"Brother, what's your reaction? I can't get married, shouldn't you marry me?" Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"Shut up, shameless sister..." Zhou Han looked embarrassed.

"Hi! I'm so pissed off!" Zhou Qiqi stood on the sofa and stomped her feet, "Others are so rich that they don't flow out of the field. Brother, you are so good, you have to push me out..."

"Don't say useless words, be normal." Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist and assumed the posture of her sister, but Zhou Qiqi stood on the sofa, looking a little tall, and her sister's momentum suddenly lost.

"You fake sister, leave me alone." Zhou Qiqi was full of hostility.

"Come down! You are not allowed to stand taller than your sister!" Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Qiqi.

"Let me go!" Zhou Qiqi struggled, but her body was on the same level as Lilith's, much smaller than Miyazaki Airi's.

Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Qiqi off the sofa, and immediately fell in love with her, she was satisfied now.

"You didn't sleep so late, why did you run out?"

"I don't want you to worry about it, but you still don't care what you say, but you secretly went to catch the rape while I was asleep?" Zhou Qiqi said dissatisfied, very unhappy.

When I got out of bed to drink my saliva, I found that Miyazaki Airi was gone, and I knew where she went after thinking about it for a while?

Zhou Qiqi secretly hated Miyazaki Airi for being unkind, so how could she catch the rape and not take herself?Seeing that I don't make my brother doubt life, I don't dare to cheat anymore.

"Can you stop catching and catching? It's too ugly..." Zhou Han really wanted to push Zhou Qiqi on the pusher, take off her panties, and open up her little ass.

"Is it exciting to pierce my brother? Did the fake sister find out the embarrassment of his naked butt? Keke~" Zhou Qiqi smiled happily.

"Get out, why do you have such a rich imagination? You can imagine my naked butt?" Zhou Han said angrily.

"Didn't I often see it when I was young? The buttocks that are very attractive to gays~" Zhou Qiqi said meaningfully.

"I..." Zhou Han was at a loss for words, thinking that this seemed to be the truth.

"I'm not going to catch the traitor, I'm just bringing him back." Miyazaki Airi said something for Zhou Han, thinking that Qiqi is plotting something wrong, and she can't let her take advantage of it.

"Is this any different from catching rape?" Zhou Qiqi narrowed her eyes.

"This..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated, and said seriously, "I'm not going to catch the rape, I just don't want him to spend the night outside."

"It must have been caught, otherwise the normal old man would definitely spend the night outside, and he would not be able to come out of Ruanrouxiang at all." Zhou Qiqi said that it was true.

"Your brother, am I this kind of person? I've been thinking about you two younger sisters." Zhou Han pointed at himself and said cheekily.

"Ouch~" Zhou Qiqi vomited.

"What's your reaction?" Zhou Hansheng looked at his sister unrequitedly.

"Airi Ohne-chan~" Zhou Qiqi started acting coquettishly again, and took Miyazaki Airi's hand, "Tell me quickly, did you catch me and rape you?"

"No, don't think about it, it's your job to study hard." Miyazaki Airi said solemnly, obviously she was also a high school student herself.

"I don't want to say that it must be a very exciting scene. My brother and the vixen were fighting fiercely, and he was caught on the spot, right? It's like when I ran into you two when I returned home." Zhou Qiqi showed an intriguing smile.

"Where are you going? Come back to the house with me!" Miyazaki Airi took Zhou Qiqi's hand, trying to make her calm down.

"Brother! Did you have another girl?! Tell me quickly!" Zhou Qiqi refused to go back to the house and started asking around.

"Let's go, go back to sleep." Miyazaki Airi pulled Zhou Qiqi.

"Sleep with me, don't make trouble here." Miyazaki Airi pulled Zhou Qiqi away.

"I want to sleep with my brother, I don't want to sleep with your fake sister!" Zhou Qiqi refused to listen and stretched out her hand to grab Zhou Han, but she shortened her hand, "Brother, I want to sleep with you!"

"Don't think about it, go back to the house with me." Miyazaki Airi brought Zhou Qiqi into the house.

Before closing the door, Zhou Qiqi yelled, "Brother!"

After the door closed, the living room returned to silence.

Zhou Han covered his face and sat on the sofa, feeling that his ears were finally clean. It was fine without Qiqi, but it became very noisy once she came back.

『How does it feel to conquer two girls? 』

Elizabeth suddenly asked, seemingly interested.

"How do you feel?The burden is heavier. ”Zhou Han replied.

"Yeah?It seems that you are almost bored, if you get it done, you will be considered Dzogchen, come on. ’ Elizabeth encouraged.

"Say it as if I'm completing a mission. ”Zhou Han sighed.

"You can't say that, can you?A better relationship with the girls will make them more stable, otherwise the risk of collapse is too high, you are definitely right to take the initiative. ’Elizabeth said seriously.

"Really?I feel like you're egging me on. "Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"Really, if the relationship is not one step closer, the girls will still agree to go out together on the surface, but in fact they will still be in a selfish state. You should make them unable to leave you. ’Elizabeth said old-fashionedly.

"Why are you so proficient? ”Zhou Han frowned.

"It's not that I'm instigating you, but that you are this kind of person in essence. Since you are a hooligan, why cover up and suppress yourself?" 』Elizabeth's tone seemed to be inducing.

"Am I a hooligan now? "Zhou Han asked in astonishment.

"You had a physical relationship with two girls, doesn't that count? ’ Elizabeth asked back.

"Tsk, that's it..." Zhou Han raised his forehead, and his heart became complicated. He has officially stepped into Brother Cheng's situation, and whether he can achieve Dzogchen is entirely up to him.

Flash forward to the sixth day of National Day.

Elizabeth reminded herself last night that she needed to be ready.

The things of this day are also very full, and there is no time to rest.

The restaurant is ready, say what a family restaurant.

But I only found out after asking yesterday that it is a private restaurant with a high cost. I heard that it is a place to eat imported steaks, and it is a private room, so the cost must be quite a lot.

Zhou Han is going to meet Su Xiaowei's father today as an investor.

He decided to try his best to get acquainted, and then see if he could solve Uncle Su's problem.

After all, it is not a long-term solution to pester yourself all the time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Han told Miyazaki Airi that he was going to hang out with his junior high school friends.

After a long time of ink staining, Miyazaki Airi gave a fake and let herself out.

Now Zhou Han is watched very closely by Miyazaki Airi, so he can only frequently use Sun Qi as an excuse.

During this period, Zhou Han also got rid of Zhou Qiqi's entanglement countless times before he was able to get rid of it.

Before leaving——

"You wait." Miyazaki Airi came out of the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Han turned around in surprise.

"You have been very close to this junior high school friend recently..." Miyazaki Airi said meaningfully.

"This..." Zhou Han scratched his head, smelling jealous, "I don't have many friends, only this one."

"It's not that I don't trust you, do you have someone else outside?" Miyazaki Airi asked suspiciously.

"Impossible, I won't do this, I can't take care of you, how can I find someone else?" Zhou Han said seriously.

"Really?" Miyazaki Airi narrowed her eyes and continued, "Then let me meet your junior high school friend if you have a chance?"

"Ah..." Zhou Han thought for a while, and it's not impossible to ask Sun Qi to help cover up, just confess with Sun Qi, so he nodded, "Okay, we will see each other when we have a chance."

Miyazaki Airi approached Zhou Han and asked quietly, "I forgot to ask, you and Xiaorui last night..."

A few drops of sweat dripped from Zhou Han's forehead, and he said awkwardly, "What happened last night?"

"Don't you know better than me?" Miyazaki Airi said with a dark face, "Safety measures..."

Zhou Han instantly understood what Miyazaki Airi meant. He was worried that when he was worried about something, he didn't take safety measures and made Xiaorui's belly bigger, so things would become very troublesome.

"Hmm, don't worry."

Seeing Zhou Han nodding frequently, Miyazaki Airi felt a little relieved, so she sighed and said, "Call me later to check on him, after all, what is that, don't I need to say more?"


Zhou Han thought that Miyazaki Airi was going to say something, so it turned out to be something like this.

But Miyazaki Airi is obviously not too angry to say such a thing, right?

Zhou Han was a little moved, so he nodded.

"Well, I know, thank you Airi."

"It's nothing..." Alice hugged her chest, looking not in a good mood.

Zhou Han reported Miyazaki Airi and kissed her on the lips.

Miyazaki Airi blushed, lowered her head and said reproachfully, "Don't do this, it's early in the morning."

"Zi la la la la..."

There was a sound of fingernails scratching the door.

Zhou Qiqi had been peeking in the room for a long time, and saw the two of them kissing.

So she couldn't bear it anymore, and she used her nails to prove that she was still alive.

"Brother, I want to go out with you too!"

"No, school starts the day after tomorrow, you need to catch up on your studies." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"Humph!!! Fake sisters are so annoying!" Zhou Qiqi closed the door angrily.

Zhou Han couldn't help smiling, thinking that Aili was also doing it for Qiqi's good, but she was just so unpopular.

When will Kiki treat Airi better?After all, she is my sister...

Zhou Han was in the taxi and went straight to the high-end western restaurant.

Just looking at the time now, it's not too early, and Yao Xiaorui probably woke up early.

So Zhou Han took advantage of this time to ask how Yao Xiaorui was doing by phone.

After the call is connected——

Yao Xiaorui: "Brother Han?"

Zhou Han: "Morning."

Yao Xiaorui: "Morning, why did you call suddenly?"

Zhou Han: "Is it so sudden?"

Yao Xiaorui: "I thought I would call me at night, hehe..."

Zhou Han: "I'm a little worried, what's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

Yao Xiaorui: "No, it's pretty good, nothing uncomfortable."

Zhou Han: "I'm relieved. Where's Uncle Su? Sober?"

Yao Xiaorui: "I woke up a long time ago, but I just got a little headache, probably because of the hangover."

Zhou Han smiled helplessly, remembering that Uncle Su couldn't see clearly after drinking last night, wouldn't he have a headache?

Yao Xiaorui: "Dad, after waking up in the morning, he seems to remember what happened last night. Just now he was asking me about making a quilt."

Zhou Han: "Eh? What are you asking?"

Yao Xiaorui: "Ask me why I covered the quilt so high last night? It's like hiding someone."

Zhou Han suddenly became nervous and worried.

Zhou Han: "You... how did you answer?"

Yao Xiaorui: "Brother Han, is your tone tense? Does your father know that you're so afraid of me? I'm your fiancée, so it doesn't matter if this happens?"

Zhou Han: "It doesn't really matter, but I'm still a little nervous."

Yao Xiaorui: "Hee hee, don't worry, Brother Han, Dad didn't ask any more questions, I said I said it with my knees up last night, so the quilt looks very high."

Zhou Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily nothing happened, otherwise Uncle Su would look at him in the wrong way.

Yao Xiaorui: "Brother Han, are you free today? I...I want to go shopping with you or something..."

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