All of a sudden Raiden Sakura fell in love with this feeling.

She was only planning to teach Yae Shenzi a lesson, so don't give me a slap in the face!

But now, she is clearly unable to stop.

"Woo...mud~~don't...uuuu~~let Kaiwo go..." On the side of Yae Shenzi, the mask of pain was instantly put on.

She didn't expect it to be like this!

From childhood to adulthood, no no no no!From the transformation to the present, for the first time, being rua face!Your mother has never bullied me like this before, so enough is enough for you! !

What else can I say? !

It can only be said that she is too dancing.

In normal times, Lei Dianying might have just smiled and wouldn't care about anything with her.

But now!You run over to tease her, take the rhythm!If she doesn't tender you, who else is tender?You asked for it, you deserve it! !

Honestly, the other girls can see it.

Now, Lei Dianying's pretty face is still a little red, as if she has become angry from embarrassment, her movements are a little out of breath, and she tries to change the subject, but she just doesn't want to talk about it.

As a result, you are good!

She suddenly pierced her small thoughts, what exactly was she trying to do?

It's the other way around, right? !

She will be very ashamed! !

"..." Ayaka Kamisato stopped talking.

She shrank back cowardly, never expecting Lei Dianying to be so sensitive.

Eh?Wait, why is the reaction so strong?Is there really something wrong with this?What did we find?

In an instant, Kanli Ayaka felt that she had discovered a blind spot.

Even Alina, Platinum, Scarti, Miss May, and Seele too.

Except for the naive Tallulah, they all have different thoughts.

It was just a slight guess before that Mebius might be their sister in the future.

However, there are various indications that they don't seem to be quite the same, if they are indifferent, if this is all counted, then Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying, as well as Coral Palace Xinhai and the others, don't they also count?

So later, they rejected the idea.

But now it seems that this idea is not unreasonable, and it has been dragged out again. Is this really the case?

Subconsciously, I looked at Lei Dian Rin.

Immediately afterwards, they looked at Lei Dianying again, and blinked their eyes. The big eyes were full of great doubts.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa therefore it really is so gossiping in these weird places!

Raiden Sakura let Yae Kamiko go, looked at the other girls, and couldn't help but sigh.

Previously, Yae Miko, Kanli Ayaka, and the other girls were not wrong.

She did it on purpose.

In other words, at the beginning, I didn't react all of a sudden, but gradually, if I still can't see it, then it's too slow, right?

then!Of course!

When Mebius came this time, what mood he was in and what he wanted, she knew more or less, and she was very clear in her heart, so she could guess.

"It is undeniable that Mebius does have some special feelings for me, but you really misunderstood, she is very ignorant now, and her feelings are not so pure."

She paused and continued.

"At best, it's just some good feelings. Now that you have seen it, you should be able to understand why her good feelings came about, and why."

Yes, that's right!

Mebius is always clumsy in terms of personal feelings.

She is not good at expressing her feelings, whether it is to Klein or to Raiden Sakura.

She even had a time when she couldn't figure out what she was thinking, she was just stubborn and clumsy, she thought it was like this, and that was it.

Mebius's affection for Raiden Sakura and the others definitely stemmed from curiosity at first.

And in the process of constant observation and constant staring, it will naturally be attracted to Raiden Sakura.

Even she herself didn't realize this.

But this is a fact, an undoubted fact!

Maybe Mebius himself didn't realize that subconsciously he always used observation, observation and research as an excuse, but in fact his attitude towards Raiden Sakura became more and more different.

Unlike Klein.

Although she satisfies her desire for scientific research for her own experiments, she will not be stingy with what she can give.

If Raiden Sakura really likes her body, she will never hesitate.

But what about today?Raiden Sakura didn't say anything.

What is she thinking?Dedicated to come here for research?Or personal emotion?Or both?She doesn't even know it herself!Have such an idea, have such a tendency!It also seemed a little timid, unable to speak out!

And noticed Mebius's ignorant heart.

Of course, it was impossible for Lei Dianying to take advantage of the fire.

After all, she is not a boy, she has no tools anymore, coveting other people's bodies?What is there to be greedy for?What she wants is a person, what she wants is a heart, what she wants is the whole Mebius!

Just pretend she wants to have fun.

Like, before...

She didn't extend her hand to Mebius, as if making an invitation!

Because Raiden Sakura knows.

There are still many, many things that Mebius has not done.

There are many, many ideas that have not been tried.

Staying by her side is strangling her, restricting her, and definitely not allowed.

Mebius is very spiritual.

Don't talk about the future, just talk about now.

Her destination is the human side.

She still has many, many things to do, and many, many missions that have not been completed.

And what about herself?I also think so, whether it is self-esteem or stubbornness!I definitely don't want to, just come here now, even if I want to come, it will be later!Bring the dowry together!

Both girls are very smart.

No matter Raiden Sakura, no matter Mebius.

The two of them are the same, and after calming down, they both understood what the other meant. Perhaps this is enough, right?

Lei Dianying explained slowly, succinctly, and told the other girls what she thought.

For longevity species, time is the least valuable thing.

There is no need to be so anxious, and there is no need to be too anxious.

This is good for her and for Mebius!Is not it?

If it is really necessary to forcibly attack Mebius at this time, Mebius may not have any objections, but there are still some shortcomings after all.

Otherwise, Lei Dianlin is off the field. With her spiritual communication, can't she provide assistance outside the field?

So say it!In many cases, it is possible, but it is not necessary, isn't it normal?right?

PS1: The fourth update is here, we will continue tomorrow, umm, keep up the good work, in short, keep going~~

Honkai III Pre-Civilization-Miss Honkai, why are you sending cores? : 316. Waiting foolishly?But it's okay!Tens of thousands of years hello!

All in all, that's all for the time being.

There is no plan, no arrangement, just do it, let nature take its course, and then come to this step, it's almost the same.

As for the rest, it was equally obvious that there was nothing more important.

Mebius just started his own freezer.

Before that, she carefully put Shesha's flesh and blood jar away, waiting for the next time she wakes up, she can use it.

Alicia didn't make any more fuss, just lay down in the freezer, adjusted the time, and started the sleep mode.

The time adjustment of the cold storage plan is not a simple alarm or anything.

You said that after 5 years, the next reincarnation will start.

Is it really 5 years?

Some people object to this, of course they don't believe it.

So it was a little more complicated, and a detection program was made.

When the civilization of the outside world reaches a certain level, the dormant compartment will be opened, and the sleeping people will be awakened.

At least until the Stone Age, right?Farming civilization is not enough, even the Bronze Age!

Anyway, it depends on how they arrange it. It seems that this is also done by Mebius.

Lei Dianying can't care about this, and doesn't bother to care about it.

After Mebius and Alicia lay down, the countdown started again.

For the rest, whether they got in or not, whether they had a quota or not, it was none of her business.

In a day or two, she will open the final chapter of the destruction of the world.

In order to prevent everyone from saying that what I said is the end and the end, but the result has been silent all the time, and I am a liar who deceives people.

How can that be!

Don't worry, don't worry, it will be done soon!

As for Lei Dianying's statement, the other girls were somewhat speechless, and even hesitated to speak.

For example, Talula and Alina, it was only at this time that they realized that their teacher was naturally black.

In the last world, Tomorrow's Ark encouraged the two of us to be a big devil or something.

The two of you seem to be soft-hearted, right?

I didn't expect that when she came to do this kind of thing by herself, she would be really merciless.

According to Ms. Mei's analysis, what Raiden Sakura will do next, once that kind of operation is performed, at least 80.00% of the human beings in China will not be able to survive. As for what happens later?How much can be left, the living environment is so bad, tens of thousands of years have passed, can you imagine?

"I always feel that there seems to be something wrong with the master's mentality. Is it wear and tear?" No, it's impossible, right?

For the master, there should be no wear and tear...

Yae Kamiko quietly gathered some other girls, and then, the first thing she said was this.

The other girls looked at each other, a little suspicious.

But there are also some, who thought about it, and were noncommittal about it.

Everyone present, except Lei Dianlin, is here.

This proves that what she said should be serious. Except for the Lei and Dian sisters, I hope everyone can discuss, analyze, and see what is going on.

And speaking of this, Alina also took advantage of the situation and asked softly.

"You mean, teacher, there's something wrong here?" She pointed to her head.

"No way? I feel pretty good, there's nothing wrong with it." Tallulah was surprised, a little unbelievable.

So is Xier, and so is Miss Mei.

The two of them have known Raiden Sakura for a relatively short time.

So, I'm not that familiar with Raiden Sakura from before, but now, in my impression, she seems to be like this all the time, yes, what's wrong?

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