"But I really can't see whether people in the future will be able to master such a powerful technology..." Zhen Li said hesitantly.

"Why do you insist on judging the unknown results under different scenarios in the future with the current concepts and explanations?" Gu Yu asked rhetorically.

"How long is the future you are talking about? 100 years? 200 years? Or thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years?"

"After a hundred years or a thousand years, people and civilization will undergo unimaginable changes. After all, time will push everything forward."

"In the process of moving forward, individuals will be sublimated, rules will be rewritten, and some old things will be replaced by new ones. These are normal things."

"Because technology has the ability to destroy civilization, it is not advisable to treat it as a scourge and blindly worry and fear. It is the best choice to treat it rationally."

"After all, in my opinion, technology has never been a rigid knowledge that solves every problem, but a product that makes us extraordinary. It is normal for some vulgar people to be unable to understand the progress in it for a while..."

"The current development model of civilization is to allow more people to avoid becoming vulgar. Based on the current path we are taking, as long as time is still advancing, people will never be replaced."

Zhen Li was silent for a long time, he sat there, thinking motionlessly.

Countless things and thoughts rushed through his mind, and he didn't know how many ticks the clock had passed before he recovered from a deep slump, looked at Gu Yu and said:

"I can understand what you said, but I can't fully agree with some points of view."

"Maybe it's because I saw too few things, and some deep-rooted thoughts formed in my mind, and I couldn't change them all at once..."

"I think that as long as technology has the possibility of threatening human existence, we must take some precautions against it, and the hammer in our hands must not hit our own head."

"The fact I see is that even if something can be grasped now and will be grasped in the future, it may not be grasped every moment, because I haven't seen that result yet."

"Whether things change from old to new or civilization develops forward, no matter how the rules of the times change, the principles of human beings should not change."

"Advocating the mighty power of technology, we must also maintain a due vigilance, and this vigilance should not be dropped at any time..."

In this regard, Gu Yu smiled, nodded slightly and said:

"It's a good thing not to be fully recognized. I understand very well that there are bound to be differences between individuals."

"As long as these differences do not become a point of mutual attack between us, and do not separate us because of interests, such differences have their meaning."

"Differences allow us to maintain a safe distance from each other. Only when we stand outside this distance can we have the value of communicating and discussing with each other."

"Only in this way, our communication and discussion will not appear to be a waste of time."

"That's right, Mr. Gu, it's a pleasure to communicate with you. It can be seen that you are a person with unique knowledge and insights." Zhen Li laughed heartily. Some kind of psychological burden in his heart For some reason, I let go a lot at this moment.

"It's also a blessing for me." Gu Yu said with a smile.

Zhen Li looked at the time, then at the sunset glow outside the window, regrettably said:

"I don't have time today, I have to go back to the hospital, I'm so sorry, this body... oh."

"It's okay, go slowly." Gu Yu said indifferently.

"The hospital is nearby, if I'm free, can I come here often?"

"welcome any time."

"Thank you."

Looking at Zhen Li's leaving back, Gu Yu's mouth curved slightly.

Secretly, the Hetu Computing Cloud quickly provided a required calculation result.

A worthy target.


Angel Nebula.

Nebula core area, the brightest


Here, the City of Angels stands.

In the Temple of Angels.

On the towering throne, the Holy Kaisa sat and stood gracefully, and underneath, Angel Yan was reporting the situation to her:

"Queen, the latest news is that the blue star civilization - the Galaxy Federation, has entered the space age and destroyed the gluttonous fleet and established their interstellar alliance."

"Oh? Considering their previous behavior of expelling Morgana... It seems that they have done another great thing." Sitting on the throne, Kesha said in an ethereal tone.

Since Angel Yan and the others visited Blue Star last time and brought the news of Morgana's appearance on Earth back to the Angel Nebula, Angel Civilization has focused some attention on the Galaxy Federation.

Before, Morgana, the demon leader, appeared in a backward pre-nuclear civilization, which was a big deal for Angel.

Originally, Keisha planned to lead a group of high-ranking angels to personally go to the Blue Star of the Chiwu star system to defeat Morgana and her demons again.

Surprisingly, it didn't take long for the silver star monitoring system established by the angels in the Milky Way to send back news that the demons were expelled from the Chiwu star system by the Galaxy Federation. This fact shocked the angels a little.

Although the demons have long been bereaved dogs under the siege and interception of their angels, the demons are a civilization with a god-level background after all, and they cannot be dealt with by a small pre-nuclear civilization, let alone expelled head-on.

Because of this change, Keisha gave up the idea of ​​taking people to the Chiwu star system. While letting people continue to track Morgana and the demons, she devoted some energy to observing the so-called Galaxy Federation on the blue star.

According to the information that Angel Yan and the others got from Blue Star, there should be an unknown god-level force behind this Galaxy Federation.

Kaisha tried to use the treasure house of sacred knowledge to solve the information of this god-level force, but found that at some point, some dark data of the entire Chiwu star system was covered up by people, and it was impossible to obtain it directly through direct calculations. information data to get there.

The information they can still get about the Chiwu star system is all obtained through macroscopic observations in the Milky Way's silver star system.

An unknown god-level civilization secretly supports and helps a backward pre-nuclear civilization develop, which is not necessarily new in the known universe.

But in such a short period of time, a backward pre-nuclear civilization was promoted to an aerospace-grade civilization, which is a very noteworthy point.

Expelling demons and destroying gluttony. Morgana and demons are the extreme evils of the known universe. Gluttony is also a powerful space-level civilization affiliated to the Styx galaxy. A new space civilization can develop itself in such a short period of time. , and also did these two things by the way, it is simply unbelievable.

Even if angels often use justice and order to plan and lead the development of some discovered backward civilizations, it may not be possible for a backward pre-nuclear civilization to complete such a leap forward in such a short time span.

Chapter 76 The View of the Angel of Justice


"Queen, this Galaxy Federation...do we need to continue to contact it?" Angel Yan asked:

"The god-level civilization they support behind them has some development concepts that are not in line with justice and order, and may lead this galaxy federation to go astray."

"I, Ah Zhui, and Mo Yin have been in contact with a certain god of that god-level civilization before, and we can see that some of their ideas don't appeal to us."

"Need to correct it?"

"There is no need to correct it for the time being... A god-level civilization that does not know its details, has not shown any direct malice towards angels, and is willing to help backward civilizations develop, so there is no need to fight against them." Kesha said calmly. road:

"They had a conflict with the demons and used force to expel Morgana, which shows that they and us also have some aspects worth communicating with."

"The universe is so big, it is very common for a civilization that is different from ours in some aspects to appear occasionally..."

"I can see that their development model and civilization philosophy are just not within the mainstream of Kamigawa and the system of justice order, and they haven't shown too much danger. They forcefully correct something for no reason. Instead, we are not in It is not in line with our justice and will cause unnecessary confusion.”

"Justice is the good side of bringing order to the known universe, not a tool to interfere with the internal affairs of other civilizations at will... You say so, Yan."

Angel Yan nodded slightly, but still worried:

"I have been to Blue Star several times, and I know a lot about the civilization there. Ah Zhui also gave some guidance to the civilization there, and that civilization is quite good."

"But after the emergence of the Star River Federation, some beautiful things are disappearing, and some of the guidance we have done before has also been erased by them, I think..."

"Oh, and are their people living in peace and living up to angelic standards of justice?" Keisha asked.

"Uh, this..."

The data fed back by the Silver Star system emerged in Angel Yan's mind. Judging from the data observed by the Silver Star system, under the governance of the Galaxy Federation, Blue Star's civilization is indeed a scene of prosperity to the outside world.

Ordinary people are no longer oppressed, have not suffered any general injustice, and are actively participating and contributing to the development of this civilization...

This is indeed living and working in peace and contentment.

"Whether a civilization is just or not cannot depend on whether they exist in the so-called beauty..." Keisha said softly:

"As long as the internal order established by their leaders does not impose oppression and unfair treatment on individuals of their own civilization, nor does it show signs of extreme depraved thinking like demons, let alone show any dangerous intentions towards other civilizations, They are still within the tolerance of the angelic order of justice."

"The beauty of our angels is not universally recognized by other civilizations. Every civilization has its own beauty defined in its own concept. The universe is so big. We don't need all civilizations to practice our values ​​and values. Judging criteria, neither necessary nor necessary.”

"In the process of the development of a civilization, there will always be something thrown away when something is gained. This is not surprising."

Angel Yan wanted to say something more, but Keisha shook her head and stopped her:

"Okay, Yan, let's report something else. I don't want to focus on whether to interfere with the internal affairs of other civilizations. I just need to observe this Galaxy Federation and the god-level forces behind it."

"By the way, didn't you say that the Super Seminary still exists on the blue star? How about their... the power of the galaxy?"

"The power of the galaxy?"

Angel Yan thought about it. When she came back from Blue Star, she did report some information about the Blue Star Super Theological Seminary to Queen Keisha.

At that time, Queen Keisha also joked that she would be matched with a suitable partner from the super genes of those super seminaries, but she didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

"Silver star system monitoring, did not get the current specific data about the power of the galaxy...but the other party is still in the blue star


It is certain that according to the judgment standard of the civilization there, the other party should also be a member of that Galaxy Federation now. "Angel Yan briefly reported:

"Queen, is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"The genetic engineering of the power of the galaxy was an important project developed by us in cooperation with the Super Seminary...it is of great significance to us angels." Keisha did not hide it, and said directly:

"Initially it was called the Power of Kamigawa, because we broke with the Super Seminary, coupled with the destruction of the Deno Galaxy, it was brought to Blue Star and renamed the Power of the Galaxy."

Angel Yan tilted her head incomprehension. She had paid attention to the power of the galaxy when Blue Star discovered it.

In her opinion, left and right are just a special genetic engineering, and what Queen Keisha said is of great significance, she didn't see it.

After all, the so-called owner of the power of the galaxy, described in the words of the Blue Star civilization, is a dick.

But Queen Keisha must have had her intentions when she said these words.

What is Queen Keisha's intention?

What does it mean that their angels need a dick?

"Queen, what do you mean... need to bring the power of the galaxy to the Angel Nebula?" Angel Yan guessed for a while.

"No, I don't need it yet." After thinking for a while, Keisha shook her head and said:

"Although the power of the galaxy is of great significance, we don't need to make any contact with it at the moment... Forget it, let's talk about it later."

"After finishing Morgana first, how is the capture of the devil's whereabouts going?"

Speaking of demons, Angel Yan's expression suddenly became serious, and there was a faint murderous look between his brows:

"Since the demons were expelled from the Chiwu star system by the Galaxy Federation, they have lost track again. We tried to capture Morgana's location as much as possible, but with little success. They hid again, probably hiding somewhere lingering in the corner..."

"According to past battle experience, there is a high probability that the demons will shrink and expand secretly on a living planet, but this time they hide very deeply."

"After the last time the database of the sacred knowledge treasure house was fully upgraded, we can say that the positioning of Demon One is very accurate. With our current technology, no matter where they escape, as long as Morgana and her demons are together Show up and we can lock it down immediately."

"This time this happened, I think the problem should not be with us, someone is helping the devil to hide his whereabouts."

Angel Yan analyzed sharply: "In the known universe, there are only a few god-level civilizations that can help demons hide their whereabouts, including a newly-appeared god-level civilization."

"That is to say, god-level civilizations such as Lieyang, Styx, and the former Deno. The old Kamigawa has declined, and the god-level civilization of the old Kamigawa is not very interested in Morgana's set of heresies, so the only thing left is Styx galaxy."

"News came from Zhixin. She found some abnormal phenomena in the Academy of Death Song in the Styx galaxy. The main god of the Styx galaxy, Karl, the god of death, has a lot to do with Morgana. I have reason to suspect that they are helping Mo in the dark. Ganna, let the devil be arrogant so far."

"It's been a thousand years since the last war with the devil ended. It stands to reason that in such a long world, we have already distanced ourselves from the devil in some aspects. The devil won't be so difficult to deal with."

"But the latest information is that Morgana has been confirmed to be upgraded to the fourth-generation god body, and the demons under her command can also quickly recover their strength after suffering heavy injuries again and again..."

"Everything shows that there must be someone behind the devil."

Chapter 77 The Change of Lieyang Reina


"I'm sure, there must be some dark swans in the devil and Styx." Angel Yan affirmed:

"Karl, the death god of the Death Song Academy, advocates the so-called death and ultimate fear, and Morgana, who preaches the heresy of depraved freedom, is the same as Morgana. It should be corrected long ago."

"Queen, I request that some attention be put on Death Song Academy, and some trials can be carried out if necessary..."

Keisha thought about it carefully, she was clear about the relationship between Karl and Morgana, or the relationship between Karl and Liangbing.

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