"I see through this child, Xiaowei, she is not obedient at all, so I don't expect her to find a good boyfriend, as long as she is a male, it will be fine." Su's mother was full of helplessness, and she no longer had any requirements for Su Xiaowei. up.

"This..." Mr. Liu also understood his wife's difficulties, and did not refute anything, "Oh, I don't know what kind of person Xiaomao is looking for now?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard her talk about it in detail, but it shouldn't be too bad to be spotted by Xiaomao, right?" Mother Su didn't know what to do.

"I hope so, don't be a dubious person, otherwise I will definitely not agree, come to our house and call out immediately!" Mr. Liu said seriously, feeling that there are quite a lot of unscrupulous young people now, but you can't Let this kind of person get close to his daughter.

A successful and humble young man like Zhou Han is simply a national treasure, so rare, Mr. Liu still misses it a little bit.

"That's right, can't we ask for nonsense people, such as big dick girls?" Su's mother said seriously.

"Big JJ girl?!" Mr. Liu couldn't understand.

"That's right. Not long ago, I saw a picture of Xiaomao's USB flash drive with men disguised as women. I thought it was her boyfriend playing some kind of perverted play, but it turned out not to be. Now that I think about it, it should be some new hobby?" Su's mother pondered. After a while, he said coldly, "Xiao Mao, this child's habit has become more and more serious."

"!!?" Mr. Liu was startled, feeling that his daughter, Xiaomao, had completely gone astray. She was gay before, but now she is a fake mother?Is this considered straightened...

"After a while, I have to ask Xiaomao to take the object home to have a look, so that she can only say that she has a boyfriend, and she has not seen him until now." Su's mother is still very interested, and the key is to see the gender of the other party.

"Actually, the investor I met yesterday..." Mr. Liu suddenly stopped talking, and almost revealed Zhou Han's background. Su's mother has a big mouth, and if she doesn't do it, Xiaomai will know about it. This violates Zhou Han's promise. explain.

"What happened to the investor?" Su's mother asked in surprise.

"It's nothing..." Mr. Liu coughed lightly, and said awkwardly, "Actually, I met one of Xiaomao's juniors, he's pretty good, and the conditions are pretty good."

"You think it's good, but let me introduce you?" Su's mother rolled her eyes.

"But he already has a girlfriend." Mr. Liu said awkwardly.

"What's wrong with having a girlfriend? You're not married, so you can poach a corner." Su's mother said casually.

"This..." Mr. Liu became embarrassed, feeling that it was a bit wrong to poach the wall——

But it doesn't seem to be useful at all...

In front of the park.

Zhou Han came here early.

Although it's not a date, but out of etiquette, you should arrive early, right?

I have communicated with Uncle Su before, he will watch from a place not too far away, and will not disturb Zhou Han and Su Xiaomai.

At this time, Uncle Su was wearing a windbreaker and sunglasses, and looked suspicious at first glance. He was pretending to read a newspaper on a bench.

Zhou Han secretly sighed, thinking how many times this kind of thing will happen?It feels like it's interfering with my life.

Originally, Aili was very strict with herself and would not let herself come out casually. Next time Uncle Su asked her to ask Su Xiaomai out, she could no longer find an excuse to come out.

Now Zhou Han faintly moved his mind, wanted to reconcile the affairs of Uncle Su's house, and stop involving himself in it, he really didn't have that much energy.

Of course it's not for Uncle Su and Su's mother to remarry. They now have their own family and don't interfere when it becomes stable, but at least the child is right?It's not too much to ask Yao Xiaorui to meet her mother, and Su Xiaowei to meet her father, right?

They were all in the same city, and they had been buried in secret for almost 20 years, which was bad enough.

Although Zhou Han didn't want to get involved at all, this matter has interfered with his life.

Zhou Han looked at the time and felt that it was almost time, and it was time for senior sister Su to come.

It's not that I don't have the nerve to release the pigeons, but Senior Sister Su has released the pigeons by herself, right?

Thinking about Su Xuejie's usual attitude, it seems that it is not impossible, right?

Looking at Uncle Su in the distance, he also became a little restless, worrying how uncomfortable it would be for him to be released after waiting for such a long time.

Zhou Han took out the phone, just about to ask where Senior Sister Su is?As a result, a pair of warm little hands sealed his eyes.

"Guess who I am?"

Zhou Han felt that his junior had two lumps of soft stuff on top of him, such a familiar kitchen, he didn't even need to think about what it was.

He twisted his mouth and said in embarrassment, "Senior Su, please stop making trouble, who else is there besides you? You can hear the voice."

"Really? Is my voice easy to hear?" Su Xiaowei covered Zhou Han's eyes without letting go.

"Yeah, it's very characteristic, and it also has a bit of a naughty feeling." Zhou Han said helplessly, thinking that playing such a boring game as soon as we meet, is Miss Su a child?

"You are really boring, you have no interest at all." Su Xiaomai let go of her hand in a disinterested manner, feeling that Zhou Han's reaction was very boring.

"It has nothing to do with me, right? It's all about Senior Su, what you do is so boring." Zhou Han turned around, curling his lips helplessly.

"Don't we need to rehearse the feelings of male and female friends today?" Su Xiaomai put her hands behind her back and said with a smile——

"Generally, when male and female friends meet, don't they play like this a few times?"

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The first thousand 220 eight chapters speculation

"Normally, you seldom do this, right? Senior sister, where did you learn it from?" Zhou Han said blankly.

"Korean drama~" Su Xiaowei replied with a smile.

"Uh..." Zhou Han thought that sure enough, many girls like to watch Korean dramas, "I don't deny that Korean dramas are very good, but we are not in a real relationship, and we practiced to pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, so it's not like this. "

"If it's not real, don't you say that you will show your feet?" Su Xiaowei said strangely.

"This one……"

Zhou Han was stunned, thinking that Uncle Su was still watching not far away.

Wouldn't it be troublesome if you think that you and Su Xiaomai are really lovers?

"In short, it's better to be ordinary, right? We're mainly here to play today."

"Okay..." Su Xiaomai nodded, and said with her hands behind her back, "I was still thinking about whether I should let you take advantage of it today, but now it seems that there is no need for it at all."

"Eh!?" Zhou Han looked at Su Xiaomai, and said in surprise, "Really?"

"Don't take it seriously, I'm just joking." Su Xiaomai tapped Zhou Han on the forehead, and walked straight into the park, "Come on, I haven't been here for a long time, I remember the last time when I was in the first year of high school, Bring your younger siblings to play~"

Zhou Han touched his forehead, looked at Su Xiaomao's slender back, and thought to himself that this attitude is completely recognizing me as a younger brother, right?

Su Xiaomai passed by Uncle Zhou, who was dressed suspiciously, and took a second look, feeling a little familiar.

Su Youqiang, an old man who brought up his children alone, really doesn't know how to dress up, and anyone would find it suspicious if he dressed like this.

Su Xiaomai thought for a while, and suddenly recalled that this person and Zhou Han were there when they ate hot pot last time, why are they here again today?

Normally, no strange person followed me, but when I was with Zhou Han, I always ran into this person.

Su Xiaowei paid attention this time, and later she will ask Zhou Han if he noticed it, and if he did, he must observe it.

Zhou Han looked at Uncle Su, gave a thumbs up, and signaled that everything was normal.

Su Youqiang watched his daughter go into the park, so he also gave Zhou Han a thumbs up.

in the park.

Because it is the last day of the National Day holiday.

The people inside actually listened too much, and many people brought their children with them.

Although it is just an ordinary park in the city, there are quite a lot of things to play in it.

It's not as good as after late autumn, there is no feeling of lushness here, the fallen leaves are all over the ground, and there is a rotten smell.

Zhou Han and Su Xiaowei walked side by side, looking at her from time to time.

Obviously mining is quite cheerful, but now he doesn't say a word, what is he thinking in those clear and deep eyes?

Su Xiaowei was actually thinking of Su Youqiang, who was dressed as a suspicious person, and felt that the encounter was not accidental, and even a little suspicious appeared.

"Sister Su, this park is not only for boating, but also a lot of fun." Zhou Han saw that Su Xiaomai was silent, so he could only say it himself, "When I was young, my sister and I came here to play air gun shooting, and I was surprised to find that the guy still The ability to be a sniper scares me to be honest, haha..."

"..." Su Xiaomao remained expressionless, as if she didn't hear it.

Zhou Han secretly looked behind him, and saw that Uncle Su was not far or close, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

"Senior Su, what's wrong with you?"

"Huh?!" Su Xiaomai came back to her senses, looked at Zhou Han, "Nothing?"

"Tell me, it's obvious that something is wrong with your appearance?" Zhou Han felt that something was wrong the more he looked at it.

Su Xiaowei hesitated for a moment, approached Zhou Han, and said in a low voice, "Did you see the suspiciously dressed uncle behind?"

Zhou Han glanced at Su Youqiang behind, and said awkwardly, "No...no, how can there be any suspicious people?"

"Tsk!" Su Xiaomao took responsibility, squinting her eyes, "Do you really not see it, or do you pretend you can't see it? It's the uncle with a newspaper in his hand and sunglasses on his face, so obviously you can't see it?"

There was a drop of cold sweat on Zhou Han's forehead, thinking that Uncle Su's clothes were really... out of tune with the surroundings.

"I see, what's the matter? Maybe it's because people like to wear something mysterious? Haha..."

Zhou Han said that he didn't believe it himself, but he had to help Uncle Su to cover up well, otherwise everyone would not be able to get off the stage.

"It can't be described as mysterious, it's obviously suspicious, right?" Su Xiaomai emphasized, and then continued, "And don't you think this looks familiar to Uncle? Where have you seen it?"

"I don't think so. It may be that you often see something, Senior Su, so you have a sense of déjà vu." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Your memory is really bad. Last time we ate hot pot, this uncle was diagonally opposite. Do you remember?" Su Xiaomai said seriously, her memory was better than anyone else's.

"This..." Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat, feeling that he could hardly make it up anymore, "Isn't it a coincidence? Everyone is in the same city. Isn't it normal to come to the park on the National Day?"

"You..." Su Xiaomai felt something was wrong, and asked seriously, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

"No! Absolutely not..." Zhou Han desperately denied, thinking that if this continues, he may have a crisis of trust.

Su Xiaomai smiled at Zhou Han's usual appearance, and felt that it was normal for him not to react, "Forget it, anyway, pay attention to that uncle, he may not be a good person."

"Okay, I will pay attention." Zhou Han showed a serious expression, thinking that this is over, Senior Sister Su will keep an eye on her own father, and it will be difficult for Uncle Su to see his own father again in the future.

"There are quite a lot of lecherous uncles now, I have to be more careful." Su Xiaomai's expression was slightly worried, and she had a strong sense of prevention.

Zhou Han kept his mouth shut and didn't speak, thinking to his senior, that's your real father, not an old hooligan!

"You should also be careful, but don't accidentally guard your back door." Su Xiaomai showed a smile that was not a smile, making the topic a bit sexy.

"Ah!?" Zhou Han was stunned, a little embarrassed, thinking who would be so desperate to miss his own Daisy?I have to discount his chicken!

"I heard that there are quite a lot of homosexuals now. They say that conquering men has a passion, you should be careful, don't be dragged into the grass, and then something unspeakable happens~" Su Xi oh Jin smiled Said, eyes narrowed.

"Senior Su...you are so filthy, have you ever watched a small adult movie? Or GV~" Zhou Han asked with a blank expression, his mood was very complicated.

"You're really rude to a girl for asking so bluntly..." Su Xiaomai didn't answer, but suddenly became arrogant, "Anyway, I'm coming out with you, you have an obligation to ensure my safety, so be good. .”

"Understood, I won't let that uncle get close to you." Zhou Han nodded and said, feeling sympathetic in his heart——


Poor Uncle Zhou was treated as an old hooligan by his own daughter.

No, no, no, I've already guessed at the gay guys who know men and go up.

╮( oωo )╭

The first thousand and 220 chapter nine monthly pass plus more

The two were going to go boating.

But there are many things to play on the road.

Su Xiaowei seemed to be attracted, and walked slower and slower.

Zhou Han looked at Su Xiaomai, wondering if there is something she is interested in here?Surprisingly a little childish...

Su Xiaowei suddenly stopped and did not leave, as if she had suddenly dropped the line.

"Senior Sister Su?" Zhou Han looked at Su Xiaowei strangely, wondering if he was feeling unwell?

Su Xiaomai looked back suddenly, Su Youqiang, who was dressed in disguise, was startled, and quickly pretended to look at the birds sold by others, so that she could blend in with the people around her, but she didn't know, how could this dress blend in? !

"Look, that uncle is still following us, even after walking so far, he still hasn't left."

Su Xiaomai said with an ugly face, staring at Su Youqiang very dissatisfied, as if directly going up to ask, why follow her?

Anyway, Zhou Han is responsible for the accident, so I don't have to worry about it, otherwise this fake boyfriend is too unqualified.

Zhou Han looked behind him and saw that Uncle Su was talking to the parrot, and he couldn't help dripping a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, "It may be a coincidence, but you can't rule out the possibility of dropping in, right? What if they are also going boating?"

"It's a coincidence again?" Su Xiaomai narrowed her eyes and looked at Zhou Han, and said calmly, "Now I suspect that you and the uncle behind are in the same group..."

Zhou Han's whole body was shaken, his expression was unnatural due to the ghost in his heart, and he said haha, "What...what's the matter? Haha..."

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