To adapt to the trend, let the development, let the machine gradually replace the original "human", or let the "human" accept the initiative to become a "machine", wouldn't that violate the original intention of the initial development of this aspect of technology?

As long as some things are used, people and civilization will go to a fork, develop or destroy, coexist or abandon.

Some things, over time, develop something that goes against the original intentions of their creators and users.

The current construction of the Galaxy Federation is inseparable from intelligence and machinery, but no measures have been taken to prevent these intelligence and machinery from replacing the foundation of civilization...

To prevent the situation where "machines" replace "humans", it is impossible to simply eliminate the use and development of "machines". Go hand in hand with "machinery".

Make yourself stronger!

To be as powerful as a machine, no matter in physical form and meaning, or in spiritual form and meaning, one should be strong.

Only a strong person can grasp the tools in his hand so that they will not hurt themselves.

Only in this way can these powerful machines be controlled!

But what level of specific technology do they need to have in order to make people as powerful as machines?

Zhen Li is somewhat aware of the shortcomings of the current civilization. Civilization is growing stronger, but people are still stagnant.

This made him have this kind of problem of how to let himself deal with himself. He believes that in civilization, he is not the only person who realizes this now.

The question of how to coexist between man and machine is actually one of the concrete manifestations of the fundamental question of how to adapt to each other between man and technology.

Zhen Li was distracted by his own thinking, and walked around the hospital restlessly. As he walked, he found that he had walked out of the hospital, and there was a college next to the hospital.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he walked over to have a look, and found that this kind of college was still managed militarily.

"Super Seminary... Strange, when did Blue Star have such a college, it looks so advanced, it shouldn't be unknown."

After Zhen Li saw a soldier in military uniform standing guard in front of the college, he went over to inquire. The other party looked at his attire, and after knowing his identity, he immediately said that he could go in and take a look around, and asked him if he needed any help. Accompaniment is required.

After Zhen Li refused to be accompanied by others, he walked into the academy alone.


in the library.

Gu Yu was looking at the book.

[You are reading books seriously, acquiring knowledge, progress +6...]

【Current Entry: Cosmic Energy】

[Progress accumulation: 46.9%]

He usually reads books, then studies some advanced things, and then formulates some technological application plans. His daily life is very stable and boring.

After all, since Xiongbing Company left those people, he didn't even have a person to talk to. In addition, he seldom goes out, and repeating a behavior day after day is inevitable.

Turning over a page of the book in his hand again, Gu Yu seemed to have sensed something, raised his head, and saw a person wearing a hospital gown with many mechanical prosthetic transformations on his body about to walk in.

At a glance, he got the other party's information.

Zhen Li, the fifth-level commander of the Space Force, was once the captain of the No. 081 frigate...

They had a brief encounter.



Cough, hello..." Seeing Gu Yu's figure, Zhen Li greeted him as he walked towards him.

"You are..." Gu Yu pretended not to know each other, and said with a puzzled expression.

"My name is Zhen Li, and I am a patient from a nearby hospital... I went to visit this college and found that there are no people here. I walked all the way here, can I sit here?" Zhen Li said in a lenient tone.

Gu Yu said indifferently, "Gu Yu, I'm the administrator of this library, please feel free to do whatever you need."


"Need not."

"Then can we... talk to each other?"


"I want to ask what kind of college this college is and what it teaches..." Zhen Li expressed his doubts.

"Academy that cultivates special talents, you can ask relevant departments for details." Gu Yu revealed simply.

Zhen Li understood the meaning of the words, and did not focus too much on this issue, so she changed the subject and said:

"I see. This college seems to have no people. It must be a high-level institution. Since Mr. Gu can serve as the administrator of the library here, he should also be very knowledgeable in some aspects..."

At a glance, he could see the profound demeanor that would be revealed inadvertently in Gu Yu's body, and he was dedicated to learning.

"No, it's just that I was lucky enough to be transferred here to work." Gu Yu said with a smile on his face.

Coincidentally, at this time XT-489 passed by, cleaning up.

Zhen Li's gaze was attracted to him for a moment, he looked at the pioneer omnic, and then at his own situation, turned around and found that Gu Yu's gaze was on him, he laughed and said:

"This appearance makes me laugh."

"Why are you joking?" Gu Yuping said with a smile:

"It's no big deal to lose something old and always gain something new."

"If possible, I would prefer not to need these machines, but unfortunately...there is always some difference between ideal and reality." Zhen Li is a smart person, so he can naturally hear the consolation in Gu Yu's tone, but he still sighed:

"The new ones are great, but I'm used to the old ones, and suddenly replacing them, in my opinion, is really a bit..."

"Cruel?" Gu Yu asked.

Zhen Li's eyes lit up, and he felt as if he had found a bosom friend, and said:

"It seems that we have something in us that we can talk about in common."

"I'm happy to do so." Gu Yuru said with a smile.

After a pause, Zhen Li asked impatiently:

"Mr. Gu, what do you think is the relationship between human beings and civilization, and technology and civilization?"

"A very rare and common relationship." Gu Yu blurted out without thinking:

"People build their civilization, technology develops their civilization, mutual promotion and interdependence, that's all."

"That's true, but...if the technology of a civilization develops too fast, causing people to gradually lag behind the technology, Mr. Gu thinks, as ordinary individuals in the civilization, how should we solve this problem?" Zhen Li He nodded in approval and said:

"In my opinion, people and technology coexist, but people are always developing technology. Technology is a tool in people's hands. If one day, the tools in their hands have self-awareness, and achieve a kind that can replace people. Degree……"

"Then the way people and technology coexist, and their specific relationship, may be reversed."

Chapter 74 The Scale of Time Technology



When Gu Yu heard Zhen Li's argument, he couldn't help but nodded and said:

"This is indeed a question worth thinking about. Once the development of science and technology reaches a certain level and is out of human control, it will gradually evolve from a tool for the development of civilization to a sharp weapon for the destruction of this civilization!"

"Therefore, most people think that while developing technology, it is also necessary for technology to feed back to people, to be stronger than people, and to advance side by side is the prerequisite for coexistence."

"Indeed, our technology is much more powerful than human beings nowadays... I feel very uneasy, look at these machines, they are more powerful than human beings, those intelligences, their functions are more comprehensive than human beings..." Sitting in Gu Yu In front of him, Zhen Li said in a cautious tone:

"If these machines are instilled with the will to replace humans, I believe that the entire civilization may be turned upside down in a short time!"

"But our current development is inseparable from them, whether it is grassroots construction or cutting-edge technological progress..."

"We are falling behind our own civilization, our own tools, and that's where the restlessness comes from."

"I don't want us to be eliminated by these machines and tools in our hands in the future, so we need to be stronger, which is our urgent need now."

"We have to have some technology that makes people, common individuals, fast and powerful. I mean, a technology that is powerful in a necessary way. I am very uncomfortable with the power of the current way..."

Zhen Li showed off his mechanical prosthetic body that now occupies half of his body, and said helplessly.

Gu Yu understood what Zhen Li was talking about. The other party's discomfort was nothing but a self-rejection of the difference between flesh and blood and machinery.

In civilization, everyone has their own thoughts and self-concepts. As long as these self-thoughts and concepts do not cause any direct damage and excessive disturbance to the development of civilization, their existence is a good thing.

In the development of mechanical technology, everyone has different adaptability to the development of technology. It takes a long process to make this kind of technological adaptability reach a level of universal acceptance.

During this process, some people will always think that their original flesh and blood is the most perfect body, and machines are just tools that cannot replace themselves; When they are not perfect, they will see the essence of machinery and flesh and blood faster than others...

Some people accept it, some people oppose it, some people worry about it, some people fear it... These are very common phenomena. Today's common individuals are still unable to control their own will and thinking at will, so some people cannot adapt to the rapid development of civilization. Technology, that's normal.

It is precisely because of knowing the nature of this normal phenomenon, rather than explaining it as crazy and radical, that current civilization needs a kind of guidance.

This kind of guidance must be a farsighted will that transcends the basic concepts of current civilization and the current general individual vision!

The carrier of this will can be a person, a group, or an ideal.

No matter how strong a person is, no matter how vast his thoughts are, he is still single. Therefore, there must be a group to carry this will.

The strength and thought of a group are gathered together, which is a great ideal.

A civilization pushed forward by one person is sad, a civilization pushed forward by a group is bloody, but a civilization pushed forward by an ideal is brilliant.

From sorrow, to blood, to glory... This is not a multiple-choice question, but a compulsory one!

The sad time is long past, so the next step...

Those who accept must be encouraged; those who oppose must be corrected; those who worry and fear must be led...

Those who don't adapt must be allowed to adapt as soon as possible, and then use their own hands to grasp those "tools" so that the individual can be more deeply connected to the whole, so as not to derail it.

"The development and application of technology takes time, and it takes time for people to become strong, and it takes more time." Gu Yu said after a little thought:

"If one day, people have to go to


Those machines compromised by technology and let them replace some things, then people must not have lost to the so-called machines at that time, nor the technology they have mastered..."

"What did you lose to?" Zhen Li asked impatiently.

"Time!" Gu Yu affirmed:

"Human life gives people time, and they will always create some unimaginable great achievements in the limited time."

"As long as people are given time and civilization is given time, no matter how powerful the technology is, even the most sophisticated machinery will fall under the hands of people."

"Unfortunately, for a civilization that chooses to enter development, there is always not enough time. We can only accomplish what should be done at a certain point in time."

"Just like a person's life, when you are a child, you should do what a child should do, and when you are an adult, you should complete what an adult should do..."

"People need to grow, and civilization also needs to grow. Human growth needs to go through hardships and years, and the growth of civilization is to bring these scales together and infinitely magnify."

"The only difference is that, generally speaking, it is very difficult for an ordinary person to grow from a child to an adult in one night, or a month, or a year, because of the tempering they have received."

"Civilization is different. It may subvert it overnight, and it can make a leap in a very short period of time."

"The civilization developed in 5000 years and the civilization developed in 100 years are essentially the same, and the strength is common...but between the people who make up the 5000-year civilization and the people who make up the 100-year civilization, even if they are from the same ethnic group , there must be gaps and differences.”

"I have always believed that different situations, different times, and different paths cannot use the same standard to measure and negate something in a civilization..."

"The relationship between people and technology is as simple as that. Whether people master technology or technology overwhelms people, as long as a certain scale is still grasped, they will still promote and develop each other."

"If the machines are powerful enough, some people will replace humans with machines. This is worrying, but there is no need to worry too much. Don't underestimate people."

"People who can be replaced by machines may exist in a part of civilization, but they will definitely not be the whole group. People will gradually adapt to the development of technology and integrate the achievements of technology with themselves to achieve a kind of detachment."

"Instead of being afraid of the mighty power of technology and worrying too much about whether this mighty power will overwhelm you and bring you some excessive troubles, it is better to devote your limited time to other areas of thinking, so that To sublimate myself faster, to catch up."

Listening to Gu Yu's words, Zhen Li felt that a certain window had been opened in his mind, but it was not completely opened, and he felt a little dazed.

"You mean, the technological scale of the current civilization is actually still in our own hands..."

"Because some technologies are in our hands and have not been fully applied... Some premature worries have brought unnecessary troubles instead."

Chapter 75 Angel Kesha's Observation


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