This is a good thing. After all, there are such a large number of scientists, and some top researchers have gradually come to the fore in this environment. This is a true manifestation of the vigorous development of bottom and middle-level technologies.

Now if one hundred people are randomly arrested, there must be no less than three scientists among them, and one of them may be a powerful person in many fields.

These scientists are all genuine scientists who have been certified by official institutions for professional knowledge assessment!

It's not the kind of bricks called beasts who dare to speak freely with a brick on their head.

Generally speaking, for an ordinary person, as long as he persists in a field for a long time, it only takes a thousand hours to become an expert in this field.

However, with the help of the virtual world, an ordinary person can spend a month in the real world without being affected by external factors, and devote himself physically and mentally to learning knowledge in the virtual world for a year.

If this situation is properly utilized, even an illiterate who has never learned any knowledge, as long as he is willing to persist in the virtual world for two months, he can learn enough knowledge to change his own destiny.

The Galaxy Federation does not have any knowledge monopoly internally. Generally, as long as the ordinary people inside are willing, no matter what kind of knowledge they want, they can learn it comprehensively and systematically in the virtual world.

The emergence of a large number of scientists today has not only enriched the high-level talents of civilization, but also created an academic environment suitable for the long-term development of the interstellar society.

Walking on the street, you can see people discussing academics, talking about philosophy, and exploring the truth everywhere.

This is not entirely a good thing. The explosion of talents has made the profession of scientists introverted, and as a result, several schools of thought have been created due to differences in academic opinions.

These schools belong to loose non-governmental organizations established spontaneously, and they all have official registration information.

Nowadays, these schools often have disputes due to differences in academic opinions, and there have even been a few humiliating crowd brawls because of this, but the problems are not serious.

The number of senior professionals like scientists has reached hundreds of millions. It is conceivable how serious the employment problem in the Galaxy Federation is today.

Scientists of the Galaxy Federation generally refer to professionals who are responsible for the derivation and research of scientific theories and related experiments, and are not completely equivalent to scientific researchers.

The scientific research personnel of the Star River Federation include some. In addition to this kind of scientists, some technical personnel, management personnel, etc. have to be counted. If these are included, it will be fully calculated...

Today, the Galaxy Federation has a full one-third of the population, and billions of people are involved in scientific research.


The horror lies here. One-third of the population of the Galaxy Federation participates in scientific research, which makes the entire civilization leap at a speed that outsiders can't even imagine.

The remaining two-thirds of the population are people of other professions.

Among the remaining two-thirds of the population, except for the official personnel who maintain the government, the armed personnel of various forces, and members of the Space Force, the other employed population is concentrated in the few existing occupations today. These careers include business, resource development, and more.

Despite this, there is still a large part of the population that is being raised by the federal government for nothing and has not yet had the opportunity to contribute their own efforts.

There is no way, these are the interstellar society where intelligent machines have been highly applied and replaced a large number of labor force. The population problem and employment problem are still headaches for the top leaders of the federation.

These two questions are not


If they are solved well, they will form an endless loop with each other, exposing bigger problems.

In fact, to solve these two problems can be said to be simple and simple, but it is also difficult to say that it is difficult.

The simple thing is that if the Galaxy Federation just wants to solve these two problems, there are many ways to deal with it.

The difficulty lies in trying to solve these two internal problems without continuing to expose more internal problems. Only by doing this can we truly solve these two problems.

Population and employment, even in the interstellar society, are two of the most important aspects. Blindly perfunctory will only lead to death, and a civilization that pays attention to efficiency does not bother to perfunctory in these aspects.

For this reason, the federal government has decided to launch a long-term detailed plan specifically for these two immediate issues.

There are only a few internal problems. Externally, it has been quite a long time since the news that the Great-Sinnur Alliance declared war on the Galaxy Federation.

What is puzzling is that since the Galaxy Federation received the news of the declaration of war, it seems that they have not received any news about the Great-Sinnur Alliance, as if the other party just declared war on them on a whim, Then just toss them aside and ignore them.

The high-level personnel of the Galaxy Federation did not care about this, and while speeding up their actions to detect the real situation of the other civilization, they let the Federation fleet respond to emergencies at any time.

After all, it is an astronautic civilization 100 light-years away. Without direct contact, it will still take some time for the Federation of Starships to investigate the details of the other civilization.

But it was not slow to say it, and soon they received effective information. The news surprised all the high-level officials. After hearing the news, some people froze in place for a long time, not knowing what to say.

The Great—Sinnur Alliance is suspected of falling into a civilized civil war!

civil war?

what's the situation?

Didn't you declare war on our civilization?

With the above doubts in mind, the high-level federal personnel can only continue to wait for the results to appear.

The First Fleet and the Second Fleet are heading towards the location of each other's civilization, and they are probably already halfway there. I believe that by then, the final result will be presented to them in the most direct form.


In the Star River Federation, no one has any doubts about the strength of their own fleet.


The South Gate II galaxy.

Near Juyangxing, several figures appeared from the wormhole fluctuations.

"Giant Sun, what kind of extraterrestrial colony established by the Star River Federation, hmph, I didn't expect them to develop the means to extend their strength to other galaxies so quickly..."

"The queen asked us to do some damage to the Galaxy Federation, just make it louder, hehe, but she didn't say that it must be done in Blue Star."

This is a group of demon warriors. They are well-equipped, and they are scattered outside the atmosphere of Juyang Star at this moment.

The other demons also looked rampant, and their scarlet eyes shone brightly in the deep space.

"The detection is over. The queen has allowed us to use large-scale destruction methods. There is a gathering city built by the old blue stars on this planet. It should be very important to them..."

"Destroying this place and slaughtering all the life on it, the movement should be big enough... By the time the Galaxy Federation reacts, we have already evacuated. This mission is not as difficult as imagined."

"Hahaha, let me just say, how could the queen give us a mission to send us to death, it turns out that it can be completed so easily."

"Make sure to maintain contact with Devil One, don't be cut off from the back...Determine the target, let's start fighting!"

After the demons determined their battle plan, they were about to execute it, when suddenly a wormhole wave appeared in front of them, and a beautiful red-haired figure in black armor appeared in front of these demons.

"I said why I was restless. It turned out that some insects had slipped in front of the house."

A joking voice came from the woman's mouth, and the demons looked at the person in front of them, their faces


Looking at each other, they were all a little surprised.

"who is she?"

"Super soldier, wearing dark alloy armor, can't read the dark information, she is from the Super Seminary!"

"Super Seminary? I just forgot about this."

"According to the information given by the Queen, isn't the Black Armored Warrior Company of the Super Seminary disbanded? Why did it appear here?"

"Whatever, she's just a super soldier, kill her quickly, don't expose her!"

Holding a curved blade in each hand, the demon rushed forward as if teleporting quickly, and slashed out horizontally.

Qiangwei looked at the demons in front of her, she didn't underestimate the enemy, she jumped back, and her figure disappeared into the wormhole. In addition, she had already passed on the news of the discovery of the demons, and the federal space force stationed at the second gate of the south gate came soon Support, she just needs to hold these demons for a while.

She was also lucky enough to be patrolling nearby and noticed these demons when she noticed some unknown movements here. The black armor on her body provided her with some cover, preventing her from being exposed before discovering these demons.

However, seeing that these demons seemed to be thinking about Juyangxing and were about to take some action, they had no choice but to expose themselves and delay for some time.

"Hmph, micro-wormhole transport... activate the blocker!" The double-edged demon saw that Rose disappeared, reacted quickly, and ordered a companion, who took out a small device and quickly activated it.

After a burst of spatial vibration, Qiangwei used micro-wormholes to hide herself just now, intending to fight with these demons for a while, but Qiangwei, who was stalling for time, landed on a space rubble not far away in an instant, her body was unstable, and her expression was slightly shocked.

Her micro wormhole, failed?

How can this be? !

The demon with double blades grinned. They have fought against angels for many years, and they are proficient in various wormhole tactics. This time, in order for them to complete the task, the Queen opened up some of the core authority of the arsenal and Demon One to them.

It can be said that they have made enough preparations, so how could Qiangwei's sudden accident easily hinder them.


A terrifying slash came in an instant, even though Qiangwei had tried her best to dodge, but because the ability of the micro-wormhole was restricted and she couldn't continue to use it, she was still pierced in the abdomen by the knife light, and her whole body was thrown out.

As a super soldier, Qiangwei has rarely experienced a real confrontation with a super soldier. In this sudden battle, she was instantly cornered.


The demon continued to slash with the blade, Qiangwei saw the blade approaching and was about to cut her off, but from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a spinning black shadow rushing towards him like lightning.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------



A battle ax struck forward, forcing back the double-edged demon who wanted to cut off Qiangwei.

Qiangwei took this opportunity to distance herself, stretched out a pair of mechanical wings behind her, flew not far away, and covered her abdomen.

Not far away, a burly figure on a single-soldier aircraft appeared.

She recognized each other.

Liu Chuang? !

Swish swish!

Following the appearance of Liu Chuang, frigates with the logo of the Galaxy Federation also rushed into the arena, and at the same time, a large number of space combat omnics were released.

These discovered demons were instantly surrounded. Qiangwei was amazed that the support came so quickly, but she was also thankful that if she came a moment later, she would have suffered.

The demons were besieged, and they were surrounded by a bunch of omnic units. Their expressions became ugly to the naked eye.

"Damn, how is it possible..."

"Their support is so fast."

"Our whereabouts are so hidden, it is impossible to be discovered all at once..."

What they didn't know was that since they appeared within the jurisdiction of the Galaxy Federation, a pair of dark eyes had been staring at them early on, and this scene had already been rehearsed.

At this time, Liu Chuang took back the ax he had thrown, stepped on the individual aircraft, stopped in front of the demons, pointed at them and asked:

"Which one of you is the leader?"

The demon warriors first communicated secretly through the dark communication channel, and then the double-edged demon stood up:

"Me, what do you guys think?"

"Heh, you came to other people's house to make trouble, and asked us what we want?" Qiangwei flew over while clutching her abdominal wound, and said with a sneer:

"They seem to want to do something about Juyangxing..."

Facing Qiangwei, this former companion reunited again, Liu Chuang didn't show the slightest surprise on his face, but said blankly:

"I am clear."

Afterwards, Liu Chuang faced the group of demons, waved his hand and said:

"You guys, hurry up and get out."

"what? What?"

Qiangwei and the demon next to him were stunned, and looked at Liu Chuang in disbelief. The former was shocked, and the latter was also shocked.

"Wait, we can't let them go..."

Just as Qiangwei wanted to stop her, she was stopped by Liu Chuang's calm eyes.

Those demons are also very confused. According to the general situation, shouldn't they go through a fierce battle next?

Why... just let them go?

Is it a little too hasty, or the other party has some conspiracy.

The leading demon looked wary, not daring to trust the other party easily, and said vigilantly:

"Why did you let us go?"

Liu Chuang looked disdainful, and didn't even want to answer:


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