"Xiao Zhou, uncle asked you something, can you tell the truth?"

"Just ask, Uncle Liu, you're welcome." Zhou Han said boldly.

"Do you like my daughter Xiaomai?" Mr. Liu said straight to the point.

"Ah?!" Zhou Han's eyes widened, his expression became astonished, and the fork in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Don't be shy, do you like a word or not, a man is upright, tell the truth." Mr. Liu provoked Zhou Han, wanting to know if Zhou Han likes Su Xiaomai.

If he likes it, Mr. Liu really wants to match him up. After all, Zhou Han is pleasing to the eye and is excellent in every aspect.

Maybe it looks like Mr. Liu is climbing high and trying to catch a rich and wealthy son-in-law, but in fact he prefers Zhou Han's character, who is neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Mr. Liu is quite an open-minded person. He really doesn't expect his daughter's future partner to be rich, but he must be a good person, otherwise it will definitely not work.

"No..." Zhou Han was a little confused, his expression was very wrong, he was misunderstood for what he did, and for some reason, Uncle Liu thought he was thinking about Senior Su, "Uncle Liu, don't get me wrong, I really like Senior Su as an ordinary friend, not because I like her." Not liking, but pure friendship."

Mr. Liu was stunned, thinking that he had misunderstood, his daughter Su Xiaowei is very beautiful, isn't she a little restless at this age?

So Mr. Liu didn't give up, thinking that Zhou Han must be shy, otherwise he would invest in his own company, what would he not want to do?

It must be his own daughter, otherwise these things can't be explained clearly.

"Oh, Xiao Zhou, don't be shy. Let's be honest, I don't mean to beat Yuanyang. If you really like Xiao Mao, uncle will secretly help you."

Zhou Han almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, thinking that he had nothing to do with Sister Su, let alone any other meaning.

Even if I really want to be with Senior Sister Su, what kind of trick is it for my father-in-law to help secretly assist in the future? !

I always feel that Uncle Liu is cheating Senior Su, as if he was in a hurry to send her away. Sure enough, he is not his own...

Zhou Han didn't speak, he didn't want to continue this topic at all.

"Xiao Zhou, my fair lady, a gentleman is so good, and my uncle is also someone who has experienced it, so I understand your thoughts very well, really." Mr. Liu felt that if this matter could be accomplished, he would definitely encourage Su Xiaomai and Zhou Han to be together.

"Uncle Liu, I really have nothing to do with Sister Su, I always treat her like a big sister next door." Zhou Han told the truth, he really treats Su Xiaowei as his sister.

"How old are you this year?" Mr. Liu asked tentatively.

"I'm seventeen." Zhou Han replied doubtfully.

"What sister? Xiaomai is one year older than you. It's not too big, and older girls will love others. As the saying goes, a third-year girl hugs a gold brick. My daughter is not three years older than you. You can't do that." Admit it honestly, don't be shy and cover it up." Mr. Liu felt that there was something going on, as long as Zhou confessed now, he would immediately call Su Xiaomai to come over for dinner.

"Uncle Liu, don't misunderstand me. Sister Su and I are really ordinary friends. We chat occasionally for a few days, and there is nothing left." Zhou Han said with a serious expression.

"This..." Mr. Liu wavered, Zhou Han didn't look like he was talking, could it be that he was thinking too much, the two of them are just ordinary friends, "Then what's the matter with you investing in us? Our company is very small , You said that you are interested in our development prospects, I definitely don't believe it, let me tell you the truth, I have investigated your Zhou consortium before I came here, and have acquired many large companies, small companies like ours, definitely You can't look down on me, if I'm not for my daughter, what are you looking for?"

Zhou Han hesitated, really stumped, thinking that he invested in it for the convenience of dealing with Uncle Su's family affairs, but he couldn't tell about it.

Mr. Liu's meaning is very simple, that is, there is no benefit, and a reasonable explanation is needed.

Zhou Han thought for a while, coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and said lightly.

"Uncle Liu, Senior Sister Su and I are good friends, she is the president, I have been taken care of by her a lot in school, but I don't like to take advantage of others, so I thought of making up for it from other places, and paying back favors, Then invest in your company, help you or something."

Mr. Liu nodded, and he understood it. After a long time, it turned out that he was repaying his kindness, not sparking the spark of love, and he was happy for nothing.

It's rare to meet a young man with a good eye and want to make a match, but he doesn't have that intention yet, and I'm just messing around here.

Mr. Liu's joy was suddenly extinguished, and he felt a little disappointed.

"That's it, I misunderstood. I thought you fell in love with our little girl. It's friendship for a long time."

"Yes, it's friendship. Uncle Liu, don't get me wrong, or Sister Su will be in trouble." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, I'm just a little worried..." Mr. Liu sighed, looking melancholy.

"What is Uncle Liu worried about?" Zhou Han asked, feeling that senior sister Su is perfect, why would she make her family worry?

"Chou Xiaomai, I've never seen her get close to any boy at this age. I just found out that this girl is a lesbian, gay?!" Mr. Liu paused, looked at Zhou Han and said——

"I think Xiao Zhou is good, you are good in everything."

"If Xiaomai has a boyfriend like you, I'll feel relieved."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Han's expression became complicated, thinking that senior sister Su's homosexuality problem has become a family problem?Unexpectedly, Liu Shuchou looked like this.

But the problem is that even if Uncle Liu matched him and Senior Sister Su, and planned to give him a divine assist, I really don't have confidence, Senior Sister Su, please straighten it out.

What's more, senior sister Su knows her own situation, and whether she can accept it calmly is a question of dating three girls.

Zhou Han himself is still a bit hard-pressed, like Aili and the others, they can really accept everyone being together, it is almost as rare as a national treasure, ordinary girls would agree to such a thing, it would be good if they don't cut off their heads.

Moreover, I have three girls, and now I often struggle to deal with them and don't understand the relationship. I have to add another one, and I am afraid that I am not far from death.

"Uncle Liu, it's okay. Sister Su may have a fear of men, which is why she has a good impression of girls. This is just an immature expression, and it will definitely change in the future."

Zhou Han comforted Mr. Liu patiently, thinking that Senior Su's homosexuality is not incurable, but must be psychologically difficult.

Can't Senior Sister Su usually have a normal relationship with boys?Get along well with yourself.

"No, I think Xiaomai really likes girls. She often secretly watches Lela movies, and keeps a lot of artistic photos of the two girls together. I heard from my wife that there are still a few in the computer's memory disk. It’s a lesbian pornographic movie, it’s quite unsightly.” Mr. Liu said embarrassingly, covering his face, thinking that Su Xiaowei is hopeless, if he doesn’t find a good boy to approach her, so that she can experience true love, it is estimated that in the future Will not get married, will choose to be with girls.

Zhou Han's eyes widened, he looked very shocked, thinking what the hell!Sister Su said to herself lightly, but she didn't expect it to be so exciting! ?Even Lily's little porn is fancy!Is this Nima still saved?By the way, senior sister Su's mother is also a talent, like a secret agent, she can actually find out the secrets in the computer! ?

"Xiao Zhou, do you think Xiaomai can still become normal? You are all young people, I want to hear your opinions." Mr. Liu asked seriously, thinking that young people have something in common, maybe there is a way .

"This..." Zhou Han didn't know how to answer. He was very confused. He even fell in love with porn movies. This sexual orientation has been completely distorted, but let's give Uncle Liu a little hope and tell a white lie. "I don't think it's a problem. It will definitely change back in the future."

"How long will it be in the future, if it is over [-] before you realize that liking boys is the right thing to do, then it will be difficult to get married." Mr. Liu has a tendency to be full of jealousy.

"Don't worry, homosexuality is not a disease, it's just a little psychological problem." Zhou Han said nonsense, he does not discriminate against homosexuality, and does not express any opinion on it.

"Could it be that you have a solution, Xiao Zhou?" Mr. Liu seemed to have grasped at straws suddenly. Judging by Zhou Han's understatement, maybe there is a solution?

"I... What can I do? If it's normal, shouldn't I see a psychiatrist?" Zhou Han frowned, not wanting to lie in the muddy water.

"If we take Miss to see a psychiatrist, we will definitely be disgusted, and maybe we will quarrel with us, or continue the cold war." Mr. Liu said helplessly. It's not that he never thought of taking Su Xiaomao to see a psychiatrist. The key point is that my daughter is now grown up, and her psychology has become sensitive.

"That's right..." Zhou Han forced a smile, thinking it was a bit of a headache, but he couldn't help.

"Xiao Zhou, I have an idea, can you see if it works?" Mr. Liu raised his head, looking a little hesitant, as if wondering whether to say it.

"Uncle Liu, just say, if there is a need, I will definitely help, but if it is within my ability, if it is too difficult, I can't do anything." Zhou Han said the ugly words first, so don't suddenly embarrass yourself.

"I don't think it's difficult for Xiao Zhou to write to you." Mr. Liu coughed lightly, and said seriously, "Please straighten Xiao Zhou's sexual orientation, please."

"Huh?" Zhou Han was stunned, didn't understand, and asked in surprise, "How can I straighten it? If I straighten it physically, I have no problem, but sexual orientation is a bit vague."

"No, no, no, I mean..." Mr. Liu paused, and said straight, "Xiao Zhou, please go after Xiao Mao, fall in love with her, let her feel the taste of real love, I think That way, Xiaomai will definitely correct her sexual orientation."

The air fell into a deathly silence, which lasted for three seconds——

"Ah?!" Zhou Han exclaimed, and almost sat down on the ground, his head was buzzing, blank, and he was not feeling well.

"Don't be surprised, can you just say a word, Xiao Zhou, I'm serious." Mr. Liu's expression was very serious, and he was not joking at all.

I rely on! ?

What's the situation now! ?

You actually asked me to pursue Senior Sister Su!

Isn't this just kidding me!

How could I pursue Senior Sister Su!She is Xiaorui's own sister!

My relationship with Xiaorui is so close that we have sex, and now you want me to pursue her sister Su Xiaowei?

Isn't this the iron rhythm of ethics! ?Playing with Xiaorui, but also playing with her older sister Su Xiaowei, Shuangfei sister Hua, it's unimaginable!

Zhou Han was in a state of astonishment, feeling that the affairs of Uncle Su's house were very chaotic, and he seemed to be deeply involved in it as a result.

Originally, I was a marginal person, and I didn't want to get involved, but now it seems that I can't escape, and I am caught between the two sisters.

Zhou Han calmed down a little and tried to calm himself down. Now that he and Xiaorui are a fiancée, if he gets involved with Su Xiaowei again, the consequences can be imagined, and it will completely become an ethical tragedy.

So Zhou Han pondered silently for a while, and felt that such a cheating thing could not be accepted.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Liu, I can't agree. To be honest...it's a bit of a nonsense. I think it must be wrong. It's not good for me or for Senior Su. What do you think? It seems to be cheating Senior Su. Same, I can't do it."

"Xiao Zhou, don't have any psychological pressure, just treat it as helping uncle, okay?" Mr. Liu didn't give up. He felt that if his daughter continued like this, she would go further and further on the road of life, and most of her achievements would be ruined in the future. The eyes are not good-looking, "I have nothing to do with Xiaomai now, so I can only ask you for help, otherwise I really don't know how to know, to be honest, I have never asked anyone in my life, I just don't want Xiaomai to deviate further and further. normal life."

"Uncle Liu, it's really not good. I can't help you no matter what you say." Zhou Han thought to himself what would happen if Xiaorui knew all the truth?I have sex with her, and I am interested in chasing her sister.

"Really, Xiao Zhou, I seldom think that young people are good. You are one of them. You have such a fate with my daughter." Mr. Liu looked at Zhou Han and said in a serious tone——

"And I think you and Xiao Mao are really a good match."

"To be honest, I think you are very suitable to be my son-in-law."

(o ゜ ▽ ゜) o ☆

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Han was stunned, his breath was suffocated, obviously he was frightened by Uncle Liu's words, he came here today because he looks familiar, not because he is talking about marriage, but because he is attracted by someone for no reason! ?And even if I agree to be a son-in-law, doesn't Uncle Liu carefully ask Sister Su for her opinion? !

"It's not that I didn't wake up, or didn't take my medicine in the morning, but I'm seriously discussing this issue with you, Xiao Zhou, but I want to emphasize one point..." Mr. He said with an attitude, "I definitely don't think you are suitable to be a son-in-law just because you are the boss of the consortium. I really think that you, a young man, can do it. Instead of letting dubious people chase after my daughter and straighten her up, why don't you be my son-in-law?" Why don't you give it to someone who is pleasing to the eye, such as you, Xiao Zhou."

"I... that..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, then covered his face, in a state of having nothing to say to Uncle Liu's suggestion.

What did I do to make Uncle Liu fall in love with me? This is Sister Su's love affair. Is it really okay for the parents to directly and secretly call the shots?

And I can't promise this matter at all, if I get involved with Senior Sister Su, Xiaorui will faint in the toilet crying?

Uncle Liu doesn't seem to know if he has a girlfriend, but he is a man with three wives, who would want to find him a son-in-law?

Zhou Han didn't know how to communicate with Uncle Liu at all, and then remembered something else——

correct!I almost forgot, I still have to pretend to be Su Xiaowei's boyfriend!

And now my senior's stepfather wants me to pursue her, and wants me to be my son-in-law!

This... what the hell is this called! ?It's a bit confusing!

Zhou Han calmed down a little, wanted to sort out his current thoughts, and wondered if he should sell his senior sister, and tell Uncle Liu senior sister to find him as a fake boyfriend to deceive them?

No, no, senior sister Su will strangle me when she finds out. This behavior of selling teammates is tantamount to courting death.

But now Uncle Liu seems to be forcing me, and I feel that if I don't refuse with a decent reason, I won't be able to leave the restaurant today.

"Xiao Zhou, think about it, our little girl is actually quite beautiful, isn't she? Although uncle doesn't know what the aesthetics of young people like you are, in the past, our little girl was a gentle and beautiful girl. It must be more popular." Mr. Liu urged beside him, his tone very serious.

Zhou Han kept silent, thinking that senior sister Su is very beautiful, but it has nothing to do with him, besides, she is Xiaorui's biological sister, so he can't worry about it.

Mr. Liu seemed to see that Zhou Han was in a difficult situation, and his heart skipped a beat, thinking that if normal people would not have accepted it long ago, unless it was...

"Xiao Zhou, do you have a girlfriend?"

Zhou Han suddenly realized that he seemed to have found a breakthrough, thinking right!If you say you have a girlfriend, can you push it away?

As for the matter of pretending to be Su Xuejie's boyfriend, Zhou Han decided to keep it a secret. It's not good to sell Su Xuejie.

Although I may let myself go to the senior sister's house as a guest, but the specific time has not been set yet, who knows that it is the year of the monkey?Maybe I can even excuse myself.

If you tell me about pretending to be a boyfriend, the things in front of you will definitely be more troublesome, and senior sister Su will not give herself a good face. She is not a human being inside and out, so it is better to solve the problems in front of her. One more thing is worse than one less thing.

"For Uncle Liu, I have a girlfriend, so I can't pursue other girls. It's not good. I hope you can understand me."

Zhou Han's expression was serious, and he admitted that he had a girlfriend, but he didn't say much, fearing that it would scare others.

"Really?" Uncle Liu asked tentatively, thinking that Zhou Han should not fool himself.

"Really! There's no need for me to lie. I have a girlfriend and still pursue Miss Su. Isn't that embarrassing?" Zhou Han said emotionally and rationally.

"Can't we break up?" Mr. Liu asked unwillingly, thinking of breaking up.

"I can't, I can't, I can't." Zhou Han waved his hands again and again, apparently frightened. How could he possibly break up with three girls after all his troubles?We must all get married together, and neither of them can be bad.

"Alas..." Mr. Liu was immediately discouraged, feeling very helpless, and his heart was very complicated. If Zhou Han had a girlfriend, this matter would really not work out. It is rare to meet a young man who is more pleasing to the eye, but in the end he has already been preempted by others up.

Zhou Han looked at Mr. Liu's lost appearance, and comforted him kindly, "It's okay, Uncle Liu, don't worry, senior sister Su is so good, she will definitely find a boyfriend better than me, and even if she can't fall in love, she can still be a good friend ah."

"I can't. I didn't have many young people who looked up to me. It's not easy to have one, and I already have a girlfriend. It's all predestined." Mr. Liu shook his head very depressed, as if he had been hurt. No small setback.

"This..." Zhou Han was embarrassed for a while, thinking that he couldn't help Uncle Liu with this matter, and the more he helped, the more chaos he might get.

"Hey, my little girl recently said that she called her boyfriend, and I don't know if she is good enough. If you are not even half as good as Xiao Zhou, I will definitely refuse." Uncle Liu said to himself, thinking I'm a little nervous, I don't know how my daughter's boyfriend is?

Zhou Han coughed to cover up his embarrassment, thinking that it was him, but let's not talk about the subtleties, now he doesn't want to go to the senior sister's house as a guest at all.

"Besides, Xiaoxiu has a lot of minds. Maybe she lied to us and found a fake boyfriend. After all, she is not a child who compromises casually." Mr. Liu held his forehead, seemingly very worried.

The corner of Zhou Han's mouth twitched and he sweated profusely, he thought in embarrassment, yes, he is a fake boyfriend, what should I do?Even before he was a guest, he was already suspected.

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