"Airi, you look so cute in an apron..."

Zhou Han clung to Miyazaki Airi's ear, and said in a very small voice, and the heat rushed to her ear.

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red, she was still holding a cooking spoon in her hand, and the hot soup in front of her was boiling.

Zhou Han's actions made her flustered, she thought Zhou Qiqi was at home, don't be like this, how bad is it to be seen?

But as soon as the heat in the ear and the love words stimulated, Miyazaki Airi's body and mind softened immediately, and she entered a state of emotion.

Miyazaki Airi felt Zhou Han's fiery big hands wreaking havoc on her chest. She was already very sensitive, but she was immediately stimulated, and her delicate body trembled involuntarily.

In particular, Zhou Han's hand, which was inserted into the skirt, was stroking the most mysterious and sensitive area. Every time he touched it, Miyazaki Airi would let out a shameful hum and hear a rhythm that made people's blood boil.

Miyazaki Airi knew that Zhou Qiqi was still at home, but she was not in the kitchen, and would be in danger of being discovered at any time, but the more she was like this, the more strange and exciting she felt, which made her feel unspeakably excited.

Worried about being seen by Zhou Qiqi, she was so nervous that she would die.

On the one hand, she has a certain longing for being intimate with Zhou Han.

It's been a while since I didn't have that, but Zhou Han suddenly teased Miyazaki Airi, which made her want that too. It's not long since she tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, how could she not want to taste the sweet taste again?

Miyazaki Airi Yurun's earlobe was red, and she was powerless to resist with the cooking tools in her hand, or she didn't want to resist Zhou Han's invasion at all, so she could only utter vague protests from her small mouth.

"Don't...don't make trouble, I'm cooking, it will delay things..."

"It's okay if we make out a little bit, right? I miss you so much, Airi, can I kiss you?" Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi who was shy in his arms, and teased her in a very small voice.

Airi Miyazaki hesitated to speak, why didn't she want to be intimate?But Qiqi is at home, it is still too dangerous to do something, if she is seen, her efforts will be in vain again, and the relationship will be very tense if not done.

But I was very worried in my heart, but my body was a bit catering to Zhou Han's trend, obviously my body was more honest.

"You...why are you so bad? Be honest, go ask Qiqi out for dinner, and...you still have time to do this kind of thing?"

"Isn't it still a while before the meal is ready?" Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi with a half-pushed and half-approved look, which was really flattering, "Let's keep our voices down a little, we should be fine..."

"No...isn't it good? Qiqi is still at home, so embarrassing? We...we are still...haha..." Miyazaki Airi wanted to say something, but was touched by Zhou Han's two fiery big hands Feeling a little bit, I couldn't help but let out a jerk.

"The kitchen is far away from your room, Airi, don't worry." Zhou Han felt that the big sword had been fully charged, and wanted to return to the familiar nest.

Miyazaki Airi's face was flushed, she felt something hard on her buttocks, the touch was very hot, her reason was about to fall, she wanted to turn around and kiss Zhou Han hard, and have a romantic relationship with him.


Zhou Qiqi appeared at the door of the kitchen at some point, and coughed fiercely, directly breaking the bond between men and women in the kitchen.

Probably Zhou Qiqi was hungry, even if she was still angry, she still came out to eat, after all, she was going to fight Miyazaki Airi, she couldn't do without a full meal, she lacked energy.

But as soon as they entered the kitchen, they saw the elder brother and the fake younger sister cuddling each other, and they wished they could roll the sheets and exchange passionate emotions with each other.

Zhou Qiqi frowned, staring fixedly at Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi, thinking angrily——

This pair of dogs and men are sticking together without paying attention.

How compatible is the personality?Only then can sparks be wiped out at any time! ! !


The first thousand 210 chapters are dreaming!

The sudden appearance of Zhou Qiqi startled Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi, and they separated like lightning.

The two were busy with their own affairs, and they remained silent and did not speak. The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

Zhou Han's expression froze on his face, he was pretending to be washing the dishes, he didn't dare to breathe, the dishes that were already clean, he rubbed them again and again.

Miyazaki Airi was almost in a dazed state, holding a spoon in her hand.

The soup pot in front of me has been humming for a long time, but I don't know what to do next?

Miyazaki Airi still had a blush on her face, her heart was extremely nervous, and her head went blank from shock.

The two of them still had a tacit understanding, and they actually practiced Tai Chi at the same time, as if nothing had happened just now, and it was all an embarrassing misunderstanding.

"Hmph~" Zhou Qiqi sneered, and sat down at the dining table slowly, never leaving Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi's eyes, "Look at——"

Zhou Han felt suddenly embarrassed, and didn't know what to say, thinking how unlucky he was, finally being able to make out with Aili for a while, Kiki unexpectedly came over, this coincidence is really speechless, obviously before It takes a long time to lose my temper, but today I recovered so quickly because of eating, what a mistake!

Miyazaki Airi could feel Zhou Qiqi's fiery gaze behind her, and she felt uncomfortable looking at her. Thinking about being bumped into her unbearable appearance just now, she really wanted to die. How could she be a sister in the future?Maybe you will be looked down upon!It's all the fault of this idiot, even if he says it can't be done, he will be bumped into, and he has to tease himself...

Miyazaki Airi was full of resentment, and wanted Zhou Han to say something quickly, so as to relieve such an embarrassing atmosphere. She couldn't let Zhou Qiqi stare at her like this, otherwise her mood would be difficult to calm down, and she would be ashamed to death.

Zhou Han was cleaning the dishes, but was hit by Miyazaki Airi. He turned his head in surprise, but saw a small face full of resentment.

"What... what's wrong, Airi?"

Zhou Han's mood is a little flustered now, even if he lowers his voice, his liver trembles a little.

"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi pouted angrily behind her back, signaling Zhou Han to say something to appease Qiqi quickly, it's not appropriate to comfort Qiqi by herself.


Zhou Han understood immediately, but with the current atmosphere and state, is it really useful to comfort him?

Zhou Qiqi bumped into such a hot scene just now, isn't it embarrassing to speak now.

Zhou Han tentatively turned his head and saw Zhou Qiqi's "staring—" eyes, and immediately turned around and became stiff.

Fuck!Medusa's death ray!Die!

Zhou Han hurriedly turned around, completely unwilling to talk to the present Zhou Qiqi, always feeling that he would be ridiculed to death!

Seeing that Zhou Han was unmoved, Miyazaki Airi was furious, obviously he was the one who insisted on teasing her, but now she was timid and refused to smooth things over, how could this work?

So Miyazaki Airi didn't get angry, raised her small pink fist, and hit Zhou Han with a threatening expression on her face, as if to say——

"Hurry up, or I'll never end with you. You're the one who messed with me. You want to pat your ass and leave?"

Zhou Han swallowed nervously. Facing the pressure from his wife, he was embarrassed and said something bravely.

"Um...Qiqi, why did you come out of the room? I thought you lost your temper, and it won't get better in a while."

Miyazaki Airi covered her face, unable to complain about this sentence, as if she was looking forward to Zhou Qiqi not coming out...

"Brother, what you said is a bit harsh, as if you really hope I don't come out." Zhou Qiqi's tone was very strange, slowly sarcastic.

"Where...how can it be? It's almost time for dinner, so it's good to come out." Zhou Han laughed dryly, embarrassed by the irony.

"Really? Did I come out at the wrong time and interfere with the good things of you two?" Zhou Qiqi said with a half-smile.

"No, no, I'm just kidding with your elder sister Airi." Zhou Han hurriedly dragged Miyazaki Airi into the water, "Isn't it?"

"Ah!? Oh, yes, it's just a joke." Miyazaki Airi responded in a panic, thinking not to pull me in too!How embarrassing!

"Oh, are you kidding me?" Zhou Qiqi said with a playful expression on her face, "I put my hands into other people's skirts when I was kidding, what are you playing with? Take me one~"

"Uh! This..." Zhou Han's face darkened, with profuse sweat and black lines appearing on his face, wondering if this can take you? !Obviously this girl doesn't want to step down for herself, right?

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red, she had no face to speak, and was very hurt by Zhou Qiqi's ridicule, thinking that she still wanted to be a sister, it was all negative teaching materials!

"What's the matter? Isn't it just a joke? It's okay to play with me, right?" Zhou Qiqi just wanted to force her brother and make him very embarrassed.

"This... this won't work, I can't take you with me." Zhou Han replied in a low voice.

"Why? Did you do something shameful just now?" Zhou Qiqi asked with a smile.

Miyazaki Airi wanted to cry, but she thought she was right, it was a very shameful thing, and she was caught on the spot.

"That..." Zhou Han felt that the more he concealed it, the more Qiqi's sarcasm became stronger, he might as well be a bit thicker, "It's not shameful, I just made out with your sister Aili, haha..."

Miyazaki Airi didn't refute, thinking that she and Zhou Han were boyfriend and girlfriend in the first place, so it seems that there is no problem with being intimate?What's there to be ashamed of?At best, it was embarrassing to be bumped into.

"That's right, we...we made out a little bit, Qiqi, don't be weird when you talk."

"Intimate? It's so hot. I played for half an hour. Have you guys already started to make tea?" Zhou Qiqi narrowed her eyes, feeling that she couldn't come out. The two of them had already become entangled. .

Miyazaki Airiqiao's face was a little red, and she was embarrassed to speak, if Qiqi didn't come out, she really had that thought.

"What are you talking about? No... It's not that exaggerated, it's just a kiss." Zhou Han said lightly.

"Fart! I think I must have spoiled your good deeds by coming out. Do you really hate me now?" Zhou Qiqi's mood began to fluctuate.

Miyazaki Airi didn't think Zhou Qiqi was annoying, but the timing was too bad.

"It's nothing, look at you, be normal." Zhou Han felt a huge pressure.

"It's really not the right time for me to come out. I always meet you two like glue and see things that shouldn't be seen." Zhou Qiqi's tone was sour, obviously worried about what happened just now, "Excuse me, are you the right person of Magnet?" Is it anti-polar? If you place it at a certain distance, it will stick together uncontrollably?"

Zhou Han's expression was complicated, he felt a little bit wrong, and he didn't have the nerve to refute Qiqi.

"I'm like this when I'm at home. How presumptuous are you when you're not at home? Are the children running all over the place!?" Zhou Qiqi took the moral high ground and crazily condemned the couple.

"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi was speechless, and looked back at Zhou Qiqi dissatisfied, anger was brewing.

"Tell you two, I'm not dead yet!" Zhou Qiqi stood up suddenly, pinched her waist and said domineeringly——

"As long as I'm here, you two don't want to make out!"

"A mere fake sister like kissing my brother?"

"Daydreaming, pass my level first!"


The first thousand and 210 chapters six monthly pass plus more

"Qiqi, you are enough!"

Miyazaki Airi couldn't bear it anymore, she was obviously a younger sister, and she insisted on treating her own brother as her property, how could this work?

It interferes with life!Even if it's brother control, you have to have a degree, okay?

I feel that Qiqi is not young anymore, so I can't grow up a little bit, and realize that I am dependent on my brother, not love!

Miyazaki Airi originally thought that she treated Qiqi better so that she could accept herself and the fact that her brother would marry someone else sooner or later.

But looking at the current situation, even if Qiqi grows up, it seems that she can't get rid of this brother-control problem.

"We are in a relationship, what's the matter with making out? Is it necessary to get your consent?"

"Airi..." Zhou Han touched Miyazaki Airi's shoulder, wanting her to calm down. Looking at this rhythm, another big fight is about to happen.

"Leave me alone, today I just want to have a good talk with Qiqi!" Miyazaki Airi pulled Zhou Han's hand away, and put on a stance for a big fight.

A few drops of sweat dripped from Zhou Han's forehead, and he thought I'd do it!This momentum seems to be more violent than before. It really is a long-standing grievance. After the fuse just now, is it about to explode now?

"Just say it! Why can't I take care of it! That's my own brother, why should I leave it to you! Just say a few words and you're like this, where did you get such a temper?" Zhou Qiqi rode to fight back, not to be outdone.

"What? Listen to what you mean, just want to tie you by your side? Do you have any common sense!? You can't be together! You will marry other girls sooner or later. It's purely normal for us to fall in love! You can't stop us at all!" Miyazaki Airi scolded Zhou Qiqi angrily, and she was not polite at all.

"What a normal phenomenon! You are the one who seduced my brother! Otherwise, how could you be in power?!" Zhou Qiqi poured dirty water on Miyazaki Airi.

"Qiqi, don't talk nonsense, calm down." Zhou Han said awkwardly, thinking that his sister really thought about something, and it was a little too much to think of Aili as that kind of girl.

"I just don't recognize you as a fake sister. It's impossible to want to marry my brother! The same goes for other vixens. I will never allow you to take my brother away!" Zhou Qiqi yelled, stomping her feet angrily. I feel that these girls are all bad guys, they are all targeting me, trying to take away my favorite brother.

"I don't need your acknowledgment! Even if we don't marry your brother, it won't be your turn at all! What's the use of you showing off your power here!?" Miyazaki Airi really can't stand this sick brother Controlling, obviously she is her own sister, it is impossible to be with her brother, but she also does not want others to be nice to her.

"Why can't it be my turn!? I can be with my brother, isn't it just a marriage certificate? No need! As long as we can be together, what's the use of a certificate!" Zhou Qiqi said as if she had planned it long ago. It's all about getting married with my brother.

"Ugh!" Zhou Han's face darkened, thinking what was going on in Qiqi's little head all day long?Are all of them so scary?

"You think so beautifully! Do you think your family can agree? They are all left over from high school, can you be mature and single, clamoring every day to marry your brother, do you think you are still a child? Wake up!" Miyazaki Airi moved her parents out.

"It doesn't matter if they agree or not, as long as my brother and I agree, it's a big deal. If we change countries and live in a strange place, who will know us?!" Zhou Qiqi revealed her elopement plan, which made people a little surprised.

"Eloping won't make you happy. Where do you think you can escape to? Do you think you can live a peaceful life!?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't understand Zhou Qiqi more and more, and felt that she was thinking too naively.

"I don't care! I just want to be with my brother. Without you, we must be very happy in our hearts. You are a wicked fake sister who lives in my room, sleeps in my bed, and even robs my brother! Big villain!" Zhou Qiqi Spray unreasonably together.

"I'm mean?" Miyazaki Airi felt a little hurt in her heart. She tried her best, and she just looked at herself like this. It's too much, "I'm mean to take care of you every day? Do you cook? I get up in the middle of the night every night to help you cover the quilt? Is this something bad-hearted do? "

"I..." Zhou Qiqi was at a loss for words, and she knew in her heart that Miyazaki Airi was very kind to her, but it was unbearable to snatch her brother from herself. My brother is her own, so why should she To the fake sister! ?

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel, it's not a big deal at all, wouldn't it be good to understand each other?" Zhou Han really had no other way, and whenever he had a chance, he quickly came out to suppress the anger of the two younger sisters. .

"You are all bad guys! I don't want to talk to you anymore!!!"

Zhou Qiqi yelled, and was actually crying by Miyazaki Airi, and ran back to the room in tears, closing the door fiercely, venting her grievances.


Zhou Han wanted to grab his sister, but the girl ran too fast and disappeared in a flash.

He felt physically and mentally exhausted for a while, what should his two younger sisters do?

Every day is a state of unrest. How many days have we lived together, and it is still like this, with no trace of running-in at all.

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh. It's not good to help anyone by yourself, and any sister is very important.

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