"It's too much to have no feelings for me!" Zhou Qiqi kicked the bed sheet with her calf angrily.

"Why do I have feelings for my own sister..." Zhou Han gently stroked Zhou Qiqi's back, trying to calm her down.

"Then do you have feelings for the fake sister? How is she good?! You like airports so much!" Zhou Qiqi was a little excited when she spoke, and her heart was extremely unbalanced.

"This... has nothing to do with the airport, right?!" Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, and asked tentatively, "What's so good about Aili, don't you know it well after getting along for so many days?"

"I..." Zhou Qiqi was at a loss for words and could not refute. Thinking about Miyazaki Airi's goodness, there are really many, but it's really hard for her to admit it.

"Aili can take care of others, don't you want a sister-in-law who can take care of others?" Zhou Han asked seriously.

"I don't care, I don't allow you to get married! You can't be intimate, I can't stand it!" Zhou Qiqi didn't want to give up her brother to Miyazaki Airi at all.

Zhou Han's expression suddenly became a little serious, and he said dissatisfiedly, "Qiqi, don't go too far, how old is she and she's so unreasonable?"

"Then..." Zhou Qiqi felt that going on like this was not an option. It seemed that the elder brother would not give up on the fake sister, and could only choose a strategy of infiltrating the enemy, so her attitude softened, "Then you have sex with the fake sister, and you have to make out with me too." Intimacy will do!"

"You're wrong, I'm your brother, don't think about such a mess." Zhou Han said helplessly, it's fine with Aili, but you still want to make out with Qiqi?What is rhythm?Are twins flying together?

"No, if you don't agree, then you don't want to have a relationship with your fake sister!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily.

"Haha, what you said seems to be about to accept Airi." Zhou Han couldn't help teasing Qiqi, although she was still arguing, it was a good sign.

"Who... who accepted her!? I didn't!" Zhou Qiqi quickly retorted, her face flushed slightly.

"Okay, my baby sister, don't be angry." Zhou Han wrapped his arms around Zhou Qiqi's waist, and hugged his petite sister into his arms.

"Can I not be angry!?" Zhou Qiqi felt that her brother hadn't hugged her for a long time. For a while, she felt a little confused, and she was a little happy.

"We are all a family, don't be like this, Aili and I love you very much, do you still think you are not happy enough?" Zhou Han patted Zhou Qiqi's head.

"But the fake sister forced my brother with me, and even put you to sleep. Originally, this was all mine." Zhou Qiqi was very angry, and twisted a few times in Zhou Han's arms.

"Uh..." Zhou Han's head was full of black lines, thinking what the hell did he sleep with?As if I had suffered a lot, "We are love, and it becomes a physical relationship in your mouth, you have to become more mature, don't lose your temper like before."

"But I like you too, but now you only have fake sisters in your eyes, and those vixens." Zhou Qiqi said very sadly.

"Who said that?" Zhou Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said patiently, "I still have you in my eyes, and I also like my sister very much. This will definitely not change."

"Then..." Zhou Qiqi raised her head, with two blushes on her face, "Then brother, hurry up and kiss me~"

"That's unnecessary, right?" Zhou Han's mouth twitched and sweated profusely, what kind of kiss did he want to kiss? !They are all brothers and sisters...

"Come on, or I'll be angry all the time, and I'll fight you to the end!" Zhou Qiqi said seriously, then pouted her little mouth, waiting for her brother to kiss her, her little heart was beating very fast.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han thought about it, is it okay to kiss him?As intimate as when I was a child, "Okay, you close your eyes first, or I won't be able to speak."

"Hmph~" Zhou Qiqi closed her eyes obediently, thinking that this time, my brother was really happy, so looking forward to it~

Zhou Han thought for a while, kissing is impossible, is there a small mouth for kissing brother and sister?Presumably it will be sent directly to the British court, right?

So Zhou Han lowered his head and kissed his sister's forehead lightly, expressing another feeling.

"Okay, are you satisfied now? Don't be angry anymore..."

Zhou Qiqi only felt a chill on her forehead, and immediately knew what was going on, what was she pouted for a long time?

"Ah? Kiss the forehead? I want you to kiss, okay? How could you do this? This is purely commercial deception!"

Zhou Han smiled, and said cheekily, "You didn't say where to kiss, okay? What's wrong with me finding a random place?"

"I want to kiss, kiss! This time it doesn't count, let's do it all over again!" Zhou Qiqi pursed her lips and said resolutely.

"You're being unreasonable. You can't go back on what you said just now, and you can't kiss a second time." Zhou Han said seriously, not giving his sister a chance to refute herself.

"Tch! Brother, you are playing a scoundrel and misinterpreting my meaning!" Zhou Qiqi showed her small canine teeth in demonstration, very unhappy.

"Okay, okay..." Zhou Han patted Zhou Qiqi's head, "Let's go eat, Aili is almost ready."

"Hmm..." Zhou Qiqi pursed her lips, her expression extremely disappointed, but she thought in her heart——

I escaped the first day of junior high school, but I can't escape the fifteenth day!

Brother, I will definitely drag you out of the fox's den!


Zhou Han and his two younger sisters sat at the dining table together.

Zhou Qiqi still put on an angry look, leaning on her small face and looking away, she just didn't look at Miyazaki Airi, as if she was owed a huge sum of millions.

Miyazaki Airi, on the other hand, was expressionless. She was probably a little angry when she saw Zhou Qiqi's little publicity appearance. She didn't say a word sullenly, but just stared at Zhou Qiqi, as if she hoped that she could apologize to her, or show a little kindness.

Zhou Han was caught between the two younger sisters, with an awkward smile on his face the whole time, and didn't know what to say, Qiqi was not angry anymore, but deliberately putting on a high profile would also disturb the harmony of the family, my own sister , When can I let myself worry a little bit.

What I cook today is the Japanese cuisine that Miyazaki Airi is good at, and it looks quite hearty.

Zhou Han felt that the atmosphere was not quite right, what he had for dinner was a bit embarrassing.

If he hadn't been an older brother, he would have left the table and returned to his room long ago.

"Cough!" Zhou Han coughed lightly, under the table, secretly touched Zhou Qiqi with his leg, winked at her, as if to say——

"Qiqi, what can I say?"

"Don't make a bad face and make everyone uncomfortable."

"At this time, use your usual routine of being coquettish and cute to Airi."

"What about Ou Nei-chan's moves, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd"

( . )

The first thousand and 220 chapter two monthly pass plus more

Zhou Qiqi glanced at Zhou Han, and couldn't help being a little angry when she saw her brother winking and signaling.

It's not my own fault, why should I lower my eyebrows and show kindness first?

Zhou Qiqi's child has a temper tantrum, and she doesn't want to be the first to bow her head, otherwise she will be at the bottom of the food chain at home in the future.


Zhou Qiqi let out a cold snort with her small nose, instead of selling her brother's account, she had a very tough attitude.

"Uh!" Zhou Han was stunned, three black lines slid down his forehead, thinking that his younger sister was really disobedient, and talking with her in the room for so long had no effect?Isn't this putting yourself in a very embarrassing situation?

Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Qiqi, feeling a little angry in her heart. How can she say that she is also a sister, and belongs to the elders, right?

What's wrong with bowing your head to yourself first?No shame.

Out of various etiquettes, Qiqi should be the first to show her favor to her sister!

In order to save face, Miyazaki Airi secretly kicked Zhou Han under the table.


Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi in surprise, only to find that she was winking at him and sending a unique signal.

There is no need to ask, Zhou Han can know what Miyazaki Airi means, it must be to let himself do Zhou Qiqi's work, let her confess first.

Zhou Han was speechless for a moment. He wanted to have a good dinner, but it turned into a hidden battle. It was clearly separated by a table, but it seemed to be separated by a galaxy. It was impossible to communicate normally. The two younger sisters could not communicate. Normal chat?I have to urge myself to be a carrier pigeon, passing information back and forth...

Miyazaki Airi frowned, seeing Zhou Han's delay in moving, she felt unhappy, she secretly kicked Zhou Han again, urging him to hurry up.

Zhou Han's expression was speechless, feeling like he was riding a tiger, wondering if Qiqi could be persuaded by himself?

However, facing the pressure from his wife, Zhou Han still bite the bullet and communicate with Zhou Qiqi, a little hedgehog.

"Qiqi, what do you think of Airi's cooking? Isn't it very rich and delicious?"

Zhou Han is persuasive, hoping to use Miyazaki Airi's cooking skills as a seesaw to start the diplomatic work between the two younger sisters.

"Huh?" Zhou Qiqi glanced, she was actually very greedy, she swallowed her saliva secretly, but she still looked like a Lafayette on the surface, and said pick and choose, "It's okay, I just eat Japanese food I’m not used to it, and the local cuisine is more delicious, but I can barely eat it, just to satisfy my hunger~”

"This..." The corners of Zhou Han's mouth twitched into a burst of sweat, and he really wanted to pin his sister to the ground and give her a good blow, thinking that this girl is really enough!It's just looking for trouble for nothing, deliberately picking on Miyazaki Airi's faults, she is obviously just a younger sister, but she actually puts on the posture of mother-in-law, making things difficult for her future daughter-in-law here!


Miyazaki Airi coughed lightly to cover up her embarrassment, and the veins on her forehead twitched twice, showing how angry she was. She has been in the kitchen for so many years, and no one has ever picked out any faults.

On the contrary, Zhou Qiqi, who can pick out bones from eggs, really considers herself a chef at a Michelin three-star restaurant? !

Miyazaki Airi was furious, and secretly kicked Zhou Han, asking him to continue explaining.

Zhou Han kept complaining in his heart, and continued to speak for Miyazaki Airi, "Airi can also cook Chinese food, and the taste is also very good, can you try it if you have a chance?"

"Hmph! How can a person from an island country understand the profoundness of our Chinese cuisine culture?" Zhou Qiqi said disdainfully.

This time there is no construction period Oh, Aili kicked Zhou Han, he offered to help talk, "Qiqi, don't talk nonsense if you haven't eaten it, Aili will make it for you if you have a chance."

"Then..." Zhou Qiqi's heart moved, she seemed to be a little interested, but she couldn't express it, "Then I'll just eat and watch it reluctantly, hum~!"

Miyazaki Airi pursed her lips with a strange expression, thinking that this was her own line all along!Kiki took it out and used it directly!Are you trying to empty your own existence? !

"Come, come, eat quickly, don't just watch." Zhou Han hurriedly got up, thinking that if he continued to fight openly and secretly, he might fight again.

Miyazaki Airi saw that Zhou Qiqi was not letting go, so she had to take the initiative to show some kindness. Although her sister is not old or young, as an older sister, it doesn't matter if she is courteous to her younger sister.

"Come on, Qiqi, eat whatever you like. If there is any Japanese food you want to eat, I can make it for you."

When Zhou Qiqi heard that Miyazaki Airi actually took the initiative to talk to her, it proved that the other party was persuaded. She won the Cold War and her status at home was +1.

But Qiqi is a person who pushes her nose and face, so what is a single victory?Advantages also need to be expanded.

"I already said that I like Chinese food, but the Chinese food you cook is definitely not authentic, and I don't like it."

Miyazaki Airi's face turned black, and she almost broke the chopsticks in her hand. Her lungs hurt from anger, and she cooked delicious food, and she took the initiative to show her kindness. It's a bit deceitful to admit to myself and put on a high profile with myself.

Zhou Han also felt that Qiqi was unreasonable. Miyazaki Airi's older sister was already very good, but she was spoiled by her.

"Qiqi, don't say a few words, eat honestly, don't speak in a weird tone."

Zhou Han tapped Zhou Qiqi's bowl with his chopsticks, his expression became a little serious.

"whispering sound!"

Zhou Qiqi was worried that her brother was really angry, so she obediently picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started eating.

She looked timid, just ate the food in front of her, her eyes fixed on the sushi in front of Miyazaki Airi from time to time.

I want to eat, but I am too embarrassed to take the initiative to pick up the sushi with chopsticks, so I have to look at it eagerly and take a bite of the rice, which seems a bit pitiful.

Zhou Qiqi just didn't want to appear too active, as if she surrendered to Miyazaki Airi's cooking skills, if she stood up to make sushi, she would lose!

Seeing that Zhou Qiqi finally became a little more honest, Zhou Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Miyazaki Airi.

"Airi, let's eat, don't watch..."

Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Han and winked at herself, as if telling herself to forget it and stop arguing with Qiqi.

Although she was angry in her heart, she also knew which was more important. Seeing that Qiqi was eating honestly, she didn't want to quarrel.

Miyazaki Airi let out a long breath, picked up the bowl, and started to eat.

Zhou Han also picked up the bowls and chopsticks, thinking about another thing while eating.

Tomorrow I'm going to go boating in the park with Su Xiaomai, the time and place have been agreed.

And Uncle Su himself notified just now, telling him to be ready.


I have to ask Airi for leave to go out tomorrow.

You can take two days off in a row and leave your sister at home...

Is it a bit too much?


The first thousand and 220 chapters and three monthly tickets plus more

Zhou Han thought about it and had already arranged it, it would be impossible if he didn't go.

It is said that it is easy to talk about things at the dinner table, Zhou Han decided to give it a try, find the right time to ask questions, and ask Aili directly for a leave.

As long as the question is not too abrupt, it is estimated that I can let myself get away with the conversation.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a bit weird, the two younger sisters didn't speak, how could the dead silence look like a family?

Zhou Qiqi stared at the distance, not knowing where to look, and ate her rice.

Miyazaki Airi's appetite was also greatly reduced by Zhou Qiqi's anger, and it seemed tasteless to eat.

"Cough!" Zhou Han coughed in embarrassment, feeling that he needed to adjust the atmosphere, "That...Qiqi."

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