"Now, let's talk about it."

"Who destroyed this gluttonous fleet." On the side, Lianfeng, who presided over the meeting, said softly.

Her voice was not loud, but it broke the deadly silence.

"Cough, first of all... it has nothing to do with Lie Yang." Leina spoke first, and everyone looked at her. She shrugged and explained:

"Don't look at me, I just came to Earth and encountered this incident, besides, Lie Yang doesn't have the time to help you deal with Taotie."

"In other words, it's impossible for someone from your Super Seminary to do it?"

"Super Seminary is a fictitious institution now. The Black Great Wall project has not yet started. It is impossible for the people in the college to have the ability to destroy a gluttonous fleet." Ducao all affirmed that he knew the situation of Super Seminary best.

Today's Super Seminary, the glory is gone. Right now, in the Earth Super Seminary, there is only one student and one mentor, and the others are ordinary people.

The student is his daughter Du Qiangwei. Qiangwei is still young. Although she can skillfully use the power of super genes, it would be impossible for her to destroy a fleet.

Besides, he can be sure that Qiangwei has been staying on Earth.

The possibility of super seminary can be ruled out.

"Then... Ajie?"

A man in a suit next to Leina, she knows that Ajie is not simple, and the other party also hides some secrets.


Ajie was quite speechless, and said: "I'm good at making soy sauce, if this matter depends on me, then I'm lucky, just give me a first-class merit or something."

It was hard for the people at the scene to say anything, but after all the suspects were eliminated, there was only one possibility left.

On the earth, there are other god-level civilizations that protect the earth.

"Could it be...an angel?" Ducao guessed.

In addition to Lieyang, the distant angel civilization known as the king of the gods also has a certain influence on the earth, and it can be guessed that they did it.

"Although those angels are all calling for justice, they are not as kind as this goddess." Leina vetoed this conjecture on the spot.

"Angel civilization claims to be the king of the gods, and generally they will not personally intervene in the struggle of this space-level civilization."

"Even if there is this possibility, the possibility is only very small."

"That is to say, there is an unknown and powerful civilization that protects the earth in secret?" Ducao's expression became more serious, and his brows gradually frowned.

"It may not be protecting the earth. According to the predictions from Deno-[-]'s data, the gluttonous fleet was destroyed very quickly, and there was almost no battle."

"Now there are two possibilities."

"The first possibility is that an unknown powerful civilization or individual or force is secretly protecting the earth, but we don't know the other party's information, and we can't get in touch with the other party, because before that, we couldn't detect the other party's existence at all. .”

"This civilization, individual or force, has at least reached the level of a god-level civilization."

As a survivor after the fall of the Deno galaxy, Ducao, once known as a war madman, the supreme commander of the Promise Star, has tens of thousands of years of experience. After Ducao mentioned this possibility, everyone present They looked at each other in blank dismay.

But no one agrees and expresses his opinion. This possibility is really...too unbelievable.

A god-level civilization protects the earth in this way. The earth is just a pre-nuclear civilization, so what can it do... Besides, there is still a Reina now, and the Lieyang civilization behind it is a god-level civilization.

In her opinion, there are actually only a few god-level civilizations in the known universe, and most of the others are space-level civilizations, like Taotie.

It is still unknown which god-level civilization is responsible for Taotie, and Ducao's speculation is not without reason.

Seeing everyone like this, Ducao continued:

"The second possibility is that some high-level civilization was provoked by those gluttonous people, and someone took advantage of this opportunity to destroy it. But I think this possibility is the most unconvincing."

"Gaotie comes from the Styx galaxy, and its main god is Karl, the god of death, a supreme god!"

"The god-level civilization that Taotie can provoke will definitely not ignore the existence of the Styx, and why does it have to destroy this fleet in the solar system, so I think this possibility is limited to speculation."

Chapter 10 Civilization Blueprint

"Although I am more inclined to the first possibility, everything has to be proved, and the two possibilities described above have their proof methods."

"First of all, it can be determined that the gluttonous fleet that arrived in the solar system this time is only a vanguard force, and its large force is expected to take a certain amount of time to arrive in the solar system."

"No matter which possibility we want to prove, we just need to observe whether the gluttonous fleet that arrives in the solar system will be hit."

"If the Glutton Fleet is attacked later, the former possibility is more likely. If there is no follow-up attack, then the latter possibility is stronger."

Ducao's inference was very reasonable, and everyone at the meeting expressed their agreement.

Ducao also pushed the boat along the way, "No matter what the possibility is, in short, the threat facing the earth now is real."

"We can't rely on some dark civilization or god to protect the earth, so... Chief Huang, I suggest that we continue to promote the Black Great Wall project, and we must strengthen our support for this plan. In addition, the matter of the Black Armored Company must be brought up as soon as possible." It's on the agenda."

"This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call to the earth. In the vast and boundless universe, there are always some unexpected things that may happen in the next moment... The earth must be prepared to prevent everything!"

Ducao looked at an old man with gray temples who was present at the meeting, and solemnly asked for instructions.

Ducao's words were extremely contagious, the old man surnamed Huang nodded slightly, and said slowly:

"I will report to the Central Command. No matter what kind of difficulties I face, I will leave everything to you."

"Please don't worry, Chief!"


After the meeting, everyone left, but Ducao left Lianfeng, Ajie, and Lena behind.

"As for the gluttonous thing, I'm more inclined to be a certain god, but I'm not sure who it is." Ducao said with a serious expression.

"We have been on the earth for thousands of years. The gods on the earth, I only know Sun Wukong, but there are many other civilizations left on the earth..."

"Rena, can you get in touch with the angel? As far as I know, an angel came to the earth recently. You are both god-level civilizations. Can you help me to ask if this matter is related to them?" Ducao said .

After thinking for a while, Leina said casually, "Try it."

Seeing Reina's agreement, Ducao nodded, and then said: "If it wasn't done by an angel, then there might still be a god hidden on the earth."

"The target must be determined. An unknown god came to the earth without our awareness... We must know whether the other party is good or evil, otherwise the threat will be too great."

Ajie and Lianfeng nodded one after another, they knew how terrifying a god-level destructive power was.

"Ah, ah, old Du..." Hearing what Ducao said, Lena was a little displeased and said:

"Isn't it a god, what are you afraid of if I have a goddess here, who is not a god anymore."

"I am the mighty Lieyang Lord God, no matter which Mao God comes to Earth, since I am here, if something happens to you, can I just sit idly by?"

Regarding this, the three of Ducao also laughed one after another, Ducao said:

"In short, we can't relax our vigilance. Although the earth is guided by the Super Seminary, it is still too weak."

"On the road of civilization growth, any possible threat may bring disaster to the fragile civilization."

There is one thing that Ducao didn't say, no matter how powerful a civilization is, it's the same, just like the Deno galaxy that used to be a higher civilization.


On the other side, the library of the Super Seminary.

There was a gloomy look in Gu Yu's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. What happened on the Juxia was captured in his eyes without missing a moment.

"Unknown god level... tsk, rich imagination."

The gloomy look in his eyes disappeared, and Gu Yu closed the book lying in his hand. Now he has understood the basic situation of the earth, and it is quite good that the Super Seminary guides civilization.

There is nothing wrong with the concept of dissemination.

It's a pity that their steps are really too slow.

Without his intervention, even Taotie, whose combat strength is not up to the mark, will become the enemy of the earth.

"Last night, a group of militants attacked the airport in Feiliu District, Juxia City. The police suffered heavy casualties, and the army dispatched..."

Listening to the news coming from the small wall-mounted LCD TV next to him, Gu Yu looked calm.

Although he attacked Taotie's vanguard fleet, he did not stop a scouting team sent by Taotie to destroy the earth.

The earth must have a sense of crisis.

A gluttonous reconnaissance team, the military sent tanks, helicopter gunships and a large number of armed forces were not easily captured.

This incident will allow the Chinese military to see the gap between them and the alien civilization, and know the gap between them and the enemy, so they can think about how to be strong.

Gu Yu envisioned a great framework project for the future civilization. To build this framework, he alone or more individuals will not be able to do it.

In the face of a crisis, it sounds ridiculous to ask one person to save civilization, or a group of people to save civilization.

A great civilization needs all the individuals of its civilization to learn to save themselves.

No matter what the crisis it is facing, when the fate of a civilization is completely pressed by one or a group of saviors, and it needs to be rescued by them, it means that that civilization is sad and ridiculous, and it is close to hopeless. .

He wanted a great civilization that stood among the stars, not a rotten mass of sorrow and ridiculousness.

Gu Yu doesn't want his civilization to self-destruct like the humans in the Three-Body Problem. He needs to let it survive and be strong under the cruel laws of the universe.

If civilization cannot save itself, no one can save it.

As for how to build the framework of civilization that I envisioned, the specific plan needs to be done slowly.

Now, we can only let the Super Seminary continue their guidance.

"Hetu, with the current level of civilization on the earth, without any external interference factors, how long will it take to enter the space age, and the specific value." Gu Yu and the "Hetu calculation" running in the dark plane cloud," exchanged.

[Computational results, 105.68 Earth years. 】

Looking at the result, Gu Yu was not surprised, and the difference between his inner valuation and his valuation was only one decimal point.

Without any interference on the earth, including without the guidance of the Super Seminary, it would take nearly a hundred Earth years to achieve the standard of space civilization with the current level of civilization by its own efforts.

This time span is already very fast for most existing civilizations in the universe.

But for the current state of the earth, it is still too slow.

If within this period of time, the earth encounters an alien invasion, like Taotie, without external interference factors to help its civilization develop, then the earth will only end up being bulldozed.

Maybe there are some patron saints on the earth, and some heroes will stand up to protect civilization, but in Gu Yu's opinion, the strength of individuals does not mean the strength of civilization.

Just like the justice and order of the holy Kaisa, as soon as she falls, her justice and order will collapse like a sand tower in the river.

Civilizations developed with the blessing of gods and powerful individuals generally end up in this way. Therefore, the civilization development model in the era of super god universe theocracy is absolutely not advisable.

Civilization is not an individual, but a collection of countless individuals.

The earth must have a brand-new and efficient road guide to sublimate its civilization, and quickly stand out and rise in this ridiculous and absurd theocratic universe environment.

In this universe, there is no big environmental squeeze like the dark forest, and there are no enemies like natural disasters that threaten the life and death of civilization at all times. There is only one ultimate fear that can be regarded as an absolute threat.

He can draw and write his own civilization blueprint in this universe to his heart's content!

Gu Yu's eyes became brighter.

Chapter 11 Three Assumptions Efficient Intervention is Guidance

100 years is too long for an ordinary person.

100 years is too short for a civilization.

In Gu Yu’s blueprint plan, there is not much time for the earth.

The longest period is ten years, and the shortest is within five years.

During this period, it is necessary to rectify all the contradictions within the civilization, unify the ideological trend of civilization, and begin to expand into the space and space age.

In this regard, an ideal framework has already been formed in Gu Yu's mind.

Since he had the support of "Hetu Computing Cloud", he started to plan, how to help civilization quickly get rid of the shackles of the existing civilization system, and avoid being involved in the power game struggle of intrigues, causing civilization to internal friction, wasting endless Necessary time and resources...

For this reason, Gu Yu had three ideas.

【Humanity Galactic Destiny Community Alliance】

[Earth pan-solar system union]

【Galaxy Federation (Empire)】

There are three scenarios and three paths, but they are all for the purpose of building a civilized framework.

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