Lin's mother: "I think this child... probably misses spring. What kind of boy does he like?"

Father Lin: " it?"

Mother Lin: "Sure, I'm a mother, can I not see it? It's not like I have someone I like, how could the teacher be absent-minded."

Father Lin didn't speak, and couldn't help thinking, recalling that Lin Nianwei had introduced a boy to him before, he seemed to be called "Zhou Lei"...

Lin's mother: "Our Xiaowei is engaged, so you can't mess around. My dad ordered it himself. After graduating from high school, let them try to date. I heard from my dad that we should arrange to meet each other if we find a chance. .”

Father Lin: "But that's a political marriage, it's not very good, especially for a daughter, who hasn't been in a relationship before..."

Mother Lin: "We are doing this for the good of our daughter. It's better than handing it over to someone who doesn't know what to do. They are in Yanjing and have great power. In the future, my daughter will have a good life. Isn't this all for the future of my daughter?" Do you consider happiness?"

Father Lin: "This..."

Mother Lin: "Don't worry, his son is not a disabled person with no arms or legs, and his family background is so good, he won't treat Xiaowei badly, and it will be good for our whole family to climb up to his in-laws."

Father Lin: "I just feel that it's unfair to our daughter. We've decided to marry her before we've even dated."

Mother Lin: "If you have an opinion, just tell my dad and see if he agrees or not?"

Father Lin fell silent for a moment. His career depended entirely on his father-in-law's family, so he was really embarrassed to say anything, so he had to take a sip of the canned beer in a muffled voice.

Su Xiaowei and Zhou Han continued to stroll around the park.

Although there was a little twists and turns just now, the wretched teddy bear still fell into Su Xiaomai's hands.

At this time, Su Xiaomai was holding the teddy bear doll, and she seemed to love it very much.

Su Xiaowei, who has always been in the form of a sister, inevitably shows a bit of childishness while holding a teddy bear.

  "I didn't expect you to be useful? You're so lucky..."

"Isn't luck also a kind of strength?" Zhou Han said cheekily, not wanting to be misunderstood as an opportunist.

"Just now it was all about luck, but now it's about strength?" Su Xiaomai smiled.

"Luck is also an attribute I carry." Zhou Han scratched his head and changed the subject, "By the way, Senior Sister Su, you are so old, and you still like puppets? You're not a little girl..."

"This..." A slight blush appeared on Su Xiaomai's face, and she said casually, "I just used it as a sandbag, and I plan to use it to vent my anger!"

"Exit?" Zhou Han was at a loss.

"That's right, it's like this..." Su Xiaomai raised the teddy bear and hit it twice with the little pink fist, "The more you fight, the happier you are~"

"Uh..." Zhou Han's face darkened, thinking that it was because of such a boring thing...

"But thank you anyway, for helping me get this wretched Teddy~" Su Xiaomai said softly.

"You're welcome, it's not a big deal..." Zhou Han shook his head.

"Take it as a gift from you. Think about it, don't you often send gifts between male and female friends? It's more like this~" Su Xiaowei said with a smile.

"Uh, so it really is..." Zhou Han reacted a little bit, feeling like he was giving Su Xiaomai a gift.

"How is it? Are you feeling a little bit in love? Do you feel like a boyfriend and girlfriend?" Su Xiaomai gently bumped Zhou Han with her shoulder.

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, it's just pretending..." Zhou Han waved his hands awkwardly, thinking that the obviously fake relationship between lovers, if you really feel this way, isn't it just a fake show for real?

"You're really boring..." Su Xiaomai asked out of interest.

Su Youqiang who was behind couldn't help being a little suspicious, seeing Zhou Han and Su Xiaomai as lovers, wondering if something was wrong?

Su Youqiang couldn't help but start to worry, a little embarrassed, Zhou Han is Xiaorui's fiancé, so he can't have any thoughts about her own sister...

The two passed by an air gun game booth, and it seemed that there were quite a lot of people.

Because Zhou Han missed the relationship with Qiqi when he was a child, he couldn't help but take a second look.

However, she was still noticed by Su Xiaomai who was beside her, showing a smile that was not a smile.

"What? Want to play?"

"No, no, how old am I, why would I like to play with this kind of thing?" Zhou Han was a little flustered, but he didn't want to have anything to do with the word childish.

"Stop pretending, just go and play if you want to play, boys like this kind of fighting and killing." Su Xiaomai seemed to understand Zhou Han very well.

"No, we're going to go boating soon. This little game is not interesting. I just remembered my childhood with my sister." Zhou Han waved his hand, thinking it's better not to waste time.

"Didn't you play hoops with me just now? Isn't it fair for me to accompany you now?" Su Xiaomai said with a smile.

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, he really wanted to remember it.

"Let's go~" Su Xiaomao tugged at Zhou Han's arm, and then touched her fictitious bicep, "To tell the truth, I'm very good at the game of air guns~"

"Okay then..." Zhou Han nodded, wanting to see how good Su Xiaomai was at playing.

The two came to the air gun booth.

Fees are charged according to the number of shots. Players shoot and pray behind the table. The gift of each balloon is different, and the grand prize is 1000 yuan in cash.

Zhou Han emptied the first shot. It may be because he hasn't played for many years, his hands are relatively unfamiliar, and he is not used to this air gun, so it is heavier than before.

On the other hand, Su Xiaowei held the gun in a decent posture, as if she was very skilled. She hit all three shots, and the boss hurriedly placed gifts on her table.

Su Xiaowei put the air gun on the table, pinched her waist, and proudly said——

"How about it?"

Lin Nianwei casually went to the public restroom on the road.

With an absent-minded expression, he wondered if he should call Brother Zhou Han and harass him.

This is the case now after the relationship is confirmed, Lin Nianwei can't help herself to think about Zhou Han, even if she can't see her, she still wants to chat.

She doesn't want to go out to play with her parents, it's not interesting, but she really wants to be a guest at Zhou Han's house,

But as he walked, two familiar figures at a nearby air gun booth attracted Lin Nianwei's attention——

That is……

Isn't it Zhou Han?

How is he here?

Didn't they say yesterday that they would come out to meet Yao Xiaorui's father? !

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

The first thousand and 230 chapter two monthly pass plus more

Seeing Su Xiaomao's triumphant look, Zhou Han couldn't help feeling a little unbalanced.

If a boy like himself loses in this kind of game, how embarrassing would it be?

But I still have to be sure of Su Xuejie's skills. She can hit three times when she comes up, which is quite powerful.

Unexpectedly, senior sister Su is quiet on the surface, but she is quite good at playing games with boys.

Zhou Han coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, loaded the air gun, and prepared to save some face.

"I'm a handyman now, and I'm sure I can hit it this time."

"Hmph~" Su Xiaomai showed a hint of pride on her face, "Just admit defeat, I'm very talented in shooting games."

Zhou Han didn't speak, a few black lines slipped down his forehead, thinking how could I admit defeat as a boy?This is a matter of dignity.

Holding a slightly heavy air gun, Zhou Han aimed at the red balloon in the distance. Inside was the grand prize, a 1000 yuan prize, but the distance was too far away, so it was really hard to get it. With one head.

But just when Zhou Han was about to pull the trigger, he was patted on the shoulder suddenly.

"Don't make trouble." Zhou Han said lightly, he was concentrating on it and didn't want to disturb her.

But the interference didn't stop, and no one patted Zhou Han's shoulder, this time he stepped up the intensity.

"Oh, don't make trouble, can you have fun?" Zhou Han shook his shoulders, signaling Su Xiaomai not to disturb him.

Even though Zhou Han spoke in a serious tone, the other party still didn't stop, this time he pinched his back hard.

"Senior Su, you're never finished, the game must be fair, you're making trouble like this..." Zhou Han put the air gun on the table, and had to reason with Su Xiaomai, turned his head, and suddenly fell into a daze, "Ah... "

Lin Nianwei stared at Zhou Han expressionlessly, her face was full of anger, and her eyes clearly showed dissatisfaction.

As for Su Xiaomai next to her, she deliberately smiled and watched all this without making a sound, which shows how bad it is.

"Eh!!?" ​​Zhou Han looked at Lin Nianwei for a few seconds before he realized it, and suddenly exclaimed, his liver trembled with fright, and he thought what the hell!What a ghost!Why is Xiaowei here!Not a family outing?After a long time, the location is the park!This car crashed, and it was so peaceful...

"It's quite fascinating to play. I greeted you three times before I realized it. Is it so fun?"

Lin Nianwei's tone was a little cold, and it was obvious that her heart was not at peace.

I asked Zhou Han not to come out, and I thought there was something serious about it, but it turned out that I came here to hang out with Su Xiaomai ghost! ?

And he was so happy and fascinated that he didn't even know he was here. Could it be that he was so happy when he came out to play with Su Xiaomai?More important than yourself?

Lin Nianwei felt resentful, feeling that she was not valued by Zhou Han, as if Su Xiaowei was more attractive than herself.

"'s not..." Zhou Han said hesitantly, feeling panicked in his heart, how can he explain it now?I am helping Uncle Su, but how can I make Xiaowei understand me?It seems unlikely.

"You can't speak easily anymore, do you know that you are guilty of something wrong?" Lin Nianwei asked straight to the point, now she became angry when she saw Zhou Han, and instead of coming out with herself, she came out to fool around with other girls, she was afraid that she was not a fake girlfriend.

"No, Xiaowei, why are you here?" Zhou Han asked nervously, trying to find a balance to get through the immediate crisis.

"Why can't I be here?" Lin Nianwei asked sharply, "Do you wish that I would not show up? Or, my appearance ruined the atmosphere between you two?"

"No! Definitely not, Xiaowei, don't think too much about it." Zhou Han said seriously. It was hard to be stared at by Lin Nianwei's knife-like eyes. After all, Xiaowei's position in her heart is very important, so this team must not stand Wrong, I must speak to Xiaowei.

"No?" Lin Nianwei glanced at Su Xiaomai, who was smiling next to her, and said meaningfully, "I think you're lying to me, right? If you think I'm in the way, just tell me, and I'll leave."

"Don't, don't, don't." Zhou Han grabbed Lin Nianwei's shoulders and refused to let her go, "How could I feel that you are in the way, isn't this a joke? I will always like you..."

Hearing what Zhou Han said, Lin Nianwei's nervousness eased a little, and she could say that she likes her openly, obviously there is no problem of principle.

The most important thing is to let Lin Nianwei regain her confidence, her charm is not inferior to that of Su Xiaowei, and Zhou Han still likes her the most.

If Zhou Han was hesitant at this time, Lin Nianwei would feel particularly chilled, thinking that he had a lot of tricks and didn't have himself in his heart.

But looking at the current reaction, Lin Nianwei is quite satisfied, at least Zhou Han did not avoid the relationship between the two.

"Sister Lin is jealous again?" Su Xiaowei looked at Lin Nianwei, and her heart began to stir, "You look so angry, so cute~"

"I'm sorry Senior Sister Su, I don't want to talk to you right now, and don't talk to me suddenly, okay?" Lin Nianwei got a little angry when she spoke to Su Xiaowei, and made her position clear.

"It's so cold~" Su Xiaomai put on a sad expression, and said pitifully, "Obviously I haven't seen Lin Xuemei for a long time, and suddenly I saw a message from my heart, but Lin Xuemei, you seem to have a lot of love for me. Opinion..."

"I have no problem with you, just don't get close to my boyfriend casually, okay?" Lin Nianwei said lightly, because she felt that Su Xiaowei was interested in Zhou Han, otherwise Zhou Han would never have taken the initiative to hook up with girls.

"Sister Lin is too good. To protect your boyfriend, she didn't hesitate to pour dirty water on her body, huh~" Su Xiaowei shed tears of swear words.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Lin Nianwei's forehead, thinking that even if Su Xiaomai pretended to be a victim, it would still be difficult to shake her position as an evil force.

Zhou Han swallowed his saliva nervously, and didn't dare to speak the whole time, for fear that he would force something, so he would reveal the secret, and it would be a big loss for him, making the matter in front of him very complicated.

Lin Nianwei ignored Su Xiaowei, turned her head to look at Zhou Han, calmed down a little, "You want to come out with Senior Sister Su, is that why you rejected my invitation?"

"This..." Zhou Han broke into a cold sweat when Lin Nianwei asked him, thinking how could he answer?I wasn't doing it for Senior Su, but Uncle Su. Where did Uncle Su go?

Su Youqiang pretended to read newspapers far away, even though he knew he was being entangled, he still had no intention of coming to rescue him.

Seeing such ruthless teammates, Zhou Han immediately rolled his eyes, thinking about Uncle Su!I'm all for you!

Seeing that Zhou Han was not easy to answer, Lin Nianwei lowered her head and muttered, "Why are you doing this to me? How many times have you rejected my invitation? Do you still have me in your heart?"

"Yes! I swear!" Zhou Han replied seriously.

"Then why did you come out with Sister Su instead of me? Isn't it too chilling?" Lin Nianwei said dissatisfiedly, it seemed that her stomach was full of resentment.

"This..." Zhou Han scratched his head, unable to laugh at all.

"Is there a need to ask?" Su Xiaomao moved closer to Zhou Han, took his arm, blinked and said——

"Because my junior and I are boyfriend and girlfriend~"

"Isn't it common to go on a date in the park together during the holidays?"


The first thousand and 230 chapters and three special

"Eh!?" Zhou Han was startled, and looked at Su Xiaomao with horror on his face. Didn't he push himself into the fire pit like this at this time?

Seeing Zhou Han's panic-stricken appearance was very interesting for Su Xiaomai's black belly, and Lin Nianwei's unbelievable face also made her very interesting.

"How?" Su Xiaowei looked at Lin Nianwei with a smile, and said half-truth, "We are a couple, do you think there is anything wrong with going out to play with Lin Xuemei?"

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