Zhou Han helplessly looked at Miyazaki Airi next to her, and saw that her expression seemed to have been greatly wronged, and she was not in a good mood.


"Hmph!" Miyazaki Airi stomped her feet angrily, with a gloomy face, and said angrily, "What!? I'm an exception, I'm not a human being. I worked so hard to be a good sister, but I don't remember anything good. Hiro Remember my hatred, whoever I provoked!"

"Don't be angry with Airi, Kiki just has a bad temper, it will be fine after a while." Zhou Han touched Miyazaki Airi's back, trying to calm her down.

"Really, it's obviously not easy for me, why do you look at me like that?" Miyazaki Airi's teary eyes flashed, and Kiki almost cried out of anger.

The two sisters hurt each other, and as a result, both of them were glass-hearted and couldn't stand the other's bad words.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Zhou Han was startled, quickly took Miyazaki Airi into his arms, and comforted him, "Our little Airi is suffering, don't be sad, Qiqi just likes to use her mouth to show off, you She knows in her heart that she is good to her."

"I don't think she is clear at all, I worked so hard..." Miyazaki Airi took the wrinkle as a punching bag, and hit him a few times with her small fist.

Zhou Han understood that Miyazaki Airi was acting like a spoiled child to him, and hoped to be comforted, "Okay, okay, don't be angry, you are crying when you are so angry, and I feel uncomfortable."

"I didn't cry! I didn't cry!" Miyazaki Airi hit Zhou Han again angrily.

"It's my fault, okay?" Zhou Han touched Miyazaki Airi's back.

"Don't rely on me, go and see how Qiqi is doing..." Miyazaki Airi pushed Zhou Han away, feeling a little better.

"Eh?! Aren't you very angry with Kiki?" Zhou Han asked in surprise, a little puzzled by Miyazaki Airi's reaction.

"I'm very angry..." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head, seeing Qiqi crying and running away, her heart softened immediately, she said with a grievance tone——

"But Qiqi is also my younger sister, so I can't leave her alone, right?"


The first thousand and 210 chapters and seven monthly tickets plus more

Seeing Miyazaki Airi's grievance and a little bit of a strong look, Zhou Han was very moved.

I am worried about which sister to comfort first?As a result, Miyazaki Airi asked herself to comfort Kiki.

This elder sister has already fulfilled her duty, Zhou Han has no objection.

It seems that Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi's quarrel is over, and she still cares about this Qiqi in her heart.

Even if Qiqi said something ugly just now, she will still do her duty well.

"You still care about Qiqi, and you are still worried about her at this time."

"I... I'm not worried about her!" Miyazaki Airi's face was stained with a beautiful blush, and she said angrily, "How could I worry about her when you attacked me like that just now? It's just... just don't let her stay in the room Make a mess, I managed to clean it up."

Zhou Han smiled, knowing that Miyazaki Airi's words were duplicity, but she was still very concerned about Zhou Qiqi's situation, but she refused to admit it, and she was too embarrassed to see it by herself, so she asked Zhou Han to comfort herself.

"Don't stand here stupidly, I'm still busy with you, go and have a look." Miyazaki Airi turned around and continued cooking, feeling much better than before.

"Then I'll go." Zhou Han nodded, turned around and walked towards the sisters' rooms——

I need to do Kiki's ideological work.

Qiqi always fights against Aili, and sooner or later she will be mad at her...

in the room.

Zhou Qiqi was lying on the bed, hugging the pillow and crying "wuwuwu".

This time it's not an act, or crocodile tears, it's really crying out of anger.

Originally, she was her real younger sister, and she came first in everything, but now her elder brother has been divided up by several vixen.

I have long been not the only girl, the only younger sister. I have lived in Australia for a few years, and I have lost a lot of money and lost all my money.

Zhou Qiqi scolded Miyazaki Airi just now, which is also the result of the backlog of resentment. If she doesn't vent it, she may be suffocated to death.

Originally, Zhou Qiqi was upset to see Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi getting close together, but the fake sister's attitude was still so tough, and she exploded at that time.

He is obviously a robber, why should he talk back to himself?Is there any law left!Robbers can yell at themselves!

This home is his own, so why does Miyazaki Airi have a share?

The elder brother belongs to himself, and now he has to share it equally with the fake younger sister! ?

It's all because my father is mentally ill, he insisted on remarrying and marrying another one, and my mother didn't remarry!

It's okay to remarry, but I still find a Japanese with a family and add a younger sister to my brother for no reason.

If this guy, brother, is no longer married, and he is still the favored sister, how can he feel as uncomfortable as he is now?

Sure enough, men are not good things, and the speed of empathy is too fast.

It's the same with my elder brother. He clearly said before that he likes his younger sister, and he spoils him no matter what he does, for fear of getting hurt.

It's good now, I haven't seen Duang.Duang.Duang for a few years~Three sister-in-laws popped out! ?

Are you mistaken, this speed is too fast!If you don't come, it's over, once you come, there will be three!

When I was with my brother, I was so beautiful, which vixen would dare to harass me?Even Lin Nianwei was crushed to death by herself before.

But now?Lin Nianwei took the position while she was not at home!I was crushed to death by her.

Originally, my brother didn't have that much energy, it was enough to care about himself alone, but now he has to care about those vixens, wouldn't he get less love? !

Damn it, thousands of mistakes, it's all the fault of these vixens!Especially the fake sister, who has shaken the status of the baby sister in my family!

The more Zhou Qiqi thought about it, the more annoyed she became, she cried and rolled on the bed, she was so angry that she was scolded all over, including Zhou Han.

Now she feels that Zhou Han is just Chen Shimei, he used to be so kind to her, and was not bored when he got tired of being together every day, but now he just looks impatient at every turn, the contrast is too great!

Zhou Qiqi felt that it was all Miyazaki Airi's fault. If the elder brother only had her own sister, she would love her very much.

But she remembered what Miyazaki Airi said just now, she was really kind to herself and cared about herself, if she didn't compete with her brother, she would be a good sister.

Zhou Qiqi couldn't help feeling complicated. In fact, she knew that Miyazaki Airi was kind to her, and she could feel it when she covered herself with a quilt late at night. Sometimes she also felt that it was good that she was her sister.

However, robbing one's own brother is a very serious matter of principle, which is basically not negotiable.

Zhou Qiqi's little nose wrinkled up, feeling very sad, remembering that Miyazaki Airi's eyes were a little red when she was leaving, and a faint sense of guilt floated in her heart.

No no no!I have to be firm and not succumb to the sugar-coated shells of my fake sister.

Zhou Qiqi buried her little face in the pillow to calm herself down a bit, but she actually felt guilty, which was obviously not a good sign.

Just when Zhou Qiqi was acting out her inner drama, Zhou Han pushed the door open and walked in.


Zhou Han let out a soft cry, and seeing Zhou Qiqi laying motionless on the bed, he could tell at a glance that this girl must still be angry!

When Zhou Qiqi heard that it was her elder brother who came, she immediately started to pretend to be dead, she didn't speak, she didn't make a sound, she completely acted like I don't want to talk to you.

Don't look at Zhou Qiqi's indifference on the surface, but she is actually thinking, hum!Bro, are you still here?Sure enough, you still feel sorry for my own sister, don't you worry about me? !I knew it!No matter how fake a sister is, she can’t compare to a real sister, come quickly and coax me, then pamper me, and continue to pamper me~

Zhou Qiqi is very happy now, thinking that Zhou Han left Miyazaki Airi and came back directly to coax her. If this is the case, then she must be more important to her brother than her fake sister!

Zhou Qiqi thought things too naively, but she didn't know that it was Miyazaki Airi who asked Zhou Han to come here.

Zhou Han walked to the bed and saw that Zhou Qiqi was lifeless and her pillow was wet, obviously she had cried just now.

This made Zhou Han feel bad, his sister had never cried much, and she cried so much today?

Zhou Han's bad brother's mentality suddenly exploded, which shows that his sister should not be wronged so much.

"Qiqi, are you still sad?"

Zhou Qiqi didn't answer, and adopted the tactic of playing dead. Only in this way can Zhou Han be anxious and realize the importance of himself.

"Don't be sad, don't mess around, speak politely, and Airi won't quarrel with you. The main reason is that you speak too badly, which makes Airi angry. Think about it. Although Airi is your sister, she is still with you A girl who is about your age, how can she bear the anger you can't bear?"

Zhou Han patiently told Qiqi that he decided to reprimand his sister seriously on the way, but when he saw her like this, he couldn't hold back his aura and couldn't bear to reprimand Qiqi anymore.

Zhou Han is soft-hearted towards his sister, and loves too much, and he can't be cruel enough to teach Qiqi a lesson.

Zhou Qiqi rolled her eyes, thinking that the emotional brother came here to comfort her?

He actually blamed himself!This is different from what I expected!

Zhou Qiqi pouted her butt angrily, and buried her head under the pillow without saying a word

"Eh!?" Zhou Han took a step back in fright, not understanding the situation, thinking——

What kind of medicine is sold in this girl's gourd?

What are you doing to pouted your butt at me suddenly! ?

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

The first thousand 210 eight chapters kind

Zhou Han took a half step back in surprise, feeling that his sister seemed to have no good intentions.

My sister suddenly pouted her ass at herself?What kind of novel move is this? !

It's not that Zhou Han's thoughts are too dirty, and he understands it as "brother come and hit me", or "reverse me"

Zhou Han didn't know what Zhou Qiqi meant for a while, so he didn't dare to act rashly, but the younger sister turned her ass to her brother, this posture was indeed too indecent.

In fact, Zhou Qiqi was upset that her brother didn't come to comfort her, so she pointed her butt at Zhou Han to express her dissatisfaction.

Thinking about pointing her butt towards others is a bit humiliating. Zhou Qiqi didn't want to talk to her brother, so she could only use her behavior to protest.

Zhou Han looked at his sister's butt, feeling like an ostrich buried its head in the soil, coughed lightly, and asked tentatively.

"Kiki, what do you mean?"

Zhou Qiqi didn't speak, and her little buttocks swayed from side to side, and the frequency was quite fast. In this way, she said that she was very unhappy now.


Zhou Han took another half step back, feeling that Zhou Qiqi was particularly abnormal now, wondering if her sister was seducing him?It's so obvious that it doesn't hide it at all.

"Qiqi, please be normal to me, don't be like this..."

Zhou Qiqi still didn't speak, she waved her buttocks to demonstrate to Zhou Han.

"Uh!" Zhou Han's face darkened, a drop of cold sweat left on his forehead, he thought I'd wipe it~, what's the matter with this girl?Is it too flirty?It seems that the skin is itchy, and I can't justify helping to clean it up.

So Zhou Han didn't ask Zhou Qiqi any more, absolutely satisfying his younger sister's trembling heart, raised his big hand, and slapped his younger sister's ass hard.

"Pa—" a crisp sound resounded throughout the room.

Zhou Han was merciless, he felt super refreshed after hitting this, and felt that he was about to awaken some new quirk.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhou Qiqi screamed, stunned by the pain, feeling that half of her buttocks were numb.

"Eh? Qiqi, are you in pain?" Zhou Han was stunned, thinking how to cry out comfortably?Aren't you begging yourself to hit her?

"Aren't you talking nonsense!? Does it hurt if I hit you! Scoundrel brother, you dare to hit me!" Zhou Qiqi sat up on the bed, clutching her buttocks, and was about to cry again. She thought Zhou Han never I haven't beaten myself very much, but today I spanked myself because I had a fight with my fake sister! ?Too biased!He only has a fake sister in his eyes, not himself!

Seeing Zhou Qiqi's sad appearance, Zhou Han felt embarrassed. It turned out that he had misunderstood it. Didn't Qiqi beg her to spank her butt to find her inner desire?

"Qiqi, don't cry, don't cry, I'm thinking too much, brother didn't hit you on purpose."

"Hmph!" Zhou Qiqi turned over and lay on the bed, crying, "You actually help a fake sister to beat me!? It's really unreasonable. I'm your own sister, why do you help outsiders!?"

Zhou Han became embarrassed. He made things complicated for no reason. He quickly sat on the bed and touched Qiqi's back.

"Qiqi, I didn't help Airi, I made a mistake, don't be angry."

"Don't touch me! You're a fake brother, the real brother won't hit me!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily, her little shoulders trembling from crying.

"Uh, Qiqi..." Zhou Han withdrew his hand, worried that he would irritate his sister.

"Why hit me?! There is nothing wrong with the fake sister!? She just said so badly, saying that we can't be together, why can't we be together?! I can be together if I don't get married!" Zhou Qiqi complained. , still brooding over what happened just now.

"Yes, yes." Zhou Han nodded. Seeing Qiqi lose her temper so much, he was too embarrassed to refute. It's better to follow his sister's words.

"I think you are confused by the fake sister, and now you are training me instead of her, and beat me to help her out! You are a lackey of the fake sister! I will never talk to you again! Hmph!" Zhou Qiqi continued to choke. Shouting and screaming, I feel that the family is an enemy.

Zhou Han watched Zhou Qiqi's mouth twitch and burst into sweat, thinking that this girl is really enough, Aili is worried about her, she is so good, she always treats her as a bad person.

"I'm my own sister! My own sister whose blood is thicker than water, you actually help outsiders. I'm dead, and no one in my family loves me anymore. Brother, don't run away with vixens. Think about how much you treated me before." Okay..." Zhou Qiqi said to ignore Zhou Han, but she still complained to him non-stop.

"Don't say it so ugly, I didn't hit you on purpose just now, I thought you pouted your butt to mean that I wanted to hit you." Zhou Han paused, and said awkwardly, "It's not that some people have eccentricities. Is it more comfortable to play..."

"Huh!?" Zhou Qiqi stared at her red eyes and said angrily, "Who has such a quirk! I pointed my ass at you, which means humiliation!"

"Uh!" Zhou Han was startled, and said with a dry smile, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood just now, can I rub it for you?"

Zhou Qiqi turned her head to look at Zhou Han who was smiling apologetically, hesitated for a moment, "Take it easy, I'm in pain now."

"Don't worry." Zhou Han put his hand on his sister's buttocks, and rubbed them lightly, but he didn't feel anything special. He explained that it was quite soft. She was her own sister, who came out of a mother's womb. How could she feel? ?

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