Gatanjiehe rubbed his hands, Urbian's costume was similar to the one that the Ghost Shark manifested in his dream, and Urbian must have swam over here, otherwise he would not be able to hide it from her eyes.

"So what?"

Urbian suddenly felt that Gatangie's eyes were full of longing when he looked at him. He had seen this kind of eyes before, and the sharks in the second team also had this expression when they saw their prey.

"Then you must know Agor very well!"

Earned, earned, Gatanjee thought that catching a deep-sea hunter and going back would be considered a great achievement. At that time, let’s not talk about dating the little fox, but it should be okay to kiss and hug him. Oh, this is really a good person , actually took the initiative to deliver to the door.

"Don't you..."

"Little Evil God Clash!"

The next moment, Gatanjeh rushed towards Urbian, and directly hit Urbian's stomach with his head. The huge impact made Urbian almost miss yesterday's dinner Coming out, he felt like he had been hit by a high-speed train.

"Aren't you dizzy?"

Seeing that Urbian was still able to get up from the ground, Gatanjiehe couldn't help but have a higher opinion of him. Just now, her strength was able to smash through the island reef under her feet.


Several ribs were broken. Although he is recovering quickly, Urbian is almost sure that he is not Gatanjae's opponent. His strange power is useless in front of the opponent. If all the people on the island If they are all at this level of intensity, then the problem will be big.

"Hey hey, thanks for the compliment."

Gatanjehe scratched his head in embarrassment, and took Urbian's words as a kind of recognition for himself, because the sirens are not allowed to fight, and if they really fight, the movement will be too loud, plus Tangier had very little actual combat experience, and she only used two punches when she beat Quintus last time.

So these sirens only know that they are strong, but they never know where their lower limit and upper limit are.

"What is your purpose?"

Urbian clenched his weapon tightly, thinking whether he should flee directly. He was sure that there were other deep-sea hunters alive besides himself. At least Skadi who was fed by Isamara must still be alive. He had to find other side.

"Purpose...well, go to heaven!"

Gatanjaer pointed to the sky, that is the goal of all sirens, it is the instinct engraved in the genes when they evolved, and all the actions of the sirens are based on Mei Xue and this instruction.


"Yes, and beat those guys up there."

These words stunned Urbian, he subconsciously felt a cold and ruthless gaze swept over his body, and almost instinctively raised his head to look at the sky, as if he saw an eye behind the clouds.

"Above the starry sky, there is another civilization..."



ps: Aww~ Thank you for your support~ In short, there are a lot of things!

VOLUME 242: Chapter [-] Lemurian's Invitation

Looking at Urbian who was tied up in front of him, Amaya felt that it was necessary to strengthen the defense measures of the base, otherwise the security strength of this base would be more worrying than that of the Kingdom of Light, and anyone could sneak in.

"He belongs to Agor?"


"Or a deep sea hunter?"

"Looking at it like this, it should be considered a relatively capable type among human beings. I have been punched three times."

Gatanjiehe nodded excitedly, wishing to write the words "Little Jiatan has made great contributions" on his face. After all, it is very valuable to catch someone. If he is a deep sea hunter, he might know Things can be more.

"That's pretty amazing. Well, I thought that deep-sea hunters were all beautiful girls like ghost sharks. So there are men too."

"By the way, why does this uncle wear a mask, won't he panic in the sea?"

"Maybe it looks better this way."

The siren girls looked around Urbian curiously. Compared with Levi, who looked gloomy, Urbian was obviously more pleasing, and this was the first time they saw a man The deep-sea hunter can still withstand Gatanjaer's three fists, it's amazing.

"Do you want to ask the ghost shark to see if you recognize it?"

"That's fine, but we have to make sure that Mei Xue is fine. Before that, let's interrogate."

Amaya reached out and poked Urbian's hat. The other party had actually woken up just now. The bioelectricity at that moment could not be covered up, and the sirens could always catch such tiny changes.

"Stop sleeping, hey, do you know ghost sharks?"

Looking at Urbian, who was still pretending to be asleep, Amaya realized that the codename of Ghost Shark was given by Rhodes Island, and he probably didn't know him.

"Well, do you know Laurentina, or Skadi?"

Hearing these two names, Urbian, who was planning to run away, opened his eyes. Looking at the dozens of sirens in front of him, he couldn't help but frown. Not a small psychological shadow.

"Where did you hear these two names..."

"It seems that we do know each other, then you are also a deep sea hunter."

Amaya nodded. It seems that Gatanjae has indeed done meritorious service this time, but it is better to communicate with this deep-sea hunter first to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Don't be so vigilant, we are friends with Laurentina, what's your name?"

"... Urbian."

Hearing this name, Amaya and the Sirens suddenly realized, only Urbian was puzzled, what's going on, do these people still know themselves?

"Oh, you are that Urbian who pretends to be cold and hides that he has been single for many years, tsk really look cold."

These words made Urbian's old face darken. What is rigidity? What is pretending to be cold to cover up his singleness? Who is slandering his reputation?Must be the second team!Because no one from the three teams dared to say that.

"That's what Laurentina told me, and I feel quite... well, it's appropriate."

Amaya nodded, stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers, and the tentacles that bound Urbian were taken back by Gatange.

"So, why did you, the third captain of the Deep Sea Hunter and one of the Agor consuls, appear here?"

"It seems that Laurentina really told you everything, where is she?"

"On land, we usually only have special occasions to communicate, but she is with Skadi, so you don't have to worry about Skadi's safety."

"You... are also right, you attacked Yanfeng City, and you should have obtained all the information about Quintus."

It was only then that Urbian remembered that these sirens had gone to beat up Quintus. Although that guy was a waste, he was still the Bishop of the Deep Sea. Naturally, he knew too little. These guys in front of him must have known about it. Discovered the secret of Skadi.

In fact, Urbian was wrong here. The deep-sea bishop he chased and killed knew far more than Quintus. Quintus might indeed be wise, but his paranoia made him look stupid. Whether it was Amaya or The other deep-sea bishops disdain that guy and transform themselves into Hai Si, but they can't even catch a punch from Gatanjiehe.

But can this group of guys actually communicate with the land here? How did they avoid the interference of the origin stone dust on the land?

"I got it. I didn't expect that Agor, who has always been lonely in the sea, would have people who join forces with the Church of the Deep Sea. There are quite a few."

The information obtained after returning from Yanfeng City awakened many memories of Amaya. It is not a secret that the Church of the Deep Sea colluded with Agor's internal affairs. After a comparison, the sirens discovered that the letters all came from Agor's famous figures.

Even Laurentina herself was surprised, good guy, Agor and the group of guys, if she didn't realize that there was a conspiracy behind the actions of the deep sea hunter, she would be really stupid, but the ghost shark couldn't figure it out anyway What is the motive of the people inside Agor.

"It's just a group of insects, how can we fight Hai Si with them."

Speaking of Urbian, there was a burst of anger. There were four teams of deep sea hunters. The first team fought with their lives to open the bleeding road, the fourth team stopped all the enemies in the rear, and the second team bought so much time for the third team. There are so many compatriots, but nothing can be changed in the end. The sacrifices of the hunters seem so cheap and meaningless.

A combat force that can easily overthrow any country on land died of a conspiracy like this. Urbian didn't allow it. Sooner or later, he would return to the sea, and he would kill those traitors with his own hands.

"You can see it clearly, so why don't you come and talk, oh... Let me introduce myself, my name is Amaya."

The appearance of this name made Urbian, who was already harboring suspicions, clenched his fists subconsciously. Seeing his surprised look, Amaya also realized that this name seemed to be misleading.

"Don't think too much, I am not the same person as Amaya from the Deep Sea Church, I just inherited her name."

Seeing that Urbian finally let go of her guard, Amaya scratched her head helplessly. Shouldn't she change her name?But at that time, when she ate Amaya, she promised to remember him.

Alas, forget it, it’s useless to think so much. The problem now is to deal with Hai Si and go to the starry sky as soon as possible. The most important thing is to confirm Mei Xue’s situation. For the Sirens, Mei Xue is the most important existence, and individuals can die , as long as Mei Xue is still there, the siren group will continue to expand no matter how slow it is.

But the current speed makes Amaya a little dissatisfied. They haven't added new members for a long time. Could it be that the evolution factor given by Mei Xue has reached the limit that can be tolerated by this world?

This is currently the only conjecture that can be accepted by the sirens, because the individual quality is too high and the resources required for development are small, the will on Terra has chosen to limit the proficiency of the sirens, or to some extent make them The evolutionary path is blocked.

Thinking of this, Amaya scratched her head helplessly, and cheered in her heart.

(Then there is no way, if you want to expand the population, you still have to do that kind of thing with Meixue, hehehe...)


Mei Xue, who was eating snacks with Mostima and the others, had an itchy nose, covered her tail with her head and sneezed, not knowing who was talking about her.

"Have a cold?"

"No, maybe someone is thinking about me."

"Well, then it's hard to know who it is, anyway, there are quite a lot of them on Rhodes Island."

Mostima smiled and reached out to help Meixue wipe the corners of her mouth. The little fox even took the initiative to rub her palms. Lemuen and Energetic, who were sitting opposite each other, smiled. Fiameta still tried her best to lower her presence. feel.

"But Mei Xue, it's you and Cecilia, right? Why did you two appear on the publicity board in front of the store?"

After pinching Meixue's ears, Mostima pointed to the publicity board at the door, on which was the photo of the little fox and Cecilia that night.

"Well, the sister of the store manager invited us to eat a lot."

"Who is Cecilia?"

As people who don't know much about it, Angel and Fiameta asked questions at the same time. They haven't seen each other before, but Lemione guessed it from Mei Xue, let alone Mostima.

"It's Mei Xuexin's younger sister, but in my doesn't matter if it's a new little girlfriend."

Seeing Mostima covering her mouth and chuckling, Fiameta glanced at the little fox with a dazed expression. She suddenly felt that it was necessary to keep Meixue away from Mostima so that the little fox wouldn't be spoiled. .

(This kind of innocent child should not be led astray by Mostima!)

"Speaking of which, Mei Xue, do you want to come to my house tonight?"

Lemuane's sudden invitation stunned everyone, including Fiameta, as did Angel, but his expression soon turned into ecstasy, and he couldn't help nodding his head to express his agreement with the idea.


The little fox thought for a while with a spoon in his mouth. He had nothing to do tonight. It was indeed a good choice to visit Neng Angel's house as a guest. It happened that the little fox also wanted to know what kind of person Aneng's sister was before.

"Well, yes!"

"That's great, Xiao Le, remember to go shopping later, I'll cook tonight."

"But old lady, your legs..."

"No problem, it won't affect cooking."

Lemuian patted Angel Energy on the shoulder, and didn't tell her good sister that she was able to stand up. In fact, from the beginning of regaining consciousness until now, walking is no longer a problem, but suddenly getting better will make people feel uncomfortable. I suspect that Lemuen still needs to pretend.

(Tonight, go to Xiao Le's house, maybe...)

Mostima glanced at Lemuane, but he couldn't see anything unusual from her expression, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Xiao Le is right, Fiameta and I will also help out tonight."

"I don't think so."

Fiameta shook his head, and when Mostima wondered if this guy had suddenly changed his temper, Fiameta pointed at himself.

"It's enough for me to go, your cooking skills... can't be complimented."

"Then can't I go and eat?"

Seeing the sisters' fight, the little fox squinted his eyes with a smile, and kept shaking his tail behind him. The blue butterfly flew out of the tail and landed on his shoulder. Mei Xue passed the ice cream over.

"This is... Mei Xue, have you recovered?"

This kind of trick is not unusual for Mostima. Mei Xue had demonstrated it to her before, but the little foxes at that time could summon a group, and there was no such thing... well, it was so vivid.

"After waking up, I found her hiding in the tail, um, dangerous?"

Mei Xue shook her ears. Although the butterfly couldn't speak, Mei Xue could understand what she wanted to express, and danger was approaching.

On the opposite street not far from Mei Xue, Mandela stared at Mei Xue with her golden eyes for a moment after she had recuperated. It was this guy who suffered so many crimes for no reason!

Although Lavshini said not to make too much noise, Mandela was so angry after taking a look at the various delicious snacks on Mei Xue's table, and then at the black bread in her hand. After one fight, she and Raphshine didn't have much money, so they had to save on food and clothing.

(Damn, it's all this guy's fault, just kill him, and then kill Raphshine as the leader said, and you can go back)

Just when Mandela showed a strong killing intent towards Mei Xue, she was so focused that she obviously forgot to be careful about the surrounding situation. It is not safe to stand under a four-story building on such a windy day. In particular, there are a bunch of potted plants on the top of this small building.

Originally, these potted plants were protected by fences, but unfortunately, there happened to be a small potted plant with a wooden fence, which had decayed after a long time, so... Mandela heard the sound coming from his head. The sound of something flying at high speed.

"I shouldn't be so down..."

The moldy word was thrown back by the flower pot that was as big as Mandela's head. Passers-by who saw this scene were all stunned, subconsciously worried about their own heads.

"No, come and call an ambulance!"

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