"What are you talking about? Who said I'm not angry anymore?! Would a girl not be angry when something like this happened? I'm almost mad at you, okay?!" Airi Miyazaki pursed her mouth, Said emotionally, seeing Zhou Han's smug look, he was immediately upset.

"Uh, sorry, I misunderstood..." Zhou Han scratched his head in embarrassment, embarrassingly thinking——


It really wasn't that easy to end.

Will Airi make things difficult for me on purpose?

As long as it is not cut into small pieces, everything else is fine.


The first thousand and 190 chapters and eight monthly tickets plus more

"What's the use of being sorry?" Miyazaki Airi's attitude softened a little, and she said helplessly, "Have you really reflected on yourself?"

"Yes, yes." Zhou Han nodded, and said seriously, "I shouldn't have just... just that..."

Zhou Han felt that this was not right. In fact, even if he discussed it with Miyazaki Airi, he would never agree with her character of a dead girl.

"That's not it! You didn't reflect on yourself!" Miyazaki Airi showed dissatisfaction, and her eyes became full of hostility.

"Then... what is that?" Zhou Han scratched his head, expressing his confusion.

"I'm angry with you..." Airi Miyazaki paused, and said seriously, "You didn't listen to me, and even though I told you to be honest, you still made your own decisions and didn't consider my feelings!"

"This...that's it..." Zhou Han forced a smile, and said nervously, "I won't in the future, trust me."

"Hmph, I won't forgive you easily." Miyazaki Airi put on a high profile.

Zhou Han became depressed, and thought to herself, how can this girl, Aili, calm down?Forgiving yourself is so difficult.

He thought about it for a while, but he seemed to be cheating.

If the wives cheated, their own homes might explode on the spot.

Thinking about it in his own shoes, Zhou Han felt that he really didn't deserve to be forgiven by Miyazaki Airi.

"Airi, how can you forgive me? I'm willing to promise you anything."

"I don't care about your promise. It's not impossible to ask me to forgive you, but it depends on your performance in the future?" Miyazaki Airi didn't say anything dead, and put a little pressure on Zhou Han, "If you behave well, I will Forgive you as appropriate."

"Uh..." Although Zhou Han felt a little aggrieved, it was a good sign, at least Miyazaki Airi was not so angry, "Then how can I behave well?"

"Listen to me, what else can you do? If you don't obey, I will deduct points for you. Don't expect my forgiveness." Miyazaki Airi hugged her chest, posing like a little princess.

"That's it..." Zhou Han forced a smile, and became embarrassed, thinking that he wanted to be more honest?Thinking about how dishonest she has been recently, it's no wonder Airi is very disturbed.

"It's... more than that!" Miyazaki Airi felt that she didn't ask for enough and was at a disadvantage, so she hurriedly added, "You must please me, pamper me, and hug me if you have nothing to do..."

Zhou Han narrowed his eyes, thinking that Miyazaki Airi was acting like a spoiled child to him, it seemed that she was not as sad as before.

"Is that so...?"

Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi, and put his arms around her small waist. Although he was used to holding Airi, he was his wife after all, so he should hug her anyway.

"Huh...huh~!" Miyazaki Airi blushed, but she didn't struggle, and her small nose wrinkled twice, and turned her head away, which was acquiescence to Zhou Han's behavior.

"If you like it, I will hold you all the time." Zhou Han smiled, and silently hugged Miyazaki Airi tightly, thinking that if his wife is very good at acting like a baby and losing her temper, she will suffer a lot, and it is not a very happy thing .

"I'll just pick the nice ones, without any real feelings." Miyazaki Airi pursed her lips, and a sense of imbalance spread across her face.

"How is it possible?" Zhou Han had an embarrassed expression on his face, thinking that if he could speak by himself, would he not be convincing enough to Miyazaki Airi?

"You..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a moment, and said seriously, "Do you often say these similar things to Xiaorui and Xiaowei, which makes people feel disgusting?"

"I've said it before, but I swear it's not as many as you." Zhou Han said seriously, thinking that the love words he said to Miyazaki Airi could be several times more than other girls by visual inspection.

"Hmph, didn't I say that you are like this to everyone..." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"This is inevitable..." Zhou Han forced a laugh, thinking that it's strange for a girl to be jealous of such things.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, she was not in a good mood, she also knew that other girls would act like a baby, but Zhou Han was like this to everyone, always feeling too emotional.

"You are too dishonest, you are always messing around outside, how can this make me feel at ease..."

"Aili, I really didn't mess around with girls. Except for the three of you, I never messed with other girls." Zhou Han said seriously, thinking of Su Xiaomai, that doesn't count, it's just a favor for Uncle Su. .

"Is this still enough?" Miyazaki Airi felt a burst of sadness in her heart, "Three is much better, we want to carve you up, and it's not enough now, I think it's better to have it alone."

"Aili..." Zhou Han didn't know what to say.

"But I know it's unlikely, who made you get involved with all three girls?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, and said unbalanced, "It's not just me, but now it's happening with Xiaorui again." It's a relationship, it's really..."

Zhou Han saw Miyazaki Airi talking more and more angry, and finally he couldn't continue, "Airi, don't be angry, is it my fault?"

"Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi snorted angrily, and asked suspiciously, "Tell me the truth, did Wei-chan also suffer from your murderous hands? We were all killed by you... by your..."

"No, no, it's really not. Xiaowei and I haven't done that kind of thing before, Airi, don't make wild guesses." Zhou Han quickly explained, stopping Miyazaki Airi's idle delusions, feeling that she would be suspicious sooner or later.

Miyazaki Airi felt a little more relieved, and said in a strange way, "Even if not now, in the future... what are you going to do?"

"This... let it be..." Zhou Han didn't say it to death. If he and Xiaowei got into a fight in the future, wouldn't he slap him in the face?

"Look at your appearance, you are thinking about the future, and now you have plotted something wrong. You have been looking forward to something unforgettable with Wei-chan!?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, looking at it bitterly. With Zhou Han.

"No, no, I'm not that explicit yet, Airi, don't let your imagination run wild, okay? Your imagination is really...too rich." Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat.

"You must think so! Don't think I don't know, tell me the truth, what do you think?" Miyazaki Airi asked.

"It's so natural, what else can I think?" Zhou Han spread his hands, feeling very innocent.

Miyazaki Airi looked into Zhou Han's eyes and didn't find anything special, so she changed the subject, "Let's not mention Wei Jiang for now, let's talk about Xiaorui, Xiaorui is already like you? What are you going to do?"

"Keep going..." Zhou Han said seriously, "Get married in the end."

"Huh?!" Miyazaki Airi was stunned, and suddenly began to panic, pointing at herself and asking——

"What about me, what about me!"

"then what do I do?!"


The first thousand and 190 chapter nine monthly pass plus more

Miyazaki Airi looked flustered, she seemed worried about being left behind, and she was going to marry Xiaorui, what should she do?

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead.

"Aili, don't worry, we're getting married too."

"Eh!?" Miyazaki Airi was startled, and asked, "Where's Wei-chan?"

"Married." Zhou Han replied lightly.

"Masaka!? You mean..." Miyazaki Airi frowned.

"What I mean is, let's get married together." Zhou Han said seriously, that's what he planned to do.

"How is it possible? This is bigamy." Miyazaki Airi emphasized seriously.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be a solution." Zhou Han put his arms around Miyazaki Airi and said solemnly, "I just plan to marry you, and I don't want to leave any of you behind."

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi stopped talking, thinking that things have become like this, what can they do if they don't get married together?I also don't want to see Zhou Han dumping Yao Xiaorui and turning into a scumbag who always abandons him, "It's really whimsical..."

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, thinking to himself that this is not a whimsical idea, and it is not impossible to get married together. It is completely OK to change the nationality, right?

"I feel okay like this. It doesn't matter if everyone gets married together or something."

"Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi put on an angry look, "It's really greedy to want to marry three girls!"

"This..." Zhou Han scratched his cheek, it's not easy to refute Miyazaki Airi, are you greedy?It's a little bit.

"If I asked you to choose someone to marry, who would you choose?" Miyazaki Airi showed a very serious expression, seeming to think that this question is very important.

Zhou Han thought for a while, and learned a lot, anyway, Airi is right in front of him, who would he choose if he didn't choose her?

"Of course it's our little Aili. She's beautiful and kind-hearted. She also manages the house diligently and cooks well."

"Hmph~! I won't believe it!" Miyazaki Airi blushed, she hurriedly looked away, "It must be something I said to flatter me, and it's not sincere at all."

Although she knew Zhou Han's lies, Miyazaki Airi was willing to listen.

"Uh..." Zhou Han frowned, thinking that no matter how he answered it would be useless, Airi seemed dissatisfied.

In fact, even if Zhou Han answered that he wanted to marry another girl, or marry together, Miyazaki Airi would not be satisfied and would lose his temper. There was no correct answer at all.

"I'm serious, I want to be with you." Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi and looked down at her.

"Huh, it must be wrong, then let me ask you, what about other girls?" Miyazaki Airi brought the topic to a sensitive point.

"Also...together..." Zhou Han replied with a complicated expression.

"Look, it really is like this! A big radish with a heart! It's disgusting!" Miyazaki Airi's tone was dissatisfied, and she was about to lose her temper.

"Ai Li, don't be angry, isn't it fun for me to lie about this issue?" Zhou Han explained.

"Obviously I do the most, right? I still have to take care of your sister. I don't have time to take care of other things these days." Miyazaki Airi thought that she was still thinking about Zhou Qiqi at home. Know what sleeping position you are in now.

"Hold... I'm sorry, that guy troubled you." Zhou Han felt rather depressed when he thought of Zhou Qiqi, Miyazaki Airi helped take care of her these days.

However, Zhou Qiqi doesn't seem to have any gratitude at all, and she always makes Miyazaki Airi mess up, which makes people feel very headache.

"It's nothing..." Miyazaki Airi pursed her lips and said angrily, "Who made me my sister? I can only take care of her when you are not here."

"Is Qiqi difficult to deal with? It's really hard for you. I was tortured by him when I was a child." Zhou Han understood Miyazaki Airi very well. After all, this girl is really depressing and likes to mess around.

"It's not too bad. I still like it when Kiki acts like a baby, but I don't like her making troubles and saying things that make people uncomfortable." Miyazaki Airi felt very uncomfortable when she thought of what Kiki said before. Comfortable.

"I'll apologize to you on behalf of that girl, she really doesn't speak well." Zhou Han was sorry, but he still had a little doubt about his sister's virtues.

"No need, I will educate her well, it would be terrible to be a sister without any dignity at all." Miyazaki Airi said solemnly, "I can't be like you, who has spoiled her and doesn't reason with others at all. , I just want to stick by your side."

"It seems that's right. I spoiled her too much since I was a child." Zhou Han nodded, and it seemed that it was indeed his fault. When he was a child, he basically responded to his sister's requests and never refused. As a result, he became very clingy when he grew up.

"But I will take good care of her and turn her into a good person. This is my elder sister's accusation. Her good-for-nothing brother can no longer be counted on." Miyazaki Airi said energetically .

Zhou Han forced a smile, thinking——

What's happening here?

Being an older sister is already fun...

The two returned home.

It was dark just after entering the door, Zhou Han turned on the light, and it turned out that Zhou Qiqi was already sitting on the sofa waiting for the two of them, with a look of understanding.

"Eh!?" Zhou Han was astonished, and asked in surprise, "Why didn't you sleep?"

"What time is it, why don't you go to bed?" Miyazaki Airi said with a slight complaint.

"Keke~, a certain male high school student fooled around with a vixen in the middle of the night, and was caught and raped by his girlfriend. The scene was extremely tragic. His girlfriend and the vixen fought together, and almost killed him." Zhou Qiqi said on the sofa with a sly voice, " What do you think of the news?"

"Tsk!" Zhou Han was dumbfounded, and said with a dark face, "It's not that good, don't talk nonsense, be more honest."

"I don't, what does it feel like to come back after being caught and raped? Is it like eating a fly?" Zhou Qiqi said maliciously, "Is it half of the fun and was interrupted, and now I feel a little bit aggrieved?"

"What's the mess?" Zhou Han pretended to be stupid, as if he didn't understand Zhou Qiqi's words.

"Hmph, my brother can really pretend. When he was caught raped, he was still naked, running around the room in a panic, covering his sensitive parts with pillows? Then the vixen surnamed Yao hid under the covers Can't come out, screaming all the time?" Zhou Qiqi imagined the tragic scene of catching rape.

"What's in your head?" Zhou Han frowned, expressing that it was difficult to understand Qiqi's brain circuit.

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't sleep at such a late hour, what are you thinking about here?" Airi Miyazaki spoke in the manner of a sister, hoping to calm down the evil Qiqi.

"Who's thinking wildly?!" Zhou Qiqi stood on the sofa, pinched her waist and shouted——

"The anti-pornography brigade on TV is like this!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Uh..." Zhou Han was speechless, thinking that he should not describe his brother like the anti-pornography brigade!

By the way, Zhou Qiqi's description is quite vivid, being swept away by the anti-pornography brigade, it is indeed such a scene.

But what this shaking head is usually looking at, has it been exposed?

"What are you talking about!? If you say inexplicable things like this every day, you won't be able to marry in the future." Miyazaki Airi hurriedly put on her slippers and walked up to Zhou Qiqi.

"It's better not to go out at home, so I'll marry my brother." Zhou Qiqi said confidently.

"No, please let me go, my family will not harm me." Zhou Han folded his hands together, begging for mercy.

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