"What are you nervous about?" Su Xiaomai asked foxyly, Zhou Han seemed to have something on his mind.

"No...it's nothing, why am I nervous?" Zhou Han said with an embarrassed expression, cold sweat dripping down.

"Not nervous yet? I'm sweating..." Su Xiaowei said with a smile.

"I'm in a crowded place... I'm particularly prone to anxiety, not nervous." Zhou Han explained without looking directly into Su Xiaomai's eyes.

Su Xiaomai retracted her gaze, and said vigilantly, "Anyway, the uncle behind him is not normal, we have to be careful."

"Okay, no problem." Zhou Han nodded, thinking about the matter of Uncle Su's house, when will it end?Almost tortured myself to death.

"Don't just promise, you should pay attention to it. Even a fool can see that it's not a coincidence. Why can't you see it?" Su Xiaomai's tone was a bit accusatory, like a sister scolding a younger brother.

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, and echoed, "I will pay attention, if that uncle behaves inappropriately, I will go and talk to him."

"Let's go." Su Xiaomai sighed.

The two continued to walk, but after a while, Su Xiaowei stopped for the second time.

Zhou Han hurriedly looked back at Uncle Su in surprise, thinking that even if he saw his daughter's eagerness, he wouldn't know how to die like this, right?I was almost discovered here.

But Su Youqiang, who was behind him, seemed to have noticed it too, this time he was very shrewd, he didn't follow too close, but kept far away, so he wouldn't be easily spotted if he didn't look carefully.

Zhou Han looked at Su Xiaomai strangely, and following her gaze, he saw a booth, and the floor was full of puppets that were quite big.


Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, wondering if Senior Su is still interested in the game of hoops?Or a puppet on the ground?What a surprise.

"Sister Su?"

"Huh?" Su Xiaomai withdrew her gaze and looked at Zhou Han with a little panic in her eyes.

"Want to play?" Zhou Han asked straight to the point.

"No, no, no, I don't want to play, let's go." Su Xiaowei shook her head slightly, intending to leave directly.

"Don't." Zhou Han stretched out his arms to stop Su Xiaowei, and said with a smile, "Play as much as you want, there is plenty of time, and rowing is not very interesting."

Su Xiaomai looked at the puppets on the ground, hesitated for a while, and did not refuse—

"Let's play then."

The two spent 50 yuan and got five ferrules.

The bigger the puppet, the more expensive it is, and it's not easy to set up.

And the game circle is not very wide.

The rule of the game is to let the hoop completely cover the puppet, that is, it falls on the ground,

This is a bit more difficult, and the circle is still so small.

It was clear that he was embarrassing the guests, Zhou Han had no choice but to call out a profiteer in his heart...

Su Xiaomai was holding a circle in her hand, looking eager to try it, she was already a little excited.

Zhou Han helped Su Xiaomai stand aside with other rings, quietly watching the senior sister perform.

Seeing that Su Xiaomai's eyes were extremely hot, she seemed to be very interested in the teddy bear in the last row.

Zhou Han's face was a little weird, and the way he looked at Su Xiaowei was a bit wrong, and he couldn't forget that fucking teddy bear, so the senior sister likes this thing?It has to make people fall into contemplation...

"Look at it..." Su Xiaomai gestured with the circle in her hand, and said confidently, "Look at me, I will take that teddy bear down!"

"Oh, come on..." Zhou Han looked at Su Xiaomai expressionlessly, and thought that if he wanted to play games, he would just enjoy the game, and don't use such lewd words as "sent into the soul".

"Your encouragement is a bit perfunctory, is it dampening my enthusiasm?" Su Xiaomai said a little dissatisfied, her cheeks bulged, as if she was trying to show off her cuteness.

"Don't dare, I'm sincere, come on!" Zhou Han gave a thumbs up, thinking that Senior Sister Su is as smart, maybe very powerful~

"Hmph!" Su Xiaomai squinted her eyes, staring at the bewildered teddy bear, and threw the hoop with a movement similar to throwing a Frisbee, "Go!"

The circle drew a beautiful arc in the air, and "Paji" landed behind the teddy bear.

There was silence, and the scene became a little awkward——

Zhou Han was silent and didn't speak, his face darkened, his brows were furrowed, and he thought complicatedly, what happened to him?This is obviously a miss, right?Since it’s such a dish, don’t brag about it before, it makes everyone very embarrassed. Look at the hawker, his smile is full of contempt!He must have taken us for a fool!

"Cough!" Su Xiaowei coughed lightly to ease the embarrassment, patted her hands, and said pretending to be calm, "Small failures are inevitable, and it is not something to be ashamed of. Learn to learn lessons, as a valuable experience in our lives, to ensure that the same mistakes will not be made again in the future, understand? Brother."

Zhou Han looked at Su Xiaomai in astonishment, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, don't speak seriously when you are embarrassed!I don't need you to teach the philosophy of life at all!Isn't it because you are afraid that you will be too ashamed if you leave me behind?Is my face not a face?

"Come on, junior." Su Xiaowei hooked her fingers at Zhou Han, her expression was extremely serious, like a real man in JOJO's painting style, and she seemed to instantly ignite her fighting spirit——

"Give me all the circles."

"I want to fight this teddy to the end!"


Chapter 230 Monthly Pass Added

Zhou Han hesitated, what the hell was he thinking? !Why are you so obsessed with that teddy?

Looking at Su Xiaomai who was full of fighting spirit, Zhou Han didn't say much, and obediently handed over four circles.

"Nirvana! Four consecutive bombs in circles!"

"Go away! Go away! Go away! Go away!"

Su Xiaowei didn't care about 21, and threw four circles at Teddy in the last row. It seemed that she hadn't made it the first time.

It seemed that Su Xiaomai was angry, and planned to decide the outcome based on her own luck. If she got caught, wouldn't she make money?

Zhou Han kept a dark face and didn't say a word, thinking about what kind of bullshit nirvana, if it works, he'll go to hell, okay? !It's better to use the Pegasus Meteor Fist to beat it all at once!

As expected, 40 yuan was thrown into the sea without even a splash.

What's even more ironic is that the circles fell behind Teddy, forming the five Olympic rings. Those who didn't know thought Su Xiaomai did it on purpose, and came here not to play games, but to promote the Olympic spirit.

"emmmmm..." Zhou Han remained silent, wondering how Su Xiaomai was feeling now?Maybe it's the state of my sister's rising anger value?

"Sometimes continuous failure is not necessarily a bad thing. There is a priority in learning, and there is a specialization in art. If you are not good at it, you are not good at it. There is no need to hang yourself on a book. You must be good at discovering your own strengths. For example, now, continuous The failure has made me sober, do you understand the meaning of life? Brother." Su Xiaomai said solemnly, without any embarrassment at all, as if she was demonstrating the philosophy of life to Zhou Han.

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, unable to complain anymore, he thought to himself, please don't pour chicken soup for your soul anymore, I really don't want to drink it at all!

"Sure enough, the game of throwing circles is not interesting. It's too childish. I'm actually playing such a boring game. It's really funny. Let's go, let's find other interesting things." Su Xiaomao pulled Zhou Hanyi I don't want to play anymore. Although I like that wretched teddy, I can't blame others for my lack of skills.

Su Xiaowei is still a very sensible person, if Miyazaki Airi is here to play, she won't let it go until her family is ruined, there is no other reason, it is just to win a sigh of relief!

"Don't go, don't go, I'll try, when I play games, my luck has always been good." Zhou Han didn't go, looked at the wretched Teddy in the back row, and prepared to take this monster away.

"Are you okay?" Su Xiaomai looked at Zhou Han suspiciously, he didn't look like a master of rings.

"It doesn't matter if you try it..." Zhou Han said lightly, thinking that if you don't move around, it won't work!It's a bit ironic to my dignity as a boy!

"Then do your best..." Su Xiaomai didn't refuse, she watched from the side, waited for her junior to be exhausted, and then taught him a philosophy of life.

Zhou Han spent ten yuan to buy a circle, and he didn't buy more. Anyway, he only played once, and if he didn't succeed, he would be benevolent, so he turned around and left, willing to drink Sister Su's life chicken soup.

Zhou Han used the circle to measure, and only after playing it himself did he feel that this game is unreasonable and pitiful!

Because of the size of the circle, it can fit the last row of more expensive dolls in, and it may not be able to fit in completely after rubbing a little bit.

"Let's get started, why are you hesitating? It's like practicing Tai Chi for the elderly." Su Xiaomai couldn't help urging beside her.

"Don't I need to brew for a while?" Zhou Han responded awkwardly.

"It's that Teddy, don't make a mistake, I don't want the Donald Duck next to it." Su Xiaomai said emphatically.

"Sister, why are you obsessed with that Teddy?" Zhou Han asked curiously.

"Because teddy bears are very obscene, and the pornographic jokes are also good, which is more attractive." Su Xiaomai said frankly, and did not hide it.

There was a drop of cold sweat on Zhou Han's forehead, and he thought in embarrassment, don't normal girls hate obscene things?Why did Su Xiaomai do the opposite?Maybe this is the legendary strange woman?

Zhou Han looked at the teddy, and threw the circle into the sky indiscriminately, almost ten meters high. It seemed that he was causing trouble.

The peddler's eyes widened, thinking that Zhou Han was going to throw away his money-making tool, he stood up immediately.

"What are you doing? Are you smashing the pot?" Su Xiaowei said awkwardly, she didn't see that Zhou Han was playing seriously, it was basically the same as throwing it by herself.

"No, senior sister, I'm doing this." Zhou Han said seriously.

"What kind of routine?" Su Xiaomao asked suspiciously, wondering if Zhou Han was playing tricks on her?

"It's all about luck." Zhou Han responded casually.

Su Xiaowei looked at the circle and landed, and it didn't land on the teddy bear at all, so she said without interest, "Let's go, I must miss the circle."

Zhou Han held the hoop against the hoop, and because it was made of plastic, the hoop hit the ground and bounced up one meter high, and then——

The teddy bear was firmly in the sleeve, and the corners of the face were not touched, and it hit the bull's-eye.

The peddler beside him became shocked, thinking that there is still such an operation?However, it is considered to be in line with the rules, after all, it is considered to stop when the circle hits the ground.

"Damn it!" Zhou Han was overwhelmed with surprise, and swears when he didn't pay attention, he was so fucking happy, he was just trying to get lucky, let's see where the circle bounced and landed?In the end, it really hit the mark, "Senior Su! Senior Sister Su! Come and see!"

"Huh?" Su Xiaomai looked back and saw that the circle was firmly enclosing the teddy bear, she couldn't help being very surprised, "Uh, how did you do this?"

"Hmph, it's all about luck." Zhou Han smiled, and couldn't help but feel a little ecstatic, thinking that if he bought a lottery ticket, he would have the luck of playing games, and he could be well off without Elizabeth.

On the gazebo in the same park.

Lin Nianwei's family also came to this park.

During the National Day holiday, you can come here to enjoy the autumn scenery, and you can see large maple leaves when you look around.

The family brought a lot of food, and planned to have a picnic outside here for lunch, and then leave after eating.

Lin's mother: "Old Lin, look at it, it's not bad to go out once after all this hard work?"

Father Lin: "Well, it's okay. The last time I went out with my family was when my daughter was in high school."

Mother Lin: "In the future, I will often come out to play when I have time. Sitting in the office all day like us, breathing fresh air is good for your health."

Father Lin: "Okay, my daughter has a lot of work in high school, so it's good to come out to play more."

Lin Nianwei was expressionless the whole time, and she didn't speak. She didn't know where her thoughts were wandering, and she couldn't speak when she looked at the autumn orange in her hand.

Father Lin: "Girl? What's the matter with you, come out to play once, unhappy, don't want to accompany us two old guys?"

Lin Nianwei woke up like a dream, and said a little awkwardly, "No, I can't get in what you said, what can I say?"

Father Lin: "Isn't it good to talk about your school? Finally, I have this opportunity to tell you something interesting about your school."

"Let's talk later, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Lin Nianwei put down the oranges, turned and left the gazebo, and ran to the public restroom.

In fact, she didn't want to go to the bathroom at all, just to avoid asking questions from her parents.

Lin Nianwei secretly sighed, with a slightly melancholy expression——

Why do I get rejected for various reasons every time I look for him?

What is he doing now?Are you at home with your sister...

( o ﹏ o )

The first thousand and 230 chapters of air guns

Lin's father and Lin's mother watched their daughter walk away, feeling a little weird.

Mother Lin: "Old Lin, do you think your daughter has become more and more strange recently?"

Father Lin: "What's so strange?"

Lin's mother: "You are still a father, and your daughter is usually closer to you, and you don't see it?"

Father Lin: "What? Isn't this normal? It used to be the same."

Mother Lin: "Daughter is not always in a state of absent-mindedness recently, as if she has something on her mind."

Father Lin: "Isn't it normal to have worries at this age? Don't we also come here?"

Mother Lin: "It's not an ordinary worry, just take the example just now, even if you eat with us, the soul will not know where it has gone."

Father Lin: "Really...?"

Mother Lin: "You're really crazy, can't you see that? You chatted with us absent-mindedly throughout the whole process, and you didn't take it seriously at all."

Father Lin: "This..."

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