, and the moon was like a shining round mirror.

The surroundings are full of moonlight, as white as silver, sprinkled here and there...

The first thousand 190 chapters and seven calm

After the tenderness under the moon.

Both of them calmed down a little and took a taxi back together.

Zhou Han took Miyazaki Airi's little hand, trying to pass the body temperature over to make her feel warmer.

Miyazaki Airi came out in a hurry, so Zhou Han could see that she wore less clothes.

Even if Miyazaki Airi didn't say anything, Zhou Han could still know that she could feel a little cold.

Of course, Zhou Han didn't need to say much, he directly approached Miyazaki Airi, using his body to block the faint cold wind in the autumn night.

Miyazaki Airi secretly raised her head and glanced at Zhou Han, but didn't say much, she lowered her head with a slightly red face, and said nothing, her heart was still warm.

The two walked into the community without speaking.

Silence between lovers can be very awkward.

After Miyazaki Airi calmed down, recalling all the things just now, she couldn't help being a little bit annoyed. In the end, she still couldn't stand up to Zhou Han's gentle offensive, and her strong attitude softened.

He was going to fight Zhou Han to the end, why did he suddenly understand?

Miyazaki Airi couldn't figure out how she felt, but she just felt that Zhou Han really didn't speak just now, and could feel the deep love.

Should I continue to worry about it?

Miyazaki Airi couldn't figure out this question herself, and it was difficult to make a decision.

Miyazaki Airi really hates Zhou Han having sex with other girls, but it's fair for everyone to date together.

If I have a relationship with Zhou Han, the other girls will definitely be unbalanced, and it is inevitable to have a relationship.

And now that the fact has happened, what else can I do?

After calming down, Miyazaki Airi felt that she was still a little selfish. She and Zhou Han became close, but she did not allow other girls to become close to Zhou Han.

Isn't this the legendary double standard dog?

After Miyazaki Airi thought about it carefully, she felt that Zhou Han couldn't be blamed for this matter, and she was also responsible.

Didn't I insist on crossing the red line with Zhou Han back then?I took the lead, even if other girls want to do the same, how can I stop it?

Miyazaki Airi felt dejected, feeling a little bit of the feeling that evil will be rewarded with evil,

She felt that it was not right for her and Zhou Han to have such a big temper, and she didn't know if this guy hated her?

Miyazaki Airi glanced at Zhou Han secretly, seeing his expressionless face, she didn't know what was going on in her heart.

Zhou Han noticed Miyazaki Airi's gaze and turned his head hastily, "What's wrong Airi?"

"Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi hurriedly turned her head away, feeling a little flustered inside.


Zhou Han was stunned, feeling that Miyazaki Airi was losing her temper with herself.

Think about what is not thoughtful about yourself, can it be cold?Draw your attention here, hoping to make yourself aware.

Zhou Han thought it was very possible, let go of Miyazaki Airi's hand, and began to take off his coat.

Feeling that her hand was loosened, Miyazaki Airi obviously started to panic, and looked back to see Zhou Han holding the coat and handing it to herself.

"Put it on if it's cold..." Zhou Han handed the coat forward.

"I... I don't need it!" Miyazaki Airi put on a proud attitude, in fact, she was worried that Zhou Han had caught a cold, and she was not very cold, so why bother?

"You're welcome, put it on, your hands have been shaking since just now." Zhou Han said with a smile, thinking that this dead girl should not get sick, or she will be bullied to death by Qiqi.

"I said I don't need it anymore! You are annoying..." Miyazaki Airi frowned and said angrily.

Zhou Han sighed, helped Miyazaki Airi put the coat on her body, then took her little hand and asked, "Do you feel much warmer now?"

Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Han's body temperature was still on the coat, she couldn't help but blushed, and felt warm in her heart, she was embarrassed to speak and had to deal with it indiscriminately.

"A... so-so, I said no need, it's really showing off your own hospitality, hum~!"

"It's good that you feel warm? I can't make you sick..." Zhou Han scratched his cheeks, feeling that even if Miyazaki Airi became a wife, she would still be cute, and she would still act like a baby to herself like before.

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi's face flushed, as if she was shy, but she still refused to admit it, "Don't think that if you please me now, I will be able to forgive you, I won't eat your tricks Well, hum~!"

"Uh..." Zhou Han's head was full of black lines, and he didn't know what to say, "It's not to please you, but to care about you. After all, I love you, don't I?"

Miyazaki Airi was flustered, she quickly lowered her head and muttered, "Don't talk about love, only liars do that, true love never needs to be spoken..."

"This..." Zhou Han was at a loss for words again, feeling that Miyazaki Airi was so gorgeous and thorny, it was difficult to continue the topic.

In the face of Miyazaki Airi, who turned into a topic terminator, Zhou Han has nothing to do.

Zhou Han thought to himself, Aili must still be angry with him, and he was lucky to be able to go home with him.

At that time, Miyazaki Airi was so angry that Zhou Han was afraid that she would go to Japan in a fit of anger.

Zhou Han didn't want Miyazaki Airi to leave him, not because she was a babysitter, but because he liked her and didn't want her to leave.

Don't be afraid of others being disgusting, Zhou Han intends to be with Miyazaki Airi forever.

Now Zhou Han is like a child who has made a mistake, he is careful everywhere, for fear of making Miyazaki Airi angry.

But even so, Miyazaki Airi, a rose with thorns, still made Zhou Han helpless.

Zhou Han knew that he had cheated. According to normal people's thinking, this was an unforgivable mistake.

In fact, Zhou Han didn't know that Miyazaki Airi was not so angry anymore, she even felt a little guilty, but she just didn't say anything.

Seeing Zhou Han's embarrassed look, Miyazaki Airi felt a little uncomfortable, maybe she was too tough and made Zhou Han hate herself.

She became worried in her heart, and felt that she should not be too tough, but should soften up a little.

"I... I can't forgive you..."

"Huh!?" Zhou Han regained his energy immediately, and looked at Miyazaki Airi in surprise, "Airi, you...can you forgive me?"

"It's...it's not unforgivable, did I say that death is good?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, her small mouth was pouted, looking reluctant.

Zhou Han suddenly felt much happier. As long as Miyazaki Airi doesn't get angry, he can relax a lot. He is afraid that Airi will be bitter and cold towards him in the future.

"Then...then you mean not to be angry? Just don't be angry, haha..."

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