Mei Xue, who witnessed everything in the pastry shop, couldn't help feeling that the world is really dangerous, then turned her head and continued to eat her cake without any worries, because he felt that the danger was resolved just now.

"When did Rutland become so dangerous?"

"...It's better than a group of people bombing in the street."

Everyone said, after all, they didn't know what Mandela was going to do just now. Mei Xue took a bite of the ice cream and found the blue butterfly flying towards the outside.

It seems that Mandela's life will not be too easy.



ps: Aww~ There are so many things~ Thank you for your support~ The daily episodes of the National Day will be released in the middle of the night, so you can watch them when you wake up in the morning!

Volume [-]: Chapter Push and Say Something

Congratulations on using the Tomorrow's Ark Reincarnation World System.

Your name is Max Linguang, and you, as a descendant of the Golden Pegasus, will come to this land of suffering.

You will become a member of the League of No Helms, and devote yourself to this bloody and dirty knight competition.

Now you trigger the task as follows:

[-]. Up and down

Defeat Xuantie and Qingjin Dawei, become the true master of the Wuzhou League, and make Platinum Dawei your front desk girl.

[-]. Restoring the glory of the past

You need to restore the glory of the Linguang family. There are many ways to restore it. For example, continuing the blood of the Linguang family is one of them.

[-]. Let the light shine on Terra

As a member of the Home of Heroes, you can choose to bring light to this troubled land.

Max, who originally just replied to a post at a porridge bar, woke up and found that he had come to this land full of suffering. He should have been blinded, but after seeing his own panel, he suddenly had a new idea ...

ps: The rewards offered last month are not too many. Well, in addition to the daily updates, I will also write a special episode every day during the seven days of the National Day and post it in the full subscription group. Thank you for your support!

Portal "I, One Arrow Superman of the Unshakable League"

VOLUME 243: Chapter [-] Will Amnesiac Mandela Become a Pet Cat?

Skull pain, this is Mandela's only feeling now, she doesn't even know who she is, she just feels a headache, and can't hear or see the surrounding situation clearly.

"This young lady is also unlucky. She was knocked unconscious by a flower pot that fell from the sky. I hope it won't leave her with any sequelae."

The doctor shook his head helplessly. Mandela was hit so badly that he almost lost his life. Fortunately, an ambulance happened to be nearby at that time, but Mandela only had his ID card and a little cash on him. It wasn't because she was well dressed, maybe she would be mistaken for a homeless person from somewhere.

After the doctor's diagnosis, it was God who spared Mandela's life if she didn't die. As for the charges... Well, although Rutland has always been noisy, this lady doesn't look like she is rich. Just think of it as charity.

The Lateran people are famous for their optimism and sunshine. If they encounter someone begging on the side of the road, they will not care whether the person is pretending or not, and they will not be stingy in giving help. This is not the case with Mandela. It's the first time.

As the doctors and nurses left, Mandela felt that the murmurs in her ears were much better, but she still couldn't open her eyes. In fact, she felt that she couldn't control her body now, as if her soul had left her body.

And compared to those who have nothing, there is a more important issue that Mandela has to seriously consider.

who I am?Where am I from?Where are you going again?How can I be here?

All kinds of life philosophy questions filled Mandela's little head. The previous strong impact had a considerable impact on her brain, and she lost a lot of memory. She even had to think about her own name.

Outside the window of the ward, the butterfly that flew out of Meixue's tail flew in through the glass, and landed on the bedside to look at Mandela.

As a good sister, Su Xueer must of course protect her younger brother. The appearance of Mandela is a surprise to her. After all, this guy really wants to kill Mei Xue, so she has no psychological burden to do it. .

But the problem is that this guy is Filin and not Volper. This makes Su Xueer particularly disgusted. She originally fell in love with Lily of the Valley, but she couldn't bear to do it to avoid being hated by her younger brother in the future.

Now the cat in front of me... how should I put it, it's not my original race, and the chest is particularly flat.

(Worse than I used to be)

The more she looked at it, the more she disliked it. Su Xueer felt that she didn't want this body anymore, at least she had to find someone like Shining, Mandela's... it looked like it lacked nutrition.

Of course, after all, this guy had plotted against his younger brother, and Su Xueer was not a very good person, so high or low would kill this guy.

(But... well, let me make Mei Xue a pet)

Adhering to the principle of not being wasted, Su Xueer felt that she could give this guy to her younger brother as a bodyguard or pet. Anyway, the specific identity depends on how Mei Xue uses it.

(As a toy...maybe the ability to withstand stress is relatively low, but Meixue shouldn't break it, right?)

Su Xueer thought about it, Mei Xue is so cute, cute and sensible no matter what, and the little fox did plan to raise a cat before, so give him a cat, but I hope that by then she won't be too playful .

The next moment, Mandela, who had finally remembered his name, felt his head hurt again. The intense pain for a moment exceeded the upper limit of the brain's tolerance, and he passed out like this.

The blue butterfly flew into Mandela's subconscious, and began to read and modify it.

On the other side of the street, Rafshine, who noticed that Mandela had been late for the round, waited a little impatiently, but she thought that although Mandela had a big temper, she would not be late.

"Have you heard that a foreign tourist was hit on the head by a flowerpot on the street over there just now?"

"It's more than just hearing about it. I even saw it with my own eyes. My God, it's so miserable. The blood flowed as if I didn't want money."

"It's really better to put away the flowerpots in this windy weather."

Listening to the discussions of passers-by, even though they didn't even say what kind of race that person looked like, Ravshine had a premonition that she would be so unlucky that there would be no one else except Mandela ( Tracy sneezes)

In fact, Ravshine had already noticed something was wrong. She felt that she and Mandela had been particularly unlucky since they got out of the deep pool. She didn't know why, but it was definitely related to Mei Xue.

"There must be something wrong with Tracy asking us to do this mission..."

Rafshini couldn't help clenching her fists, but she had to let go. Even if there was a ghost, she couldn't help it. Shenchi really needed a partner. Tracy and Sarkaz, who was in command, were already a force that could not be ignored in Victoria. strength.

And compared to those, I still have to check Mandela's physical condition first, but I don't have much money in the first place, so now... Damn it.

"So do you want to go grocery shopping first?"

"No, go directly to my house, there is a supermarket nearby where you can buy vegetables."

"Hey, tonight I'm going to be up late at night with Mei Xue!"

"Well...but sister Aneng, Kelsey said that children who stay up late will not grow taller, I don't want that."

Just when Raphshini was going to find Mandela, it happened that Mei Xue and others were going to go to Angel's house from here. Seeing the five-member group walking in front of her, Raphshini was suddenly very upset. I wanted to do it here, but after weighing the combat power of both sides, I chose to give up.


Sensing the familiar aura, Mei Xue turned her head and just saw Rafshini, who was wearing sunglasses, looking at her, but the next moment the other party turned her head and left.

"What's the matter, Mei Xue, did you meet someone you know?"

"No, it's a big sister I don't know, but..."

"But what?"

"It's nothing, I'm thinking too much."

Mei Xue took a bite of the ice cream. He would not tell others about Tallulah, but the big sister just now was clearly the same as his own sister in the eyes of the little fox, not Vayfan, but Drake.

Of course, it may be that the little fox himself is wrong. Anyway, it doesn’t matter which one is, and it has nothing to do with him. Compared with those, he still cares more about what to eat for today’s game, and I hope it’s not just apple pie.

Mei Xue here is carefree, and no one in the Rhodes Island brigade on the other side is at ease, especially Lin Qingyan, who can't wait to run directly to Rutland with the car on his back, always rushing to the front.

"Kelsey, what are you thinking?"

Ling put the wine gourd aside, and glanced at Kelsey with interest. Luisa, who was racing in front, was also very curious about this, and Kelsey hadn't said a word since they set off.

"It's nothing."

"Don't pretend, when you are nervous, you always keep a cold face like this and say nothing, otherwise you will still say a few words."

Leaning on the seat and looking at the vast wilderness outside the window, Ling couldn't help feeling a little bored, but more worried.

"We're all worried about the same thing, that's why we're here, aren't we..."

"Then why do you ask so many questions?"

Kelsey closed her eyes, she had the same worries as Ling, and it is impossible for Mei Xue to have any accidents from a common sense, but there is only one aspect that cannot be ignored.

"Because I'm curious, Kelsey, you who have lived for tens of thousands of years will never know less than you, no... maybe more than that, you have known about Mei Xue from the very beginning, but you are in the way It's not easy to get close to his sister."

Luisa, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly felt that it might be more appropriate for her to be a deaf person at this time. She heard something. Although she had already guessed that the teacher's age must be older than she knew, but tens of thousands of years... Teacher It's just Feilin, how did she live for such a long time?

And they actually mentioned Mei Xue. Could it be that the little fox is that old?

"what do you wish to ask?"

"Sure enough, it's easy to talk to smart people. Tell me...what the hell is Mei Xue?"

A deadly question, so that Luisa could only hear noises in the second half of the sentence, but Kelsey could hear it very clearly. Her silence is the best answer to this answer, whether she doesn't know or can't say it. in this way.

But maybe Ling met the requirements. After thinking about it for a while, Kalxi raised her finger and pointed above herself, and then looked at Ling indifferently as always, but her eyes rarely revealed a trace of anxiety and uneasiness.

"time is limited."

Yes, time is running out. This is the result of the Sirens' communication with Urbian. They are glad that they have evolved fast enough, at least protecting themselves is not a problem.

"Suddenly I feel that Terra is dangerous enough. There are so many monsters staring at a continent, and there are so many sea descendants in the sea."

"But even if they realize the crisis they are in, all the forces in Terra are still busy calculating each other. Don't these guys have any sense of crisis?"

"After all, humans are such creatures."

The sirens couldn't help complaining, the more they studied Terra's various movements during this time, the more they felt that "destroy it quickly" was the best result for Terra.

"Kjerag, in what age is this place only connected to trains, what use will it be in the future, expecting Yeragand, who they believe in, to descend from the sky to resist Hai Si or demons?"

"And this Iberia, really... How can we save Terra with this group of insects?"

"The same is true for this Agor. He used to pull [-] million, but now he has turned into a group of sea traitors."

Listening to the chattering discussions of these lolitas, and even not forgetting to scold his hometown, Urbian's mood was very complicated, but he couldn't refute it. Much of today's predicament is indeed due to the Argor's own hubris.

But he is very glad that at least this group of sirens are on the opposite side of Hai Si, even if they accept the fact that they have evolved from Hai Si, the fighting power of these guys is as if they are dying, even the weakest One can split with him [-]-[-]. This is not the case when all restrictions are lifted.

And the scientific level of the's magical, yes, Urbian doesn't know how to describe them except for the word magical.

He couldn't figure out how this group of guys who didn't even know what a basic circuit was a few months ago used a small broken Iberian ship to build a warship that Agor couldn't even make.

"Okay, okay, don't think so much about what's there and what's not, let them solve the affairs of the people on the land by themselves, how about the sisters who went to Agor?"

"In the news they just received, they found that Agor's city is a bit strange. One of them was actually built less than a hundred kilometers away from the Iberian coast."

"Blow it up!" Urbian replied without hesitation, "It's a trap. In order to lure Skadi into the trap in the future, I saw this plan in Sirose's letter."

"It would be a pity if it blows up."

Amaya thought about it, and it would not be a problem for fifty sirens to kill a city in Agor, but there might be some good things in it. For the sirens who lack everything now, they should save as much as they can.

"It just so happens that we are going to move, um, let's just move over there."

"Then what about this island?"

"Of course I took it apart and took it away together. Speaking of Levi, why didn't I see anyone else? Could it be that he was tortured to death by doing experiments?"

Although he has known for a long time that Levi is not a good person, the Siren still needs his brain.

In the laboratory on the other side, Levi looked at the experimental data in his hands and couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Just as he thought, Terra was indeed not his original world. Although the two worlds showed a high degree of similarity, but However, there are considerable differences in the basic laws of the world, and the composition of matter is also different.

But what Levi couldn't understand the most was that he found that the origin stones of this world were not purely inorganic substances, but in some respects showed the nature of living things, just like... like nano-robots. same aggregate.

But this kind of substance does have a considerable amount of energy, and it has a promising future if it is simply used as an energy source, but it is very strange to use it as an explosive that can only stimulate part of the energy.

And the most important thing is that Levi discovered that the origin stone and his own cell tissue are mutually exclusive, to be precise, they are not common, which means that he will not be infected with ore disease like the land people mentioned by Amaya and others .

"It seems that this world is more interesting than I imagined..."

Levi pushed his glasses, and he began to wonder how far the ancient civilizations of this world have developed. As far as he personally speculates, it is definitely much higher than his original effort, because they can even create a brand new one that can adapt species in various environments.

But would such a race really perish so easily? Could it be that they didn't know the vastness of the starry sky until they died? ,


ps: Aww~ Thank you for your support~ There are so many things~

Volume 244: Chapter [-] Who will I sleep with tonight?

Mandela still remembered that day, on that rainy day, her father went out to beg, but a passing nobleman discovered the identity of the infected person and was beaten to death.

After that, the family was also affected, and the seriously ill mother and young self had to hide. In the process, the mother also died of illness, and she became an orphan, suffering from cold and starvation every day. Since then, she has been hating, hating Those who killed their own father and indirectly forced their own mother to death.

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