"Then you mean to give up this position to someone else?" Zheng Xuan narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, that's right." The little manager nodded unceremoniously.

"Who is he?" Zheng Xuan felt that there were not many people who dared to force his position, "Did you say my name? Knowing who my father is, you dare to compete with me for the position?"

"I don't take it seriously, do you still want to book the seat yourself?" The little manager said with an embarrassed expression.

"Who the hell ate the guts of the ambitious leopard? Are you impatient?" Zheng Xuan was surprised. It is rare to see someone who knows who he is and continues to fight against him.

"Master Zheng, don't make a fuss. They're not easy to mess with, just move your butt. I'll change places for you right away, without wasting any time." The manager said sincerely.

"Uncle, what you said is that people are not easy to provoke, but our Xiaoxuan is easy to provoke? Who do you look down on?" The prostitute next to him fanned the flames, which immediately made Zheng Xuan's self-esteem extremely inflated.

"Exactly! Am I easy to mess with? You go and tell them that this seat is taken by me today, let me see who dares to take it from me?!" Zheng Xuan patted the table, full of momentum.

The little manager's face turned dark immediately, he didn't expect Zheng Xuan to be so unreasonable, making it difficult for him to deal with.

He is a black gold card member, very noble, Zheng Xuan is the son of a rich man to put it bluntly.

Which is more important?The little manager was still a little hesitant.

"Master Zheng, it's hard for me to do what you do. I can only do business."

"What do you mean?" Zheng Xuan frowned, and said dissatisfiedly, "Aren't you afraid that my father will trouble you?"

"It's useless to trouble me. If there is a problem, ask our boss. I just want to follow the rules." The little manager planned to use some tough methods.

"What? Do you still want to beat me?" Zheng Xuan really didn't like this.

"We are a regular restaurant, how could we meet adults? It's nothing more than asking the security to invite you out." The little manager said very tactfully.

"How much money did they give you, can I double it?" Zheng Xuan refused to give in and wanted to use money to solve it.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Zheng, it's not about the money, but about the rules." The manager paused and said seriously, "You didn't make an appointment in advance, so you can't eat at this location, but if you make an appointment, this place belongs to them. "

"You're pretending to be a big-tailed wolf in front of me now, and I won't leave, let's see what you can do to me?" Zheng Xuan frowned, intending to be shameless to the end.

"Okay, our security guards have all been trained. When the time comes, Young Master Zheng, please protect yourself and don't dislocate your arms and legs." The little manager said meaningfully, and then shouted at the door, "Security! Security! "

"Hey hey!" Zheng Xuan hurriedly told the little manager to stop, hesitating in his heart, he came out for a tryst today and didn't bring a bodyguard, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if he was kicked out?So his attitude softened, "Well... there will be a place for us soon, right?"

"Sure, it will be there in a while." The little manager breathed a sigh of relief, it's best not to tear up his face.

"Oh, why are you so cowardly?" The prodigal had a dissatisfied expression on his face, obviously a little angry.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, we call it a strategic shift, not because we are afraid of them."

Zheng Xuan comforted his new girlfriend a few words, and wanted to go out and see who it was, find an opportunity to teach him a lesson, and see who was so courageous that he didn't even give him face! ?

Zhou Han was chatting with Mr. Liu, but the manager led Zheng Xuan out.

When two people who have festivals meet, they are not in a good mood.

But Zhou Han felt a little more joking in his heart, and wanted to steal his place?Is it out yet?

Zheng Xuan was slightly startled when he saw Zhou Han, wondering why he was here? !

It stands to reason that the consumption of this private restaurant is so high, and it is not something that an ordinary high school student can come here casually!

Zheng Xuan looked at Mr. Liu in a suit and leather shoes next to him, and immediately understood in his heart, thinking that he had borrowed someone else's light.

Zhou Han, a guy with no background and no money, can't even afford the food here.

Although Zheng Xuan wanted to break Zhou Han very much, he was not in a hurry at this moment, after all, the poisonous plan he had been brewing for a long time was about to start.

At that time, Zhou Han will not only lose his reputation, but Zheng Xuan will also play with the girls around him.

Little did he know that Zhou Han had discovered Zheng Xuan's big move that he had held back for so long, and he wanted to plot against him in turn.

Zhou Han wanted to pretend he didn't know each other and didn't want to talk to Zheng Xuan, but this guy actually came over to say hello.

"Yo~, isn't this the reckless Zhou Han? Why are you here? It gives me the feeling that Li Kui has entered a western restaurant, and he doesn't fit in."

"Hehe, Young Master Zheng still speaks funny. I wonder if the place where I kicked him has healed? Don't leave the root of the disease." Zhou Han said with a half-smile.

"Tch!" Zheng Xuan curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Okay, you have a big mouth, I don't have time to talk to you right now."

"Ha, there is no place to eat, right? My place is not easy to grab, is it?" Zhou Han said with great interest.

"I laughed, you don't care about your own virtue, can you afford it? Didn't you borrow the light of the uncle next to you?" Zheng Xuan couldn't help but sneer.

Zhou Han smiled and didn't say much, just like ignorant people jumping in front of him, like a clown.

The little manager couldn't get used to Zheng Xuan, he thought that he was a black gold card member with unlimited credit limit, so it would be no problem to take the French chef away.

But for the sake of Zheng Xuan's face and not to offend others, the little manager didn't have the nerve to say so, but interrupted.

"Come on, gentlemen, I will take you to your seats."

Zhou Han didn't say another word to Zheng Xuan, but went to the private room with Mr. Liu.

"Who is this person?" the prodigal girl asked.

"Reckless~" Zheng Xuan put his arms around the rascal girl's sarcasm, he looked at Zhou Han's back, and there was a glint of haze in his eyes——

Zhou Han told you to have fun with me, there will be a good show when you start school...


in the private room.

The two of them had already had their meal smoothly.

Although there were many twists and turns, the final result was good.

"Xiao Zhou, are the dishes here satisfactory?" Mr. Liu put down his knife and fork and thought it was okay. As expected of a chef invited from France, the taste is just different.

"Very good." Zhou Han nodded. Actually, he is not very used to Western food, and it always feels weird. After all, the tastes of the East and the West are still different.

"As long as you like it, I came here because of this French chef, otherwise, who cares about this place." Mr. Liu chuckled, as if he still held a grudge.

Zhou Han smiled and said nothing, thinking that he didn't like Western food very much, so he might as well go to a hot pot restaurant or something.

Mr. Liu watched Zhou Han's mind become active, thinking that this time he was mainly talking about investment, and wanted to figure out what the young man in front of him was trying to do.

The catering industry under my home is not very big, and it is really unpredictable that it can attract such a large investment.

"Xiao Zhou, I have a few questions I want to ask you."

"Well, Uncle Liu, may I ask?" Zhou Han nodded, thinking that it was easy to talk about things at the dinner table, so he must have a lot of doubts.

"Our family's catering industry is not very big. As the leader of such a large consortium, why do you take a fancy to our small business?" Mr. Liu asked in a general way, and it was not suitable for showing sharpness at first.


Zhou Han was stunned, and suddenly became embarrassed, thinking that he would not invest if it was not for Uncle Su's family.

And Elizabeth said that building a good relationship with Mr. Liu will help to draw in the relationship, and it will be convenient to handle things at that time.

But this kind of truth, Zhou Han will not say it.

"That...mainly I think the restaurant opened by Uncle Liu's has a good prospect, so it is a long-term investment, and it will be sweet in the future."

Zhou Han said nonsense, anyway, he didn't understand the prospects of the company, so in short, he was a little vague, just pretending to be coercive.

But Mr. Liu listened very well. Who wouldn't listen to him saying that his small business has a good prospect?It proves that one's career is seen and recognized.

Mr. Liu suddenly smiled. He had a good impression of Zhou Han, but now he is even better. Although he is young, he has great foresight.

"Xiao Zhou, you have foresight, Uncle, my ideals are very big, and I will definitely not be limited to the present one. In the future, my career will be hundreds of times and a thousand times bigger than it is now, so I will be willing."

Zhou Han had a polite smile on his face, thinking that his senior's stepfather was quite ambitious.

"So uncle, I just lack an opportunity now. Everything is ready, and I only owe Dongfeng. But if you are willing to inject capital into us, it is like the most violent Dongfeng." Mr. Liu added.

"Uncle Liu, if you have something to say, just say it." Zhou Han could tell that the horses came here, and they must be asking for something.

"Hey, Xiao Zhou, I won't hide it from you, I just want to reach a cooperative relationship with you, and take advantage of you to make my career go to a higher level." Mr. Liu smiled.

"It doesn't matter. If you need help, I will lend a helping hand." Zhou Han said seriously.

"You mean...you can continue to inject capital to help my business develop?" Mr. Liu asked tentatively, looking cautious.

"It's not a problem." Zhou Han replied easily, thinking that he is now considered a giant, and it doesn't matter if he pulls the other party.

"That's great. With your words, I feel relieved, but..." Mr. Liu paused deliberately, and said awkwardly, "The company's management rights cannot be transferred, and you know that, uncle, I have no family background. If you give it to others, you will become poor and useless."

"I didn't intend to interfere with anything, so don't worry about it, Uncle Liu." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that he was meddling, he didn't understand business at all, and Elizabeth was in charge.

"Is this true?" Mr. Liu felt very incredible, and felt that Zhou Han had no intentions at all, which made people very puzzled.

"Well, really." Zhou Han nodded.

Mr. Liu couldn't understand Zhou Han more and more, and felt that he didn't want to be a businessman, and a normal businessman would not be profitable.

But after thinking about it for a while, Mr. Liu suddenly realized that his small business was no match for the other consortium, just like a little ant seeing a giant.

Maybe the other party is just playing for fun, and doesn't like his small company at all, and he doesn't have any greedy thoughts at all.

Thinking about Zhou Han being directly hired as the boss of the consortium, he is not short of money at all, maybe he just cast a wide net to invest, and if there are a few profitable ones, he will make money.

After thinking about it for a while, Mr. Liu suddenly laughed.

"Xiao Zhou, to be honest, I think you are good in everything, but you are too young."

"What does Uncle Liu mean?" Zhou Han raised his head and asked in surprise.

"I know you are young and successful, but you still have to fight for some interests. After all, as a businessman, you can't go far without thinking for yourself." Mr. Liu paused, and continued, "Uncle, I am also a kind person. It won’t make you suffer too much, and you can cede some benefits to you, at least you have the right to participate in the general direction of the company’s development.”

Zhou Han smiled, thinking to himself, what do I want this for?I don't have time to take care of messy things, the relationship between the girls is all overwhelmed, and I still have time to take care of such nosy things.

However, Mr. Liu is really kind when he speaks like this, he is not a profiteer who forgets his righteousness, which Zhou Han thinks is quite good.

"Uncle Liu, even if you give me all your wealth, I will refuse." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Why?" Mr. Liu felt very surprised. This is a free gift, and he can still refuse it.

"Because I'm a high school student and I'm still in school." Zhou Han replied lightly, that's the point. I'm a student and manage a bird feather company.

"Ah?!" Mr. Liu was shocked. Although Zhou Han did look like a high school student, he thought that he would not go to school a long time ago, because he was so successful, so why did he go to school? Unexpectedly, he was still a high school students.

Zhou Han nodded calmly, thinking that he would be surprised. As a high school student, it would be unbelievable for him to be worth as much as all the old men.

Mr. Liu stared at Zhou Han with wide eyes, his expression was very astonished, wondering if all the high school students nowadays are so awesome?It's not the neon country, where high school students save the world at every turn, and fly up one by one.

"Are you really still a high school student? Isn't it the boss of the consortium? Who will help you manage it?"

"I have a very good secretary assistant. Under normal circumstances, she is responsible for helping me with my affairs. I usually only need to finish my studies." Zhou Han said half-truthfully.

Mr. Liu looked at Zhou Han more and more strangely. A high school student with such assets, won't his life be smooth in the future?There is no problem at all starting to retire now.

Think about it, Zhou Han seems to live in Zhongqing City, so he also goes to school here, right?

"Excuse me, where did you go to high school, Xiao Zhou?"

"This..." Zhou Han scratched his cheeks, and said awkwardly, "It's Jinteng Academy."

"Uh!" Mr. Liu was startled, frowned, thinking——

Isn't this the same school as my eldest daughter! ?

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mr. Liu's eyes widened, and he thought it was a coincidence that he was in the same high school as his eldest daughter? !

Isn't this fate?Maybe you can take this opportunity to inquire about Zhou Han's privacy.

"My eldest daughter is also from Jinteng Academy, named Su Xiaowei, is the president of your school?"

"I know." Zhou Han nodded and continued, "I know Sister Su."

"Huh? We know each other!?" Mr. Liu felt even more unbelievable that they knew each other in the same high school!The relationship suddenly became much closer, and there seemed to be a door to the matchmaking.

"I know, that... I can barely be considered a friend. I was helped by Senior Sister Su in many things before." Zhou Han said lightly, never expecting that Mr. Liu had already started flirting.

Mr. Liu's expression became weird, and he felt more and more that something was wrong. There were too many coincidences. His daughter Su Xiaowei and Zhou Han were friends. Zhou Han invested in his own business for no reason. Definitely won't believe it.

Could it be because his daughter helped Zhou Han, so he is repaying his favor?

Or Zhou Han fell in love with his daughter Su Xiaowei, and wanted to make a good impression in front of his future father-in-law, so he invested in his own business.

Mr. Liu is more inclined to the second possibility, because Zhou Pu is too pleasing to the eye, and he also has the meaning of recruiting him as a son-in-law.

Now he unilaterally thinks that Zhou Han likes his daughter Su Xiaomai, and the atmosphere is suddenly not so rigid, but rather ambiguous.

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