Then, under the dumbfounded gaze of a crowd, the two Sinnurs stuck out their tongues and were about to lick the ground under the commander's feet.

The corner of the commander's mouth twitched, causing the two Xinurs to be pulled up from the ground, and then he said to the adjutant next to him in surprise:

"It's really interesting, they can also speak Chinese..."

"Commander, listen to them saying that this is the sacred language used by the gods, that is, the language of the Kamigawa system...a gift from a group of gods called angels." A space soldier next to him explained to him.

Only then did the commander realize that he knew the definition of the language of the Kamigawa system. As a commander of a warship, their knowledge must be rich. Advanced knowledge is to prevent them from losing face at this time.

The language of the Kamigawa system is a standard language defined by a civilization named Shenhe for the life of Shenhe. It has spread far and wide in many civilizations in the universe, and it is actually the standard Chinese dialect.


It's just that it's not the first time seeing aliens speaking Chinese, the commander finds it very interesting.

"Angel? The expression language used by the gods? It's full of pedantry from the religious class... Isn't Fang Lanxing the Mandarin that all the village elders can speak..." The commander shook his head and complained, and then, without hesitation Look at the two Sinnurs.

The Xinnuer people look very similar to the Blue Star people, except that they have waist-length hair like Sadako, and the child's hole is fiery red. Not much difference.

Through understanding, they learned that the hair of the Xinnur people grows extremely fast, coupled with some old-fashioned religious beliefs, they maintain such an appearance to the outside world.

There are many religious beliefs in their civilization, and the Xinnuer race believes in dozens of beliefs including angels.

The two Sinnurs in front of them also have religious beliefs, and their beliefs are related to angels. Angels representing absolute justice are the mainstream beliefs of their race.

"My name is Yang Jiang. The person with the highest authority here is not a god or something. It has nothing to do with what you believe in." Commander Yang Jiang first explained, and then said:

"Since you have surrendered to our fleet, you are now prisoners. I believe that my subordinates have explained to you our regulations on the disposal of prisoners."

He wanted the two captives to cooperate with them and give them some useful information.

But I didn't expect the other party's reaction to make the people present stunned again, only to hear the two Xinnurs say:

"Your humble slave expresses the most sincere loyalty to you, and you do not hesitate to deal with us."



Yang Jiang and the adjutant next to him looked at each other, and after some understanding, they found out.

It turned out that in the belief of the other party, all powerful people who are willing to accept their surrender in battle have the right to become slaves of the other party voluntarily. The behavior of them kneeling just now is to express the ritual of discovering all gestures and becoming a slave.

And Yang Jiang's act of letting people stop their ceremony is as meaningful as the ancient monarch of Blue Star accepting the enemy general who surrendered.

Slave is not a derogatory term in the culture of the other civilization, although they do call it that.


After knowing the truth, Yang Jiang and others remained expressionless.

As for why the Xinnur people who believe in the Angel of Justice retain this bad habit, it is necessary to trace back some of the development history of their civilization, as well as the particularity of some internal contradictions of civilization... Yang Jiang and others are obviously not interested in these Interested, even less interested in what slaves.


They hate the word slave very much, and they are very disgusted that this class that should only exist in slave society appears in the developed interstellar society.

After clearly expressing this point to the other party, Yang Jiang asked for the information he needed, and still ordered the two Sinnurs to be taken down and imprisoned in accordance with the prisoner of war regulations.

From these two Sinnur populations, they learned about the current situation of the other civilization. After the civil war broke out in the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the internal people of their civilization have been in dire straits.

The war between the loyalists and the rebels has drawn countless innocent people into the flames of war. The two sides are fighting each other. The Great-Sinnur Alliance is mired in civil war and has no time to take into account external threats.

If a powerful external factor joins this war at this time, the side that supports the loyalists or the side of the rebels can quickly quell the civil war and become a savior-like existence, saving countless innocent people of the other civilization from suffering In addition, and can also obtain unimaginable benefits from it.

But the members of the Vanguard Fleet Space Force headed by Yang Jiang are still not interested in this.

They came from afar, not to participate in the civil war of the other civilization, to help one side, or to be some kind of savior.

They came for the unprovoked declaration of war by the other civilization, and the purpose of the war to be carried out was also very clear.

Whether the other civilization is in civil war or not, the other's internal disputes have nothing to do with them.

They have only one goal, to destroy the other party's civilization. For the Galaxy Federation, this is a thorough foreign conquest!

Malenia's Abandoned Rider reminds you: Remember to bookmark 【】 after reading it. Next time I will update it so that it will be convenient for you to continue reading. Looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: , you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 110 Conquest of the Vanguard Fleet


"Commander Yang, this is the captured enemy ship data. After sorting it out, we found some recorded information of nearby galaxies..."

"Open the star map system and show it."


In the command room of the Spear of the Red Front, next to Commander Yang Jiang stood an adjutant and several staff officers. In front of them was the main command platform of the battleship, which looked like a sand table in the army.

At this moment, a star map system was projected on the podium, and soon after a burst of data transmission, there were some unexplored galaxies on the star map system suitable for the Star River Federation, which were compatible with those captured by them. The effect rendered after the Sinur ship data.

The star map system now shows the original civilization map of the Galaxy Federation and some proven civilization maps of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

The star map system shows that their vanguard fleet of the Federation's First Fleet is currently located in a fringe galaxy of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

In this star system, there are some simple space facilities, why is it simple?

First of all, in the eyes of Yang Jiang and other personnel from the Star River Federation, the level of aerospace technology of the Great-Sinnur Alliance is not very high.

They are also very strange. According to some information that has been obtained, this great-Sinnur alliance has obviously developed space technology for hundreds of years, and it can be regarded as a mature space civilization.

Why are their battleships so unbearable? It doesn’t matter that they don’t even have the standard fast interstellar navigation technology such as sub-light speed navigation. The firepower of the battleship and the intelligent system of the starship are also some extremely inefficient technologies.

For example, a frigate, in the fleet system of the Star River Federation, is an ordinary combat ship that can no longer be conventional, but its firepower and the combat performance of sub-light speed sailing can be placed on those captured by the vanguard fleet. In front of the ships of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, there is a superior super warship.

The overall performance and combat capability of the warships of the Great-Sinnur Alliance are not even as good as the most common frigate, let alone compared with other destroyers, cruisers, and even battleships.

In front of the Vanguard Fleet, the ships of the Great-Sinnur Alliance are like scraps of metal that were randomly put together by a group of primitive starships that are not as good as civilian starships.

When the vanguard fleet arrived in this star system, after a short fight with these warships of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, if it weren’t for the rapid surrender of the captured warships, the great-Sinnur Alliance armed forces in this galaxy are now were completely wiped out by them.

The two sides are at war, just like an industrial empire driving a giant steel ship is at war with an ignorant feudal lord rowing a small raft.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. It hasn't been long since their blue star civilization established the Galaxy Federation and entered the era of space and astronautics.

According to the general dark environment of "the universe is so big and full of wonders", an astronautic civilization that has developed for hundreds of years should be more advanced and advanced than them. Why... this great-Sinnur alliance is so stretched?

It's not just these aspects that stretch the hips, but even the space engineering facilities.

Just like the star system they are currently in, some space engineering facilities built by the Great-Sinnur Alliance here are some space ports and supply stations suitable for the opposing warships to berth. Although they are all technological products, they are completely incompatible with the galaxy. Compared with those space projects built by the Federation.


The difference between the two seems to be that the difference between the Great Wall and the earthen walls of folk houses cannot be compared at all in terms of specifications, applications, or actual numerical parameters.

Not only is it inferior to Taotie, it is far inferior.

Is such a civilization really a civilization of aerospace technology that has developed hundreds of years?

Yang Jiang and other members of the Vanguard Fleet felt a little confused, so before they came to this galaxy, they thought that the Great-Sinnur Alliance was just a civilization with a weak force, and they had a certain confidence in declaring war against them.

In the end, when I came here, I took a look at the other party's door, and the result was unbearable to look at, it was just such a thing?

Not only is the force weak, but the level of technology is not high


, the internal group is still full of contradictions and disputes, and the internal culture is also full of cypresses, with no sense of advancement at all. In addition, before their vanguard fleet arrives, the other civilization has set off a war of its own. Massive civil war, such a civilization...

There are problems up and down, and some places are not as good as Blue Star, which was full of countries before they established the Galaxy Federation.

Yang Jiang and others' overall evaluation and positioning of the civilization of the Great-Sinnur Alliance is to be disappointed and pull your hips!

It can't be pulled anymore. Maybe there are some good things in this civilization that they haven't seen yet, but that should have nothing to do with them, and they don't want to complain.

They are just wondering.

How dare such a civilization that has stretched its hips to the extreme dare to declare war on them for no reason?

The existing collected data is not enough to solve this doubt, even from those captured by them, they did not find the desired answer.

Greatness——Although the civilization of the Xinnur Alliance is hip, it is also a space civilization that cannot be underestimated. Yang Jiang and others are not enough to understand the reason why they came to Xinghe from the data of some captured warships and prisoners of war. The specific reasons for the Federation's declaration of war.

To understand the full picture behind this incident, they have to continue to expand the war and obtain more information about the civilization of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

The information sent by the vanguard fleet to the main fleet has been fed back, and the First Fleet Command has allowed them, the vanguard fleet, to establish a forward position for the main fleet before the main fleet reaches its strategic destination.

The work of the forward position is very simple. At present, there is no pressure or difficulty for the vanguard fleet. It is nothing more than some space supply stations and detection of some hostile information.

The construction of the space supply station should be completed by some engineering ships carried by the army, and a few frigates should be sent to protect it.

In addition to these simple tasks, the First Fleet Command also allows their vanguard fleet to conduct some autonomous operations when conditions permit.

As far as the current situation is concerned, for the vanguard fleet, the existing conditions quite allow them to conduct autonomous operations.

They can achieve some more results before the arrival of the main fleet.

Around the border star system they are in, there are five or six galaxies under the jurisdiction of the Great-Sinnur Alliance... As the commander of the Vanguard Fleet, Yang Jiang decided to take these few pieces of fat close to his mouth first .


He first set his sights on the three star systems closest to where the Vanguard Fleet is currently located.

According to the collected data, these three star systems are the galaxy under development of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, one of which belongs to the existence of a similar strategic location, deploying a large number of armed forces and space defense facilities, and the other two are It's pure resource galaxy.

In these three star systems, there are two habitable planets for life, which have been established by the Great-Sinnur Alliance to establish a huge gathering city, and have been established to rule by a planetary regime.

Take these three star systems, and then radiate the strategic deployment to other star systems. After the main fleet arrives, it will be much easier to launch a full-scale attack.

The vanguard fleet has three capital ships, two t1 battleships, and one t2 battleship.

In addition to the Spear of the Red Front, the other two battleships are: the Blue Lake and the Immortal Shield.

Three capital ships, any one of them is enough to deter one side, plus other auxiliary warships, even if they are facing enemy ships several times their number, they just need some time to destroy them. .

After thoroughly understanding the hip-stretching performance and combat capabilities of the warships of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the Vanguard Fleet knew that no matter how many enemies there were, they were not enough to pose any big threat to them.

The purpose of strategic deployment is to allow them to destroy more enemy combat targets and control more enemy territory in the shortest possible time.

After some simple discussions, the commander Yang Jiangpai decided on the combat strategy.

The three capital ships, each leading its subsidiary combat units, operate in a divisional formation from


Coordinate operations in three directions and attack three star systems at the same time.

After the combat plan is formulated, it is immediately used for execution.

After leaving some ships behind to stay in the occupied border galaxy, the three capital ships including the Red Front Spear headed towards the three nearby star systems respectively.

When reaching the edge of the gravitational field of the star system, the hyperspace navigation technology was used to open up a hyperspace channel, and the three squadron formations quickly entered the target star system.


In the universe, a star system.

On a planet infected with devil genes.

Swish swish!

A series of energy light blades were cut out, and several figures with arrogance, wearing silver armor and battle skirts, and flapping white wings behind their backs flew high above the sky.

Several angel warriors were holding flame swords, and they were distributed in a squad-style combat unit. There were a total of six angels and two combat squads.

The angels all looked serious at the moment. During the battle, their silver helmets fell down, covering their beautiful faces, but it could still be seen that they were in a bad state at the moment.

The six angels flew high in the sky, constantly slashing down with their flaming swords and slashing with light blades. Soon, the sound of tearing flesh and blood and screams came from below.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"

A group of primitive demons below roared, and they gathered together, baring their teeth and claws, like ferocious beasts.

These are all intelligent beings infected by the devil gene. After being killed and forcibly infected with the devil gene, these intelligent life not only transformed into the appearance of the original devil, but even the intelligence of the brain was destroyed in the process of forced gene transformation. When the side effects are reduced, most are reduced to half-beasts driven only by primal desires and ferocious instincts.


From the remains of some town buildings and villages on this planet, it is obvious that some civilizations were born on this planet, but the signs of those civilizations have been almost wiped out now.

Since the devil sent the devil gene to this planet, the civilization of this planet has been completely reduced to a subsidiary product of the devil army. Most of the living and dead lives have been infected with the devil gene, making this planet a place of corruption and freedom. paradise.

When the angels arrived here, the planet had lost its value to be restored.

These primitive demons are the products of those dead beings infected with demon genes.

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