"Huh?" Zhou Qiqi raised her head and looked at her brother suspiciously.

"You will start school the day after tomorrow. How are you preparing?" Zhou Han expressed his concern for his younger sister. After thinking about it, Qiqi will go to the same school as him in a few days, but she is only one grade lower than herself. Knowing what happened in school, I just hope that Qiqi will not pester me all the time, otherwise school is... that is hell for me!

"It's... not bad, I'm ready physically and mentally~" Zhou Qiqi said meaningfully, with a mysterious smile on her face.

"Body and mind??!" Zhou Han didn't understand what his sister meant, and always felt that it was not a good omen.

"That's right, I'm ready physically and mentally, and I'm ready to turn the school into a love nest for you and me~" Zhou Qiqi's face was full of small expectations.

Zhou Han's face darkened immediately, and he thought, sure enough, how could his sister spit out ivory from her mouth! ?

Miyazaki Airi was not happy when she heard it, she bit her chopsticks, and the anger in her heart rushed up, what does love nest mean? !Do you really want to mess around in school? !How could such an outrageous thing be done!Fortunately, I and Zhou Han are in the same class, so I have to keep an eye on their brothers and sisters all the time, so nothing can go wrong.

Zhou Qiqi ignored Miyazaki Airi's angry eyes at all, and said to Zhou Han, "How about you, brother? Do you feel very happy, Keke~"

Zhou Han raised his chopsticks and knocked Zhou Qiqi on the head, thinking what kind of bullshit love nest, maybe he wanted to drag himself into the [-]th floor of hell!

"Yeah!" Zhou Qiqi clutched her forehead, suddenly unhappy, "Brother, what are you doing?! Why hit me!"

"I want you to be honest, especially when you are in school, don't always pester me, give me some private space, you can play with your sisters, Airi, Xiaowei, Xiaorui, all It's okay..." Zhou Han said seriously, thinking that he couldn't be surrounded by Qiqi, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do anything at school, just deal with his sister who was like a dog's plaster.

"Huh!?" Zhou Qiqi looked at Miyazaki Airi, her expression suddenly turned disgusted, "Who wants to play with a fake sister? I don't want..."

"Ha..." Miyazaki Airi sneered, seemingly unable to hold back her anger, "What do you mean? It's like I like taking you with me very much. With such a bad personality, who wants to play with you ah?"

"It's better if you don't want to~" Zhou Qiqi winked at Zhou Han continuously, "I can pester my brother~"

Zhou Han frowned, thinking that he still had to find a way to get rid of Qiqi, otherwise he would definitely be regarded as a weird male student with a sister pendant and become an embarrassing campus legend.

Miyazaki Airi was not happy when she heard it, so she changed her words angrily, "Don't stalk your brother, you must come with me, and I will take you for lunch."

"No!" Zhou Qiqi shook her head violently, and said stubbornly, "I want to eat with my brother, who wants to eat with you fox spirits?"

"What's wrong with being with us?" Miyazaki Airi asked with a frown.

"You vixens are all mine, and eating with you...that is the Hongmen Banquet, full of dangers!" Zhou Qiqi said exaggeratedly.

"What nonsense?" Miyazaki Airi's anger was rising steadily.

Seeing that something was wrong, Zhou Han quickly came out to mediate. If there was another quarrel, his head would explode.

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, Kiki, don't keep pestering me, it won't work..."

"Why can't I keep pestering you? If I can't pester my brother, what's the point of going to school?" Zhou Qiqi said confidently.

"You go to school just to pester your brother?" Miyazaki Airi felt that she was not well.

"That's right, I was originally assigned to the first grade, and I can't be with my brother all the time, but at other times, my brother and I must be in a fit state, otherwise I will die." Zhou Qiqi was very serious. Seriously.

"If you don't fit well, what the hell will you die?" Zhou Han asked blankly.

"It's literally self-integration (♂♀)~" Zhou Qiqi blinked her eyes, her tone was meaningful.

Zhou Han showed a loveless expression, and patiently said to Zhou Qiqi, "Qiqi, you need to give me some private space, you always pester me, can't you go to school? Your brother and I are still high school students, Instead of going to the social working party, you are destroying your brother and my future."

"Then..." Zhou Qiqi lost her momentum, thinking that what her brother said made sense. If she kept pestering her, her brother would have no time to study and live normally, so she took a step back, "Is it okay once in a while? I just want to With my brother~"

"Occasionally..." Zhou Han sneaked a glance at Miyazaki Airi, seeing that her face softened slightly, "Occasionally it's okay, other times you can play with Airi and the others, they will definitely love you."

"Keke~, I'll be fine if you don't strangle me..." Zhou Qiqi said angrily.

"Don't say such scary things..." Three black lines appeared on Zhou Han's head,

"I don't need to play with vixens, I can make new friends myself." Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"You have to be with me, if you make some bad friends, wouldn't that be bad?" Miyazaki Airi said with concern.

"I'm not that stupid yet! Slightly slightly~" Zhou Qiqi stuck out her tongue at Miyazaki Airi.

"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"Then Qiqi... how is your study? The curriculum in Australia is different from that in China?" Zhou Han asked tentatively.

"This..." Zhou Qiqi hesitated to speak.

"Qiqi's grades are pretty bad, especially in mathematics. She finishes her lecture one second and forgets the next second." Airi Miyazaki couldn't help but say something.

"Really Kiki? You have to work hard." Zhou Han said awkwardly, a little worried about her sister's future.

"I know! You don't need to worry about it!" Zhou Qiqi picked up the bowl angrily, and gave Miyazaki Airi an angry look.

Zhou Han sighed, thinking that Qiqi should be able to handle her own problems well.

He felt that the current opportunity was good, so he asked Miyazaki Airi.

"By the way, Airi, I want to discuss something with you."

"Huh?" Airi Miyazaki hummed lightly, taking a bite of the fish.

"I... want to go out tomorrow, so I'm not at home..." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Bah!" Miyazaki Airi spat out the fish in her mouth, and looked at Zhou Han in amazement——

"What did you say!?"

"Why do you run outside every day?!"


The first thousand 220 chapter four settled

Zhou Han was taken aback, wondering if what he asked was so abrupt?

Airi's reaction was beyond her imagination, and she actually spit out the fish to talk to herself.

Zhou Han pursed his lips, his expression became awkward, and he said nervously.

"This... I have something to do tomorrow..."

"Why do you have something to do every day?" Miyazaki Airi was very displeased that Zhou Han ran outside every day, always feeling that he had some secrets, "It's hard to have a vacation, but you just don't stay with us, are Xiaowei and Xiaorui looking for it?" is you?"

"No...no..." Zhou Han replied embarrassingly. If it was really Xiao Wei and Xiao Rui, he must have said it out loudly, there is no need to be so wretched.

"Since it's not Xiaowei and Xiaorui, who is looking for you? Is it outside..." Miyazaki Airi narrowed her eyes, hesitated to speak, with a very suspicious expression.

"Is there any other girl out there!? Bro, you have to tell the truth!" Zhou Qiqi helped Miyazaki Airi to ask, she didn't save Zhou Han at all, but was a little angry. I can't deal with it. If there is another one, my position in the food chain will be lowered again.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down on Zhou Han's forehead, thinking what was going on, why did the two younger sisters join forces to deal with me at this time?

This is not going to work, I have to think of an excuse, Sun Qi has used this excuse N times, if I still use it, I am afraid it will not be justified.

Why don't you use Uncle Su as a shield!Anyway, tomorrow is also because of his affairs, so if I don't block myself, I'm afraid it won't make sense.

"Ahem! What the hell... Uncle Su is looking for me tomorrow..."

"What are you looking for?" Miyazaki Airi asked in a bad tone.

"Who is Uncle Su?" Zhou Qiqi couldn't help asking curiously.

"Xiaorui's father." Miyazaki Airi replied casually.

"Oh~, Father Fox is looking for you! There must be nothing good! Did you come here to sell your girl?" Zhou Qiqi asked Zhou Han with a hostile face.

Zhou Han suddenly faced the attack of his sister's united front, and felt a deep pressure in his heart. Sure enough, if he wants peace, he still needs a common enemy.

"Uncle Su seems to need to go out to work after the National Day. Xiaorui seems to be lonely at home alone. He wants to arrange to live with us for a while. I need to talk to Uncle Su about this tomorrow."

Zhou Han used this incident as an excuse. Anyway, he will have to talk to Miyazaki Airi about it later, so he might as well take this opportunity to speak out, so that he can get away tomorrow, and he can also fix Yao Xiaorui's coming to live in his house Come, kill two birds with one stone, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"Ah!?" Miyazaki Airi was stunned, she didn't expect such a thing, "Xiaorui is coming to live at home?"

"That's right, Uncle Su goes out to work, so Xiaorui just stays at home alone? Isn't it lonely for a girl to live by herself? If you live with us, you can take care of him. At least someone can talk to him." Zhou Han said emotionally and rationally, knowing that Miyazaki Airi is soft-hearted and seeing Yao Xiaorui a bit pitiful, she would never sit idly by.

"Is that so..."

Miyazaki Airi lowered her head and thought for herself, thinking that it is not good for a girl to live by herself, how pitiful it is to live alone in an empty house, if someone is with her, she will definitely be happy.

She couldn't help thinking that her mother always went out to work, and she felt very uncomfortable staying at home, so she couldn't help feeling sorry for Yao Xiaorui.

And the house is quite big, and three girls can sleep in their own bed, so there is no problem living together.

There is still a friend who can talk, so that I can save myself from dealing with Zhou Qiqi every day, and I am a little impatient.

The most important thing is that Xiaorui has already had a relationship with Zhou Han, so he will definitely not ignore Xiaorui.

Wouldn't it be too ignorant if I still blocked it?

After Miyazaki Airi figured it out, she felt that as a wife, she still had to help Zhou Han solve this trouble.

"If you come, let me know in advance, I'm ready."

"Eh!?" Zhou Han was very surprised, thinking that he would have to spend a lot of time talking, but he didn't expect to agree so easily. It was really surprising. After what happened last time, Airi seemed to be much more enlightened. I won't lose my temper at every turn because of the girl's affairs.

"What's your reaction?" Miyazaki Airi was a little bit dissatisfied and angry.

"It's nothing, just a little surprised." Zhou Han said awkwardly, his eyes wandering.

"Why are you surprised? Xiaorui is also my good friend. Of course it doesn't matter if you want to live together." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, thinking that it is so hard for her to speak, do I look like an unenlightened person?

"I thought you would disagree." Zhou Han laughed dryly.

"What are you thinking? It's not a bad thing, it's definitely okay to live together." Miyazaki Airi turned her head away, and said with a small nose, "Don't think of me as a person with a bad personality, I'm not easy to talk about , hum~!"

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi, he didn't believe it at all, he thought it would be easy to talk?What a joke!You are the one who makes the most trouble, okay?

"I disagree!!!"

Zhou Qiqi started to make trouble, thinking that she was a bit powerless to deal with the fake sister, and she wanted to live with a vixen, and if she had to deal with two people at the same time, could she continue to win?

And this guy named Yao Xiaorui is too aggressive and difficult to deal with. The fake sister is a little bit ashamed, and she can restrain herself a little, but there is nothing she can do about the thick-skinned one!

"It's enough for three people to live in the house. It's too messy if there are no more people!"

"What's the mess? Let Xiaorui share the bed with us if we can stay at home." Miyazaki Airi said bluntly.

"I don't want to share a bed with other girls, having a fake sister is enough." Zhou Qiqi said casually.

"Ha, I'm really happy that you can say that~" Miyazaki Airi thinks this sounds nice, does it mean that she likes herself?

"Don't... don't get me wrong! I don't want to suddenly have a lot of vixens in the house!" Zhou Qiqi patted the table dissatisfied.

"What kind of vixen, it's all your sister, don't speak so harshly, what's wrong with staying with us for a few days?" Miyazaki Airi retorted Zhou Qiqi.

"No!!! Why!? This is my home! I don't allow it." Zhou Qiqi said domineeringly.

"It's not just your home, but ours." Miyazaki Airi said emphatically, she became the head of the family somehow.

"You don't count, you belong to an outsider, similar to a fascist bandit!" Zhou Qiqi began to sound difficult again.

"Tsk!" Miyazaki Airi was speechless with dissatisfaction, feeling that Zhou Qiqi's words were a bit too much.

"I don't care! This must be a fair decision, the three of us vote!" Zhou Qiqi suddenly suggested.

"Okay, raise your hand if you agree with Xiaorui coming to live at home." Zhou Han interrupted suddenly.

Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Han raised their hands tacitly, two-on-one, Zhou Qiqi lost directly.

"It's not fair, you two are colluding! I protest!" Zhou Qiqi shouted angrily.

"Two to one, protest is invalid." Zhou Han looked at Zhou Qiqi, and said with a half-smile, "Just be obedient to us, if you insist on democracy, you have no chance of winning."

"Damn it!" Zhou Qiqi patted the table twice, feeling very aggrieved, almost crying out of anger——

"Hey! I'm so pissed off! You adulterers are really a bully!"


The first thousand 220 chapter five monthly pass plus more

Zhou Qiqi slapped the table angrily, and kicked Zhou Han with her calf under the table.

"Brother, you two are stupid, why raise your hands to vote? You two are in the same group, how can I win!"

"Isn't that what you want to vote for? I'm just satisfying you." Zhou Han said blankly, already planning to ignore his sister's opinion.

"It's not fair! My brother should be on my side! Why did you allow that vixen named Yao Xiaorui to come!" Zhou Qiqi felt that Zhou Han must have no good intentions for being so active.

"It's great for everyone to live together. You can still communicate with each other. It just so happens that you and Yao Xiaorui are not very familiar." Zhou Han thought there was no problem.

"I don't want to communicate with the vixen!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily with a wrinkled face, "It is absolutely impossible for you to let the vixen come to our house, they will gang up and bully me!"

"No one would do that. Who would bully you when they have nothing to do? Thank God if you don't bully Xiaorui." Miyazaki Airi said unceremoniously, thinking that Xiaorui's character is too weak, maybe Zhou Qiqi still I really know how to bully others, so I have to keep an eye on it.

"Now in front of my brother, you must play good guys. When my brother is not at home, you will hang me up and humiliate me!" Zhou Qiqi seemed to be suffering from persecution paranoia, imagining various tortures in her mind.

"No, Qiqi, Aili and Xiaorui are not that kind of people. I'm the only one who can hang you up and humiliate me." Zhou Han said with a smile.

"Brother! You bastard!" Zhou Qiqi stretched out her hand like a little paw, trying to scratch Zhou Han, but he put her hand on the forehead, making it difficult to move.

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