"Uh..." Zhou Han was stunned, wondering what that damn girl Qiqi is doing, she can say such things, what is licking?

In fact, Zhou Han is still a little conservative. He doesn't like being intimate with girls and being stared at by others, or giving out dog food in crowded places, so he should keep a low profile.

So far, Zhou Han has hardly done anything in public, for no other reason than shame.

For example, there are often couples who flick each other's lips with their tongues in public. Zhou Han can't stand it. It's like making out on a live broadcast. With so many eyes staring at her, how can she get rid of her mouth? I'm a little ashamed. Be careful, okay? ?

Zhou Han felt that this kind of thing was only done by a sick mind. While kissing, he didn't know how many times his wife had been raped by others. How could a boy who is in charge of everything openly do lewd things?

If you like it, do it secretly.

Just thinking about it now, what did Zhou Qiqi say that was kind of licking?Isn't this a joke?How could you do such a thing in front of your own sister!

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red after hearing this, and she stopped talking immediately, apparently also felt very embarrassed, and looked elsewhere with a complicated expression.

"Haha, don't you dare? Rubbing is nothing? Licking can show that you have reflected on yourself! And being kicked is so painful, rubbing is too cheap for you, isn't it? Give me a small tongue to my brother Obediently apologize!" Zhou Qiqi smiled like a little devil, feeling that Miyazaki Airi didn't dare, so Crazy turned on the mocking mode beside her.

Zhou Han frowned, feeling that his sister was going too far, and couldn't help but tap her on the head, "Be honest with me, isn't it all your fault? What nonsense..."

"Oh!" Zhou Qiqi covered her forehead and glared at Zhou Han angrily, feeling that her elder brother was very eccentric and was always around the fake sister.

"You...do you think I dare not!?" Miyazaki Airi seemed to be stimulated by Zhou Qiqi, and said angrily, "Isn't it just using the tongue? I will!"

"Eh!?" Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi with a face full of surprise, and his expression changed due to fright, "Airi, what are you talking about? Calm down, Kiki is talking nonsense."

"Come on, show me licking, don't just be a hero with your mouth!" Zhou Qiqi is also competing with Miyazaki Airi, and she is determined to think that Miyazaki Airi has a good mouth, so she doesn't believe that she dares to lick the old man in front of her face Brother Ou Jinjin!

"Okay! You said it, don't be sour for a while!" Miyazaki Airi was very disturbed in her heart, she had never done this kind of thing before, even if she had done something very new and secret, but with her mouth that ...I feel a little disgusted and very conflicted.

"Who would be sour!? Who do you look down on!" Zhou Qiqi's mouth was very tough, but her heart was already a little shaken, wondering if the fake sister would really dare to lick it? !

"Don't be noisy, don't be noisy!" Zhou Han quickly calmed down the anger of the two younger sisters, and then said to Miyazaki Airi, "Airi, don't be angry, Qiqi is playing around, she is like this."

"No! I have to give her some color!" Miyazaki Airi said unconvinced, her expression seemed really angry.

"Aili, calm down, don't make trouble." Zhou Han thought that if it was just him and Aili, he would not refuse to do something, but Qiqi is here, so don't make trouble, Qiqi is already enough If she is dirty, if she is further taught to be bad, it will be too remiss of me to be a brother.

Miyazaki Airi stared at Zhou Han's crotch for a few seconds, biting her lips full of grief and anger, like a martyr about to die.

Zhou Han's expression was astonished. Looking at Miyazaki Airi's appearance, it seemed that he really wanted to do it! ?What a crazy brother and sister life this damn!

Miyazaki Airi closed her eyes and pondered for a while, then opened her eyes after being mentally prepared, and suddenly touched Zhou Han's Ou Jinjin with her little hands.Although it's through the pants, the sponge body is quite soft to the touch, and it's strong beyond the touch.

"Don't!" Zhou Han felt stimulated, and couldn't help but tremble. Due to the tense relationship, Miyazaki Airi used a lot of strength with her little hands, and grabbed her Ou Jinjin tightly.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a reaction after being frightened, and Zhou Han is no exception. The holy sword is slowly charging.

If it weren't for my sister Qiqi watching, the holy sword might be charged several times faster.

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi's face turned red quickly, and she felt that it was too shameless for her to grab Zhou Han. For the sake of her authority as a sister, do you want to lick her a little bit?Honestly, what does it taste like?a little bit...

Zhou Qiqi kept her mouth tightly shut, without saying a word, staring at Miyazaki Airi's little hand on her elder brother Ou Jinjin, she was very nervous. This fake sister has touched her hands, she won't come for real, right?Both of them have done something in front of them, it seems that licking is already very childish.

Zhou Han is always being touched by Miyazaki Airi, and sooner or later something will go wrong. When the holy sword is fully charged and the small tent is inflated in front of his sister, the scene will be quite embarrassing.

"Aili let go, don't listen to Qiqi's instigation, she just wants to see you make a fool of yourself."

"Don't move, I have to prove myself to her today!"

Miyazaki Airi pressed Zhou Han on the sofa with her hand, not allowing him to move around, it seemed that she was determined to do something out of the ordinary.

Miyazaki Airi also knows that this is inappropriate, as if she is a slutty girl, but she must not be cowardly in front of Zhou Qiqi, and she must not be looked down upon by this girl.

I am my elder sister, majesty is very important to me, if I am persuaded, how can I restrain Qiqi, a little evildoer! ?

"Okay, you...you prove it to me, if you love...you will be my sister in the future! Keke~" Zhou Qiqi fanned the flames beside her, obviously she was scared, and spoke hesitantly.

"Qiqi, shut up! I beg you!" Zhou Han's head grew bigger, and he really wanted to hit his sister, but he was a little bit reluctant to do it. After all, he was not a child, how could he grow up? Just hit?

"Brother, shut up." Zhou Qiqi covered Zhou Han's mouth with her hands unceremoniously, not letting him speak, she wanted to see if Miyazaki Airi dared to do so, if not?I can take this opportunity to improve my status at home.

The scene at this time was extremely embarrassing and hot, Zhou Han was pressed on the sofa by his step-sister, his mouth was still gagged by his own sister, Ou Jinjin was controlled by others.

  This situation makes people speechless, Zhou Han, as the elder brother, is suppressed by two younger sisters like this, every minute is going to be forced (beep) by the younger sister!

"No no no!"

Zhou Han froze after a few proper protests, thinking that Miyazaki Airi should be sensible, right?Kiki can't go too far here...probably...

Miyazaki Airi was in her little hand, moving towards Zhou Han's lower body——

Silently opened my brother's pants chain...

o (* //// ▽ //// *) q

The first thousand and 210 chapters and three monthly tickets plus more

"No no no!"

Zhou Han was taken aback, he dared to pull his trouser chain, then the next step...

Miyazaki Airi's face was flushed, her hands were shaking, and she didn't dare to look at her eyes.

Zhou Qiqi's heart skipped a beat, she let go of Zhou Han's mouth, grabbed Miyazaki Airi's wrist like lightning, and said in surprise, "You really want to lick it!? It's not your fake sister's turn to lick it, it's me who licks it!" That's right!"

Seeing that Qiqi stopped Miyazaki Airi, Zhou Han was relieved at first, but his speech immediately made him furious, "Qiqi, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Originally, the fake sister also wants to lick it? It's cheap for her!" Zhou Qiqi said confidently, and continued to add, "No need for her to lick it, I will do it!"

"What!? Why are you here!? I'll come!" Miyazaki Airi was getting into a fight with Zhou Qiqi, and said everything, "How can you, a real sister, do this? Only me, the default daughter-in-law, can do it!"

The corner of Zhou Han's forehead twitched and he sweated profusely, thinking that Xiaorui has already done what you want to do, okay?And don't continue such dirty topics, okay? ?

"You vixen! Shameless! My brother and I have blood thicker than water, so what does it matter if we lick each other!" Zhou Qiqi questioned persistently.

"Do you understand ethics and morality!? You can't do this, only I can! You go back to the house and do your homework obediently!" Miyazaki Airi pressed Zhou Qiqi with her identity.

"Stop making trouble! I beg you two! Be quiet for a while!" Zhou Han couldn't help it, and finally lost his temper, his tone full of scolding.

The two younger sisters looked at Zhou Han in astonishment. They didn't expect to be murdered. They were kind-hearted in the first place, but they felt a little wronged when they were scolded.

Zhou Han's hard-working momentum suddenly softened, and he said patiently, "Don't mess around, okay? What are you licking? If you two don't fight, will I get hurt? Qiqi, especially you, is really not at all. Obedient, how old are you? Still like this..."

"Then..." Zhou Qiqi felt annoyed and flattered her, "Then I won't lick it, but can I rub it for you?"

Seeing that Zhou Qiqi's salesman approached Zhou Han, he quickly opened it, "No, I don't feel any pain now."

"Does it really hurt or is it fake?" Miyazaki Airi looked worried, and also reached out her little hand, "If it hurts, I can really rub it for you."

"Don't, Airi, be normal, don't be spoiled by Qiqi." Zhou Han hurriedly covered his crotch to prevent Miyazaki Airi from touching it. To be honest, it didn't hurt very much just now, but it was very painful to be grabbed by the dead girl. pain.

"Hmm..." Miyazaki Airi was a little relieved, as long as she wasn't kicked by herself.

"Brother, hurry up and teach the fake sister, she almost broke the incense of our old Zhou family and the sex of our brother and sister~" Zhou Qiqi did not give up, and urged Zhou Han to reprimand Miyazaki Airi.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, thinking that it was all caused by Qiqi, and now she is here to sow discord between her husband and wife, there is no sister-in-law who is more sinister than Qiqi's intentions in the world!

"Don't say a few words, it doesn't have much to do with you. Don't always call me a fake sister. That's your sister. I think you are really a white-eyed wolf. Just remember to call sister Aili when you eat, and forget about it at ordinary times." It's gone." Zhou Han was really full of resentment towards Qiqi, and he missed the life in the world with Miyazaki Airi in just a few days.

"Huh! My brother is biased! He actually turned his elbows outwards to help outsiders talk!" Zhou Qiqi began to lose her temper, and kicked Zhou Han's feet with her little feet, holding her breath in her heart.

"Look at you? We are all one family. Isn't it good to have multiple sisters? Doesn't your sister cook delicious food? You can eat delicious food every day, and you still don't know how happy you are?" Zhou Han was emotional and reasonable To put it bluntly, remember that Qiqi is not a completely unreasonable person.

"I..." Zhou Qiqi was at a loss for words, thinking about Miyazaki Airi, she would be good everywhere, but she was too close to Zhou Han, "I don't care! Brother, you are now biased towards fake sisters, and you don't love me at all! You obviously loved me the most when you were young!"

"I love you now too, when will I stop loving you?" Zhou Han said frantically.

"That's right! Doesn't your brother love you enough? I'm going to be jealous! Do you have any conscience..." Miyazaki Airi couldn't help complaining, thinking that Zhou Qiqi is really loved, Zhou Han needless to say, I also take special care of this bad girl.

"Then brother, hurry up and kiss me, chirp~" Zhou Qiqi pursed her lips, wanting to ask for a kiss.

Three black lines slid down Zhou Han's head, thinking that Ai Li was still by his side, if he kissed him, he might not see the sun tomorrow.

"Go, go, don't do anything useless, and you're not a child, how can you kiss at every turn?"

"Hum!" Zhou Qiqi started to sulk as she hugged the small pillow. When she was a child, she could kiss every day, but now she doesn't even kiss. It really is because there are so many vixens, and she doesn't need herself anymore!

Seeing Zhou Qiqi's furious appearance, Zhou Han felt a headache, wondering if he really wanted to take care of his sister for the rest of his life?It seems that Qiqi really doesn't want to marry or anything, but this kind of thing is not normal, right?

"After all, you just came back, why is Kiki pestering you?" Miyazaki Airi suddenly wanted to ask the cause of the matter.

"This..." Zhou Han became embarrassed, and said hesitantly, "I spanked Qiqi twice, and Qiqi insisted that I touched her, and asked her or you who feels better?"

"You... how did you answer?" Miyazaki Airi asked with interest.

"I... I'm talking about you." Zhou Han said in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Airi Miyazaki blushed, hugged her non-existent breasts, and said proudly, "Is there anything more to say, of course I must be chosen~"

"Tch!" Seeing Miyazaki Airi's smug look, Zhou Qiqi suddenly lost her temper and curled her lips coldly.


Miyazaki Airi is cooking dinner on the stove, and Zhou Han has already come out of the room to prepare for dinner.

In the end, she didn't see Zhou Qiqi. Thinking about it, she must be angry with Miyazaki Airi.

Zhou Han felt helpless in his heart. If he said more about Qiqi, he would definitely provoke a wave of rebellious rebuttals.

"Aili, isn't Kiki coming out yet?"

"You must still be angry. It's obvious that she was messing around, but she wanted to save face, and finally made herself unhappy." Miyazaki Airi sighed, and seemed to feel tired.

Hearing Miyazaki Airi's tone, Zhou Han seemed to have a lot of resentment, so he walked up to her and hugged her from behind.

Miyazaki Airi was a little surprised, but then calmed down and let Zhou Han hug her.

"Qiqi is really not very obedient, I'm sorry, it took so much effort, but it's still not flattering." Zhou Han said a little guilty.

"It's nothing, I don't particularly hate Qiqi, just a little helpless?" Miyazaki Airi leaned in Zhou Han's arms, her tone was a little tired——

"Qiqi relies on you so much, but I snatch you away, no one will be happy, right?"

"After all, Qiqi is closest to you, now that you have me, you have to spread some affection."

"So Qiqi must feel that she is not valued, and she doesn't get as much love as before, and she feels unbalanced."

"I guess in her eyes, I really am a vixen?"

"He stole her most beloved thing, she is a heinous bad girl..."

( . )

The first thousand and 210 chapter four monthly pass plus more

Listening to Miyazaki Airi's story, Zhou Han felt very complicated, and felt that she had done her best.

He also knows what kind of virtue his sister usually has, and he wants to get Miyazaki Airi away every day.

However, Miyazaki Airi's endurance is already considered strong. In the past, Lin Nianwei had torn face with Qiqi after a few back and forth.

It's really not easy for Miyazaki Airi to bear it now.

Zhou Han also couldn't tell that Miyazaki Airi was a good sister who wanted to be in charge.

But the reality is that Zhou Qiqi doesn't appreciate it, and always deliberately makes Miyazaki Airi angry.

How embarrassing is this for Miyazaki Airi?Dilemma.

Miyazaki Airi was wearing an apron, leaning against Zhou Han's arms, enjoying a rare moment of tenderness.

"Let me apologize to you on Qiqi's behalf. After all, it is my responsibility, but Qiqi is a good child, but ordinary people can't accept it. Sometimes she will show a gentle side and care about others silently." Zhou Han helped Zhou Qiqi and said He said a kind word, trying to make Miyazaki Airi understand.

In fact, he didn't lie, Zhou Qiqi sometimes showed concern, more than once when she was a child, she was very attentive to herself, but when she grew up, this kind of concern became very secretive and not so easy to see.

"I know." Miyazaki Airi thought about it for a while, and continued, "I remember last time, when we were molested by a few drunks, Kiki pulled me and ran away, obviously she still looked up at me, maybe Caring about others is why I want to take good care of her."

"Really, she would still do this when she was in a hurry..." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, thinking that this was very similar to his sister.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her, and he will definitely know that I treat her well in the future." Miyazaki Airi still has confidence. If she can't even get Kiki, what capital will she have to be her sister-in-law in the future? ah.

Zhou Han kissed Miyazaki Airi's side face, and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I really troubled you."

Miyazaki Airi smiled, shook her head and said nothing, thinking that she must let Qiqi admit that she is her sister, the next step is to admit that she is sister-in-law, don't worry too much.

Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi's delicate body, and his heart moved. He felt that he hadn't been intimate with Airi for a while. Since Qiqi came back, he has always maintained a state of respect for each other. The key is that Qiqi is at home. It's really not easy to do some intimate things, not to mention the embarrassment when you are seen, and you still feel a little bit caught and raped.

But now I feel that the opportunity is good, at least Qiqi is not here, but in the room by herself, so if the two of them do something happy, it seems that it doesn't matter, as long as they don't get discovered, wouldn't it be fine?

What's more, I haven't been intimate with Miyazaki Airi for a few days, and I miss her a little, especially her petite and soft body, and her fiery feelings, I really want to be intimate with her.

As soon as Zhou Han thought about it, he became out of control, and became more and more eager for Miyazaki Airi, wanting to comfort her.

His breathing speeded up a bit, his eyes became focused, and his heartbeat became restless.

Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi who was wearing an apron from behind, reached into her clothes with one hand and touched her small breasts, and then touched her small skirt with ease.

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