It is indeed not a serious thing.

It's not so much a tentacle, it's more like a tail.

Even if it is only a small part, it is still the tail of some kind of animal!

The whole body is dark green in color, and ink-like liquid is constantly escaping, and the whole flesh and blood are wriggling strangely, as if breathing naturally there.

Ordinary animals, their flesh and blood, would definitely not have such abilities, would they? !

Could it be that it is the Honkai Beast? !

"..." Mebius still thought very quickly at this time.

In the blink of an eye, she thought of many possibilities, her attention was diverted, and the eyes that looked at the jar of flesh and blood became hotter.

Ordinary Honkai Beast, Raiden Sakura will never take it out.

If she wants to give it, she will definitely give it the best, otherwise it would be too embarrassing, right? !

So if this is the case, be bold, is it an imperial class?No no no no no, judge level?

Surely so? !

Only in this way, it is more reasonable, isn't it? !

"Is it the flesh and blood of the third herrscher's companion Honkai beast?" When it comes to the judgment level, the only thing that comes to mind is Shesha, the third herrscher's companion Honkai beast.

Generally speaking, the flesh and blood of the Houkai beast is difficult to preserve, but this is just an ordinary Houkai beast.

The more advanced the Honkai Beast, the closer it is to the creature itself.

Their flesh and blood, even after leaving the body, still remain active, like a single individual, magical and mysterious.

If not, it would be impossible for Mebius to propose a plan to fuse fighters.

After all, if there is no way to obtain the genes of the Houkai Beast, where does the Fusion Warrior Project start?

"Yes, this is Shesha's flesh and blood! I think it suits you quite well, do you like it?"

Lei Dianying smiled slightly, slightly put down the cylindrical glass jar in her hand, and walked slowly towards Lei Dianying.

Tell the truth!

She gave Shesha a knife, and cut off a small section of tail, which made Shesha cry a little bit when seeing her these days, isn't it just to continue to support Mebius' fusion fighter plan?

the most important is!Without Shesha's flesh and blood, what would Mebius do?How did she become a fusion fighter?How to become, a real snake snake?

Not a snake snake, a snake snake, not a good snake snake!

This is very important.

So when I thought about it, I made it, and I chose it. Tail meat is the best.

So that's it~~

Before, Lei Dianying was thinking about when to secretly give it to Mebius, but she didn't expect that she would deliver it to her door, wouldn't it be just right?

"Please accept this."

She came to Mebius.

"We are friends. No matter how the world changes, in my heart, you will always be my friend. It will be a long time since we parted. Let this thing be a parting souvenir. Please don't mind. .”

PS1: The second update is here, there are two more updates, keep working hard~~

Honkai III Pre-Civilization-Miss Honkai, why are you sending cores? : 314. Let me make a list, good guy, so you did it on purpose!

"Friends..." Just friends?

Suddenly, for some reason, Mebius had the urge to refute, but he quickly held back, regained his senses, pursed his lips, and nodded slightly.

Why is this so?

Ask yourself this question again.

Every time I ask, every time I ask, it seems that the meaning and emotion in it are different.

I don't understand this feeling very well, but it's not annoying, is it?


Have we been apart for a long time?

"..." Mebius gritted his teeth.

"!!!" When you mention this, I get angry!

Do you know it's been a long time since we parted? !

Do you know what you did? !

Waiting for the next reincarnation? !According to you, tens of thousands of years!Tens of thousands of years have passed like this, do you know how long it will take? !Why are you so radical, obviously, there are other ways!I am so heartbroken, my experimental data, my laboratory, my experimental materials!You bastard! !

"Don't think that I will forgive you for sending such a thing!!"

snort! !

Mebius has always been very strong.

But now, in front of Lei Dianying, she can't do the same as usual, she is a little shorter than Lei Dianying, but she has a subtle feeling of being a small bird.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems unexpectedly harmonious?

Could it be that they really have something to do?

"..." Alicia raised her head and looked this way vigorously.

Then followed, the next moment.

I only saw Mebius, and I don't know what I thought of, as if the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I suddenly couldn't figure it out!He snatched the glass jar from Lei Dianying's hand aggressively, and then instinctively put it at his feet.

"……"Scared me! !

Alicia thought something was wrong with her, she handled the experimental materials with care, had they already been engraved into the DNA?

She continued to eavesdrop.

Seeing this moment, Lei Dianying smiled apologetically, raised her hands slightly, made a soothing gesture, and said softly.

"Yes yes yes~~ I know..."

Nor did she ask Mebius to forgive herself.

Although a little surprised, she seemed unexpectedly angry, but it doesn't matter, as long as she is Mebius.

This is enough!

For the girl you like, it's okay to pet more!It's not someone else, don't you think so? !

"But Mebius, don't worry so much."

Lei Dianying raised her index finger as if reminding her, and continued to speak.

"After being frozen, it's like sleeping. For tens of thousands of years, once you close your eyes and open them, it will pass directly. We will meet again at that time. Next time, if there is a chance, no matter what you do No matter what, I will support you."

She paused, and said seriously, like an agreement or an oath.

"It's not the human beings who support this world, but just, support Mebius. If no one understands you, that's okay. I will always help you and stay by your side."

And this time, sorry...

I'm so selfish, I'm really sorry...

"..." Mebius pursed his lips, bit his teeth lightly, raised his head, and looked at Lei Dianying with a bit of stubbornness.

She really wanted to cry, but for a while, she didn't know how to cry, should she laugh?However, I couldn't laugh again.

In the end, like a little girl venting her anger, she clenched her fist and hit Lei Dianying without pain.

Then he turned around and left holding the cylindrical glass jar on the ground.

And at the same time, he took something of himself off his wrist.

Without any explanation, it was stuffed into Lei Dianying's hands.

So what does that mean? !

Exchange tokens of love?

"..." Lei Dianying took the things in her hand, looked at the back of Mebius, and saw that the mushroom rustled, then turned into the corner and disappeared, as shy as a bunny, completely Completely escaped.

But lowering her head, she looked at her palm.

What Mebius gave herself was not a particularly rare thing, but a beautiful stone, which she strung together as a bracelet.

Perhaps for her, there are different objections.

It may have no other meaning, but simply think it looks good.

But no matter what, this is a gift from Mebius to himself.

For the time being, let's do it like this~~

Lei Dianying smiled, put it on her hand, looked at Alicia, and nodded with a slight smile.

"..." Okay!It turned out that he had been discovered a long time ago!

Alicia sighed, shrugged, walked out and smiled, said hello, then turned around and followed Mebius, leaving here.

She also wanted to talk to Raiden Sakura.

But Mebius is really worrying right now, as if the goddess has fallen into the mortal world, it always feels very fun, and it also makes people a little worried.

She planned to catch up and take care of him.

As Raiden Sakura said before.

After being frozen, the human body is in a dormant state. For tens of thousands of years, whether it is long or short, it is considered to be a good night's sleep.

Since Raiden Sakura feels that there is an opportunity for human beings to defeat Houkai in Erzhoumu, then Alicia is also willing to believe in them and in this possibility.

Mebius thinks the same way, right?

It's just that the more she likes Lei Dianying, the more she cares about her, and the more she cares about her, the more she can't face it normally.

Love always starts with curiosity.

It turns out that Mebius can also fall in love?

"Hoo hoo." Alicia smiled secretly, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, her lips were like a moon, she was indeed a shy girl like a flower, she looked like a light and airy girl.

And on this side, Tallulah, Alina, Yae Kamiko, Kansato Ayaka, as well as Shirokin and Skadi, Xier and Miss Mei, when they saw Mebius and Alicia leave, they immediately From the dark, they came out one after another, came to Lei Dianying's side, and surrounded her.

It's not so much a joke as a complaint.

Feeling empathy, she became coquettish.

"Really! Teacher, aren't you too confused?" Alina said, strongly hinting at Tallulah.

However, Tallulah still didn't understand, she just nodded her head, saying that everything Alina said was right.

This made Alina very helpless.

And Yae Shenzi smiled gently, stretched out her little hand, and hooked up Raiden Sakura.

"I think you're doing it on purpose! As long as you do a little trick, Miss Mebius will be at your fingertips. It's not like you don't know the way she looks at you! Although you may not like you that much, but you have a good impression, then There is absolutely!"

"Yeah, I think so too."

Kamisato Ayaka nodded, and spread her right hand.

"Miss, you can definitely see it, right? It's just that you don't want to respond to her feelings, so you avoid talking about it, right?"

PS1: The third update is here, and there is another update, keep going~~

Honkai III Pre-Civilization-Miss Honkai, why are you sending cores? : 315. Mood, do you understand?This is emotional appeal!

"Xiaoxiaoxiao, why are you laughing?!" Lei Dianying was not a girl to be bullied.

Seeing her now, she rolled her eyes cutely, and patted Yae Shenzi coquettishly, holding her hand, and then, the next moment, she suddenly stretched out her claws, and turned to face the pink A furry fox is just a mad rua.

It's like kneading dough, hey, let alone, it feels pretty good!

The face is obviously very delicate, but it feels like baby fat, like glutinous rice dumplings, which makes people a little fondle admiringly.

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