Frowning, even though they realized that things were not that simple, these demons still tried to leave under the pressure of the situation. After finding that no one really stopped them, they directly closed the wormhole blocker, opened the wormhole passage and left the place. place.

After the demons left, Qiangwei couldn't help asking:

"Liu Chuang, why did you let the evil go..."

"Please pay attention to the distance, Space Force—Lieutenant Qiangwei." Liu Chuang waved the battle ax in his hand, distanced himself from Qiangwei, and said expressionlessly.


"I obey the instructions of the higher-ups. As a soldier, I hope you can understand."

"There are things here, it's best not to leak out, otherwise you will be punished by relevant regulations..."

"You are injured, please return to the nearby space station for treatment as soon as possible."

Qiangwei stared blankly at Liu Chuang. Now her former companion was acting so resolute at this moment, as if she had completely changed herself, acting completely according to official standards, without the familiarity of the past.

She also restrained


Looking at it, it is obvious that Liu Chuang's current job title and the confidentiality level of the mission are higher than hers, so facing Liu Chuang's business-like tone, she can only say:

"I understand."

Then the two parted ways immediately after this simple contact, and the surrounding omnic units also quickly evacuated.

A turmoil seemed to be resolved so peacefully, but in fact it had only just begun.


In the other world that is invisible from the ordinary perspective-the subspace.

A round ball like a small blazing sun floats and sinks here, and the distorted time and space around it seem to indicate the emergence of some extraordinary behavior.

Gu Yu's will returned from the subspace. Recently, his psychic power has become much stronger. Because he can reward the terrifying potential of psychic power, even if he does nothing, just sit in one place without moving, The psionic energy on the body will also become stronger with the passage of time in the real world.

Correspondingly, the stronger his psionic power in the real world, the stronger his will projection in the subspace will be.

Today he is the only psyker in the known universe, and the only one who holds the key to the Warp.

Gu Huan had a hunch that when his psionic power became stronger, his psionic projection in the subspace would undergo some qualitative changes, but there was no need to be overly concerned about these right now.

He set his sights on the demon, who hadn't come to him since the last time he communicated with Karl.

It should be that his speech successfully bluffed the other party. Gu Yu did not expect that Karl would believe all of his words, but as long as Karl believed some of them, or wanted to testify to some of his words, come Prove something, and the other party will fall into the trap of lies he prepared for the other party.

That, and some of his cover-ups, would make his image with Karl more enigmatic.

He wants Karl to see that there is a colossal terrorist force standing in the Federation of Star Rivers. This is not only creating momentum for him, but also creating momentum for the future of the Federation of Star Rivers.

As long as his way of making publicity is clever enough, the more he can win some invisible benefits for the Galaxy Federation, such as more long-term development space.

Gu Yu learned from Karl that since the demons were expelled from Blue Star, they continued to take root in another place, harming other civilizations, which is a good thing.

A demon like a shit-stirring stick is an object worth loathing for any civilization that wants to develop in the long run, but as long as the other party is not here to harm his own civilization, Gu Yu will not care whether the other party will die or live .

Now the devil and the angel are facing each other again, a new round of war between justice and evil, because some unknown plots between him and Death Song Academy are about to break out, and Gu Yu is even more happy to see it.


It is best for both sides to fight life and death, so as not to run to each other and preach a lot of righteousness and evil.

The conflict between the two parties did not take place on Blue Star's side like in the original book, which is excellent news for the Galaxy Federation.

Kaisa has not been calculated and fallen by Karl and Morgana together like in the original book. Angel Nebula is now at its peak, and Morgana has upgraded to the fourth generation of gods on the devil's side, and there is Karl's Styx secretly supporting her behind her. The two sides should fight for quite a while.

Gu Yu doesn't care if Kaisha is calculated to fall like in the original book, after all, to him now, it seems that whether Kaisha will fall or not has nothing to do with him.

He has already planned the running track of many things, just like a roller coaster that has already started and dominoes that have been pushed down, after that, he just needs to wait for some results to appear.

As he said to Karl, the so-called gods and the king of the gods are nothing but mediocrity promoted by a group of mediocrity.

When the masterpiece he wants to see is born in this universe, the order of justice and the supremacy of theocracy will be washed away and disintegrated like a sand tower in a river!

At that time, what is sacred is that they come to define it to those mediocre people.



He already knew that the demon warrior wanted to do something on Juyangxing.

Gu Yu guessed that it was Karl who wanted to test something with him, but couldn't do it himself, so he encouraged the devil to come out like this.

He didn't stop him either, since the other party wanted to test, then let's try.

Now there are no trivial matters in the Galaxy Federation that need his attention, and he has almost read the books in this library.

Next, he has plenty of free time and means to play a good show with these so-called gods, and pave the way for civilization along the way, a win-win situation.

Right as some small entertainment in the boring time.

Bored, he picked up a cup of lukewarm tea, and Gu Yu sipped it lightly, indulging in his free time for a moment.


Bang bang bang!

"Queen, stop fighting, we can't help it..."

"Bastard, it's a disgrace! You've completely embarrassed me, Queen!" Morgana gritted her teeth, kicking several demon warriors to the ground.

Looking at the unsatisfied demons in front of her who not only failed to complete the task she assigned, but also rolled back in disgrace, Morgana was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

"Queen, we originally planned to make some noise, but... who knows, we were discovered before we even started, and we almost couldn't come back..." The demon with two curved blades had no prestige at all at the moment. Kneeling at Morgana's feet, begging bitterly.

"Asshole, does my mother care about this?" Morgana said with anger in her eyes:

"Let me ask you, were you really released directly by the Galaxy Federation?"

"Yeah Queen, we are also wondering why they don't want to do anything to us..."

"Idiots, they don't want to do anything to you because they want to do something to my mother!" Morgana sneered:

"It is estimated that in the eyes of the other party, you are just a group of people, and the value of doing it is not very big, so they let you back."

"Have you checked carefully before you came back? Is there anything unusual about you?"

"This... Yes, but it seems not. I don't know, queen." Several demon warriors who came back looked at each other and shook their heads.

Morgana was almost pissed off by these idiots. According to the previous experience of losing money in Blue Star, the reason why these demons were released by the Galaxy Federation must not be because of life.

That guy with sinister intentions has mastered so many weird tricks, these idiots suffered a loss once, and they didn't even improve their memory at all!

How did she teach these idiots.

"Drag them down for me, and check them out!" Morgana ordered to the side, Atuo, who had just returned from the battle with the angel guerrilla, and still had a little murderous look on his body.

"Yes, Queen."

Malenia's Abandoned Rider reminds you: Remember to bookmark 【】 after reading it. Next time I will update it so that it will be convenient for you to continue reading. Looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: , you can read it anytime, anywhere....

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


According to Morgana's order, Ato took a group of demon warriors aside for inspection, and the results were quickly obtained.

"Queen, the test results are out." Ato came to Morgana and said in an unsteady tone:

"There is indeed something wrong with them. After inspection...forget it, Queen, you should look for yourself."

Ato transmitted a piece of data to Morgana, and Morgana frowned after reading it:

"Memories and thoughts have been modified for unknown reasons... how does this seem to be the means of angels?"

Angels are good at brainwashing other civilizations so as to expand their righteous belief in angels. The same demons will do similar things, and Morgana, who is the former archangel Liang Bing, is even better than blue.

Now they are using demon genes and depraved free thoughts to brainwash some low-level intelligent life and civilization in the current galaxy, thus pulling up a huge army of demons and pulling civilizations as strong as angels into the quagmire of war.

This is also the strategy that the demons have always used in their confrontation with the angels. Otherwise, they have always relied on the number of demon fighters on the demon number one to forcibly exchange cars with the angels. They were completely wiped out by the angels in the previous wars.

What makes Morgana feel uncomfortable is that they have always brainwashed other people. When can others brainwash their fighters?

Looking at the results of the inspection, Morgana saw it at a glance, and said:

"It's not the way of directly implanting thoughts from the dark plane, what they suffer is the brainwashing method of other types of technology..."

"Let me see what they have been modified... Damn!"

Morgana is also an expert in brainwashing, and soon she observed those tampered things by directly invading the dark plane to read the memory.

These warriors who came back had their subconscious modified, and some things in their minds were modified, such as the crazy pursuit of depraved free thought, which was changed to "all for the Galaxy Federation"!

For this kind of subconscious correction, generally the person being corrected only relies on his own subjective consciousness, and it will be difficult for him to distinguish whether he has been brainwashed for a while.

When Morgana checked the memories of these brainwashed demon warriors, she took a look at what they experienced and how they were brainwashed when they went to the Galaxy Federation.

But she checked the memories of these soldiers going to the area under the jurisdiction of the Galaxy Federation several times, but she couldn't get any effective information from the beginning to the end.

After they arrived in the Galaxy Federation, they just wanted to do something, and then they were discovered, and then they were easily let go by the people of the Galaxy Federation, and they returned to Devil One. The whole thing went smoothly from beginning to end. If you try to act like this, you may not be able to perform this effect.

Morgana couldn't see how her fighters were brainwashed, she couldn't help frowning.

In desperation, he did it himself, spent a lot of effort, and after reshaping the corrected part of the subconscious of these fighters, he withdrew from the dark plane.

"Queen, how are you..." A Tuo asked quickly when he saw this.

"It's very strange, very strange..." Morgana said intently.

Logically speaking, the soldiers under her went to the Star River Federation, but they came back safe and sound. They just had some thoughts corrected, and they easily saw through them...


Although this incident seems to be nothing strange as a whole, but...Morgana always feels faintly uneasy.

What have they been calculated this time?

Or is the guy behind the Galaxy Federation trying to trick them, doing it on purpose to make them suspicious?

Morgana summoned other subordinates, and analyzed the matter in detail from beginning to end, without missing any detail several times, but after still not getting any results, she could only let it go.

Morgana can only increase her vigilance secretly, but what she doesn't know is that in a chaotic space that has not yet fully connected with reality...

The location of Demon One is gradually being locked by a will.

If Morgana also has


The kind of powerful spiritual power that can directly look at the scene of the subspace and perceive the changes of the subspace, then she can find that in the subspace, there are several open flame-like spots looming in the corresponding position of their Devil No. [-].

Subspace mark!


About 25 light-years away from the solar system, here is a star system named Fomalhaut.

Fomalhaut is also the galaxy where the most distant star space station established by the Galaxy Federation is currently located.

Now two large-scale fleets, with a total of more than 3000 warships of various types, are dispatched here, including more than 2000 warships of various types, and some other types of ships for other functions.

Starship Federation First Fleet and Second Fleet.

Now, on the Bronze Magic Lamp, the main ship of the First Fleet, a joint military meeting is being held.

The seats on both sides of the meeting were neatly arranged and clearly divided into two rows. The fleet commanders and commanders at all levels from the First Fleet and the Second Fleet gathered here in the form of virtual projections.

Now, they accept the instructions of the federal government to launch an interstellar expedition to the proven "Great-Sinnur Alliance" civilization territory with the Fomalhaut galaxy as an example. malicious behavior.

The content of the meeting determined the general strategy. The commanders of the two fleets stared at the wolf, each with sharp eyes. What was placed in front of their virtual projection was a star map system.

On the star map system, there are two eagerly flashing red dots clearly marked.

After discussion, the commanders of the two fleets have clearly decided to implement the strategy of dividing the troops into two groups to complete the preliminary stage of this interstellar expedition.

Through the information provided by the federal government, the participants in the meeting already knew that the civilization they were going to conquer this time was an aerospace civilization that had fallen into civil war.

Their strategic goal is to use the fastest, most efficient method, and in the shortest possible time, to defeat the military force of the opponent's civilization, and to neutralize the civilization's ability to threaten and challenge the Galaxy Federation in all forms!

This is also the consequence that the other civilization must bear for declaring war against them for no reason.

Now they are still more than 70 light-years away from the civilizational territory of the "Great-Sinnur Alliance". Before the meeting, the two fleets in front had dispatched pioneers in advance to open up hyperspace channels ahead.

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