"Don't even look at who you are? Can you be more precious than Young Master Zheng?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Zheng Xuan?" Zhou Han squinted his eyes and asked tentatively. If he remembers correctly, Zheng Xuan's family is Huayang Real Estate, a leading large company in Zhongqing City.

"Yo? Could it be that you know Young Master Zheng?" The little manager was a little panicked, wondering if Zhou Han knew Zheng Xuan, and if he knew him, his attitude just now was a bit too much.

"I don't know, thank you." Zhou Han shook his head, thinking that he was ashamed to be with a pervert who stabs a woman's ass with an awl.

"Tch, if you don't know me, go quickly, don't bother me again, or I'll ask the security to clean you up." The little manager ignored Zhou Han and went back to the room directly, adopting a cold treatment policy.

Zhou Han smiled, the person who wanted to grab his position was actually Zheng Xuan, it's really a narrow road, and he was planning how to get rid of your hidden danger, but inexplicably bumped into each other again.

"Xiao Yi, what's the matter with asking you to collect the evidence to kill Zheng Xuan's family? It won't be so long without any progress, right?"

"How is it possible? Of course some progress has been made, but the evidence is not enough. According to my calculations, if things are going wrong now, they may still stand up. When I have collected enough ironclad evidence, I will report it directly to the tax authorities, so that they will have no chance of making a comeback. ’ Elizabeth responded.

Zhou Han was silent, thinking that he still needs to be patient for a while, of course we must get rid of the roots, otherwise why keep it as an eyesore?

It seems that this is the only way to go now, but Zhou Han has no intention of enduring the loss in front of him.

Mr. Liu saw that the other party was still ignoring him after talking for a long time, so he couldn't help but feel a little headache, so he came up to Zhou Han and said, "Mr. Zhou, why don't we just forget about it? I'll find a better restaurant, not as good as this one. Poor, the service attitude of this restaurant is too bad, and the catering I opened myself is better than them."

"No need, I've said that I'll eat here, and I'll definitely eat here." Zhou Han said bluntly, thinking it was Zheng Xuan?I didn't even intend to give him face. Originally, this guy threatened to attack his girls, and he simply tore his face.

"Uh..." Mr. Liu stopped talking, feeling that Zhou Han was very persistent and very dignified.

Zhou Han stepped aside, silently called Commissioner Li, the agent of the black gold card, and prepared to let him handle it.

After all, with the black gold card in hand, how can there be money that cannot be spent?

After a brief blind tone, the call went through immediately.

Zhou Han was helpless for a while, it was like this every time, and he would answer soon.

He wondered if Commissioner Li had been by the phone all the time?

Zhou Han thought maybe this is a privilege, there are people serving him 24 hours a day.

Commissioner Li: "Hi Mr. Zhou, can I help you?"

Zhou Han: "It's like this. I made a reservation for a restaurant, but he temporarily gave it to someone else in violation of the regulations. I want to spend at this restaurant now. I must have the seat I reserved. Can you coordinate it? "

Commissioner Li: "No problem, Mr. Zhou, I will do it right away, can you tell me which restaurant it is?"

Zhou Han told Commissioner Li the name of the private restaurant, and then ended the call.

Since Commissioner Li said that there is no problem, it is better to wait patiently now.

Zhou Han put the phone in his pocket and returned to Mr. Liu, "Okay, just wait a while."

"Is it so fast?" Mr. Liu asked in surprise.

"It's not a big deal, it won't take much effort." Zhou Han responded lightly.

Mr. Liu was a little surprised. He felt that Zhou Han's energy was extraordinary. Not everyone can handle this private restaurant, but it can be done with just one phone call! ?What forces are behind this?

He didn't believe that Zhou Han, a young man who was as old as his daughter, had no tricks behind his back, could be the boss of a big consortium, and could solve everything with a single phone call.

Mr. Liu wondered if he should inquire about Zhou Han's background, but he hesitated whether it would be too abrupt and create a bad impression.

However, Zhou Han discovered Mr. Liu's weirdness first, so he asked, "What's the matter? Mr. Liu."

"It's all right, I'm just a little confused, Mr. Zhou don't need to care about me." Mr. Liu smiled awkwardly.

Zhou Han frowned slightly, thinking that the other party was Senior Sister Su's stepdad, and he was fairly familiar with Senior Sister Su. It was strange to always call himself Mr. Zhou, and it also felt like he had suddenly aged several years by calling him Mr. Liu.

Thinking about this title carefully, isn't he and his stepfather the same generation?I faintly became the elder of Su Xuejie.

Zhou Han thought this kind of address was not good and too messy, so he said to Mr. Liu with a smile.

"Mr. Liu, don't call me Mr., just call me Xiao Zhou."

"Eh!?" Mr. Liu was a little embarrassed, and quickly said, "No, no, you are an investor of our company. You are a shareholder now, and you have your status here. How can you call it casually? I feel a little uncomfortable."

"I don't care about this kind of thing. It's alright to call me Xiao Zhou, right? It's kinder." Zhou Han spread his hands out, feeling that there is no problem, and it doesn't matter what he calls him. Besides, the other party is the father of Senior Sister Su, calling him Xiao Zhou Not a disadvantage.

"No, no, it's too bad. To be heard by other people as if I was bullying others. How can I be called an investor? If you are not happy, we will feel uncomfortable if we withdraw your capital." Mr. Liu said half-jokingly.

"I won't withdraw my capital casually, and you call me Mr. Zhou, doesn't it make me look old?" Zhou Han responded with a smile.

"Hiss~" Mr. Liu patted his forehead, feeling like this, "That's right, that's fine, I'll call you Xiao Zhou from now on, just treat me as thick-skinned."

"Okay, you can call me Xiao Zhou, and I'll call you Uncle Liu, so it feels normal." Zhou Han said with a smile, feeling more comfortable like this.

"This..." Mr. Liu thought about it for a while, and felt that his refusal seemed uninterested and unreasonable, so he nodded, "Fine, you can call it whatever you want, just think I got a big deal today, haha..."

"Uncle Liu is serious." Zhou Han nodded, wondering what the expression on Senior Su's face when she knew that his stepfather called him Mr. must be very weird, right?

Mr. Liu now feels that Zhou Han is a very successful person regardless of his young age, but he has no general arrogance. What kind of talent can only come out of tutoring?

He has seen a lot of arrogant and domineering young people, and people like Zhou Han who are both successful and reserved are as rare as the national treasure giant panda.

Originally, when I thought about meeting investors when I came here, I was still very nervous, but when I saw Zhou Han so young, I was even more nervous, thinking that young people are too popular and difficult to get along with.

But looking at it now, Mr. Liu feels that Zhou Han is still a very good person, but he doesn't know how his gay daughter's boyfriend is like not long ago?If only he could be as good as Zhou Han in front of him.

Mr. Liu thinks that his eldest daughter is not bad in appearance, although she is not his own, but she is regarded as her own, maybe Zhou Han can take a fancy to it.

This thought can't be held back anytime soon, Mr. Liu is going to inquire later if Zhou Han has a girlfriend?No, then try to pull strings or something.

At this time, the closed office door opened, and the former restaurant manager ran out in a panic.

When the little manager came in front of Zhou Han, he just nodded and bowed when he came up, as respectful as he wanted——


"I'm so sorry just now!"

"So it's Mr. Zhou, I really don't know Taishan!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The little manager seemed to know something, and his attitude took a 180° turn.

The appearance of nodding and bowing is not too respectful at all, and the contempt just now is completely gone.

Keeping with the smiling face, in fact, the eyes are panicked at the moment, and they dare not look at Zhou Han squarely.

The little manager never expected that the person in front of him might look very young, but he was definitely not a persimmon.

At the sight of Mr. Liu, the other party directly admitted that he felt that Zhou Han's energy was not small, and he managed to settle this high-end private restaurant with just one phone call. Now his mood can't help but also feel better, and he feels proud.

"Hehe, didn't you have a bad attitude just now? Say you like to eat or not." Zhou Han looked at the little manager with great interest, thinking that the black gold card is really easy to use.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The little manager broke out in cold sweat, bowed frequently, and was even more diligent than the welcoming lady at the door. He seemed to be quite frightened, "My fault! I was wrong just now, and now I give you my best hugs." Sincere apologies."

"Don't, don't, I can't afford to offend you. Didn't you just say that your restaurant never apologizes to anyone? What's going on now?" Zhou Han asked with a half-smile, not wanting to tell the little manager Under the steps, after all, the evil just now is obvious to all.

"This..." The little manager blushed and felt pain in his face, "I didn't know your identity before, and you are still a member of the black gold card. If you told me earlier, I... I definitely wouldn't dare to say that Such words offend you!"

Mr. Liu's eyes widened, thinking about the black gold card! ?Not everyone has this thing. I heard that to become a member, you must have a huge amount of fixed assets, and you have to spend a lot of money every year, and you have to go through investigations to get it. He can get something with such a high threshold! ?It's really hard to judge by appearances, even though this little brother is so young, he is already very successful. He is also a consortium boss and a black gold card member. It is really unimaginable for normal people!

Mr. Liu thought about it, although he didn't dare to climb high, but it would be great if Zhou Han could become his son-in-law, and he would have a bright face.

In Mr. Liu's eyes, Zhou Han is now the son-in-law of a golden turtle, just like the hot item of old men and aunts. It would be great if he could marry his eldest daughter to Zhou Han.

Mr. Liu thinks that Zhou Han is pretty good, he is a down-to-earth person without being ostentatious, he reveals a sense of maturity inside and out, and it is rare for such a person to remain humble in such a successful situation.

Although the older daughter said that she has already found a boyfriend, but the ghost knows what it is, don't use it to fool, if you are not good enough, you can't agree to anything.

"Why do I have to say it?" Zhou Han tilted his head, and couldn't help teasing the little manager, "Don't you treat customers equally? Do you know that you look like a snob?"

"That is, as the manager, you are the image of your restaurant. Do you know that with such a bad attitude, who will come to your house for dinner in the future?" It's a bit more professional.

"Yes, yes, the two gentlemen taught you a lesson." The little manager felt that he couldn't hold his face, and kept talking along with them.

"I have nothing to say to you, let the senior management of your restaurant come and talk." Zhou Han said lightly.

"Sir, don't, if you do this, I will lose my job. I also have children and a wife at home. How can I live if I lose my job?" The little manager smiled uglier than crying, "To be honest, the boss asked me to come and apologize , if you are still not satisfied, I will be fired immediately."

Zhou Han looked at the pitiful appearance of the little manager, and felt that he had a wife and children in his family, and he couldn't force him into a corner because of his emotions and reason, and he was not an enemy.

"Okay, now we're going to eat here?"

"All right, all right, I'll do it right away." The little manager nodded frequently, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, Zhou Han didn't hold any grudges, otherwise he would have to walk around today.

"Don't be too happy, we have to reserve a seat for dinner, otherwise this matter will never end." Zhou Han said bluntly, and he did what he said, "So please invite that Young Master Zheng out."

"This..." The little manager hesitated a little, thinking that Zheng Xuan was the son of a real estate tycoon after all, so it wouldn't be good if he didn't show face?

"What? Is there a problem? If you can't solve it, call your boss over." Zhou Han frowned, showing an angry look.

"No, no, no! I can handle it," the little manager quickly agreed, thinking that his work is still important, why not lose face?

"Hurry up, we can only talk to your boss after 10 minutes." Zhou Han gave a time limit, in case the manager played tricks and asked himself to wait for Zheng Xuan to finish eating.

"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you." The manager hurried to do it.

"Uncle Liu, wait patiently for a few minutes." Zhou Han said to Mr. Liu.

"Okay, it's not a few minutes away." Mr. Liu nodded, and suddenly felt something was wrong——

Today I am the host, and Xiao Zhou is the guest, right?

Why does it feel like it's upside down?

I was completely led by the nose and became the one who was taken care of...

Not long ago, Zheng Xuan had a new girlfriend who looked enchanting.

Although it is normal without makeup, but after putting on makeup, it is like two different people, very attractive.

It took a lot of effort and a lot of money today to get this wasteful guy out.

For the sake of face, I had to choose a good restaurant, so I chose this place,

Relying on the fact that his father is a real estate tycoon and has a lot of weight in Zhongqing City, Zheng Xuan came directly to eat without making an appointment.

Fortunately, the little manager here also knew Zheng Xuan's father, and was happy to save face, so he kicked Mr. Liu and his party.

Little did they know that at this moment, the little manager was already oppressed by Zhou Han, and was about to make room for Zheng Xuan.

"Baby, how is it here?" Zheng Xuan said happily.

"It's okay~" Langhuo looked around with a satisfied expression, "But I heard that you need to make an appointment in advance, you didn't prepare it a few days ago, did you?"

"It's not necessary at all, and I don't ask, who doesn't know my dad in Zhongqing City?" Zheng Xuan's expression suddenly became proud, and he said seriously, "Everyone should give me some face."

"Is it for your father's face?" The prodigal said with a smile.

"Hey, it's all the same, sooner or later my dad's stuff will be mine, it doesn't make any difference." Zheng Xuan said with a smile, he had to show off.

"You have a thick skin." The prodigal paused, and asked dissatisfied, "It's been so long, why hasn't this dish come out?"

"Don't worry, I heard that the chef was invited from France, it's so annoying, don't be afraid of being late, wait patiently." Zheng Xuan comforted.

The two of them didn't wait for their meal, but they waited for the little manager.

"Master Zheng? Let's give up this position. How about I find another place for you?" The little manager came up and said with a smile on his face. He wanted to discuss it. Zhou Han can't afford to mess with him, and it's not good here. Mess, it's hard to be a man in the middle.

"What!?" Zheng Xuan frowned, his expression turned ugly instantly, and he said in a serious tone——

"Give up this position?"

"Are you hitting me?"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The little manager was a little flustered, and quickly explained, "How can I bombard you, what I mean is to change the place, there will be guests leaving soon, you just change the table."

"My butt is already sitting here and it's hot, can I just leave? No, I'm going to sit here today!" Zheng Xuan is very arrogant, with his girlfriend on the opposite side, he compromises casually, isn't it embarrassing ?He couldn't bear to lose face in front of the opposite sex.

"Master Zheng, it's just for your convenience, it's not that you're not allowed to eat here." The little manager tried to persuade him.

"Why are you suddenly so ignorant? The location of your store is so good, don't you know who can help?" Zheng Xuan began to move his father out.

"This..." The little manager hesitated, and said with a smile on his face, "It's useless for you to tell me, you go to the boss, I'm just a small employee, and I need to follow the rules."

"Ah? Are you talking about the rules now? Didn't you let me in cheerfully just now?" Zheng Xuan looked at the little manager with a dissatisfied face, thinking that this guy is too incompetent.

"Just now, it's different now." The little manager said awkwardly.

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