She spent the first half of her life in this kind of hatred. She learned Originium skills and waited for the opportunity secretly, until one day later, when she killed the nobleman who was kneeling at her feet begging for mercy, she met the leader ...she felt redeemed.

"So, is this the first half of your life, blinded by hatred, and turned into someone else's puppet, why not make a pet for my brother."

Su Xueer just feels embarrassed, she has seen too many people and things, there are not many people like Mandela, sympathy and pity can't change a person's past, Su Xueer will not forget just because of this little thing The fact that this guy wanted to kill Mei Xue just now.

After all, as the world's first Mei Xue control, Su Xueer naturally puts Mei Xue first in everything, she is too lazy to care about other people's lives, it is better to say that she has already managed enough.

"Hatred, hated, hated breeds hated, but this vicious cycle always has a beginning..."

Su Xueer stretched out her hand and moved it lightly in the air. She didn't intend to erase Mandela's memory, after all, she might be able to help Mei Xue in the future, but she left an impression of Mei Xue deep in her memory, rooted in her. The instruction not to allow harm to Mei Xue made Mandela subconsciously lean towards the little fox no matter what she did.

Mandela felt like she was in a dream, and all the past was as hazy as a dream. She patted her head, but it still hurt a little.

"My name is... By the way, my name is Mandela, but why am I here?"

I can't figure it out, as if all the memories have been sealed up, Mandela doesn't know her past at all, she doesn't even know where this place is, it just feels very strange, after thinking about it, she doesn't care too much, simply Sneaked out quietly.

Mei Xue, who was visiting Neng Angel's house, suddenly felt a strange feeling. The little fox shook her ears and hugged her tail, looked around and found nothing unusual, and then turned her attention to the TV again.

As a sensible little fox, Mei Xue originally wanted to go to the kitchen to help Fiameta cook together, but his habit of blindfolding really scared everyone, and Fiameta was frightened. Say nothing to let Mei Xue into the kitchen.

"Watching Kamen Rider?"


The little fox's tail lightly brushed against Leimuan's palm, and then stayed in her embrace obediently, always being very close to Mei Xue, the person he trusted.

"Great, by the way, Mei Xue, do you want to sleep with Xiao Le or me tonight?"

Lemuan stretched out her hand and gently stroked Mei Xue's head. Taking advantage of the fact that Mostima and Neng Angel were both busy in the kitchen, she decisively threw out the question so that Neng Angel and Mostima would ask her later. Sometimes I saw it.

"Can't you sleep by yourself?"

"Hmm... But my house doesn't have enough rooms, Fiameta and Mostima can only go back to sleep, and the remaining three of us have to share."

"Then sister Lei Muan and sister Aneng sleep together, wouldn't it be good?"

(When did this little fox think so fast?)

Facing the question from Mei Xue's soul, Lei Miao'an didn't expect him to react so quickly. Logically speaking, shouldn't this little fox struggle for a while and then make a choice? This is different from the script. Hey!

"Then Meixue doesn't want to sleep with me?"

"That's not true, but... well, sleeping with my sister at this age will make me look like a child."

Speaking of this, Mei Xue looked extremely embarrassed, and the little fox wagged its tail so fast, but Lemiuan thought, isn't he just a child, what is he not like other than that?

"Then let's sleep together, with your sister Aneng."

In this way, there is no need to do multiple-choice questions, and they can be squeezed together directly, and the rest of Lemuen can find his own way.

"It's… okay."

Seeing that Lei Mian was about to cry if he didn't agree, the little fox could only nod, and was hugged tightly by Lei Mian and rubbed.

"You're so good, hehe~ Meixue, would you like something to drink, my sister will get it for you."

"No need, it's all in the tail."

Neng Angel and Mostima, who heard the movement, poked their heads out at the same time, and couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when they saw the scene where Meixue and Lemione were fighting with each other. This is still within the acceptable range, after all, everyone likes to tease the little fox Play.

Fiameta was very dismissive of the performance of the two of them, and didn't even think about how long Lemuane and Mei Xue had known each other, would her personality like Mei Xue so quickly?At most, I simply like cute children.

"Instead of watching over there, you two, why don't you come over here and help me cook!"

"Come here, hey hey, I didn't expect you to be so skilled, Sister Fia."

"Of course, I survived on Fiametta's meals while I was out there."

"How dare you say it!?"

Lei Miao'an and Mei Xue were interrupted by the voice in the kitchen, and then couldn't hold back their laughter for a moment, and Lei Miao'an even patted Mei Xue's head lightly.

"You don't want to marry either of them in the future, otherwise you will be exhausted and neither of them can cook."

"Well...but I will."

Mei Xue shook her fox ears. Although it is really worrying to be blindfolded while cooking, the little fox's craftsmanship has also been unanimously certified by the Integration Movement (who dares to say it's not delicious?)

"If my sister and the others want to eat something, I can learn if I don't know how to do it."

"Great, then you can make me whatever I want to eat?"


Buried her head in Lei Mian'an's arms and rubbed it, Mei Xue nodded with certainty, since the little fox is idle anyway, it will be nothing to cook for Lei Mian'an tomorrow morning.

"Hmm~ Awesome!"

Lei Muan rubbed Mei Xue's face, making sure no one saw it, and then lightly pecked on it.

At the same time, on the other side, both Felia and Cecilia felt that today's dinner was particularly boring. It's not that Felia's cooking was not delicious, but that the atmosphere of the past was gone.

Or to be more precise, it feels like Mei Xue is not around and can't eat at all, at least Cecilia is like this, and Felia has also noticed the change in her daughter.

"...Cecilia, would you like to go to Rhodes Island?"


Cecilia nodded, of course she would like to, knowing that Mei Xue is in Rhodes Island, if she can go too, she can play with Mei Xue every day.

"Mom, can we go?"

Felia was frozen by her daughter's rhetorical question. In fact, Cecilia was very smart, she just didn't know much, but she also knew that her mother stayed here for herself. ,

(Ma'am, there is nothing we can do about your condition, which is almost terminally ill nowadays)

(Just think about your daughter, she is one of us, of course we will protect her, we will take good care of her after you die)

(Think about your daughter, Lady Felia, she is only seven years old, what are you going to do with the rest of her life, why are you staying here if you have other options)

Those words tortured Felia repeatedly in her heart, until her daughter's voice brought her back to consciousness.

"Mommy mommy?"

"Yes, of course, mother is going there for medical treatment."

Patting her daughter's head lightly, Felia couldn't help but let out a long sigh, yes, her daughter is only seven years old, what should the child do after she dies?Why did she even think about this question for so long?

"Eat first, mom will make a phone call to see if your elder brother Mei Xue is in Rhodes Island, you can live with him for the next few days."


"Of course it is true, eat quickly."

Cecilia, who got an affirmative answer, was so happy, and her appetite was up, and she quickly started to gobble it up, and she could have a piece of cake later.

Felia got up and walked to her bedroom, took out the note that Mostima had handed to her earlier, and called the number on it.

Listening to the ticking waiting tone, even just a few seconds seemed as long as several hours. During this period, Felia wanted to hang up the phone several times, but she finally chose to persevere, knowing that the caller on the other end The voice came.

"Well, glad you're willing to tell me your options, son."

Although she had never met her before, it was impossible for Felia not to recognize this voice. It came from the man at the top of Lateran, the Pope, that kind and kind old man.

"...I want to leave Lateran with Cecilia, and I won't talk about anything else."

"Don't worry, I don't intend to use any chips or threaten you to tell me anything. I just don't want to see a cute little girl spend an unfortunate childhood."

Ivan put down the cake in his hand and replied calmly. Of course he knew that Felia had contacts with some people, but since Meixue and Mostima were willing to be guarantees, he couldn't make things difficult for them, let alone Felia Really don't know anything.

"Thank you for your kindness..."

"Thanks to our guest. It is Rhodes Island who is willing to provide medical treatment. I just did something insignificant."

"But I heard that you have known about Cecilia and me for a long time."

"Yes, but what's the matter? Do I want to bury a naive and ignorant child under the land of Lateran just because her father is Sarkaz?"

Looking at the sculpture in front of him, Ivan's deep eyes were filled with brilliance. At this moment, he seemed to be a real saint, walking on the earth representing the Lord.

"Son, it is the environment in which a person is shaped rather than his bloodline. No matter who her father is, I believe that a person who can endure humiliation for seven years for his daughter will not lead her astray."

"I'm an incompetent mother."

"Then there are not many mothers in the world who can be called qualified. Each has its own difficulties. Children, protect yourself, and the gun rider will arrive within 10 minutes."

"……I will."

Felia nodded, and hung up the phone on the other end. She threw the note into the trash can, got up, walked to the wall and took down the gun she hung on the wall.

"What's wrong mom?"

"Nothing, are you full?"

"Well, I can't eat anymore."

Cecilia rubbed her stomach. Although she was very young and would get hungry easily, she couldn't eat much. Felia rubbed her daughter's head.

"Go, take everything you need, and we won't go home for the time being."

"Well...then let's go find brother."

"Don't take your doll anymore?"

"No, as long as my mother is here."

Rubbing her mother's palm affectionately, although she didn't understand why her mother picked up the gun, her intuition told Cecilia that they didn't have so much time.

"Then let's go."

Felia took her daughter's hand, wiped her mouth for her, and then picked up her bag. She put all the required documents and bank cards in it after the meal payment.

Ever since Felia made that phone call, she knew that she was betraying Oren, Andorn and the others. It was impossible for them to let her go so easily, but she just wanted to live and see her daughter grow up. The day you get married, the day you see your husband can accompany you.

Oren, Patia and others at the other end also knew the news. After all, they have been paying attention to Felia's movements, especially since Mostima just entered today. Although they don't know the specific number of Felia's phone Who, but the correspondence address is undoubtedly in the Pope's Hall, no matter who it is, this is a pretty bad situation for them.

Patia was annoyed at Felia's choice. She felt it was a betrayal. Although Felia didn't know much about their internal affairs, she knew the whereabouts of Andorn; Oren was also very helpless, you know He arranged for Felia to go in and out of Rutland every time. If she left these things... then he might not survive tomorrow.

So they all had the same idea, that is to stop Felia, no matter what she wants to do.

But there is an old saying in Dayan that a mother is strong, and Felia's combat effectiveness is not bad. A woman who can fall in love with Sarkaz, even if she is seriously ill, is still not to be underestimated. up.

Andorn didn't express his views on this. In fact, he was opposed to wiretapping Felia's phone from the very beginning, but his subordinates said that it was safe, and he had no choice at the moment. Compared with those, he would rather be with Talk to the person in front of you.

"Is this your plan?"

Looking at the woman with the yellow armband in front of him, Andorn felt that it was necessary for him to go back and get in touch with this so-called integration movement more.

"No, we don't plan to take away the infected people here. I can see that they haven't been abused in any way."

Kingslayer answered very readily. In fact, as an exploration team sent by the Integration Movement to other regions, she did not come here to save the infected. The meeting with Andorn was more of a coincidence.

"It's just that the infected need to be treated effectively. We can provide a batch of drugs for you to use."

"Thank you so much for that."

As Andorn said, he glanced at the two people standing behind the Kingslayer without a trace in his eyes. Let alone the man wearing a hood and carrying a long knife behind his back, that actually a fallen angel. Is the membership of is that complicated? ,


ps: Aww~ Thank you for your support~ In short, there are a lot of things, because I was taken out by my classmates tonight, so I will update the episode for another day, but yesterday’s episode of Rosemary’s personal bathroom episode is in the full booking group.

VOLUME 245: Chapter [-] Xibao and the Bathroom

On the sea in Iberia, Eleni, who was wearing a gray-black uniform, held a lantern in her right hand, and stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the sea in front of her with a heavy expression.

"What are you thinking?"

"...It's nothing, teacher, it's just that the sea suddenly feels too wide."

Eleni looked away and looked at her teacher, Dario, one of the few grand judges in Iberia. The streamer engraved with scriptures on his body was the best symbol of identity.

"It's very wide. We used to sail freely in this sea, but the past has become a legend."

"Sooner or later we will take back the seas that belong to Iberia."

"No, don't be so arrogant and think that the ocean is our thing, it doesn't belong to anyone."

A vicissitudes of life sounded, both Eleni and Dario tensed their bodies subconsciously, and subconsciously turned their heads to look at Carmen who came out of the cabin.

After what happened with Alfonso and Garcia, Iberia finally chose to formally cooperate with the Sirens, and even sent a team of two judges and five judges to their base. Naturally, it also includes Carmen, oh yes, and Jody who was the first to come into contact with this group of domestic aquatic loli.

"Don't be nervous, those guys are surprisingly easy to talk to. We're almost there, right?"

"Yes, I can already see the Eye of Iberia."

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