Zhou Han: "I'm not doing well today, I'm a little busy, and you need to rest."

Yao Xiaorui: "Then... alright~."

Zhou Han chatted with Yao Xiaorui for a while before hanging up the phone.

He looked out of the car window and saw that he had already reached the bustling area.

"There seems to be something wrong with the black-bellied female father over there." Elizabeth said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"It seems that the reserved single room was temporarily replaced by someone." Elizabeth roughly explained.

"What's the situation?" Zhou Han frowned.

"It is estimated that someone dragged the relationship and made some small moves." Elizabeth explained.

"Isn't the private restaurant I went to sister Su's father's home?" Zhou Han asked.

"No, it's a private restaurant, not owned by a black-bellied woman, and the business is extremely hot, and the tables have to be reserved a few days in advance." Elizabeth said helplessly.

Zhou Han thought about the popularity of that restaurant, and instantly felt relieved. Although he had never been there, he had heard the name. He heard that there were only twelve tables in it, and there was no one more table. What kind of fine cuisine was being served, and the number of customers was high every day? It's limited, but the guests are spending money like gold. In short, it's a place with high consumption.

Su Xiaowei's father chose to meet here probably because he wanted to make a good impression on Zhou Han, after all, he is now the owner of the family business.

But it's just unnecessary, Zhou Han doesn't care about these at all, it's no problem to meet in an ordinary noodle restaurant.

It seems that the table that was originally reserved was taken away by someone, which is a bit ignorant of the rules.

"Do you want to cancel this meeting?" Elizabeth asked.

Zhou Han pondered for a while, then told Elizabeth lightly.

"No, let's go and have a look first..."

When Zhou Han got off the taxi, he went directly to the private restaurant.

At the counter, I saw a middle-aged man arguing with the staff.

"Aren't you right? I reserved the seat a few days ago, and now I give it to someone else?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The middle-aged uncle kept arguing with the staff of the enemy restaurant.

Say something like first come, first served, don't smash the signboard yourself.

"That's the father of the black-bellied girl." Elizabeth said.

"Really? It should be said that he is the stepfather." Zhou Han responded.

Zhou Han felt that he had arrived, so he couldn't just turn around and leave.

Go up and see what's going on, and let's talk about the situation.

Zhou Han stepped forward and spoke directly to Stepfather Su.

"Hello, is this Mr. Liu?"

Some of the most basic information, Elizabeth has already told Zhou Han, Su Xiaowei's stepfather is surnamed Liu, he is a very good businessman, there are several restaurants under his family, it is a small chain company.

However, compared to Zhou Han's assets, they are still too small. After all, Elizabeth said that he secretly made Zhou's consortium go public, and his ability to attract money is quite powerful.

If it weren't for the mess of the senior sister's family, Elizabeth seemed to have no interest in their family's property, and it would be difficult to produce benefits from investment.

Now Elizabeth usually handles all kinds of things in the name of a secretary in private, and has become like a small secretary with her.

Su Xiaowei's father, Mr. Liu, turned his head in surprise, saw Zhou Han, and looked him up and down. He was about the same age as his daughter, so he should be a student, right?

Although I met with an investor today, in Mr. Liu's fantasy, the other party is likely to be a middle-aged man, or a very tasteful old gentleman.

And the young man in front of him is more like an ordinary high school student, not like the boss of a big consortium at all, and probably not the Mr. Zhou that the other party's secretary said.

After all, the investor Zhou's consortium is a large listed company with a certain reputation in the international financial market. It is said that it is a company that has suddenly popped up recently.

At first, the family's small business was invested by Zhou's consortium, which flattered Mr. Liu. He didn't expect that his small company would be favored by a big boss, and he suddenly injected a large amount of money to start his small company. It has developed rapidly.

Mr. Liu has always seemed to meet the boss of the Zhou Consortium. After he cheekily invited, the secretary of the other party agreed quickly, and he heard that the other party lived in Zhongqing City! ?

This made Mr. Liu very surprised. When did his city produce such talents, and a consortium of such size could beat Zheng Huayang, the land tycoon, by dozens of streets, right?

So Mr. Liu hurriedly made an appointment, fixed the matter directly, and made an appointment for a better private restaurant in the city in order not to lose face, but in the end, he was robbed of his love by someone who stole the reservation.

This made Mr. Liu very anxious. The appointment time was getting closer and closer. If he couldn't figure it out, he might lose face and make the other party's first impression bad.

In case the other party gets upset and directly withdraws the investment, the sweetness that he has finally tasted will be wiped out naked.

Mr. Liu still has self-knowledge, his small company may be someone else's toy, and he has no confidence at all to make the other party value him.

Seeing Mr. Liu's dull face, Zhou Han didn't know what was going on, so he asked again, "Hello, is this Mr. Liu?"

Mr. Liu quickly came back to his senses, and asked suspiciously, "Young man, are you..."

"Ha, I'm Mr. Zhou, didn't we make an appointment to meet here?" Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, feeling that the other party's reaction was very interesting.


Mr. Liu's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief. The image of Zhou Han in front of him was in great contrast with his own imagination, which made people's brains a little overwhelmed.

God!Shouldn't it be a middle-aged or old man! ?Why are you so young! ! !

She was about the same age as her own daughter, and she was actually the head of a well-known consortium!

The world is full of wonders!Such a transcendent achievement at such a young age...

Mr. Liu was so horrified that he couldn't believe that this was the rumored Mr. Zhou.

"Don't be so surprised, right?" Zhou Han smiled helplessly, thinking that it seems that many people know that the consortium belongs to him, and they all reflect this. It really is because he is too young, right?

"Uh..." Mr. Liu came to his senses and felt that he was being too rude, so he quickly held Zhou Han's hand, "Hi, hello, Mr. Zhou is so young, I can't believe it."

"Ha, that's it..." Zhou Han laughed dryly, wondering whether he should dress up a bit more maturely in the future, and put on makeup or something?

"It's really a hero out of a boy, today I have learned a lot." Mr. Liu came up with a lot of polite words.

"Ha..." Zhou Han slid three black lines from his head, coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and said, "What's going on? Is there something wrong?"

"This one……"

Mr. Liu looked at the staff of the private restaurant next to him, he hesitated to speak for a while, he was not ashamed to speak.

Thinking about the mistake on my side, now that the family has arrived, I still haven't done things well, it's really embarrassing.

After all, we will talk about contracts and company management later. First impressions are very important, but the current situation is difficult.

In particular, Zhou Han is still a relatively important client, so he can't deal with it casually, and it seems that he can't handle things if he changes the plan temporarily.

Mr. Liu is an old businessman anyway, at this moment he immediately became like an old fried dough stick, patting Zhou Han on the shoulder and laughing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, I made a mistake about the place to eat. It's another restaurant. It's much better than this private restaurant. Let's go there now."

Zhou Han showed a non-smiling expression in private, and he was not stupid. He had already seen that Su Xiaowei's stepfather wanted to get away with it, so he didn't appreciate it, took his hand off, and said lightly, "What happened, tell me I said, don’t change places.”

There was profuse sweat and black lines on Mr. Liu's face. Judging from Zhou Han's tone and expression, he was obviously a little angry, right?

This stumped Mr. Liu, if Zhou Han got angry, the meeting would fail, and the divestment would be the big deal.

Rather than just laughing and trying to get away with it, it's better to admit it honestly, to show that you are a more serious person, and to gain a little favor.

"Hey, it's like this, Mr. Zhou..."

Let's start, Mr. Liu, and tell Zhou Han the whole story. It's nothing more than that the seat reserved 7 days in advance was taken by someone else. The staff of the private restaurant refused to adjust, so he wanted Mr. Liu to suffer from being dumb.

Zhou Han understood. It was obvious that the private dining room was unreasonable, which made Su Xiaojin's father suffer.

The rule of the private restaurant is to make reservations for meals. Now, it is a direct violation of the rules set by myself, and directly gave up the reserved seat to others.

Zhou Han thought that the people who grab the position have a lot of energy, but he actually said that if he changed the rules, he would change the rules, and let them smash their own signs.

"That's the way it is. How about Mr. Zhou, let's change to another one. I know the other one is pretty good." Mr. Liu tried to save face.

"No, leave this to me." Zhou Han rejected Mr. Liu's proposal, and said with a blank face——

"We'll eat here, and it must be at the reserved location."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Su Xiaowei's father, Mr. Liu, saw that Zhou Han was on the right track, he felt a little uneasy.

This private restaurant is quite powerful, and if they can change the rules by smashing their own signs, then the status of the other party is not low.

So Mr. Liu asked in embarrassment with anxiety.

"Mr. Zhou, this...isn't it good?"

"What's the problem?" Zhou Han was surprised, and continued, "I made a reservation, why didn't you give it to us? According to the rules, this place is ours, even if there is a problem, we didn't notify in advance, we only said there was no place when we came. , isn't this clearly bullying people?"

"This..." Mr. Liu suddenly froze. He really had no good reason to refute. He felt that Zhou Han's words were correct. Didn't he get bullied?But the other party just refuses to give a decent explanation, what can be done?This restaurant is not owned by itself.

"Don't worry, we're justified, why don't we fight for it? It's very unreasonable to suddenly give up the reserved seat to someone else. There's no need to be too polite for this kind of self-defeating behavior." Zhou Han said seriously Said, I feel that Senior Su's stepfather is a bit cowardly, but he actually wants to let it go, a normal guy with a bit of dignity will not let it go, right?

Mr. Liu thought about it himself, and felt that if he admitted his cowardice and took Zhou Han to eat and drink somewhere else, he would be too useless. He originally made an appointment a few days in advance, so why give it up to others? !

"Okay, Mr. Zhou, I'll leave it to you. That person is experience."

Mr. Liu pointed to the person he communicated with just now, with a beer belly and looking very embarrassed.

Zhou Han nodded, went directly to the manager of the private restaurant, and asked straight to the point.

"Are you the manager here?"

"It's me." The manager nodded, seeing that Zhou Han's dress was ordinary, he didn't look like a high-class person, and he was a little too young, so he didn't pay much attention to it. He planned to fool around and let it go .

"We reserved the seat a few days ago, why did we give it to someone else?" Zhou Han asked straight to the point.

"Someone is here, so I'll let someone else..." The manager probably knew that he was in the wrong, so he said vaguely.

"Isn't the rule of your store just to make reservations for dinner?" Zhou Han looked at the manager and continued calmly, "We made a reservation, so we should give it to us, and we didn't arrive late, or take up an empty seat to delay your business, right? "

"This..." The manager hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile on his face, "Can you wait a little longer? After the guests at that table have finished eating, I will clean it up and replace it with you."

Zhou Han smiled, feeling a little funny, the guests who reserved the seat first, actually want to wait for the guests who didn't make an appointment to grab the seat?I'm afraid it's not that my head is broken, or that I'm crazy.

"No, we need that seat now, we need to eat now, and we need you to make an apology."

"Tsk!" The manager immediately became unhappy. Seeing Zhou Han's young age, but his attitude is so tough, I'm afraid he really thinks of himself as a green onion. How could such a big restaurant be bluffed by a high school student? "What kind of thing are you? Why are there so many shits? Tell you, if you like to eat, get out if you don't~"

"Ah?" Zhou Han frowned, his complexion turned ugly in an instant, a small manager's attitude is still so arrogant, it's a mistake in the first place, dare to do this?

"Do you really think of yourself as an onion? Don't say that you are a bit rich. Our restaurant has more rich customers. If you are missing, you won't die. Why do you want us to apologize? It's ridiculous, our restaurant has never If you don’t apologize to others, who do you think you are?” The manager looked impatient and pointed to the ground, “Now you don’t have a place to eat, but the floor has a place, sit down if you eat, get out if you don’t eat! Don’t stand here and interfere We do business."

"Is this how you treat us? We are consumers." Zhou Han's tone became serious. This is an ultimatum. If it doesn't work, we don't plan to talk about it.

"If you don't agree, go and sue us. There are people above us. It's okay for you to make trouble casually. What if you don't give you a place today?" The manager showed a very unreasonable expression, which could easily irritate others.

But Zhou Han has long passed the age of doing it, too reckless to solve the problem.

Zhou Han nodded with a smile, thinking it's no wonder his attitude is so arrogant, it turns out that someone is covering him up?

"That what... I'm very curious now, who can make you smash your own signs and give others a place?"

"Is there anyone you can ask? Can you leave honestly? Don't waste my time." The manager glanced at Zhou Han and said disdainfully, "I don't care about money or virtue, and I don't have any What is it worth playing with, and you are ashamed to inquire about others? Don’t think that you can eat here if you sell your kidney for a small amount of money, pretending to be a high-class person.”

Mr. Liu next to him was embarrassed. Zhou Han is the boss of the Zhou Consortium. It is difficult to find anyone in Zhongqing City who can match his assets. Not to mention the top of the Zhou Consortium, it is also at the forefront in the financial world. Even a private restaurant despises other people's BOSS, which makes people speechless.

Mr. Liu felt that this little manager was a bit bloated, and he probably didn't want to do it anymore because he looked down on people with a dog's eyes. He also lamented that Zhou Han was too low-key at his young age. If he didn't know the things, he would have thought he was just an ordinary young man. .

Although it's good to be low-key, it looks mature and easy-going, but if you are too low-key, you will be bullied.

Zhou Han smiled and said nothing, thinking what is worth playing with?I can buy this broken restaurant with a single sentence, and the black gold card in my back pocket can scare the little manager to tears if he takes it out and throws it in the face, so what is there to play with?I'm afraid that the show will make the other party start to doubt life.

Mr. Liu felt that there was no need to waste time with the little manager, so he stepped forward and said to Zhou Han hesitantly, "Mr. Zhou, why don't you waste time, we..."

"It's all right." Zhou Han waved his hand and said to the little manager, "Yeah, yes, I'm a poor high school student. I used to sell my kidneys to buy apples, but now I sell my kidneys to eat here."

"Hmph, that's fine, please leave, or I'll call the security guard to see you off?" The manager said impatiently, feeling that the two in front of him were difficult to deal with and wasted a lot of time.

"Don't worry, I just want to ask who took our position, you have to die to understand, right? Otherwise, everyone will feel uncomfortable." Zhou Han paused, and continued, "We don't make trouble, we just want to know each other Who is it? Isn't that too much?"

"Okay, so what if I tell you?" The little manager sighed, and said haughtily——

"Young Master Zheng from Huayang Real Estate!"

"Now do you know who it is?

"If you know it, go away quickly, don't waste your time here."

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