[Do you want to implement the combat plan immediately? 】

"2.5 minutes, 150 seconds..."

Looking at the result, Gu Yu was not surprised at all.

More than 2000 stellar-class warships can only survive for 10 minutes under the impact of a drop of water.

According to the information he read, Taotie's arrival in the solar system is only a small vanguard fleet, the number of warships does not exceed a hundred, and the general performance of the warships is not inferior to the power of the star-class warships in the three bodies.

With their strength, they can resist for 2.5 minutes, which is a compliment to them.

However, this time is really too short.

He wanted to see the actual combat level of the Gluttonous Fleet. In such a short time, there was no way to completely collect the data he wanted.

After thinking about it, Gu Yu changed some instructions:

"The estimated completion time of the combat plan will be doubled, and the target strike will be completed within 300 seconds."

"Start executing."

[The order is accepted, and the battle begins! 】


Earth outer space, near Pluto.

Weak wormhole fluctuations reverberate, with a round head and a sharp tail. The surface is an extremely smooth total reflection mirror, like a water drop-shaped object released from space.

Even though its volume is as small as a small car, its existence seems so insignificant when it is placed in space at this moment.

With the transmission of a certain combat command, an extremely bright blue halo at the tail of the water droplet was activated, and in an instant, the entire water droplet moved towards the Pluto Worm Bridge Station.


The gluttonous vanguard flagship, in the command room.

"Report, an advance reconnaissance team has been dispatched to Planet Earth."

"I guess it won't take long to get a response. Earth's civilization hasn't even developed aerospace technology, so it can't resist our conquest."

"Blessed by my god Karl, I must dedicate this planet full of life to my god."

"For the great doctrine of my god Karl, let this planet be full of death, it will be their honor!"

The Taotie commanders encouraged each other's morale, unaware of the imminent danger and death.

"My god... wait, what is that?"

A Taotie commander was about to say something, but his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes looked at the battleship command panel, and a red warning came from it.


In space, a fleeting object with a long tail of light passed through a gluttonous fireship. The next moment, the battleship exploded violently, and the hull instantly disintegrated in space.

Some of the gluttonous soldiers above were robbed of their lives when the battleship was penetrated, and some died when the hull disintegrated, and no one survived.

"What's going on? Call the frigate and report the actual situation immediately."

The command room of the vanguard flagship was in a mess. The gluttons quickly searched for the combat position. The fanatical attitude they had just boosted morale was completely lost, and the expressions of these gluttons were only panic and caught off guard.

"Call the flagship, call the flagship!!"

"We are under surprise attack and cannot capture the attacker!"

"Report, ah... help..."


The communication channel was also in chaos for a while, every branch line was fully occupied, it seemed that every gluttonous battleship under his command was avoiding something in fear.

Before some gluttonous battleships made any reports, their hulls were penetrated by water droplets and disintegrated instantly, leaving only a blind tone echoing in the communication channel.

"Attack? How could there be an attack?!"

"The civilization of this galaxy hasn't even left its own planet. Who are we being attacked by?"

"Answer me quickly!"

The commander-in-chief of the vanguard flagship roared into the communication channel, its anger wrapped in panic.

It can't imagine, who will attack them?

However, due to the confusion of the communication channel, very few warships could hear its roar. Even if they heard it, the warship might be destroyed in the next moment.

The chaos in the command system made it impossible for the entire Glutton fleet to organize an effective counterattack.

Of course, they can't fight back.

"Yes, it's a luminous object..."

"A glowing object is attacking us! Ah no!"

"Counterattack, counterattack quickly!!"

"My god save me!"



Finally, a warship sent the desired response to the commanding platform, and Commander Taotie was stunned for a while after learning about the situation.

Glowing objects?

That is, unknown objects, they are suffering from an unknown attack.

Unable to find out who attacked them, Taotie's commander-in-chief issued an effective order in a chaotic and orderly manner.

"Scatter the formation, spread the formation!"

"Break out from all sides, escape from this area first!"

This order was like a drop of water thrown into a prairie fire, and there was no response.

Even if there is any response, it will only be...too late!


Turning at a sharp angle, the water droplets passed through the three gluttonous fireships continuously, and the hull burst like fireworks blooming in space. The tragic scene was captured by the flagship of the vanguard by chance.


When the complete picture was presented on the display screen of the battleship, all the gluttonous commanders were stunned for a while.

Terrified, shaken, unbelievable, unimaginable... what did they see.

Water droplets!

A water drop! !

The attack object was actually a drop of water? !

Then, a loud cry pulled their thoughts back, and also pulled them into the abyss:

"The starlight defense barrier is invalid, it cannot be intercepted at all!!"

"Run, run away!!"

"No, my god card..."

The vanguard flagship, the starlight defense barrier supported by a large cross ring, was like paper paste, penetrated by water droplets on the spot, and rushed directly towards its hull the next moment.

On the way, countless artillery counterattacked and tried to intercept it. It was an automatic prediction made by the battleship's automatic defense system when it caught water droplets.

It's a pity that these counterattacks can't even keep up with the speed of the water droplets, so what's the point of intercepting them? Even if they hit by chance, these artillery fires can't cause any damage to the water droplets' absolutely smooth body surface.


The blue halo at the tail dragged a long light tail, like a strange meteor passing by, and the pioneer flagship was directly penetrated from the bow to the bottom without any surprise.

A vanguard fleet with a well-organized gluttony was helpless to resist under the precise strike within 300 seconds.

A bright space firework, in the deep and cold universe, rises in the blink of an eye, and then disappears.

The witness, only a pair of eyes hidden in the deep space, comes from the leisurely figure sitting at the desk in the library.

These intergalactic invaders, as it is said, are too late.

Chapter 9 Unknown God-level Civilization

Near Pluto, Big Worm Bridge Station.

A figure in silver armor descended here with white wings behind it.

Angel Yan's eyes turned white, she looked around in puzzlement, and tried hard to interpret the data.

Before that, she detected the gluttonous fleet coming to the solar system and launching an invasion of the earth civilization.

Out of the maintenance of justice and order, coupled with the fact that angels have visited the earth and left some guidelines there.

Out of emotion and reason, she had to warn the earth civilization a little bit, but she didn't expect to notice something was wrong just after arriving in the solar system.

Fragmented wreckage of battleships and a dead body were scattered all around, it was the Gluttonous Fleet after being hit by water droplets.

"A gluttonous fleet, the whole army was wiped out?"

"Whoever moved his hand came too slowly to be detected..."

Angel Yan didn't know that when she first arrived here, the water droplets had only left for less than ten minutes after completing the preset strike plan against the Taotie fleet.

Although it is not clear who destroyed this fleet, she can be sure that this gluttonous fleet was destroyed within a short period of time.

To be able to wipe out a fleet in such a short period of time, it must not be easy for people to attack Taotie.

Generally, god-level civilizations have this kind of combat capability, but she read through the dark data, but she couldn't detect any traces of god-level battle left on the scene.

Even by reading peripheral data.

Angel Yan suddenly became serious, "The ones who will attack Taotie should be civilizations related to the civilization of the earth."

"The earth itself does not have this kind of strike capability, and that is the god-level civilization related to the earth."

"Lieyang? The relationship between Lieyang and the earth is very close...but there is no remnant of star energy around, it doesn't look like what they did."

"Could it be a super seminary? The earth has a super seminary...but their current situation doesn't seem to have the ability to do this."

Both Lieyang and Super Seminary were excluded from suspicion by Angel Yan. She guessed that there was a third-party god-level civilization that wiped out this group of gluttons.

It's a pity that only a part of this group of gluttons came down.

Angel Yan looked towards the direction of the earth, an arc flashed at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were like torches:

"It seems that thousands of years have passed, and the civilization of the earth has undergone some changes that I don't understand."


a few days later.

South China Sea, Juxia aircraft carrier.

In the command room, Ducao looked gloomy, and the atmosphere was silent for a while.

Just now, he received a piece of news that shocked him. The news came from the feedback of De Nuo No. [-].

Deno [-] is a technology left over from the Deno civilization, a dark matter supercomputing cloud, which is very useful and is usually used by the military to monitor some things, such as events in the solar system.

A few days ago, Di Lena, the sun goddess from the Lieyang civilization, came to the earth and hinted that the earth might be invaded by interstellar, and also activated the super genes brought from the Deno galaxy on the earth.

Subsequently, a gluttonous fleet from the Styx galaxy arrived on Earth.

The military has long been prepared for this.

But before they could respond, they received the data from De Nuo No. [-].

The gluttonous fleet that arrived in the solar system was wiped out before it even started to invade the earth.

After repeatedly confirming the authenticity of the news, Ducao felt bewildered at first, then shocked, and now silent.

At this moment, a high-level meeting is going on.

Those present were all senior military generals, and there was Di Leina.

They all knew the news of the destruction of the Taotie fleet, so they were all silent.

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