"Don't talk, don't talk, I came out to eat, be happy." Mr. Liu took a long breath and said with renewed energy, "Just pretend that I didn't say what I said just now, I hope you will continue to do things with our little girl. friend."

"No problem." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that it would be no problem to be friends, but his boyfriend is too much, can he marry both sisters Su Xiaowei and Yao Xiaorui back home?

"Xiao Zhou, forgive me for asking, what does your family do? To be honest, it's unimaginable that you can have such a huge amount of assets at such a young age." Mr. Liu asked curiously. He was embarrassed to ask. But now that the relationship is getting closer, it's much more interesting.

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, he was cheating, otherwise where did he get so much money?

"It's really inconvenient for me to say this. I can only say that my father is better at management."

Zhou Han was talking nonsense, and it was very general, and what he said was mysterious, making it difficult for people to figure out the truth.

"Oh~, that's it." Mr. Liu showed an expression of enlightenment, thinking that Zhou Han's father is powerful, then everything would make sense, and Zhou Han earned the money himself, so he would definitely not believe it.

After all, he is still a high school student, how capable can he be?

"And this matter, Uncle Liu, don't tell Sister Su, I've always been an ordinary person in front of others." Zhou Han added, worried that he couldn't explain where the money came from?

"I understand, I understand, you rich people like to keep a low profile~" Mr. Liu nodded, expressing his understanding.

after eating.

Zhou Han bids farewell to Uncle Liu and prepares to go home.

On the way, I received a text message from Senior Sister Su.

"Let's go out to the park tomorrow to go boating together, don't forget."

"If you dare to let me go, I think you know the consequences."

"(@ ̄ー ̄@)"

Zhou Han scratched his head, frowned and thought——

Sister Su didn't mention it, I really forgot...


Chapter 210 Monthly Pass Added

Zhou Han came home and just entered the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Zhou Qiqi kicked away the people in Miyazaki Airi's room, ran out excitedly, and hugged Zhou Han as soon as she jumped, her legs were still in the position of the roots of the old tree, which was very embarrassing.

"Brother, brother! You're back! I think you're going crazy!"

Zhou Han looked at Zhou Qiqi's little face with grievance, and felt very helpless, "What are you doing? I've only been out for half a day."

"It's been a long time, isn't it?! To me, every second is like a year!" Zhou Qiqi looked serious, as if she didn't allow others to question her.

"Oh..." Zhou Han sighed, thinking that he would live with his two younger sisters in the future, right?He seemed to be under a lot of pressure, "Okay, go down quickly, don't pester me anyway, especially like this, sticking to me like a dog's skin plaster."

"No!" Zhou Qiqi resisted, and hurriedly climbed up a little more on her brother. Instead of letting go of Zhou Han, she hugged her even tighter.

Especially with his legs pinched and tightly linked together, Zhou Han couldn't move an inch at all.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han was speechless, patted Zhou Qiqi's butt impatiently, and said in an elder's tone, "Hurry up, be good, it's fine if you come back suddenly, and you actually caused me trouble."

"Brother..." Zhou Qiqi put her arms around Zhou Han's neck, blushing mysteriously and said, "You actually touched my ass~"

"Are you blushing!?" Zhou Han frowned and said emphatically, "I spanked your butt back then, I didn't mean to touch your butt, don't misinterpret the meaning."

"Hitting and touching are the same, there is no difference~" Zhou Qiqi said with a half-smile.

"Nonsense!" Zhou Han rubbed Zhou Qiqi's little butt, and said seriously, "Is this called touching?"

"Oh~" Zhou Qiqi blushed inexplicably, showing a look of patience, "Brother is good or bad~, it's really H, I was not satisfied after touching it once, and even used an excuse to touch it a second time~"

"Uh..." Zhou Han choked for breath. He didn't think about it that much just now. He and his sister are very familiar with each other. What's the relationship between spanking a few times?No problem at all, right?

"Brother, be honest, tell me how it feels? How is it better than a fake sister?" Zhou Qiqi shook Zhou Han and said reluctantly.

"I'm educating you, do you understand the mentality of being a teacher? It's not so dirty, who knows what it feels like when you hit it?! Which brother would deliberately remember the feeling of spanking his own sister? Isn't this... a pervert?" Zhou Han spread his hands and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, stop making trouble and get down quickly."

"I don't want it, you have to answer me, which one feels better, the ass of my fake sister or me?" Zhou Qiqi said relentlessly.

"How do you know that I spanked Airi's ass?" Zhou Han frowned, thinking that such an embarrassing thing must be a secret between the two of them, how did this girl Qiqi know?

"The fake sister told me unintentionally, saying that you were addicted to playing the phone that time, and finally the fake sister stopped crying. She looked like a pervert, Keke~" Zhou Qiqi said with a half-smile, not looking at Zhou Han. exactly.

"I..." Zhou Han was at a loss for words, and it was a bit embarrassing to think back to that time, but Miyazaki Airi's temper was very flexible, and she became addicted out of nowhere, "It's all just joking, don't take it seriously, hurry up from me. Get off."

"I don't,! You tell me and the fake sister's butt first, whose ass is more comfortable to touch?" Zhou Qiqi showed her small canine teeth, full of hostility.

"I...I refuse to answer." Zhou Han grabbed Zhou Qiqi's waist and pushed it away, "Go down, you! Can't you be normal? You sister is really annoying!"

"If you don't answer me today, I won't go down, and I will hang on to you 24 hours a day!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily, and made a fuss about Zhou Han.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course not. I think Airi's is better. You stand aside." Zhou Han pointed at the sofa with his thumb, signaling Zhou Qiqi to roll on the sofa and play by herself.

"Yeah!" Zhou Qiqi put her legs on Zhou Han's body, raised her small fist and hit him fiercely, "You idiot old brother! You married a wife and forgot your sister! It must be my hand that feels better! Fake younger sisters again You have a real sister, okay?! You give me a good answer again!"

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble! I'll go..." Zhou Han felt embarrassed when facing Zhou Qiqi's stormy fist.

"What are you doing?" Miyazaki Airi also came out of the house, seeing the siblings together, her expression was very dissatisfied, "Qiqi, I'm just helping you grade the papers again, so you just ran out to pester me Brother, come down quickly for me."

"No! I just want to pester my brother, don't try to separate us, you evil fake sister, you know how to interfere with my relationship with my brother!" Zhou Qiqi turned her head very hostile.

"It's really quick to turn your face, you guy. At lunch, you don't even say hello, and you run over without saying hello. It's so sweet to eat a mouthful of Ou Nei sauce. Look at it now..." Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Qiqi sighed, "Sister, I'm tired of taking it into my heart..."

"I... I haven't seen it!" Zhou Qiqi blushed, and immediately refused to admit it, "You are the cook at home in my eyes, what sister? I don't admit it!"

"Don't say that..." Zhou Han was embarrassed, thinking that Aili is the mistress of the house, not a cook, and her words are too harsh. Seeing how good Aili is as a sister, she takes care of Qiqi every day. I am a bit ashamed of myself as an older brother.

"Okay, then I won't cook for you anymore, go eat instant noodles by yourself." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, with a bit of a ladyish temper.

"Oh!" Zhou Qiqi's face was flushed, obviously stimulated, "If you don't eat it, don't eat it, the instant noodles taste even better!"

Zhou Han smiled with his mouth twisted. Seeing the pained expression on Qiqi's face, it was clear that she was suffering to death, and what she said insincerely was all angry words.

"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi was very dissatisfied, her threat didn't work, so she had to say, "Hurry up and get off your brother, as a girl, be more graceful, look at what you are doing now The appearance of your brother's legs is really unsightly!"

"I am willing! Do you care? My brother is all mine!" Zhou Qiqi said bluntly.

"What are you talking about? Kiki will be like this as soon as you come back!" Miyazaki Airi glared at Zhou Han angrily.

"I can't help it! What can I do? I'm also desperate, can I beat her?" Zhou Han said awkwardly, feeling innocent.

"Hmph! It's useless, you can't even control your sister!" Miyazaki Airi walked to the front, grabbed Zhou Qiqi's waist and dragged her, "Hurry up and let go!"

"No! Go away, you! Annoying fake sister!" Zhou Qiqi tried her best to hug her brother tightly.

Zhou Han showed a loveless expression, thinking to my two sisters, can't you be a little quieter?It's hard being in the middle of a war.

"Qiqi, don't mess around! Come down quickly! You haven't finished your math paper yet!" Miyazaki Airi was furious, and in desperation wanted to use the principle of leverage, and raised her foot to find a relay point——

In the end, in a panic, he stepped on Zhou Han's penis! ?


The first thousand and 210 chapters add monthly tickets

"Oh shit!!!"

Zhou Han felt a pain in his chest, and he was shocked instantly.

Although I am a data body, it does not mean that I am also very resistant to beatings. It is still a bit painful to be kicked by Miyazaki Airi.

The main reason is that this kick came too suddenly, which made Zhou Han feel very caught off guard, so he was shocked.

Zhou Han frowned, and bent down to ask. Although the pain was not very strong, he still felt lingering fear.

As long as Miyazaki Airi is more ruthless, and has practiced some karate, Airi's lifelong happiness will be gone with one kick!

Zhou Han's expression became a little painful, and there was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, giving the impression that he was seriously injured.


Miyazaki Airi withdrew her foot like lightning, her face full of horror, feeling like she had kicked some kind of spongy body, it was soft and embarrassing.

Her mind was a little blank, and she knew that that thing was the lifeblood of a man, and she couldn't kick it casually.

And if the kick is broken, what will I do in the future?

Miyazaki Airi knew that Zhou Han, as the only male in the family, was a single heir for nine generations, and the continuation of the incense depended on that thing.

"You...are you okay? Does it matter? Does it hurt? Is it too late for me to rub?"

"Huh!?" Zhou Qiqi didn't know what was going on, but felt that the old brother was shocked just now, which was very abnormal, so she looked up at Zhou Han, and saw a trace of pain on his expression, "Brother, what's wrong with you? What's wrong? ?”

"Little ancestor, get off of me first, I beg you." Zhou Han said seriously, with an expression of indescribable embarrassment.

"Okay... okay." Zhou Qiqi got off Zhou Han and looked at her brother suspiciously.

"Hiss—" Zhou Han slightly covered his crotch with his hand, feeling that the scene just now was very thrilling, and he must not mess around in the future, otherwise it will cause problems easily.

"Does it hurt?" Miyazaki Airi stood beside her in a panic like a frightened little rabbit, her eyes full of worry.

"Yes...a little..." Zhou Han responded awkwardly, laughing uglier than crying.

"I... Shall I rub it for you?" Miyazaki Airi asked tentatively, if she felt hurt, she must rub it, but don't step on it, if something goes wrong, it will make people wonder what to do alright.

"No need, as long as the pain passes." Zhou Han said helplessly, he wanted Aili to rub her penis in front of her own sister?Why do you feel that the screen is a bit yellow?

"Oh~!" Zhou Qiqi finally understood what was going on, seeing her elder brother clutching his crotch in pain and hunched over, "You fake sister, why are you so careless!? You actually hurt my elder brother's lifeblood!? What a big deal Die! Tell me what to do!"

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, no matter how he looked at it, his own sister was trying to make use of the rhythm, and he knew this guy too well.

"What... what should I do? I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't use much effort, so there should be no problem." Miyazaki Airi said awkwardly, with worried eyes wandering over Zhou Han's eyes from time to time. crotch.

"Why is there no problem!? My brother is the only male in our family! If the lifeline is broken, my father will go crazy! You are destroying the incense in our family! My brother will not be able to find him in the future Wife's!" Zhou Qiqi's words were exaggerated, and at Zhou's father's current age, it would not be a problem to practice a trumpet again.

"I'll be his wife, I don't need you to worry about it at all!" Miyazaki Airi suddenly came up with momentum, but she couldn't see Zhou Qiqi yelling in front of her, no matter how big or small.

"Use you to show off your gallantry! It's not your turn to be my brother's wife, but me! I don't need you vixens at all!" Zhou Qiqi said confidently, as if she was doing something important.

"Qiqi, don't talk, you're talking nonsense again." Zhou Han's mouth twitched and sweated profusely, thinking that he was really using this as an excuse to suppress Aili.

"Go aside! Your own sister has no chance, just be a good baby." Miyazaki Airi frowned, not to be outdone, and said, "And it's not all my fault, is it? If you weren't messing around here, I would accidentally...run into that place?"

"I..." Zhou Qiqi's tone wrinkled her little nose, and said roguely, "I don't care, your kick ruined our brother and sister's sex! You said what a mistake you made!"

"What does it have to do with you?! That's our sexual blessing! Don't insist on including yourself, can you know a little bit of etiquette?" Airi Miyazaki emphasized with a blushing face, trying to turn Zhou Qiqi's thinking around.

"Huh!?" Zhou Qiqi bared her canine teeth and said angrily, "Ou Jinjin who kicked my brother is justified! You fake sister, leave my brother quickly, it seems that you have bad intentions, and you actually want our Zhou family Cut off the incense, how vicious!"

"No!!!" Miyazaki Airi became a little crazy, and explained, "I didn't mean it! Who wants to kick him there!? It's important to me... isn't it important to me?"

Miyazaki Airi's face was flushed, and in the end it might be because of embarrassment, so it turned into a mosquito sound, which was hard to hear.

"Oh!!!" Zhou Qiqi seemed to have grasped Miyazaki Airi's handle, pointing at him and said, "One second, you let me know about etiquette, righteousness and shame, and the next second, you have this virtue and directly become a lustful woman. You actually said that my brother’s Ou Jinjin is important to you, bah! Shameless! Give me a little more purity! It’s already hurt my ears!"

"What did you say!?" Miyazaki Airi felt that her self-esteem was being ridiculed, and couldn't help but fight back, "You are the one with the dirtiest thoughts. What reason do you have to say that I am shameless!? Baga!"

Zhou Han saw that the two younger sisters were blushing and neck-deep from arguing, so if they let it go, it might be another world war at the level of abnormal sisters.

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, it's okay, I'll just take a rest."

Zhou Han hurriedly sat back on the sofa, feeling that his crotch was chilly, and it didn't hurt at all, but it might be a psychological effect, as if something was missing from his crotch.

He is in a bit of a complicated mood now, the two younger sisters quarrel at every turn, putting himself in the middle of a dilemma, how can we make the relationship between the two of them better?

The two younger sisters stopped their meaningless quarrel, and moved over directly, one from the left and the other from the right, with worried expressions on their faces.

"Brother, are you okay? Does it matter?" Zhou Qiqi pulled Zhou Han's arm.

"It's okay, it's better than anything else if you don't mess around." Zhou Han said with a sigh.

"I'm not messing around, it's just my fake sister who is too irritable." Zhou Qiqi threw the blame at Miyazaki Airi.

"Will I be so careless if you don't make trouble?" Miyazaki Airi frowned and retorted, then asked Zhou Han, "Is it okay? Does it still hurt? If it hurts, I'll rub it for you."

Seeing that Miyazaki Airi was about to reach out her hand, Zhou Han hurriedly stopped her. Qiqi is still here, how bad it is, if she wasn't here, she wouldn't refuse.

"No, no, it's really fine, Airi, don't worry, how much strength can you kick?"

"But I'm worried, Hachi..." Miyazaki Airi showed a guilty expression.

Zhou Qiqi seemed to smell the smell of dog food, and suddenly became unhappy, and forcibly interrupted——

"What's the point of rubbing?! You can lick it if you have the ability!"


The first thousand 210 chapter two pants chain

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