All the arrangements have reached the best standards possible, and the rest is up to them to make concrete contributions.


This is another proactive response to the alien threat launched by the Galaxy Federation since the Pansolar System Campaign eliminated the threat of the gluttonous fleet.

Many of the battleship commanders present were agitated. Many of them were young people with lofty ideals and aspirations. Naturally, they knew the importance of this expedition to the Galaxy Federation.

Again, no one likes war, but if war must be used to solve some threats, many people will not like each other.

It is the dream of young people with lofty aspirations to make contributions.

There is no one who is not eager to win a piece of glory for civilization and himself from the battlefield, so as to give a layer of brilliance to that boring life.

Now that this opportunity is in front of him, who can not be excited?

Among the battleship commanders on the side of the First Fleet, the third-level commander, Zhen Li, looked at the strategic targets on the star map system with particular eagerness.

This is the second time he has personally participated in the interstellar war of civilization. As a space soldier who is willing to fight for his own civilization, Zhen Li only feels that the fate and future of civilization are shouldered by them. What is this sense of mission? strong.

If this expedition is successful, the names of those who participated will be immortalized forever.

Their names will appear on the monuments of civilization like those ancestors who were engraved in the history books.

From this moment to that moment, their greatness will be no less than that of their ancestors, and their glory will be even greater than that of their ancestors!


With the end of the meeting, the two fleets that had finished resting in the Fomalhaut galaxy separated and sailed away in two different directions.


At the same time, the K2-155 star system, the main star of the Great-Sinnur Union, is located.

The flames of war once again ignited this once prosperous world.

Since learning of the existence of the Galaxy Federation, conspiracy theories and political opinions about the Galaxy Federation have been widely spread among the internal groups of this civilization.

As an aerospace-grade civilization that has developed aerospace technology for hundreds of years, the Great-Sinnur Alliance has long formed a unified interstellar society, but because it has enjoyed peace for a long time, it has not encountered any meaningful challenges and threats. Ideology has also gradually deviated from the ideal state of development, and gradually slackened, resulting in internal conflicts and disputes.

Enjoying peace for a long time will gradually expose the inferiority of a race, not to mention the Great-Sinnur Alliance is not yet a civilization composed of a pure race.

At first, the alliance of several races fused by the war gave birth to their current civilization, and in the long-term interstellar expansion afterwards, this alliance accepted more members to join it.

It is necessary to integrate these chaotic races into a unified whole in the form of an alliance. Generally speaking, there is no problem, and it is a very feasible and ideal method.

Unfortunately, this is where the real problems arise.

The founders of this alliance are a group of noble ideals, but the successors of these ideals are not all such noble ideals.


With the passage of time, among the various races who have integrated into this alliance for various reasons, a group of power players and interest disputers of one kind or another will inevitably be born.

These beings, they have separated from the ideal class at the beginning of the establishment of the alliance, and no longer regard this alliance as the carrier of their own ideals, so that they have separated and diverged from the existence meaning and path of this alliance...

As a result, some small turmoil appeared in this long-standing civilization. Although those turmoils did not have a big impact on this huge civilization, they were like a mosquito's mouthpiece. There were holes.

Those turbulent elements hidden in the Great-Sinnur Alliance are not just content to lie on the body of this civilization to suck blood, this is just their initial means...

Some ignorant people began to be used, making those openings bigger and bigger, and finally some vacillating idealists were defeated by them with cruel realistic means, and became their playthings and driven people.

After a long time, the internal situation of the Great-Sinnur Alliance became more and more turbulent, and various power disputes and conflicts of interests emerged one after another...

Those turbulent elements launched a fierce offensive against the noble idealists in the alliance. They attempted to change the direction of the train and redefine their own race and civilization in this way.

Facts have proved that what they did was very successful, and the forward track of the train of the Great-Sinnur Alliance was abruptly stopped.

In a civilization that has been at peace for a long time, these unscrupulous people will always occupy the main position in various ways to subvert the existing order.

And those lofty idealists in the Great-Sinnur Alliance, due to the limitations of the development of civilization, they lack direct and effective practical means to stop the turmoil, so they can only passively resist those from all over the world again and again. malice and attacks.

Due to the above reasons, the huge volume developed by this civilization over hundreds of years has created a huge burden after the progress and development have stagnated.

Within the Great-Sinnur Alliance, under the false appearance of peace, conflicts between races have intensified, conflicts between classes have expanded, and various problems have piled up. This train that should have been galloping on the track has become Rusty and dying.

However, due to the huge size and some rich heritage left by the pioneers of civilization, the most tragic situation has never appeared...

before that great


- This situation has been maintained within the Xinnur Alliance. At this time, the Star River Federation plunged into the sight of the great - Xinnur Alliance.

This has allowed some people of insight inside the Great Xinnur Alliance to see a glimmer of hope...

Under the impetus of those insightful people, the existence of the threat of the Galaxy Federation was widely accepted, so they used some methods to declare a clear war intention to this first-contact civilization whose true strength had not yet been confirmed by them.

They tried to use a huge foreign interstellar war to re-pave the forward track for civilization, so that this alliance that carried their ideals had a chance to be reborn from the ashes. In fact, they did very well.


All ideals need appropriate realistic forces to promote, and the bigger the ideal, the more so.

It is a pity that these insightful people miscalculated their strength.

It is not difficult for the Great-Sinnur Alliance to prepare for a huge alien interstellar war, as long as the internal power of the entire civilization can be mobilized.

But with the scientific and technological strength of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, there are too many factors to consider in order to organize a large-scale interstellar war against a civilization that is a hundred light-years away from the farthest territory of their civilization.

Behind the Great—Sinnur Alliance, unlike the Gluttonous Fleet, there is some god-level civilization supporting them for a long time, and their own technological strength is really hard to describe...

Most of the ordinary space-level civilizations in this galaxy have not even reached the sub-light speed standard. Space civilizations like Taotie already belong to the top ranks of space-level civilizations in this universe.

The Great-Sinnur Alliance is not as good as Taotie in some aspects. After all, Taotie is backed by the Death Song Academy. Even if you don’t master the space navigation technology at the speed of light, you can easily cross the interstellar and use force to conquer other civilizations.

For the Great-Sinnur Alliance, to allow their own fleet to fly from one star system to another adjacent star system, some scheduling issues need to be considered.

To conduct an interstellar war against an unknown civilization a hundred light-years away, they would need to spend unknowable resources and time just for their internal organization, and when they assembled the required force, they would have to cross a distance of a hundred light-years. During the period, I don’t know how much resources and time will be consumed...

Malenia's Abandoned Rider reminds you: Remember to bookmark 【】 after reading it. Next time I will update it so that it will be convenient for you to continue reading. Looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: , you can read it anytime, anywhere....

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The civilization territory of the Great-Sinnur Alliance itself is hundreds of light-years long, and it controls dozens of star systems, which can be regarded as a huge civilization.

Such a huge volume is already the limit of what their internal group can develop.

Today's huge size has become a drag on this civilization, coupled with technical limitations...

When the Great-Sinnur Alliance planned to declare war on the Galaxy Federation, they did actively prepare something, and resolved some internal conflicts by preparing for the war.

After all, this is their purpose. Their main purpose of declaring war on the Galaxy Federation is to take the opportunity to rectify the internal situation. For this reason, they used the name of foreign wars to assemble a fleet, master force, and repel dissidents.

What I didn't expect was that soon, this kind of behavior of theirs caused dissatisfaction among some internal personnel, so a chain reaction appeared, and a large number of internal conflicts broke out in groups at this time.

Seeing this situation, some rioters naturally wanted to take advantage of the situation and fish in troubled waters, which undoubtedly further intensified the contradiction.

A premeditated rebellion broke out on a planet of the Great-Sinnur Alliance. When the rebellion was suppressed within the alliance, more rebellions appeared again, and a war of division caused by internal groups began. .

When this happened, the Great-Sinnur Alliance could only be forced to be busy with the civil strife war, and had no time to take care of the war against the Galaxy Federation, and left this matter behind.

The large-scale internal rebellion has divided the civilized force. This great-Sinnur Alliance civil war is roughly divided into two parties, one is the loyalists who want to maintain the righteousness of the alliance, and the other is the rebels who have been planning for a long time.

The two sides gathered force to burst the false peace bubble. The so-called alliance survived in name only, and the former colleagues turned against each other.

In dozens of star systems, warships bombarded each other, the wreckage was scattered, and the ashes of the corpses floated into space and merged into the dust.

On several important planets that had seen great feats and forged great cities, wars between ground forces were even bloodier.

The offensive force of the rebels tried their best to capture the target planet and achieve their strategic goals. Under the cover and bombardment of space warships, they continued to advance and erode the surface of the planet.

During this period, they flattened all obstructing targets, regardless of civilians or enemy troops, as long as they stood in front of them, no matter whether they were living or dead, they would be directly cleaned by them with artillery fire and weapons in their hands.

The artillery fire raged, the towering buildings of the city collapsed in large areas, and the cloud of war and killing enveloped every corner of the planet.

The defenders are routing, their friendly fleets in outer space have been destroyed, and their resistance is futilely delaying the enemy's advance.


The soaring heat wave overturned a large interstellar city, and mushroom clouds rose all over the planet. Death is like a huge mouth, swallowing all life in it. There is no distinction between attackers and defenders, let alone loyalists and rebels.


The defending troops in desperation chose to die together and go to hell with their enemies.

Under the terrifying nuclear baptism, dozens of space battleships that carried out low-altitude bombing were also taken to hell together, and were annihilated in the billowing dust waves.

When the war has progressed to a certain level, coupled with some long-standing conflicts, all morals and bottom lines have been trampled underfoot...

The attacking troops obviously did not expect that the defensive troops of this planet would be so crazy that they suffered heavy losses without any precautions.

This was an accident. No one thought that the war would be so crazy. Besides, it was a war within civilization. The peaceful thinking made everyone think that no matter how crazy the two sides were, they would maintain a certain amount of restraint. .

The madness this time has further exacerbated the conflict between the two sides of the war. At this point, the war has completely become an endless situation, and there is no possibility of peaceful evolution.


At this point, only when one side completely destroys the other can it be qualified to end this war that has broken through the bottom line.

After this war, the Great-Sinnur Alliance may become a thing of the past forever. The former allies have completely become sworn enemies with each other, and there is no possibility of redemption!

A drastic change in a civilization happens overnight.


A huge battleship group composed of thousands of starships is sailing at sub-light speed in the vast deep space, and the First Fleet of the Star River Federation is passing through the hyperspace channel.

A hyperspace channel is a high-dimensional space structure naturally formed in the early days of the Big Bang, which can easily connect the space between two star systems.

In the hyperspace channel, the fleet's sailing speed will reach an unimaginable high speed, coupled with sub-light speed sailing, from one star system to another adjacent star system, it is as fast as a transition.

Relying on sub-light speed and hyperspace navigation, the fleet of the Star River Federation is traveling at an unbelievably fast speed. If the fleets of other space-level civilizations see the speed of the Star River Federation fleet in space and interstellar space, they will definitely be shocked and drop their jaws. .

The travel mode of the Starship Federation Fleet is to travel through the star system at sub-light speed. After reaching the edge of the star system, it enters the hyperspace channel, reaches the next star system at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and then continues to the next star. Department of marching...

In this mode of travel, it only takes less than a day for the fleet of the Star River Federation to pass through a star system, and there is no need to slow down in the vast space like other low-speed space-level civilizations. Traveling in a way that actually spans light-year distances.

Other low-speed space-level civilizations, apart from Taotie’s civilization that relies on the support of god-level forces like the Death Song Academy and can use the Great Worm Bridge for fast interstellar travel, the way their warships travel in space is like riding Running a horse on a dirt road, whether it runs fast or not depends entirely on how good the horse is.

The Starship Federation's sub-light-speed voyage combined with hyperspace voyage mode is like driving a supercar on a flat highway. With a little gas, it can give those low-light-speed civilizations an unattainable back view.


At the current speed, it will not take a few months for the two fleets of the Star River Federation to reach the star field where the Great-Sinnur Alliance is located.

The distance of one hundred light years can be crossed at will in only a short amount of time, just like the army of the ancient Blue Star Dynasty launched an expedition across the mountains and mountains. It is actually more convenient and quicker than that, after all, there is no need to cross mountains and mountains.

Behind this terrifying ability to project interstellar forces is the confidence of a powerful interstellar civilization!

First Fleet, Bronze Magic Lamp, command room.

"Reporting to the commander, the Vanguard Fleet has sent back a message that it has arrived at the target civilization border galaxy, and a battle has occurred. According to the returned combat data report, it is vulnerable to encountering hostile ships."

The commander-in-chief of the fleet nodded as expected, and said in a casual tone:

"Understood, let the vanguard fleet first establish a forward array at the target point. If the situation permits, it can conduct some autonomous operations within the allowable range, and wait for the main fleet to arrive before launching an all-round attack."



Great—Sinnur Alliance, Frontier Galaxy.

A fleet of hundreds of starships marked by the Star River Federation lay between the stars, surrounded by an asteroid belt, in which a pile of scrapped starship wreckage was scattered like garbage.

There was a short battle here not long ago. Obviously, this battle was not only short, but also a one-sided massacre.

Several starships that are incompatible with the style of the Starship Federation battleships are parked surrounded by a group of Federation frigates with their engines turned off.

This is the vanguard fleet sent by the First Fleet, which includes three battleship-sized capital ships, and the rest are some auxiliary combat ships.

At this moment, the flagship of the Vanguard Fleet, the Spear of the Red Front.

Two terrified Sinnurs wearing space auxiliary suits were escorted to the bridge by a team of Federal Space Force fighters. Here, a heroic young commander


He and a group of adjutants and staff officers have been waiting here for a long time.

The first time they saw this commander, the two escorted Xinnuer couldn't wait to kneel on the ground, and said in the mainstream language of the Kamigawa system in fear:

"Having seen the great apostle of God, the humble Xinuer extend the most pious etiquette to you from the Galaxy Federation, the country of the holy civilization."

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